
  • One of the questions that we should ask herself when making a decision, or getting ready to embark on some action, some behavior, if God is in it, if God's not part of it, then we shouldn't be part of it. And we should ask ourselves, How is God going to be glorified by this decision, this action? And furthermore, we should ask, is there a clear scripture that confirms to me that this is God's will for my life, that he is part of it that he wants me to engage in this behavior or make such a decision?
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  • God is always faithful with his promises. If you have entered into a covenant or relationship with God, you will indeed experience God's faithfulness to His Word. And be very clear about something. God is faithful to Israel, and he is going to keep covenant with Israel. And that is going to bring about great joy. Now in the Psalm that we're going to be looking at Psalm 126, we see that something is emphasize.
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  • Again, we see in the Scripture in the book of Proverbs, how God wants us to be unique and different from the world. And the only way that we can do that is to rely upon him. And when I say rely upon him, I'm talking about except his word, except his knowledge, his wisdom, understand things according to how he understands them.
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  • Over and over, we see that God makes a distinction. When he looks at his covenant people he sees one thing and when he looks to those who have no covenant, he sees something else. And the primary difference is we can summarize it with one word, and that is biblical success. Now, biblical success is very different than worldly success.
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  • God reveals to us things that you and I can do with him and through him in order to bring about and hear this to bring about a good outcome. Our God is a God of good results, he in our life can produce much fruit, and we can carry out His will bring glory to Him. And when we are glorifying him, Be assured, we are going to be made a joyful person. So God is good. Take out your Bible, and look with me if you would to the book of Proverbs.
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  • Do you trust God? And I mean, in all things, if we are going to be seen by him as a faithful child, we need to trust God in every aspect of our life, no matter what situation that we find ourselves experiencing. You may not know this, but the biblical word trust is related to the modern Hebrew word for insurance. And what are the implications of that.
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  • I hear people say all the time, that God isn't interested in real estate, that there's no greater significance for the city of Jerusalem than any other city in the world. People believe that they teach it and they even make it into a doctrine. But here's what I would say. It is extremely dangerous. When we have beliefs or doctrines that are not clearly based upon the Scripture.
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  • It is wonderful to be in a covenantal relationship with the God of Israel. But the only way that you can be in such a relationship with God is through that gospel message. And through that gospel message, we find numerous benefits. We need to realize something in this world, there is an enemy, he is the prince of this world, but he has been defeated.
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  • The grace of God is most precious, and there's only one source for it. And that is the gospel message. Now, in the Old Testament, the grace of God appears. In fact, there are two words for grace in the Old Testament, the most prevalent one is the word hesed. The second one is the word hen. But they both relate to the grace of God. And they both relate to something very important.
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  • Again, we are going to be in the book of Proverbs, wanting to know the wisdom of God, the instructions of God so that we can implement his truth into our life, that we would be transformed and conformed to the purposes of God, that we might be individuals that recognize his authority over our life, and that others can see our submissiveness to the Lordship of our Lord and Savior, Messiah Yeshua, as I've already alluded to take out your Bible, and look with me to the book of Proverbs. And now we're ready for the 12th chapter.
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  • We have been studying the book of Proverbs. And we are in a section where we have seen contrasts, we see that if we utilize wisdom, then God will bless us, wisdom will produce a benefit in our life. But when we reject the wisdom of God, the knowledge of God the instructions of God the standards of God, then there's going to be an entirely different outcome, a very different result, and one that will not be edifying, one that will not bring us joy, and one that will lead us into darkness, rather than the light of righteousness.
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  • We want to be different. We want to make decisions different from the world. We don't want to exemplify the character of this world. But we want to manifest the character of God. We want to be led by His Spirit. And we want to produce works that are glorifying and honoring to him. For this is the heart of every true believer.
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  • Our last study, we saw that you're sure was invited to one of the leaders of the Pharisees for Shabbat, in order to have a meal with these individuals. But it just wasn't one of the leaders of the Pharisees. We see also that there were experts of the law who were also invited. And we learned something. The purpose of this meal was not to truly host him, but rather, there was an attempt to discredit him to shame him to embarrass him.
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  • Shalom and welcome to our study. In this section, we're going to study the last few verses of Luke's Gospel chapter 13. And we should expect something Messiah understood that in the last days, there would be that remnant of Israel that came to faith. In fact, the apostle Paul, in Romans chapter 11, he also anticipated a time when Jewish people would indeed except Messiah.
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  • Are you a modern day Pharisee. And what I mean by that is this have you failed to understand the biblical truth concerning the kingdom of God. We have seen in our last two studies, that there is an inherent relationship between a proper understanding of Shabbat that is the Sabbath day, and a proper understanding of the kingdom of God.
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  • In the passage that we're going to be studying today, we find the term Shabbat or the Sabbath day. Now, let's get a few things very clear. When we talk about Shabbat, many times people will say, Are we supposed to keep the Shabbat? Understand today without a temple in Jerusalem? There cannot be Shabbat observance according to what the Bible demands. Why is that?
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  • Our subject is discipleship. And I want to begin with a very important question. Are you worthy in messiahs eyes to be his disciple? Do you have the right perspective that will be well pleasing to Him, and He will consider you a faithful servant and a good disciple. We might when we hear what our Lord and Savior says to us, we might think at first, it's unreasonable, it is harsh, and who really can live up to those expectations.
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  • God willing, today we will complete our study of the parable of the prodigal son. And we have learned from that younger son's example of what it means to repent, what it means to be restored by the Father. And even though this is a parable that speaks about a family, we need to understand that this father, he gives us a good glimpse of our heavenly Father, one who is willing to receive sinners who truly repent.
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  • Repentance is part of a spiritual life. In fact, it begins our walk with God, nothing's going to happen in your life that is good spiritually, until you repent. And we know that repentance is is accepting the perspective of God, agreeing with the standards of God and applying those standards to our life. And when we do so we find that we come up short.
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  • Repentance is foundational. We see that both in the Old Testaments and also in the New Testament. And therefore it should not be surprising that when Messiah came, he called people to repentance, just like the prophets of the Old Testament did, just like Moses did as well. And when we truly repent, what can we expect, lives to be changed, we can say that differently for our lives to be transformed. And that is a good thing.
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