Spiritual gifts are first mentioned in the New Testament even though they were there in the Old Testament too. They are unique and supernatural and distinct to talents and skills. Their chief purpose is to edify and bless the body of Christ, the church. Listen in to this weeks sermon to hear more on this fascinating topic.
Miroslav Mozes is married and has one daughter, who also sings in the church, he is part of the Pastoral team at Londonlive church.
Our behaviour changes when we become part of a group or a crowd! Todays sermon is based on Acts 19 vs 23-34 The riot in Ephesus - In summary, the assembly was in confusion, most of the people did not know why they were there, they shouted for 2 hours. Why would they do that? The common thread was very likely fear. All people change when they are afraid. Peter denied Jesus 3 times, when he was experiencing pressure and fear.
What happens to our characters, when we remove the group that makes us feel safe and part of something? Everything changes! Listen in to hear this weeks thought provoking sermon with Greg Makurchuk.
Greg was baptised in November 2019 and has served in the church in numerous ways. He is a key member of the Pastoral Team at LondonLive Church.
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1 Corrinthians 12:13. We have been baptised into one body and we share the same spirit. Everybody is part of the body. In fact some parts of the body may seem the least important, but actually are invaluable . Listen to this weeks engaging sermon to hear a story on how the anus is an invaluable part of the body and a deep spiritual message to go with it.
Brought to you by Xoli Belgrave who in her own words describes herself as a Jesus Fan. Xoli is a wife and mother of two and on the Pastoral Team at LondonLive Church
Conflict of simply Beef, is all around us. Occasionally something good comes out of conflict, growth can happen. Conflict in the early church occurred when some false teachers came to Judea to trouble the believers. It wasn't easy for some Jewish believers to accept that Gentile believers could be brought into the church, as equal members, without first going through the law of Moses. Some of us struggle with Grace, we don't just experience conflict around us but also with. Hear the rest of this sermon about the early struggles within the church, the struggle with Gracee.. brought to you by our inspirational speaker Wanitta Powell who is wife to Curtis, a mother of 3 and is part of the Pastoral Team at Londonlive.
Prison is hard, most of us value our comforts. However, Prison was far worse in biblical times, several methods of Torture were regularly used. Peter was in jail under heavy guard, but the church prayed and persisted in prayer. No matter what you are going through Prayer works, it is incredibly powerful. Listen to this weeks sermon to see how both Jonathan's and the churches' prayers were answered..
Jonathan Kwamegah grew up in France and came to the Uk at the age of 15, he is an active member of the Pastoral Team at Londonlive.
Genesis 34 is the story of Dinah the only daughter of Leah and Jacob. Her violation by Shechem, son of a Canaanite brought great shame to the family and her brothers Simeon and Levi sought revenge. We also carry around shame that accrues in our personal lives such shame can get in the way of us living as authentic christians. However Romans 10:11 says "anyone who believes in me will never be put to shame", listen into this inspiring sermon and hear the good news brought to us by Wanitta.
Wanitta Powell is a wife to Curtis and mother of 3 and is part of the Pastoral Team at Londonlive church.
Acts 1-4 is all about the beginning of the Church. It was an incredible time for the new believers. There was unity and generosity as the Holy Spirit was working within them..but was this an illusion? was everyone united? Listen to this weeks sermon by Londonlive's very own Miroslav Mozjes to hear more on Acts and on the early church.
Miroslav Mozjes is recently married and a father of one. He is a key member of the pastoral team at London Live Church.
How many meanings does Worship have? When it has so many different uses, does it lose its meaning? What does the bible actually mean when it says worship? When we understand biblical worship our lives will be both challenged and enriched, listen in to hear more and be inspired on this topic.
Adam Best is a young passionate Musician and a Theology Student at Newbold College. He love's to spread the love of Christ.
Romans 8: 35-39. This comforting chapter in the bible shows God's unimmesurable Love for us by sending his son and setting us free from the law and death and adopting us as his sons. "If God is for us who can be against us?" " Who Shall separate us from the Love of Christ...? Will anguish or distress or persecution, of famine or nakedness or peril...?" tune in to hear more from our passionate speaker..
Dr Monday Agi is passionate about the gospel, worship & community. He currently works in education as a "Researcher in Schools' as well as a physics teacher. He is blessed with 2 sons and feels highly favoured of God.
Todays sermon is from Acts 1. The apostles had to be still and wait for the gift they were not expecting.
They had come together many times and asked Jesus repeatedly "are you gong to restore the Kingdom?" .. but Jesus told them in Acts 1:8 "you will receive Power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses".
Listen in to hear more on the wonderful gift the apostles were not expecting.. brought to you by our very own Xoli Belgrave who in her own words describes herself as a Jesus Fan. Xoli is a wife and mother of two and on the Pastoral Team at London Live church.
Often in the bible God contacts people in various ways a word, a vision, a message but people don't respond. When God speaks to you if you respond you are in communication with God.
Why did God choose the Jews? Maybe because Abraham responded.. listen in to this weeks sermon by Lononlive's Miroslav to think more about your vision.
Miroslav is recently married and has a daughter, the lovely Emma who is often at Londonlive. He is a key member of the Londonlive Pastoral Team
On the week of Jesus death 2000 years ago Jesus took bread and he took wine and he used these an emblems of his sacrifice and instructed his disciples, his followers to do the same, every time we reflect on him in this way until he returns.
Genesis 32:22-26 A passage of sacrifice and blessing. Is the time of sacrifice a time to be still? A time to fast from food, media or something else? Jacob was trying to be still when he got into a fight that lasted all night. Jacob would not let God go until he blessed him. When you are still, God will visit you, you will hear God, but when he comes to you, you mustn't let him go. Hear more of this valuable message by Dr Gifford Rhamie
Dr Gifford Rhamie is married and a father of 3. He is an Intersectional Biblical Scholar in Cultural Studies, focussing on how culture impacted and shaped the emergence of Christianity in antiquity. He is a Senior Lecturer in Theology at Newbold College of Higher Education and an invaluable mentor and coach to the Londonlive Pastoral Team.
Mark 10:45 "For even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many." What a wonderful privilege it is to have a servant God. Knowing you are never alone, knowing God is for you and died for you, stabilises you in the journey of life. If you believe in God Almighty should there ever be a situation where you panic? Hear more of what Dr Merid Gebru has to say on this matter and be inspired..
Dr Merid Gebru is married with 2 wonderful daughters and speaks at Londonlive on a regular basis .
God, Son and Spirit are all equal! Some of us ignore or don't realise the role of the Holy Spirit. In this weeks sermon we have 3 questions: 1) Why we need to talk about the Holy Spirit?, 2) What is the Holly Spirit? and 3) How does the Holy Spirit work in us? Some think overly spiritual things are dangerous, we need to be logical and rational and confusion often sets in, but the church needs to know more about the Holy Spirit as well as the role of each person of the Trinity. Listen further to learn more on this important subject.
Our speaker Manami Inara is currently studying at Newbold College to become a Pastor, she is originally from Japan, and grew up in a family of Pastors.
Genesis 22 God tested Abraham, he said to him, 'Abraham' 'Here I am" he replied.. 'Take your only son, whom you love - Isaac - and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering'......" and Hebrews 11:17-19 "By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice...." In life we get minor tests and then a whopper comes along but ultimately these tests can draw us closer to God, but how do we worship a God who tests us? Listen in to this weeks sermon to learn more on this fascinating topic and be blessed.
Miroslav is married to Sladjana. He has 1 lovely daughter Emma, and is on the Pastoral Team at Londonlive Church and hugely involved with every aspect of church life.
Genesis 20 and 21 covers the lives of 6 characters, Abimalech, Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac, and all the mess ups they cause, including fear, selfishness and judgement. You could say these chapters cover the lowest part of Abrahams life, but theirs is not the real story. The main character and the real story is what God does! Listen to this weeks sermon to not only recap on what happens between these characters but to hear how God loves us and blesses us even when we mess up.
Xoli Belgrave describes herself as a Jesus fan, she is a wife and mother of two teenagers and also on the Pastoral Team at Londonlive Church
Genesis 11 Abraham moved simply because God asked him to. Abraham depended on God and became closer to him as he obeyed his calling. The more we depend on God the closer each one of us will become. The same call that God had for Abraham he has for you... listen in to hear more.
Johnathan Kwamegah is part of the Pastoral Team at London Live Church and grew up in France, he came to the UK at the age of 15 and knows what it is like to move.
Genesis 3 & 4 Everything starts so well, God created a paradise, beautiful creatures, scenery, humans, what could possibly go wrong? However Adam and Eve are expelled. Where do they go? what do they do now? Listen to this weeks sermon to learn more about this fascinating story.
Brought to you by Miroslav Mojzes, who is newly married and has a daughter and is part of the Pastoral Team at London Live Church.
We are all going through something and sometimes when we start praying the situation can get worse before it gets better. In the story of Jesus raising Lazarus, John 11: 6-17, it was 4 days before Jesus arrived at his tomb and raised him from the dead. Our situations can be 4 days, 4 years or 40 years but the message is never stop praying. In the Gospel of John we hear how Jesus really is the Son of God who cares and loves the sick, listen into this weeks inspirational sermon to hear more and to discover that Jesus is always working toward our Good.
Brought to you by Xoli Belgrade, wife to Tony, they have 2 children and are passionate in their faith. Xoli, who is much loved, is part of the pastoral team at London Live church
When you are stuck in a situation for a long long time and you have no idea how to get out. You pray to God for a breakthrough but the way out may not be simple. A simple way out may not be good for you spiritually. Listen in to hear more on Praying for a Breakthrough.
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