
  • So let's talk numbers. Although I am going to share with you my opinions on all the different calibers going forward, the numbers never lie. In this episode I want to share with you a recoil calculator that I find to be an invaluable tool while trying to build a rifle, select your caliber or even when selecting a bullet. This tool gives you a chance to change just a couple little things and see the results you will get in both recoil energy and recoil velocity. And recoil velocity is never spoken off and can make one of the biggest differences in taking your rifles "felt" recoil down a notch or two so you can enjoy shooting it more. Next episode is going to be on the big .224 calibers, but for now let's give you some tools to run the numbers on your own.

    Wolf Precision Custom Rifles. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Varmint Al's Recoil Calculator!

  • Setting the rules of the road. So, we are going to advocate going with the smallest caliber you think you can get by with. But how do you compare them? What are the parameters or measurements you would use to quantify or qualify the results to get an accurate comparison? This is how I am going to approach this and come up with a score. This is all with a baseline of comparison shooting a small .224 caliber like the .223 Rem, 222 Rem or 22 Hornet.

    Recoil Tolerance Score of 0-100: How many people out of 100 can shoot 100 rounds through said rifle and enjoy each shot and would come back and come back to do another 100 rounds immediately afterwards like they could with a small .224 caliber?

    Group Size Deterioration Score 0-100: How many people out of 100 could shoot said caliber without increasing their average group size by more than 50% when compared to what they could shoot with a .224 caliber?

    Fundamental Deterioration Threshold 0-100: How many consecutive shots do I think the average person could shoot before fundamentals start to deteriorate? I feel 99% of the shooting population could shoot up to 100 rounds with a small .224 caliber.

    Accuracy Deterioration Score 0-100: How many people out of 100 could maintain the same level of accuracy with this bigger caliber that they could achieve with a small .224 caliber?

    Wolf Precision Custom Rifles. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

  • Let's start small. At least as small as you can legally shoot for hunting in most states. We are going to kick this series off with the small .224 calibers you can choose from. The 22 Hornet, 222 Rem and the .223 Rem. This is not a list of ideas. This is a list of killing-capable calibers for deer- sized game and below. I know this from experience as my Grandfather and my family has hunted with the first two calibers for decades. Taking more deer than you could fit in a dump truck and as best I can recall, I never remember him ever asking for help finding one that got away. That in itself should speak volumes on the value of these unspoken and often forgotten calibers that have been around for nearly 95 years. Take a listen with an open mind. It might change your shooting and open your world to the idea of going with the smallest caliber you can get by with.

    Wolf Precision Custom Rifles. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

  • I want to share with you, from my humble opinion formed over nearly 2 decades of training people on the fundamentals of marksmanship, the #1 way to improve your shooting abilities, your groups and your shot placement. This really is the #1 way to hone and sharpen your fundamentals. Go with .................................!

    Wolf Precision Custom Rifles. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

  • Legend has it that many sailors have been hypnotized by the sweet song of the sirens, causing them to crash their boats into rocks and land. But first, sailors need to venture into siren territory before the sweet sound can grace their ears and their hearts, luring them into a fate with reckless abandonment.

    We are shooters, not sailors, but the song is still sung for our ears and our hearts. It's not a ship on the ocean, but a crack of the rifle that sends a bullet at breakneck speed with the hopes of the sender to land it home and hit his target. That moment in time and the magic it takes to somehow make what seems the impossible happen is the vessel we shooters ride on.

    Most people never get a chance to experience the excitement and magic of sending a bullet over a 1/2 mile down range and on their own hit a small target. For any chance to hear this song that is as beautiful as it is enchanting, you must set foot to sea (enter rifle range), put your hands on the rudder and let the winds blow your sail.

    For many of us, the hook is set too deep and we are forever sentenced to floundering on the line and in some weird way enjoying every minute of it. One round at a time, frozen in time as we wait to hear that sweet song of the siren and praying to Neptune that they will sing to us just one more time that sweet sound of lead colliding with steel.

    Wolf Precision Custom Rifles. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

  • In this episode I would like to share with you personally why I have worked so hard in documenting our shooting school to put online and to share. This is the story of Wolf Precision and Jamie Dodson as we grew through the years in our ability to do and eventually teach.

    Now, as I get older I would like to document all that we have learned to share and live forever. Even after I am long gone, I hope to leave something behind of value for the next generation of shooters. I also wanted to take the time to do it while I was still young enough and on my A game. Because eventually we all start to slow down and forget some many things we have learned over the years. This is my story, my life's journey and I hope to share it with those who love or have a passion for learning the fundamentals of marksmanship and wanting to grow into the best shooter they can be.

    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

  • The shooting season has begun and so have the schools. With over 15 years of teaching on the firing line, the things we learn and see often have a great value to those planning on doing such events in the future. Especially those who are getting ready to experience a class for the first time. Regardless the class or the location, here are some things that are already standing out this season and are worthy of both sharing and discussing how to prevent these things from happening to you.

    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

  • In this episode, we discuss at length, carbon fiber barrels...the good, the bad and truly how do you make a decision. Everyone building a custom rifle wants a great looking rifle. Should you choose carbon for that reason? What about a match or long range rifles, would it make a good choice there as well?

    I have this conversation every week with customers. I really want to share with you my personal thoughts on why you may want to choose it or on the other hand why you may not want to choose it. There is a lot of misinformation on the pros and cons. I want to simply share with you what I know and have come to experience in building rifles for nearly two decades.

    We hope you enjoy.

    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

  • We are excited to invite Bruce Thom from BAT Machine Co. back on to the show talk about their new release, the Hammerhead. Known for being one of the very best actions made, this new model is in my mind the pinnacle of what a tactical action could be in both quality, design and of course accuracy. Join us on our conversation with Bruce about the newest release and his insight into making world class receivers.

    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

    BAT Machine Co.

  • So, you have your hunting rifle or match rifle ready for the season and now it is time to practice. This is a fork in the road for most shooters. Hunting rifles often are expensive to shoot and have more recoil than most would enjoy for a full day at the range. Match rifles are made for shooting, but we often hold back because of the expense of the ammo, reloading components or simply you do not want to wear out your barrel. It's like having that 1973 Cuda (my dream car) and not taking it out of the garage for fear of putting miles on her.

    Well you have two choices...just go and shoot the rifle and take the punishment and expense or build a trainer (think daily driver). A training rifle is more than just another tool, it is the tool that will allow you to grow as a marksman.

    Now this should be a mirror of your working rifle. Now, if you cannot afford a second "clone" rifle, the good news is you can often just change out a barrel and bolt these days and turn it into your trainer, saving you some money.

    Lastly, we talk about the caliber and why this decision is so important if you want to get the most from it and your training with it.

    Join The Wolf Pack

    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • The art of self-reliance is often talked about in the prepping world for sure. But what about a marksman, shooter or budding competitor. Can you take care of your own rifle? Can you rebuild it if needed? Can you make repairs and do the maintenance needed to keep it in its best shooting condition? Now let's talk about being a well rounded shooter. Can you make your own ammunition? Can you change components to meet you current needs like going from a match round to a hunting round? Can you take advantage of what little components are available when things get hard to find to be able to keep shooting, competing and practicing?

    These are all great questions and really the heart of what we are trying to do with our new online classes and the Wolf Pack. It's one thing to hand a customer his new rifle, but in many ways you are leaving them vulnerable to all the above and really limiting not only how much they will enjoy it but how long. All of these things are important and once the skills are learned. It changes you and your shooting forever. Finishing out all there is to learn to get the most from your rifle, knowing how to take care of it whether repairs or upgrades and lastly being able to make you very own high quality ammunition puts you in a league of your own. Giving you the confidence to shoot and enjoy your rifle and your shooting for the rest of your life. This is our biggest step in trying to help finish that curve through education no matter factory or custom. We would like to invite you to look at our new program we call The Wolf Pack.

    Lastly our PSA. Ricochets! There was a phone call and a YouTube video that was shared with me. This hidden danger is rarely spoken about and in my mind is so important. I want to share with you things to keep you safe and those around you even though they may be miles away.

    Join The Wolf Pack

    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • We kick the new year off talking about the importance of bedding and more importantly, the importance of the tang. We are teaching bedding to a new team member and the conversations about bedding and its importance and use really went into the bushes. From the reasons being different for todays chassis over yesteryears wooden stocks to the emphasis on the unsung and what I think one of the most important areas to get right and that is the tang. We hope you enjoy this episode and hope to shed some light on bedding todays modern rifles and why we do it. The reasons may surprise you.

    Bedding blog on the importance of the tang.

    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • We have some exciting news on new programs, classes and memberships you can join for 2024. From the Wolf Pack Shooting Team to a new Graduation Day for our online school attendees, we have lots of news to share. Some of the new programs coming out include online advanced courses along with 1 and 2 range days for free per year here at out facility. We are thankful to have you join us this year and are looking forward to a great shooting season!

    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • In all the years of shooting I have learned a valuable lesson. Shooting is a lot like flying in the sense that the recoil is a lot like turbulence. If you have a lot of it, you better be a very skilled pilot. Why, because you will be fighting it and correcting for its influence constantly. It can scare you, it will fatigue you and even make you want to call it quits (once you are on the ground of course). It will push all of your senses to the brink of numbness as you yank the joystick to counter act its influence and try to keep the plane on course. If you ask any skilled pilot if they would like to voluntarily go fly in turbulence just for fun, they would look at you like you are absolutely crazy. Yet we voluntarily choose to shoot heavy recoiling rifles.

    Is this the year to think small caliber? We have had more fired groups submitted this December of thrilled clients shooting crazy impressive groups than ever before. Part of it is skill, but with a multitude of 22 Creedmoors going out the door and the pictures coming back over and over again from those rifles one truth cannot be denied. People shoot lighter recoiling rifles better. Lower recoiling rifles help most people shoot better than they ever dreamed they where capable of. Like flying that plane through silky smooth air with two fingers on the joystick, the plane is easy to control and you are having the time of your like doing it with little to no effort required.

    If you want to shoot better, get a smaller caliber. This will not only improve your quality of shooting simply because it's just easier to repeat the processes. But it will also put the word fun back in your vocabulary and a smile back on your face. Punishment and suffering the consequences of heavy recoiling rifles hurt more than most realize. Not just in the form of physical pain, but the disappointment of not believing in yourself or your ability to shoot. It's like a pilot coming in after a terrifying flight in turbulence believing that it was his lack of skills that was the problem, not the turbulence he just flew through. Don't just survive shooting, get a small caliber to see what you're truly capable of. You just might surprise yourself and have some pictures to proudly share of your own.



    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • In this podcast, we want to talk about the top reasons some might not think reloading is for them. We talk about the pros, cons and concepts some of which are misguided and some just plain wrong for new reloaders. If you love to shoot, whether for hunting or competition, you need to listen to this podcast. It might change your mind and shed some light on why you cannot afford to wait. This might encourage you to get started today.



    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • Because it's all about that ACE, 'bout that ACE - no trouble. Okay, trying to be a little funny here. But, on the last part of this series, "The Story of the Ace," it truly is about making the ACE at volume and at exceptionally high accuracy. This is no small feat, to say the least, separating yourself from the accepted machines and machining practices and looking to the aerospace industry. If you want to make world class components, you cannot do it on the same equipment that most big and small manufacturers in the gun industry are using. Hanging a sign on the front door that reads "we build the best," but the sign above the entrance to the shop floor reads "we use equipment of bare minimum quality, just good enough to get by with” is contradictory.

    I am not throwing stones, but am committed to not just talking the talk. If you truly believe what you are saying and selling, shouldn't your actions be mirroring your words? Commitment means buying equipment that is 3 to 5 times more expensive than the accepted production brand machine in our industry. You get what you pay for and if you want 3 to 5 times the accuracy and quality out the machine, it's going to cost you. You cannot make Ferrari's using equipment from the Kia plant, nor should you be selling your customers a Kia when promising Ferrari quality. If you are going to commit and make that promise of delivering the highest quality to the customer, you cannot renege on your promise of quality when it comes time to writing the checks and putting the machines on the floor that are needed to deliver on your promise.

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but I get tired of the the $3000 custom cowboy hat selling their commitment of the very best quality to you, while deceitfully using throw away machines to make the product after you hand over a lot and in some cases even excessive amounts of hard earned cash. "The most accurate hunting rifle in the world" or "1000 yards out of the box" are only taglines when you are using one of the cheapest brands of machines on the market or worn our recycled machines from the 90's or even older.

    We knew building the ACE was going to be hard. We knew holding the tolerances needed to build a rifle as close to perfect as humanly possible was going to be harder. We knew doing all of this at scale meant the machines where going to be expensive and of aerospace quality. We did not talk ourselves out of it or try to find ways to justify anything less. "That's the machine everyone else is using" was not a good enough sales pitch to change our minds.

    The sign that hangs in our entrance reads "Home of the ACE". Our commitment to the best is on our lobby wall. And, our commitment to building the very best is clear regardless of what door you walk through, including our machine shop. We want to build the best and offer it at a price most can afford. We intend to keep both of those promises. We build to a standard, not a price and our products are premised on optimal performance and engineering excellence.

    So would you spend a million dollars to develop the next generation of accuracy driven rifles? We did and are 100% committed to the cause and to stay the course. It's the writing on our wall and a promise we made to our customers. We want to wish a Merry Christmas to everyone and are looking forward to a great new year in 2024! Thanks for all the support!

    Don't forget about the XLR chassis giveaway. To enter sign up for our newsletter below and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Winner will be announced January 1, 2024.



    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • The closest I have come to being arrested in Washington DC working on our patent. The story of the ACE Chamber System, part II. So I want to cover some of the developments and my experiences working with and winning patents, two on the ACE Chamber System under our belt and a third in process. I just want to share with you how we did it and why. This is the behind the scenes look and discussion on a part or process that is rarely discussed or shared.



    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone and congratualtions to our TrigggerTech Trigger winner announced on the show. We want to say thank you to all who have supported our show and our buisisiness over the years. Thank you all and Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Wolf Precision, Inc.

    Wolf Precision's ACE Chamber System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • Would you spend over a million dollars developing a more accurate rifle. The story of the ACE Chamber System. In this mutli part series we want to share with you the process, trials, and tribulations of developing a product for the rifle that never existed before in an effort to make the perfect shooting rifle. This is part one of the series and the start of our story and the history of the ACE Chamber System.

    Don't forget to register for aTriggerTech trigger of choice being given away Thanksgiving Day. To register,sign up for our news letter and subscribe to our YouTUbe Channel. Winner will be announced on Thanksgiving.



    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

  • In this episode, we go into the deep end on rifle barrels. There is so much more here than meets the eye and the more you know, the more you want to know. This is a working component of the rifle that will either allow your rifle to shoot to it's full potential or rob your rifle's other components of the glory they should be realizing. Make no mistake about it, it is that important.

    I think where most people fail is they think the magic happens when the chamber is cut. That cannot be further from the truth. The magic is already in the barrel when it was made. Our job is to not take any of that away while we transform it from a barrel blank to a working part of the rifle.

    To register for the TriggerTech trigger, sign up for our news letter and subscribe to our YouTUbe Channel. Trigger of choice given away on Thanksgiving.



    Wolf Precision's ACE Rifle System. www.wolfprecision.net

    Online Long Range Shooting School. https://www.wolfprecision.net/online-long-range-shooting-school.html

    Patron Support. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29426128&fan_landing=true&view_as=public