Partnering with the wisdom of your intuition is easier than you may think.
Our inner wisdom is always inviting us to go inward and seek the answers that already exist to all of life's questions. We just have to tune in, listen, and trust in the wisdom of our Higher Self.
The Information Age is actually helping to usher in a more Intuitive Age. We are overwhelmed by heaps of information and knowledge but what we are actually seeking now is wisdom.
Our intuition is, in fact, one of the most practical and useful tools we possess. It's time to take the more esoteric and woo woo aspect out of working with this incredible tool that has only one purpose - to point the way towards our path of true abundance and our highest good. -
Ranked in the top .5% of podcasts worldwide, the Embodied Podcast has been a trusted resource for nuanced, grounded, and inclusive wisdom for collective healing, joy, and liberation since 2015. Tap into your true purpose and power with Host Elizabeth DiAlto as she brings you the realness, always, with curiosity, humor, and her signature blend of fierce and mystical love. @elizabethdialto //
Earth Speak is helping you to be your own best connection to your intuition, spirit guides, Earth, and the divine. Episodes feature conversations with people, plants, nature spirits, and high-vibration places on Earth. For many episodes, we're giving EARTH the microphone with channeled messages from nature beings. Human guests share their approaches to standing in their power, working with spirits, deepening their connection with nature, and shamelessly embodying their true selves. Topics covered include deconditioning your mind, working with ancestors and nature spirits, folk herbalism, plant-spirit medicine, true self-care, shadow integration, what it means to be a modern witch, conscious co-creation, (wo)manifestation, intuitive business practices, and more. Check out our videos at
For over a century, the Gifford Lectures have enabled international scholars to contribute to the advancement of theological and philosophical thought. The Gifford Lectureships, which are held at the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and St. Andrews, were established under the will of Adam Lord Gifford, a Senator of the College of Justice, who died in 1887. The 2012 Edinburgh Gifford lectures is a series of six lectures delivered by Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, The University of Oxford.
Kabbalah as a universal wisdom that predates the Bible or religion, and can be studied by anyone regardless of their faith or path. Presenting the wisdom from a lineage of great kabbalists, The Kabbalah Centre and its teachers provide a course of study that describes the origin of Creation, the physical and spiritual laws of the universe, including human existence, and the journey of the soul. WEEKLY ENERGY BOOST is a 7-day forecast of each week’s spiritual essence, energy, opportunities, and potential challenges. Based upon kabbalistic writings, we’ll be sharing and discussing our favorite insights, teachings, tools and ͞prescriptions͟ for each unique window in time as it approaches. In addition, we’ll bring stories, concepts and strategies to assist you in elevating your approach to your own daily lives and the situations that you face. Listeners can write in with questions, topic suggestions, and discussion. We look forward to bringing you the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah in a relevant and useful way!
Exmormonology is a podcast created to help you work through your faith crisis out of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, AKA The Mormons. Leaving high demand religion is most likely one of the hardest things you will ever do and takes longer than you think it will.
My faith crisis began in 2006 and back in the day there was not a huge wonderful exmormon community that there is today. I felt very alone, especially as a woman. I did not see any women creating content that I needed at that time. So, once I got on my feet under me, after a free fall that seemed to last for a very long time, I decided to be a public face for other women who where struggling just like I was. In 2012 I started a YouTube channel, where my old videos still call home. In the early days I called myself Soul Searching Girl, on YouTube.
Exmormonology began in 2019.
I am a certified life coach and I have helped hundreds of transitioning mormons leaving the fold.
I hope this podcast helps you through your soul searching days. You are going to be okay. It is going to be hard and heartbreaking, but you will make it through. Use the coaching tools that I share here on the podcast to help you heal and move on from the church.
You are an amazingly brave wildflower and I am here to watch you find out just what you were made for. (I heart Barbie)
If you would like to work with me in a coaching relationship, reach out. I am still taking clients and I would love to help you. -
"Библия говорит!" - это серия кратких аудио и видео ответов пастора Алексея Коломийцева на наиболее актуальные вопросы веры, в различных ее аспектах. Библия это Божие откровение, проливающее свет на окружающий нас мир. Она помогает нам понимать его сущность и смысл, определяя наше правильное отношение к жизни. Надеемся, что программа "Библия говорит!" станет источником света и вдохновения для ее слушателей и зрителей.
Развивающие и обучающие лекции и семинары по релаксации, медитации, личностному и Духовному развитию известного экстрасенса, парапсихолога, биоэнеготерапевта Владимира Гуляева. На основе более чем 25 летнего опыта и практик разного направления.
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