
  • This episode discusses the importance of simplicity and constraint in messaging and offers for attracting higher-paying dream clients.

    Key Takeaways:

    Constraining your messaging and offers to speak directly to your ideal client is key to attracting higher-paying clients

    Simplify by focusing on 1 core problem/desire and tailoring content/offers to that specific audience

    Celebrate small wins along the way instead of getting discouraged

    An upcoming "Simplified Messaging Method" masterclass will provide frameworks for dialing in messaging


    The Power of Constraint

    Constraining messaging and offers allows you to speak potently to your dream clients' core desires

    Trying to appeal to too broad an audience dilutes your messaging and confuses prospects

    Constraint gives freedom - it focuses your efforts on what truly moves the needle

    Simplifying Offers

    Having too many offers is overwhelming for prospects

    Streamline to just a few complementary offers tailored to your ideal client at different stages

    Low-ticket, high-value offers can warm prospects up for higher-end programs

    Celebrating Small Wins

    Don't get discouraged if results aren't immediate - celebrate every small win

    Reframe "only 1 sale" thinking to an abundance mindset

    The space/freedom created by simplifying is to be embraced, not filled

    Upcoming Masterclass

    A "Simplified Messaging Method" masterclass is being created

    Will provide frameworks for dialing in potent messaging to your dream clients

    See it as an opportunity, not something "needed" to improve results

    Next Steps:

    Check out the upcoming "Simplified Messaging Method" masterclass at https://thesarahleather.com/instant/

  • Key Takeaways

    Know exactly what you're selling and to whom (target audience)

    Do your Daily Non-Negotiables (DNNs) - grow audience, nurture audience, make offers

    Take care of your mindset, energy, and physical wellbeing

    Knowing What You're Selling

    Have a clear signature offer (1-on-1, group, course, etc.)

    Know the specific problem you solve and for whom

    Make it obvious how people can take the next step with you

    Daily Non-Negotiables (DNNs)

    Grow Audience: Connect with new people, send friend requests, etc.

    Nurture Audience: Comment, provide value, build relationships

    Make Offers: Share your paid and free offers regularly

    Mindset, Energy, and Wellbeing

    Journal and reframe limiting thoughts/emotions

    Use grounding techniques (breathing, oils, etc.)

    Prioritize self-care (nutrition, movement, boundaries)

    Seek support from coaches, groups, etc.

    Next Steps

    Implement the 3 steps daily for consistent client attraction

    Check out WOW Academy (Worthy of Wealth Academy) for ongoing training/support:


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  • When did your business become SO complicated?

    In this episode, I share with you what I see with clients and colleagues making things way more complicated than they need to be and how to fix it.

    Whether it's marketing, selling or delivering to clients, the simpler things are the better it is for everyone.

    But simple isn't easy.We crave simplicity and spaciousness, and then we break it by making it more complicated than it needs to be.

    There are valid reasons for this and I can't wait to share with you how I help my clients to overcome this.

    If you'd like to simplify your business Invitation to join WOW Academy!

    WOW stands for Worthy Of Wealth & WOW Academy for women running service-based businesses and wanting to add 30K (a year, quarter or month).

    WOW helps you create more clients, make more money & have an amazing life without all the complicated parts of business.

    WOW Academy has a proven curriculum including the WOW modules: (Clarity/Create/Market/Sell/Deliver) and the Wealth Mindset modules, all housed in our beautiful member's site to view on your laptop or via our app on your phone.

    You will get 12 months of access to the coaching calls, the online community and the WOW Academy content.

    You will have lifetime access to the content of WOW. WOW Academy CONTENT, housed in a beautiful member's site with a treasure trove of goodies.

    COACHING CALLS including Action Calls (most Mondays to activate you into action for the week ahead & work alongside marketing), Business & Mindset Calls on Tuesday or Wednesday most weeks to ask anything, get solutions and be coached on anything you're stuck within business.

    ONLINE COMMUNITY where you will receive support, encouragement and accountability.

    WOW Academy is currently available at a special price here:


  • I love nothing more than my clients taking exquisite care of themselves while growing their businesses.

    It was such a joy to speak with Christy Nichol and hear about her ‘body before business’ philosophy. Christy doesn’t just teach this, she embodies it.

    Christy is the creator of the ‘Burnt Out to Blissed Out Formula’, for professional women who struggle with stress.

    You can follow Christy here:

    If you want to know how you can radically simplify your business and life while on your 6 to 7-figure journey in 3 days a week, message me here to find out how I can help you.

  • Welcome to the very first episode of Uncomplicated!!!

    Over the last couple of years, my work has become about 1 thing: Simplicity.

    I help women to radically simplify their businesses and lives. This brings them more clients, more money, and more time for them.

    In this episode, I dive into my favourite topic, sales. I speak about how selling has changed over the years and what a difference it’s made to simplify the way I sell and the way I teach my clients to ‘sell without selling’.

    If you’re done with the complicated business strategies and ready for multiple 6 figures in 3 days a week, you are going to love this episode.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts. The best way to share them is with a podcast review. I read every single one.

    Or you can pop me an email at [email protected] and I promise to personally read it.

    Until next time, big uncomplicated love to you!

  • It is so important to know what simple tasks you need to do each day in your business.

    But it's so easy to get caught up in the 'busy work' of running your business and working with clients. And for yet another day to go by with no marketing done.

    What if all of your marketing could be done first thing in 30 minutes?

    What if these became 'non-negotiables'?

    In this episode, I tell you what I do as my daily non-negotiables.

    We do these 'Daily Non-Negotiables' regularly in my beautiful women's mentoring program called WOW Academy.

    You can take a look at it here:

  • I am speaking with my amazing client Aneta Idczak who is an experienced Trauma-informed Somatic Coach, Teacher and Trainer.

    Aneta has experienced huge success over the past few months and has many valuable tips to share with you.
    We speak about how simplifying your business can have a profound impact on your business and life.

    Aneta has a background working in Social Care and over 25 years experience of working with trauma, mental health, addiction, DV and child protection issues.
    She is a founder of Golden Mandala Yoga-Soma Institute delivering trauma-informed somatic teacher and coach training certifications.

    You can find all info about our training certifications at: www.anetai.co.uk

    To meet Aneta and other amazing women in business, join my beautiful free Facebook community More Clients for Coaches in Midlife here:

  • In episode 065 My Journey to Radical Simplicity I speak about why I've made so many changes to my business & life over the past 6 months.

    80% of our income usually comes from 20% of our activities. I went on a journey to eliminate the 80% that wasn't working for me, & am helping my clients to do the same thing.

    I'm sharing a lot of free trainings, including 'The Identity Shift I made to Have a 101K Month' in my free group called More Clients for Coaches in Midlife (you don't have to be a coach or in midlife to join!) here, so please join us:

  • Today I speak with my client Martha Clarke about her continual reinvention in her business and life.

    Martha is an astrologer and astrocartographer. She has used astrology in her own life to find purpose, identify the best places in the world to live, and the best ways to live and express herself authentically, and loves to support others in their journey towards achieving the same goals.

    You can see Matha’s work here:


    If you are ready for your own business reinvention, feel free to book a chat with me at:


  • Next in the Reinvention Sessions I talk about the ups and downs of business growth.
    There will come times when you are running your business when you begin to question a program you are selling.
    You may question the length of the program, the price or how you are marketing it.

    This happened to me last year when I had a strong sense that I needed to stop running a program that I loved but I didn’t have the bandwidth for.

    In this episode, I go through several things to think about when you are faced with this decision. Should you just ‘stick it out’? Or stop it and refund?

    I also shared my plans for a current program WOW Academy and the planned upgrade.
    If you’d like to join us and take advantage of the current pricing plus get lifetime* access, then please take a look here:

    *lifetime means the life of the program, most likely for several years but a minimum of 12 months

  • Today I speak with Lisa Gimenez-Codd about all the healthy things in peri-menopause and menopause while growing a healthy business.

    Specialising in supporting women through perimenopause and beyond feeling strong and confident - especially when it comes to their pelvic floors; Lisa is a personal trainer, Pilates coach, nutritional therapist and sports masseuse. Having worked with women in this way for over a decade, her aim is to help as many women as possible to understand the transitions their bodies and brains go through and feel empowered to take action.

    Lisa can be found at:

    @myoptimumhealth on both Instagram and FB

    Lisa was a participant in my mastermind a couple of years ago when she was reinventing the way she worked so she could get out of overwhelm and have a better lifestyle.

    My next mastermind (called Inner Circle Mastermind) is now enrolling.
    If you’d like to explore joining this life-changing group, you can book a call here:

  • It never stops amazing me the path some people take to get to their dream business.
    In this episode, Parent Coach Pamela Quiery shares her fascinating career path and how she has reinvented herself so many times.

    Pamela Quiery is a parent coach and mentor based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She is a certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor and holds a Masters's degree in Health Promotion and Public Health. She helps parents who want to be gentle but find themselves stuck in a cycle of frustration and yelling.

    She loves translating the theory of gentle parenting into practical tools parents can rely on in the heat of the moment to build cooperation and strong relationships with their kids. She has supported hundreds of parents to bring more peace and laughter to their families.

    You can find out more about Pamela here:



    If you’d like to create a highly profitable group program, or scale your existing program with more ease, then I’d love to speak with you.

    You can book yourself a call here:

  • Have you thought about creating a book to promote your business? In this episode, I interview ‘Dr Ricki’ about her midlife reinvention as part of the Reinvention Sessions.

    Ricki Heller is a writer, book coach and editor. After working for over a decade in the world of holistic nutrition, "Dr Ricki" rekindled her love of words to focus on a new business. Ricki holds a PhD in English and loves working collaboratively to produce texts that clearly share your message in a way that captures your own authentic voice. In addition to editing non-fiction books, online copy and business texts, Ricki is also the author of four books including Respond in Writing, a college essay-writing text, and Sweet Freedom, which was recommended by Ellen DeGeneres.

    Ricki speaks about how her business has supported her during midlife and is also a dog mom, pop culture fanatic and die-hard chocoholic. She lives with her husband and two fur babies, Chaser and Zoey, just north of Toronto.

    Get Ricki’s fab freebie here:

  • Do you struggle to make decisions in your business?
    Procrastination much?
    Confused about all the things?

    Successful people make decisions and move on.

    In this episode, I share how to stop overthinking your decision making and move towards your goals.

    If you’re ready to make a decision to get the support you need in your business to scale to 10k+ months, connect with me here:

  • I’m still buzzing after the Menopause Summit on Saturday- a real live event where I got to connect with so many leaders in the industry. It was organised by Wellness Warrior Catherine O'Keeffe and my notebook is bursting with takeaways.

    One of the many speakers that stood out for me was Dr Sabina Brennan, a health psychologist and neuroscientist who spoke about Brain Fog.

    In this episode, I share a lot of Sabina’s key points as well as some of my own experiences working with those going through menopause.

    You can read about her here, make sure you check out the book Beating Brain Fog:

    I’ll be sharing a lot more takeaways soon as well as my brand new masterclass called the ‘5k Mind- the mindset & method for consistent 5k months’:

  • Growing an online business takes time. I took the longest time- many years - to make $500 a month online and then another year to make 5k a month.

    In this episode, I talk about how slowing down is actually a good thing and how to stop giving yourself a hard time because you're not 'there' yet.

    Everyone wants the 'formula' for 5k months. Yes, you need to know the steps to take. But without the mindset to support you, it will take way longer to get to your income goal.

    Join me in the 5k Mind (free masterclass) to get the mindset and method for consistent 5k months.

  • In this episode I share my number one strategy for making money in my business & it’s probably not what you think!

    I go on a bit of a rant (in a great way) about how to have a profitable business that puts you first.

    I’m running a free masterclass soon called The 5k Mind. This masterclass will show you what you need to have in place before you hop into the business strategy (but I’ll totally give you some tangible steps to follow).

    You can sign up here:

  • Are you working in your ‘Zone of Magic?’ Once you’re there, you can make more impact and income.

    In this episode I share with you how I get out of confusion into my magic zone. The first step is to check is not to work out your life purpose, but something different (and so much more useful and fun).

    Take a look at the Zone of Magic Masterclass, it is an incredible process to get you aligned with your business and create/realign your offers. Then we will co-create your message so that your dream clients will look at what you’re posting & scream ‘she’s speaking straight to my heart. Is she inside my head?’

    See the details for the Zone of Magic Masterclass here:

  • In this episode of Marketing in Midlife Sarah speaks about her experience of quarantining in Australia.

    She shares:
    - Her version of Wilson in Castaway.
    - A story about the neighbours and what it’s taught her about marketing.
    - How she created so much spaciousness from deleting apps on her phone.

    She also spoke a little about her women’s mentoring program that is currently open for enrolment & how you can get an incredible level of support in WOW Academy.
    Included are weekly coaching calls, an amazing course & a group where you can ask anything anytime. All for one low price (increasing by €500 next month).

    See all the details at:

  • I've heard many women lately talk about retiring and they don't understand why it's not for me.

    My friends who are business owners get it. It's great to be able to retire any time they choose. But it's also amazing to choose to do your soul's calling. No matter what age you are.

    'I don't want to spend my days going to galleries and knitting' said Marlene, an entrepreneurial colleague & mentor.

    Recent studies are looking at the age when women come into their prime.

    The results are heartwarming. In the past, it was considered that a woman was in her prime in her 30's & 40's. Whereas it's much closer to her 60's or 70's, maybe even her 80's.

    Would you like to be part of the best business & marketing mentoring program for women over 40? The doors to Wholehearted Marketing are now open. I would like to invite you to join us, it will give you all you need to show up, share your message, connect with your dream clients and sell your offers.