In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about Chicken Run.
Possibly, one of the best ‘escape movies’ ever! It has all the traits of a good film, some comedy, high stakes, betrayal and a slight romance.
Rather enjoyable, I’ve probably over done it on the rating, but it’s my rating, so deal with it!!
5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social StuffPodcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about Columbo, A Stitch in Crime.
There are two reasons why I’m watching this season 2 episode of Columbo, firstly because Columbo is grouse! and secondly, I’ve been rewatching Star Trek, the original series, which stars Mr Leonard Nimoy, yes Spock’s in an episode Columbo, and it’s a great episode.
Nimoy plays a jerk doctor, who tries to commit a murder, sort of fails, but also commits two others. Columbo looses is cool, which is unusual for a Columbo, but as usual, Columbo solves the crime.
4/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social StuffPodcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
Manglende episoder?
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to give you a brief ‘run down’ of a couple of podcasty things.
0.5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social StuffPodcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about the 1966 Czech film, Daisies.
This is a rather odd film, but it’s fun odd. Sometimes you watch an unusual film that’s ‘odd’ but it’s odd/weird in a disturbing sort of way, this is not one of those films.
I’m honestly not sure what to write, odd, fun, unusual. I think those words best describe Daisies.
2/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about the pilot episode of Boardwalk Empire.
There is quite a bit happening in this opening episode of Boardwalk Empire, there is a heist, murder, crime meetings, parties and sexual intercourse….
Being a ‘pilot’ episode, we are introduced into the world and all the main stakeholders in the bootleg booze ear, the established bosses, Nucky Thompson and Arnold Rothstein. As well as the ‘up and coming’ goons, James Darmody, Al Capone and Lucky Luciano. Plus a few other key characters that play major roles in the show moving forward.
Something that I think is interesting is the inclusion of ‘Big’ Jim Colosimo, who is a real throw away character as we don’t see him after this first episode.
Now, just a quick word on Steve Buscemi who plays ‘Nucky’ Thompson, before I saw Boardwalk Empire, Buscemi to me was always someone who played ‘goofy’ and ‘odd’ characters, never anything serious. But seeing him in this was a bit transformation of my opinion on him, at least of what Buscemi I’ve seen, this is easily his best work.
Scorsese does a great job at directing this episode, the production and the outfits are great. If you love The Godfather, Goodfellas, The Sopranos or any sort of ‘gangster’ films I think Boardwark Empire is worth a watch if you can.
3.5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about Barbie in the Nutcracker.
Umm, yeah, Barbie.
This would probably be great if I was 6, or if I had given it my full attention. It could be a good as The Godfather….
But, most importantly, it all works out for Barbie in the end.
2/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
I love Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard is pretty solid as ‘Fred/Paul Baby’ However, Mickey Rooney character isn’t great.
The film does have one really interesting shot, decent enough love story, decent enough film. Oh and did I say how gorgeous Audrey Hepburn is.
3.5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about Mystery Road.
Mystery Road, is an Australian franchise consisting of two films. Mystery Road and Goldstone, plus a spin-off series also called Mystery Road and more recently a prequel titled Mystery Road: Origin.
To start off with, I’ve not seen the two films, so my thoughts will be based mainly on the first two series of the TV show, as I recently watched them from start to finish.
The series follows indigenous detective Jay Swan who is superbly played by Aaron Pedersen, as he solves various crimes in remote outback communities. They dynamic Detective Swan has between the local community and his colleagues is rather interesting, he’s somewhat at odds with both sides. He’s not really apart of the indigenous community because ‘he’s a copper’ but he’s also not really apart of the law enforcement community because he’s aboriginal.
I could write a lot more about Mystery Road, the ensemble cast and performances are great, the locations and cinematography is superb and Mystery Road is a great showcase for Australian Film and TV production, in my opinion.
If you can, id urge you to try and seek the series out and give at least one episode a watch and if you don’t like it, don’t continue watching it.
5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about the 1968 film, Bullitt.
What to say about Bullitt, it’s got it all, two foot chases, a car chase, a smooth yet greasy ‘villain’ and a smooth, cool, yet not quite sexy ‘hero’ plus the classic gruff police captain.
I really think the build up to the infamous car chase is great, and the tension at times between Steve McQueen and Robert Vaughn is great.
I do like this film quite a lot, probably mostly down to Steve McQueen being a smooth guy, who wears a turtle neck!
4/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about the 2002 film, Panic Room.
Imagine Speed, but in a locked room, that's probably the best way i could describe this film.The setup is ok, the conclusion is alright, but once they're in the room, there's only so much you can say about it.
I thought 12 year old Kirsten Stewart was quite good, Jodie Foster and Forest Whitaker solid as always. I do have some issues with this film, the criminals being stupid being my major gripe, but that's probably because Jared Leto was the 'head goon' and the intercom situation did annoy me a little.
It's alright, seen worse and seen better.
2.5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about another Columbo episode! season ones, ‘Lady In Waiting’.
This episode is a personal favourite of mine, and it’s also somewhat interesting as there is no question as to who the murder is, because they are basically acquitted in court for an ‘Accidental Homicide’
But, Columbo thinks it was a premeditated murder and not an accident, so he has to prove this somehow. Luckily sexy Leslie Nielsen, YES that guy, he’s very good in this episode. Helps Columbo with this by putting the ‘cart before the horse’
I like Columbo, so I naturally liked this episode of the show SHOCKER!
4/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about the 90s sitcom, Seinfeld.
Quite probably a show about nothing, I am legit unsure how to describe this show. I guess its the typical group of four friends getting into mildly comical situations, except Seinfeld does it better than Friends.
Umm, I’m not really sure what else to say. Seinfeld is a pretty solid show and I think is still reasonably relevant today, it’s fairly evergreen content and it’s just solid.
Also, Seinfeld does have a laugh track. I obviously don’t know what I’m saying.
If you can, give it a watch.
4/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about this years Uni Review ‘Net Zero’
You most likely are asking yourself ‘what is the Uni Review’ The Uni Review is a theatre show that’s put on every year where I live. It stars mostly young and upcoming theatre actors.
It’s basically a political satire, comedy and musical show. The title of the show also has some sort of ‘pun’ in the name, for example a few years back the show was called ‘Make Tasmania Great Again’ and the 2019 show was titled ‘The Lyin’ King’
The show features, parody songs, some nudity and many laughs. I know that most of you listening are not local to me, but If you’re ever visiting my area around early May, id heavily suggest you go. You might not get the burns on Burnie, or the political puns, but you’ll get onboard with the parody songs!
5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about Netflix series, Catching Killers and Real Detective.
True Crime podcasts are rather popular, so I decided to watch some True Crime shows on Netflix. One series being called Catching Killers and another called Real Detective.
These sort of shows are somewhat interesting, because why would you want to watch a show about brutal crimes? Well, for me it’s all about how the investigators get their ‘man’ and in some aspects its almost comical. One crime was basically solved by a google search, just give that a hot second to sink in…
Catching Killers and Real Detective, are basically formatted the same, the investigator/investigators tell us about the investigation, while we see that in a reenactment format. Pretty much the only difference between the two shows is that in Catching Killers, we hear from other stakeholders in the investigation. One episode for example, we hear from a local crime reporter and the local prosecutor.
I think if you’re someone who likes True Crime podcasts, True Crime docos will be your type of juice.
4/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about 2003 film, Seabiscuit.
Firstly is Seabiscuit, Americas Phar Lap? Quite possibly, much like Phar Lap, Seabiscuit was a hero for the common man during the great recession.
Now to the film, this is a rather ‘stock’ sports film, you have a down and out team, Seabiscuit and Red. You’ve got a ‘super coach’ that no one has really given a chance or rates very highly, in this case that’s Tom Smith, and finally we have the hopeful/enthusiastic owner, Charles Howard.
It’s also got the typical heart break, triumph, defeating of the villain then a final heroic comeback, plus some training montages!
Visually I think this looks rather good and the racing scenes are put together pretty well, so worth a look I think.
3.5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
On this edition of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about the pilot episode, of my favourite 90’s sitcom, The Nanny!
Yes, The Nanny, the show all about a woman working in a bridal shop in flushing queens, UNTIL her boyfriend kicked her out in one of those crushing scenes, what was she to do? Where was she to go? She was out on her fanny.
Luckily, the suave Mr Sheffield, had need for a sexy, sassy and generally spicy woman to be his ‘nanny’
And that’s pretty much that. Besides the set changing, not really much else does. It seems that they pretty much knew what the show was, and who the characters were right from the start.
If you’ve watched any episode of The Nanny, you know what to expect, sass, roasting and some chuckles.
I love The Nanny, it’s one of my favourite shows.
4.5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
On this edition of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about the ‘Spy Sitcom’ Archer, briefly.
So, I had Archer pop up on Netflix, and I thought ‘I’ve heard of that show, I might watch it’ so I have. I’ve watched the first 3 seasons to this point, and overall I’ve been enjoying it.
It’s a typical spy scenario, good looking spy, hot babes and mildly comical situations that need to be overcome. Plus big sexual tension and references.
I’d suggest, if you’re not into the whole ‘sexual tension’ thing, don’t watch. But given episodes run only about 20 minutes, you can easily knock out a few if you just want a taster.
I completely forgot to give this a roll rating in the actual recording, I was honestly just making it all up, I had no notes! But, id give Archer a 3.5, solid and worth a look.
I also have no idea what was going on with my voice near the end..
3.5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
On this edition of Luke Who’s Watching, I’ll be talking about, Lethal Weapon! A Christmas movie….
What a film, a pretty classic ‘leave your brain at the door’ type of thing. Possibly one of the original action/buddy cop films? I don’t know, it could be, but Dragnet did exist……
I had to knock down my ‘Roll score’ when the toilet bomb scene didn’t happen, that was mildly disappointing.
Let me cover off briefly what makes this a ‘Christmas movie’ firstly, there are carols being played in the opening scenes, there is a lot of Christmas paraphernalia and Riggs goes to the Murtaugh family's for Christmas dinner at the end, case closed on that id say!
3.5/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
On this edition of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about some Sporting events!
Im not really sure what to write, so I guess a brief ‘rundown’ of each event.
The first event was the 2021 AFL Grand Final, that featured the Melbourne Demons, and the Western Bulldogs. Melbourne were the ‘Minor Premiers’ that basically means they finished top of the ladder, and the Bulldogs finished 5th. Melbourne were also after their first Premiership win since 1964, and the Bulldogs vying for their first flag since 2016, to spoil it for you, one of these two teams won.
Secondly, is the first edition of Paris-Roubaix Woman's Edition, Although the whole race wasn’t broadcast the 60ish km I watched was rather good, and the conditions made it rather spicy. The winner of the race, will go down in cycling history as being the first winner of Paris-Roubaix for women.
The third event I watched was the ‘blokes’ version of Paris-Roubaix, and if the woman's race was spicy, this was extra spicy. Typically the race is in the French spring, but due to the ‘Big C’ it was postponed, so as a result it was in the autumn/early winter. As a result that created some juice, and much like the ladies race, a rather enjoyable watch.
If you want to see any highlights of these events, I’ll slap some links below, hopefully nothing will have pesky ‘region restrictions’AFL Grand FinalParis-Roubaix WomenParis-Roubaix Men
4/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
On this edition of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about Avatar.
Firstly, I’ll say I went into this being not very interested at all, and by the end my feelings were basically the same. Technically this is a very good film, but I just didn’t buy into the story, as it’s all stuff I’ve seen before.
Im also at a complete loss as to how Jim is going to get a sequel out of this, but im not one of films ‘best’ directors/writers.
Basically to sum up, Avatar is long, boring and predictable. But it looks good….
3/5 Toilet Rolls.
Some Social Stuff:Podcast WebsiteTwitterDiscordLetterboxedEmail: newsreelstudios@gmail.comUse #LWW in your Tweets and Social Media Posts.
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