
  • We’re diving into the KEY to your best f*cking life and going deep down the rabbit hole on all things intuition with my friend, Allie Ninfo. She is a medium and master at teaching you how to hone in on your own psychic gifts, growing your intuition muscle. We talk about everything from how to use neuroscience to change the way you see yourself to ways to identify and shift your limiting beliefs in just 10 minutes using your higher self. We even get into talking about dark forces, if demons exist, and how my thoughts have changed on plant medicine after my own experiences. If you're looking for practical ways to level up your intuition and manifestation skills, this is for you.


    How to use neuroscience to change your self image and attract what you want.

    What I’m negotiating with my next spirit baby.

    Ways to negotiate your soul contract (and manifest anything you want.)

    How to bypass learning lessons the hard way through your higher self.


    F*ck dark forces - get the course!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Allie: @allieninfo


  • In the years I’ve been helping you manifest, I haven’t seen anything like the results coming from my Sovereign Money program. It's not like any program I've ever created before. No matter how much you've worked on your relationship with money, your next level is gonna require you to go deeper on your relationship with it and that’s one of the things we do in the Sovereign Money program. Listen in to hear the results some of my sovereign money queen’s have gotten from an $8,500 payment notification immediately after signing up, to understanding the energetics of money and clearing the limiting beliefs and self sabotage that has held them back.


    Details on where our first Manifested Adventures trip will be (and how you can join us!)

    How to clear the limiting beliefs and cycles of self sabotage keeping you from your next level of abundance.

    Results straight from the queen’s in my Sovereign Money program and how those results can be yours.

    Details on the limited dates we’re opening Sovereign Money for you to join


    Sign up for Sovereign Money

    Join the next Manifested Adventures trip!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • You’re subconscious mind is f*cking everything. My confidence and self love has never been better and I’m going to share exactly what I’m doing. In the episode I share how to completely transform your self-talk and claim the identity you want for yourself so your reality can catch up. I also share an announcement I haven’t shared anywhere else yet (and, hint hint, it has to do with my affirmation that I’m a great writer.) It’s time to rewire your subconscious beliefs and self talk.


    The mindset shift that will have you manifesting on a whole new level

    How to claim the identity of what you want so your reality can catch up.

    What your relationship with your inner child has to do with your ability to succeed at your goals.

    How to stop criticizing yourself and develop positive self talk.


    Open the floodgates of Abundance! Join our upcoming 3 day Cash Flow Training HERE!

    Get $100 off Sovereign Money - Join the waitlist and claim your discount HERE!

    The Skinny Confidential Him & Her with Dr. Susan David (mentioned in this episode)


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

  • Want to know the most powerful yet simple technique I use to get unstuck from any situation? I helped a client do this recently and I’m here to share the exact process we used (and I use all the time) to get unstuck in less than 60 seconds. It’s going to help you see your blindspots, how the challenge you’re facing is FOR you, and what you need to do to pivot. Use this process to tap into God consciousness, break free of your blocks, and reframe any situation.


    Three angles of how to reframe any situation in your life and get unstuck in less than 60 seconds!

    The mindset shift that will identify what to do to get unstuck.

    How to tap into God consciousness.

    The meditation to instantly tap into your inner wisdom.


    Open the floodgates to infinite abundance - Join the live 3 day Cash Flow training!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

  • If the vision of your future is foggy, lean in. I’m sharing the top reason you’re getting stressed and stuck when you’re manifesting your biggest life. All too often we go immediately from thinking of what we want to making negative assumptions about what it will take to get there. Those old stories of how hard it is to make the money, or build the dream - end here. Listen in for powerful questions that will unlock your greatest desires and techniques to claim them freely without fear or limitation. This episode is guaranteed to leave you feeling inspired and clear on how to magnetize everything your soul desires.


    What is actually going to make you sustainably wealthy.

    What to do when you catch yourself making negative assumptions about what it will take to reach your goals

    How to manifest EXACTLY what you want in the most ideal way possible.

    The simple practice to get clear on what you want (and how you want to receive it.)


    Open the floodgates to infinite abundance - Join the live 3 day Cash Flow training!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

  • How much more peace would you have in your life if you had a clear process to heal and take back your power from your triggers? Right before I recorded this episode I was triggered and was able to calm my nervous system, get to the root of my trigger, and take action from a calm and clear state. In this episode, I share my process to regulate your nervous system when you feel angry or anxious in a matter of minutes. Techniques that will get you to the root of your triggers so you can heal from what I call Calm Queen energy.


    Why fight or flight is the worst state to make decisions (or create) from.

    Practical tips to regulate your nervous system.

    My step by step process to heal triggers.

    How to bring awareness and identify the root causes of your triggers (beyond the surface.)

    Ways to problem solve from Calm Queen energy.

    How long it takes to regulate your nervous system.


    Get the 14 money beliefs, principles and practices that made me a millionaire (and will make you one too) - get the free e-book


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

  • Ready to manifest your dream life and feel good throughout the process? I’m sharing 4 things I’m doing right now that are proven to uplevel your life and make a profound impact on how you feel. I also share how to recognize when uncomfortable feelings are the “x” that marks the spot on what you need to heal and rise to your next level. Speaking of the next level, make sure to get my free e-book on the 14 money beliefs that made me a millionaire (and will make you one too). Get the e-book below!


    The #1 thing I prioritize to protect my mental health.

    Simple hacks to get better sleep (and how it impacts everything you do)

    How to weed out the “maybes” and only give energy to things that are a f*ck yes!

    How to create more space for the universe to deliver what is meant for you.


    Get the 14 money beliefs, principles and practices that made me a millionaire (and will make you one too) - get the free e-book


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Download transcript

  • Do you ever struggle with old stories and negative thought patterns popping up? I’m bringing back an episode from the vault, way back from 2018 that shares some powerful lessons that are relevant as ever. Brennan and I had just gotten back from a financial seminar with Tony Robbins. As I connected with the other extremely successful attendees (I’m talking billionaires..with a “b”), something I know to be true became apparent. No matter how successful you are in any area of your life - we all will have negative thoughts, fears, and limiting beliefs. If you’re ready to move forward and not allow those limiting beliefs to hold you back, this episode is for you!


    The #1 thing to focus on to get more of what you want

    How to Neutralize negative thoughts for good

    The power of embracing all emotions (and stop trying to resist any)

    Ways to manage energy and observe thoughts from a place of non-judgement


    Raise your financial frequency and manifest more money - get the FREE download!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Download Transcript

  • I can’t believe I’m sharing this - my most vulnerable episode yet! I'm going through one of my annual shamanic deaths where I'm feeling in between and uncertain and I’m sharing honest doubts and inner dialogue I’ve been having lately. If you're in that stuck feeling, you’re not alone and you’re also on the verge of a powerful breakthrough. You don’t want to miss the tools and strategies to go from stuck to rising to the next level, living your dream life you were always meant to live.


    The revenue amount I have felt stuck at for years and what I’m doing to break through it

    What is holding me back from taking action on the massive download I received in Bora Bora

    Conversations I’m having with God right now

    Honest doubts that have been popping up as I prepare for a launch

    What it actually FEELS like (and my own personal internal dialogue) being on the verge of a breakthrough


    Raise your financial frequency and manifest more money - get the FREE download!

    Join the Sovereign Money Waitlist HERE to Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth

    Hit the RESET Button - Heal manifestation burnout + get back to living the dream life you were meant to live with the Manifestation Reset!

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe podcast HERE!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Download Transcript

  • What if your manifestations fall short of the expectations of what you’re calling in? In this episode, I’m answering a question from a long-time follower and listener to the show that has manifested some incredible things. If your manifestations aren’t specifically what you’ve expected, there’s a lot you can learn from human design about whether you’re a specific or nonspecific manifester, and how it impacts the manifestation process. Listen in for ways to have more fun playing with your manifestations and not put so much pressure on yourself to get things perfect the first time.


    What your Human Design will teach you about how you specifically manifest.

    The one thing to focus on if you’re a nonspecific manifester.

    How to refine your manifestations and not put pressure on yourself to get it perfectly the first time.


    Join the Sovereign Money Waitlist HERE to Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth

    Get manifestation tips sent to your inbox HERE!

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe podcast HERE!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Download Transcript

  • Did you know there are certain numbers that can tell you about your life path? In this episode, you’re going to learn how to understand yourself on a whole new deeper level as I interview world renowned numerologist, astrologer, and international best selling author, Kaitlyn Kaerhart. We break down numerology in a way that is easy to understand and Kaitlyn even did a full numerology report for me. It was mind blowing how accurate it was! I’ve known about numerology for years and it just hasn’t hit the mainstream like astrology has. Well, no more gatekeeping, let’s dive into what your numbers can tell you about your relationships, business, and more.


    How numerology works and what it can tell you about your purpose.

    What numerology can tell you about your relationship compatibility.

    The 3 numbers you need to know to change your life.

    What personal year numbers are and breaking down what you’ll experience in each of them


    Find more resources on Kaitlyn’s website

    Order Kailtyn’s Book

    Join the Sovereign Money Waitlist HERE to Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth

    Get manifestation tips sent to your inbox HERE!

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe podcast HERE!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Kaitlyn: @kaerhart

    Download transcript

  • Ready to remove what’s blocking you from living your biggest, most aligned life? What dreams would you pursue? What decisions would you make differently? I have a really big decision I’ve been thinking about and as I was swimming in a lagoon with my son here in Bora Bora a download hit me that gave me so much clarity. What if I could delete fear from my life or from this decision that’s in front of me? Listen in to hear how to remove fear from the equation, get clear and honest with yourself about your true desires, and start taking aligned action towards what you really want, because you’re not here to play small.


    Vacationing with a toddler in Bora Bora.

    How to overcome fear and gain clarity on what you want without limits.

    Deleting fear to align actions with desires.


    Join the Sovereign Money Waitlist HERE to Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth

    Manifest your Holy F*ck Dream Life - Join The Manifestation Babe Academy Waitlist HERE

    Get manifestation tips sent to your inbox HERE!

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe podcast HERE!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Download the transcript

  • Ever feel like your future self is this perfect, unattainable version of you? In this episode, we’re answering a question from Courtney submitted about how discouraging it can be to chase this “better” perfect version of yourself. The good news is, your future self isn’t some idealized, radically different version of who you think you need to be - they're still authentically you, just living a life aligned with your desires. I’m sharing how to gain clarity on how to align with the most authentic version of you, because you were born to be successful.


    Why Perfectionism is actually the lowest frequency we can embody and keeps us stuck

    How to let go of unrealistic standards and embrace your authentic self

    Ways discovering your authentic self through tools like Human Design can help you achieve fulfillment and success on your own terms


    Manifest the Life of Your Dreams with Human Design - Get Your Blueprint!

    Join the Sovereign Money Waitlist HERE to Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth

    Manifest your Holy F*ck Dream Life - Join The Manifestation Babe Academy Waitlist HERE

    Get manifestation tips sent to your inbox HERE!

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe podcast HERE!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Download transcript

  • Get ready for a JUICY episode where I share all the details on the most edgy event I’ve ever been to! I’m fresh off of a recent feminine embodiment retreat and I’m sharing the entire experience and why I purposely seek out discomfort on a regular basis. Get ready for some raw and vulnerable stories about pushing way past my comfort zone with improv skits and sacred theater performances. I know it feels cringe, but trust me - facing your fears is the only way to radically expand your life.


    How your level of discomfort will mirror your level of growth

    One of the best (and fastest) ways to build confidence

    How to embrace vulnerability to experience true freedom

    How to identify and trust your intuition vs your fearful mind


    Join the Sovereign Money Waitlist HERE to Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth

    Manifest your Holy F*ck Dream Life - Join The Manifestation Babe Academy Waitlist HERE

    Get manifestation tips sent right to your inbox HERE

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe podcast HERE!

    Join the Unbound Retreat Waitlist HERE


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Alexandra Ninfo: @allieninfo

    Madelyn Moon: @madelynmoon

    Ashley Gordon: @thequantum.coach

    Download transcript

  • Ready to get clear on what you actually want and your next best step to get there?

    In this episode, I'll walk you through the powerful three step process I created to get super clear on what you want, who you need to become to have it, and the first steps to take to make it a reality. Plus, I also share a sneak peek into the event I just got home from that was SO uncomfortable, challenged me to face some of my deepest fears, and made me transform and transmute at the highest level.

    After listening to this episode, make sure to DO this 3 step process, because the more you wait the more the universe waits. I can’t wait to hear how your life transforms as you put this 3 step process into action.


    My proven 3 step process to manifest your dream life

    How to gain clarity on ways to step into your future self NOW

    Your next action step that will accelerate your growth


    Join the Sovereign Money waitlist HERE to Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth

    Manifest your Holy F*ck Dream Life - Join The Manifestation Babe Academy waitlist HERE

    Get manifestation tips sent to your inbox!

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe podcast HERE!


    Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

    Download Transcript

  • What if you started to see failure as a powerful tool for growth?

    In this episode, I’m sharing an interview I did recently as a guest on The Empowered Woman Podcast, hosted by one of my past MBA students, Marta Spirk (@martaspirk)!

    Together Marta and I dive deep into the steps of my manifestation process, balancing motherhood with business, the reframe that helped me overcome the fear of failing, and SO. MUCH. MORE!

    This was such a great interview, and I cannot wait for you to get in on all the juicy goodness that was covered in this episode!


    A detailed overview of my proven manifestation process

    How I found balance in my journey of becoming a mom

    Reframing failure for massive success


    The Empowered Woman Podcast hosted by Marta Spirk

    Have a question about manifestation you want me to answer?

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe Podcast HERE!

    Download Transcript HERE

  • Alright babe, I am BEYOND thrilled to be sharing this episode with you, featuring a VERY special guest whose work literally changed my life, and I just know will change yours too!

    I don’t say that lightly, either.

    Joining me in this episode of The Manifestation Babe Podcast is the Glucose Goddess (@glucosegoddess) herself, Jessie Inchauspé!

    If you’re on a journey to releasing excess weight, looking & feeling better than ever and aging in REVERSE, then this is one episode you won’t want to sleep on babe!


    The effects of having unchecked glucose spikes (and the science behind it)

    Jessie’s go-to hacks for balancing your glucose without giving up your favorite foods


    Learn more about Jessie’s groundbreaking work through her books, and check out her newly released, all natural supplement for balancing your glucose and improving long term health!

    Glucose Revolution where she shares her own story, the science behind her work and stories from others who have experienced her work as well

    Glucose Goddess Method which is a 4-week, 4-step plan with recipes included to help you get started on your journey to implementing what Jessie has discovered to transform your health and your life!

    Pre-order Anti-Spike, Jessie’s all natural supplement made of a proprietary blend of herbs that have been clinically proven to reduce blood sugar spikes and improve long term health.

    Have a question about manifestation you want me to answer?

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe Podcast HERE!

  • Alright babe, I’m about to let you in on the ULTIMATE algorithm hack!

    And no, I’m not talking about social media…although understanding this algorithm will create massive momentum in all of your endeavors! Online and otherwise ;)

    In this episode inspired by a session I had with my amazing coach, Andrea Crowder (@love_andreacrowder), I’m going to teach you how to hack the algorithm of the QUANTUM FIELD!

    Ready to tap into the realm of infinite possibility with me? Sit back, relax and push PLAY!


    How the “Quantum Field’s algorithm” knows what to put into your awareness

    How to program your algorithm to experience more of what you DO want and less of what you don’t


    Ready to rewire archaic money beliefs, expand your capacity to receive, and reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth?

    Enrollment to my brand new program, Sovereign Money is CLOSING SOON! Sign up now to lock in the Inaugural Special pricing HERE!!

    Have a question about manifestation you want me to answer?

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe Podcast HERE!

    Download the transcript

  • Are you wanting to manifest something in a specific time frame?

    There’s a lot of talk about timing in the manifestation world - and you may have heard the phrase “divine timing is always best”, but how do you release control over WHEN your desires unfold?

    And even further, how do you wrap your head around manifesting something within a certain time frame when it seems unrealistic logically?

    If you’ve ever wondered whether or not you should place intentions around time frames for your manifestations, you might be surprised (and maybe even RELIEVED) to hear my thoughts on this topic in this episode inspired by a question submitted by an incredible member of the Manifestation Babe Community!


    My favorite hack for releasing resistance and magnetizing your desires to you

    A peek into the process I teach inside my programs for building your belief in your desires being INEVITABLE


    Ready to rewire archaic money beliefs, expand your capacity to receive, and reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth?

    Enroll in my brand new money manifesting program, Sovereign Money, HERE!!

    Have a question about manifestation you want me to answer?

    Submit your question via voice note to be featured on the Manifestation Babe Podcast HERE!

    Download the transcript

  • Have you ever found yourself wondering how to maintain the “delusion” of your desires when your current experience of reality is opposing them?

    How do you hold the vibration of abundance when you’re experiencing scarcity?

    How do you hold the vibration of success when it’s nowhere in sight?

    How do you maintain faith in all of your biggest dreams manifesting when people around you think you’re crazy?

    That’s exactly what we’re getting into in this episode inspired by a question that was submitted from a gorgeous soul in the Manifestation Babe community!


    A simple perspective shift to strengthen your ability to transform your current reality

    My go-to strategy for creating separation between someone else’s perspective and my own


    Ready to rewire archaic money beliefs, expand your capacity to receive, and reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth? Join the Queen of Money Waitlist HERE.

    Start raising your financial frequency & manifest more money with my latest freebies:

    15 Questions to help you manifest more money

    14 Beliefs/Principles/Practices That Have Made Me a Millionaire