In this engaging conversation, Leandro Melendez, also known as Señor Performo, shares his extensive experience in performance testing, discussing the evolution of the field, the importance of community and continuous learning, and the role of modern performance testing in agile environments. He emphasizes the distinction between performance testing and load testing, the necessity of a holistic approach, and the integration of observability and AI in enhancing performance testing practices. Leandro also touches on personal interests, life changes, and the future of performance testing, providing valuable insights and resources for listeners.
In this engaging conversation, Jonathon Wright shares his extensive experience in automation and AI, discussing the evolution of software testing and the impact of AI technologies. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining passion in the field, explores the future of testing with AI, and highlights the need for testers to adapt and learn new skills to stay relevant. The discussion also touches on the challenges and opportunities presented by agentic AI and the role of machine learning in shaping the future of software testing.
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🎙 Dátové testovanie: Tajomstvá, výzvy a budúcnosť kvality dát
V tomto epizóde sa ponoríme do fascinujúceho sveta testovania dát a Data Quality Management. Naši hostia zdieľajú svoje skúsenosti s automatizovaným testovaním a praktickými výzvami, ktorým čelia v každodennej práci. Diskutujeme o tom, prečo je kvalita dát kľúčová, najmä v ére umelej inteligencie, a aké nástroje a techniky sú najefektívnejšie na jej zabezpečenie.
Okrem profesijných pohľadov spoznáte aj ľudskú stránku hostí – od sušenia mäsa až po plánovanie meetupov a ďalšie osobné záujmy. Spoločne sa zamýšľame nad budúcnosťou testovania dát, rozvojom tejto profesie a osobnými plánmi na zlepšenie v odbore.
🔍 Čaká vás inšpiratívna diskusia plná praktických tipov, názorov na nástroje a trendov, ktoré formujú budúcnosť testovania dát. Pridajte sa a objavte, ako sa dá robiť testovanie s vášní a precíznosťou!
V tejto epizóde sa Juraj Zabka a Marcel Veselka rozprávajú s Davidom Foglom o jeho ceste v IT, vývoji a testovaní softvéru, ako aj o integrácii AI do Robot Frameworku. Diskutujú o význame Robot Framework Foundation, Robocone a budúcnosti testovania s AI. David zdieľa svoje skúsenosti a názory na rôzne programovacie jazyky a ich využitie v praxi.
🎄🎁 Šťastné a veselé Vianoce od tímu #makeITfun! 🎁🎄Milí fanúšikovia a sledovatelia,Chceli by sme sa vám z celého srdca poďakovať za vašu podporu, spätnú väzbu a priazeň, ktorú nám počas celého roka prejavujete. Váš záujem a podpora sú pre nás najväčším darom a motiváciou pokračovať v našom úsilí rozvíjať komunitu testerov a nadšencov IT.Blížia sa najkrajšie sviatky v roku, a preto vám želáme pokojné a radostné Vianoce plné lásky, pohody a splnených prianí. ❤️🎅Ako malé poďakovanie sme si pre vás pripravili Vianočnú súťaž o tri skvelé vecné ceny: 🎁 Mikina Wopee.io 🎁 Ročná licencia JetBrains 🎁 Ročná licencia pre jedného používateľa na Wopee.io platformuAko sa zapojiť do súťaže? 1️⃣ Dajte odber na náš YouTube kanál 2️⃣ Sledujte a odoberajte nás na našom LinkedIn účte makeITfun 3️⃣ Zdieľajte LikedIn príspevok 4️⃣ Napíšte do komentára LinkedIn príspevku, ktorú z cien by ste chceli a prečoSúťaž trvá do 15. januára 2025 a následne prebehne žrebovanie víťazov. ✨Ešte raz vám želáme krásne sviatky a tešíme sa na ďalšie spoločné zážitky v novom roku 2025! 🎉🎙️Ďakujeme, že ste s nami, a make IT fun!
V tejto epizóde sa Juraj, Marcel a Filip Hric rozprávajú o testovaní softvéru, rodine a osobnom živote. Filip sa delí o svoje skúsenosti s testovaním a vývojom, pričom sa zameriava na nástroje ako Cypress a Playwright. Diskutujú o budúcnosti testovania a o tom, ako sa tieto nástroje vyvíjajú v súčasnom prostredí. V tejto časti rozhovoru sa diskutuje o prechode od Selenia k Cypressu, jeho architektúre a výhodách, ako aj o hype okolo nových nástrojov ako Playwright. Filip Hric zdieľa svoju osobnú cestu k Playwrightu a hodnotí zmeny v Cypress a Playwright. Diskutuje sa aj o API testovaní v oboch nástrojoch a o potenciáli WebDriver.io. V tejto epizóde sa diskutuje o raste a budúcnosti testovania, začiatkoch v automatizácii testovania, ceste freelancera, učení sa na verejnosti, prechode na freelancing, medzinárodnej kariére a dôležitosti networkingu. Filip Hric zdieľa svoje skúsenosti a rady pre juniorov a nových testerov, pričom zdôrazňuje, že nikto nevie všetko a učenie sa je kľúčové.
In this conversation, Otaiba shares his extensive journey in the field of testing and quality assurance, detailing his transition from a test manager to a sales role. He discusses the evolution of testing practices, the impact of market trends, and the importance of understanding customer needs. Otaiba emphasizes the significance of adapting sales strategies to different market segments and the future of testing in an increasingly AI-driven landscape.
V tejto špeciálnej epizóde sa diskutuje o dôležitosti a význame testingových komunít na Slovensku a v Česku. Hostia sa delia o svoje skúsenosti, najlepšie konferencie a inšpiratívnych ľudí v oblasti testingu. Rozoberajú históriu a vznik komunít, ako aj význam osobných stretnutí a networkingových aktivít pre rozvoj kariéry testerov. V tejto diskusii sa účastníci zamerali na význam osobných stretnutí a komunít v profesijnom rozvoji, najmä po pandémii. Hovorili o sile networkingových aktivít, motivácii účastníkov a budúcnosti hybridných formátov, ktoré kombinujú online a offline interakcie. Zdieľanie skúseností a podpora zo strany firiem sú kľúčové pre udržateľnosť a rozvoj komunít.
In this conversation, Kari Kakkonen shares his extensive experience in software testing, his journey as a book author, and his insights into testing leadership and the climate impact of software testing. He discusses the importance of quality in software development and the cultural transformation needed in organizations to adopt DevOps practices effectively.
In this episode of the podcast, we talk to Maros Kutschy, an expert in automated testing, who shares his experience working at Ness and the connection of automation with the philosophy of stoicism. We discuss various tools such as the Robot Framework and the importance of analyzing test results using the Report Portal. Maroš will also share his experiences from conferences and the active QA community in Košice.
In this episode, we talk with Radek, an expert with 30 years in IT and 7+ years in training, about what it really takes to become a great tester. From must-have skills to the latest trends in online and hybrid learning, Radek shares his tips and tricks on how to stay ahead.
We also dive into the importance of automation, mentoring for senior testers, and why teamwork is key to success. Whether you're new to testing or a seasoned pro, this episode is packed with insights to help you level up.
In this episode, hosts Juraj Zabka and Marcel Veselka are joined by Rudolf Groetz to discuss the important topics of Quality and Lead Engineering. Together, they dive deep into the challenges and strategies of building and supporting testing communities, sharing valuable insights and experiences from their careers in the field. Whether you're a seasoned tester or just starting in the world of engineering, this discussion offers plenty of practical advice and inspiration.
In this video, Juraj and Marcel sit down with Honza Stehlík to discuss his experiences as a salesman in the testing industry. Honza shares what it's like working in this role and talks about his journey before joining Tesena. Towards the end of the interview, we also dive into what to expect at this year's Tesena Fest 2024 conference.Don't forget to subscribe to stay updated on more interesting interviews and the latest news in the world of testing!
Daniel Knott, a software testing expert, discusses his background in software testing and his transition into management. He shares his passion for mobile testing and his love for exploratory testing. Daniel also talks about his experience writing a book on mobile testing and the challenges of staying relevant in a rapidly evolving industry. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the hardware ecosystem of mobile devices in testing....And more in video..
In this conversation, Marcel and Juraj interview Dmitriy Gumeniuk, the Director of Technology Solutions at EPM Systems. They discuss Dmitriy's background, his experience in the US, and his role at EPM Systems. They also touch on topics such as the future of testing with AI, the challenges of living in the US, and the benefits of international work experiences. Dmitriy also provides insights into the reportportal.io, an AI-powered test automation dashboard. The conversation with Dmitriy Gumeniuk focused on the development and features of ReportPortal, an open-source test automation reporting tool. Dmitriy discussed the benefits of using ReportPortal, such as its ability to collect and analyze test results at scale, and its integration with various testing frameworks. He also highlighted the upcoming features of Report Portal, including test case management and a new UI design. Dmitriy emphasized the importance of balancing open-source and enterprise features, and the challenges of developing a product within a service company. He invited listeners to try out ReportPortal and attend upcoming conferences where he will be speaking.
In the first part of the interview, Patrik introduces himself and talks about his hobbies and job. They discuss the distance between their places of residence, football, and the perception that there's nothing on the east side of Slovakia. Then they discuss the Robot Framework and its integration with Playwright. Patrik talks about his work in the RPA field and how he is still engaged due to new challenges.
In this episode of the podcast "Make IT Fun" with Petr Glaser, there is a discussion about testing in IT and the roles of testers and developers. Petr emphasizes that testing is a process in which all team members should be involved from the beginning and that a tester should have a quality product mindset. The discussion also touches on the fact that the approach to testing can vary depending on what is being produced. In startups, it is important to deliver quickly, while in cases where lives depend on it, testing is different. This part of the conversation covers topics such as test automation, the importance of end-to-end tests, the use of static tests and TypeScript, and various techniques and tools to improve code quality. The conversation also explores how perspectives on testing are changing and whether a separate team of testers is necessary. Non-functional testing, such as performance tests and security testing, was also mentioned. Additionally, this episode delves into topics like software development in teams, the use of AI in software development, and education in the field of AI. Petr also introduces his new project, an educational platform for companies.
In the first part of the interview, Juraj, Marcel, and Natal discuss how Natal became known in the field of testing and her new challenges. Natal talks about her passion for testing and automation, as well as her interest in perfumes and exercise. Juraj asks about her experiences with various automation frameworks and programming languages. Natal also talks about her changed job and gives recommendations for people looking for a new job. They conclude by discussing whether SEO testing belongs in testing and the current state of the IT job market.In the second part of the interview, they talk about how to search for a job and how to select new team members. Natal recommends using LinkedIn and actively engaging in the QA community. She also suggests adding HR people on LinkedIn and maintaining contact with them for the future. Natal mentions that some colleagues found jobs through profesia.sk. They also discuss how long it takes to find a job and what red flags to watch for when selecting new team members.In the final part of the interview, they talk about technical questions in interviews, as well as selection processes and benefits in IT companies. Natal emphasizes that some interview questions are extremely challenging and not always relevant to the position. Juraj and Marcel agree on the importance of a proper selection process and considering whether the candidate is truly suitable for the position. Natal also mentions that for her, having freedom and the opportunity to realize oneself at work is important.
In this conversation, Marcel and Irja discuss Irja's transition from product management to testing, her current role as a quality lead for a US healthcare company, and her experience working remotely. They also touch on the challenges of managing people, Irja's preference for dogs over cats, and her love for traveling and mountains. Irja shares advice for those interested in remote work and emphasizes the importance of time management and work-life balance. The conversation covered various topics including testing autonomous robots, testing techniques and practices, the use of simulators, the role of testers in the industry, the challenges of diversity in IT, and upcoming conferences and meetups.
The podcast featuring Jason Arbon discussed the future of testing and the integration of AI within this field. Arbon highlighted the transformative potential of AI, emphasizing its ability to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and scalability in testing practices. He emphasized the importance of integrating AI into existing workflows to complement human testers rather than replacing them entirely. Arbon also stressed the significance of high-quality and diverse datasets for training AI models in testing. Overall, the podcast provided valuable insights into how AI can augment testing processes, improve product quality, and adapt to the evolving demands of the digital landscape.
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