
  • Price isn't the main reason why you keep hearing “I can't afford it.”. In this episode, we dive deep into this topic and talk about how to handle pricing objections with ease. If you have been selling your services, your products, your programs as a high expertise coach, consultant, you may have come across this very, very popular objection, which is “I can't afford it.”.

    Perhaps you have even decided to go ahead and discount and lower your prices and give people special offers deals. And yet, guess what, you're still hearing. “I can't afford it.” Today, I'm going to break down for you exactly why pricing objections happen, what you actually need to be focusing on instead. Plus strategies that will help you to get over this, especially if this is an area that you have been struggling with.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Pricing objections are not always real. We WILL find the money for the things that are the most valuable to us. The things that are the most important and the things that we prioritize.Your customer or your potential customer is thinking, “Is it worth it?”, “Can I do it?”, “Do I want to move forward?”, “Is this the right time?”. All of these thoughts and doubts are creeping up and it's being manifested in these words of “I can't afford it.”.It's a matter of figuring out how you can be resourceful, how can they be resourceful and coming to a place where the investment makes sense for both of you.When you come from that place of knowing what you deliver is top notch quality such that it is way more valuable than what you're asking people to invest with you, that is pretty magnetic.


    Their desire for your offer needs to be far greater than any fear, doubts, confusion that they're holding onto that is allowing them to stay where they currently are. [Tweet This]You have within your control a lot of different levers and mechanisms, strategies to help you overcome pricing objections. [Tweet This]Be confident that the value you're giving is equal to or more than the price that you are charging and the investment that you're asking for comes from that place of service. [Tweet This]Pricing objections are not always real. We WILL find the money for the things that are the most valuable to us. The things that are the most important and the things that we prioritize. [Tweet This]When you come from that place of knowing what you deliver is top notch quality such that it is way more valuable than what you're asking people to invest with you, that is pretty magnetic. [Tweet This]


    Why pricing objections are not always real [01:50]What you are selling is an opportunity [04:17]What to do when pricing objections come up and how to identify if it is really about the money or something else [05:11]How to validate their concerns [07:44]How to walk them through the resistance and find out if your offer is a fit for them [11:58]If you are still stuck, this may be the ONE last thing that may be triggering pricing objections [14:13]

    Bonus Resource:

    Turn “I Can’t Afford It.” Into “Sign Me Up!” - Overcome price objections to get more sales, more paying clients and turn those Nos into Yeses! Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • I wanted to share more about my story and how I want to be able to help serve you as you’re going to come along with me on this journey for the content that I have planned and the incredible guests who I am able to bring on this show for you as well.

    I never intended to have a career in sales. In fact, I always ran away from sales jobs for as long as I can possibly remember. I'm not a stranger to sales. I'm not a stranger to business and I'm not a stranger to entrepreneurship. In fact, my parents have been entrepreneurs ever since I was, I think ever since I was born. I don't remember anything else other than kind of growing up beside them as they ran their brick and mortar store. However, I found myself going from over 600 million in corporate sales to a 6-figure business.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    How I went from being a huge introvert who is also definitely shy of public speaking and doing everything related to crowds to ending up in a sales role.I've had a marriage and two kids and the white picket fence. Yes, I even had that and from the outside, everything looked perfect. What was happening on the inside though was very, very different. I was a victim of my own success.My breakdown lead to my breakthrough. This gave me the opportunity to share all of these big corporate strategies with small business owners, entrepreneurs, experts like you, and show you the exact behind-the-curtain steps that I have taken so many people through to create success in sales and allow you to master the sales game.


    Your breakdown will lead to your breakthrough. [Tweet This]Once you know the rules of selling, it really just is one big game and it's a matter of practicing and implementing and executing. [Tweet This]


    I never intended to have a career in sales and ran away from sales jobs for as long as I can possibly remember [01:02]I decided to embark on my own and try and do something that would allow me to live a life of freedom [02:44]I wasn’t good at the selling part. So I watched an informal mentor of mine till I was able to create and master a sales process that worked for me [03:34]How my breakdown lead to my breakthrough [04:46]

    Bonus Resource:

    5 Steps To Growing Your Abundant Sales Mindset - How to connect authentically with your audience so you can finally sell with more ease and less sleaze. Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • Manglende episoder?

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  • Introverts can sell just as well, if not better than extroverts. After having worked with hundreds if not thousands and thousands of sales professionals back in corporate, what I know to be true is that regardless of your background, experience, age, ethnicity, gender, it really doesn't matter. Introverts have just as much capacity to be able to sell extremely well as extroverts do, if not better.

    Too often what we think of is that extroverts, the ones who have the big personality, who just seem to have that charismatic nature that draws people to them.

    Introverts can do extremely well in a sales career, in selling in their business and making those sales, especially premium programs or services, is because of their ability to be able to connect in a very unique way.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Contrary to popular belief, introverts have just as much capacity to be able to sell extremely well as extroverts do.You hanging in the background during a networking event, observing, listening and figuring who's going to be the best person for you to connect with, is the exact same strategy that you can apply to selling in your business.You can structure your business model and set up in a way that allows you to actually shine in your personality as an introvert.In selling, your job is to lead the conversation using high quality questions and responding appropriately. This takes a lot of active listening and this is a skill that introverts excel in because of the nature of our personalities.


    Your ability to connect deeply actually works in your benefit, especially if you're working one-on-one with your clients. [Tweet This]Sales is an activity of listening. Your job is to lead the conversation using high quality questions, actively listening and responding appropriately. [Tweet This]Even if you are an introvert, you have the ability to sell. Sales is a skill that anyone can learn. [Tweet This]You hanging in the background during a networking event, observing, listening and figuring who's going to be the best person for you to connect with, is the exact same strategy that you can apply to selling in your business. [Tweet This]You can structure your business model and set up in a way that allows you to actually shine in your personality as an introvert. [Tweet This]


    Why introverts can do extremely well in sales [01:25]Why your hanging out in the background at networking events is the exact strategy you can apply to selling in your business [02:16]How my client, who is both introverted and shy, figured out a way to sell that worked extremely well for her [05:17]The TWO critical pieces you need to manage your energy when selling [09:41]Why sales is really an activity of active listening and how this works really well for you as an introvert [12:45]

    Bonus Resource:

    5 Steps To Growing Your Abundant Sales Mindset - How to connect authentically with your audience so you can finally sell with more ease and less sleaze. Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • I created six-figures in six months, going from the zero list zero audience, zero connections, literally zero everything. In this episode, I'm going to dive into the details of the exact steps I took initially to start my online business, even though I had no Facebook profile before April 2016. I had no plan or intention to actually achieve this milestone. In fact, I was perfectly happy in my corporate career until the point where I could no longer physically do the job and had a breakdown. Here’s how I did it.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    If you are struggling with clarity, you may be overlooking something that's right there in front of you.Start by creating content talking about the specific pain points around the problem that you solve for your audience.If you spend time, you may find more results, but that's not always the case and it's really about creating those connections. Now from there, so you're engaging these conversations, you're commenting, you're helping, you're answering questions that are in your wheelhouse.My calendar blew up I was giving so much value, not only through the posts that I had already built up credibility and expertise in the other communities, but in asking people what they wanted and asking people how I could help serve them. And then delivering upon that with the trainings that I was creating inside my own Facebook community. As a result, people felt heard and validated, understood. And more importantly, they felt connected to me.It only took me 20 and a half years to get to six-figures because everything that I learned through my career enabled me to take those shortcuts when I finally put it into practice in my business.


    The better you can get at getting clear on who you help and what you do for them, the easier the rest of it comes along and the more that you can get into flow. [Tweet This]Take the time to engage in conversations and be helpful. Serve people and help them, then building your business is the byproduct of the way that you are serving. [Tweet This]You can build a business generating four, five, even six-figures by keeping things extremely simple. [Tweet This]Start by creating content talking about the specific pain points around the problem that you solve for your audience. [Tweet This]If you spend time, you may find more results, but that's not always the case and it's really about creating those connections. Now from there, so you're engaging these conversations, you're commenting, you're helping, you're answering questions that are in your wheelhouse. [Tweet This]


    How I started my business by accident, with ZERO social media presence [01:46]What to do when you are struggling with getting clarity in your business [04:13]Organic marketing strategies I used to grow my business in the beginning [06:54]How I grew my Facebook community and booked out my calendar [08:50]Why I set up virtual coffee dates to connect one-on-one with the people in my community and how to do it in a non-sleazy way [15:27]

    Bonus Resource:

    6-Figure Blueprint: Finally Say “I’m Fully Booked” - With this mind map, learn the 3 simple proven ways to get calls booked so you can generate clients on demand! Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • After helping other sales professionals sell over 600 million through my sales career, I’ve learnt that it's very different selling products and services for somebody else on behalf of another person or another company, another brand versus having to sell yourself. If you are somebody who is struggling to sell in your business, perhaps it’s because you're serving, serving, serving and you don't know how to transition that into selling. Serving is selling. On this episode, I’ll teach you how to articulate and understand when to shift that dynamic from giving something for free into giving your audience an opportunity to work with you and, most importantly, pay you.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Selling requires money. The transformation is in the transaction. And without a transaction there really isn't a transformation.When you have paid for something, it means that you have put your money where your mouth is. The money you spent have been put towards something that is meaningful to you. And when something is meaningful, you are much more likely to pay attention to it.If you are currently serving somebody and you are not giving them an opportunity to work with you, you are being completely selfish.Allow people to have the full ability to choose whether or not they want to partake of the full depth of your gift.In order to sell with ease, you need to have very clear boundaries. You need to have very clear ideas of where you are willing to do things and where you aren’t.


    There is one constant and that one constant is that serving others is always the golden ticket. [Tweet This]Selling requires money and the transformation is in the transaction. [Tweet This]Serving is selling. By selling you are ultimately creating better results, not only for yourself, but also your customers. [Tweet This]In order to sell with ease, you need to have very clear boundaries. You need to have very clear ideas of where you are willing to do things and where you aren’t. [Tweet This]When you have paid for something, it means that you have put your money where your mouth is. The money you spent have been put towards something that is meaningful to you. And when something is meaningful, you are much more likely to pay attention to it. [Tweet This]


    The one constant in sales is that serving others is always the GOLDEN TICKET [01:25]Why it feels awkward to transition from giving something for free into giving your audience an opportunity to pay you, and what to do about it [02:26]Changing your mindset around money conversations and why we become more committed when we have invested our money into the game [03:15]Why you are doing a disservice to your audience when you keep giving your stuff away for free without selling [05:16]How to set clear boundaries so you can sell with ease [06:03]An exercise to get clear on what you would be willing to do for free and what do you want to do that requires you to get paid for [06:44]How to seamlessly transition from serving into selling without feeling awkward [08:49]How to come up with a price point that feels good to you [09:46]Transaction = commitment [12:00]

    Bonus Resource:

    5 Steps To Growing Your Abundant Sales Mindset - How to connect authentically with your audience so you can finally sell with more ease and less sleaze. Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • Have you ever been on a sales call, a sales conversation, in a sales meeting or presentation and you hear the dreaded, I can't afford it? Or even worse, they ask you up front for any discounts, price reductions, ways that they could get your services for cheaper. In this episode, we're going to be diving in deep around discounts and why I don't believe that you need to discount your prices or your services or programs or products in order to be able to get the deal. And what you can do instead so that you can sell with ease.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    The number one issue that you're facing if you find yourself giving lots of discounts in your business today, is that you have a positioning problem, NOT a pricing problem.You need to find customers and potential customers that have an urgent need where your service provides the exact solution that they're looking for right now.That magic combination of your own confidence, the value in what it is that you deliver, as well as the perfect prospect who understands what it is that you're providing to them and is willing to pay. When you have that magical trio, you are able to sell confidently and easily and hear those yeses consistently without having to discount is a very real factor of the sales process.


    When people are asking for discounts, you have a positioning problem, not a pricing problem. [Tweet This]Find customers and potential customers that have an urgent need where your service provides the exact solution that they're looking for RIGHT NOW. [Tweet This]You need to be able to engage as the leader in the conversation to be able to say, here's what it looks like to work with me and to exert your expertise right from the get go. [Tweet This]


    Why you do not want to position yourself as the discount service provider [01:38]The problem you have is NOT a pricing problem. There is nothing wrong with your price! [02:50]How to position yourself as a high-level expert with the right price to match [04:32]How to get clear on the value you provide and get people to buy at all costs [05:35]How to identify your client’s TOP NEED [06:41]What to do when others are challenging you on your price [12:13]Stepping up and showing your sales leadership [12:58]

    Bonus Resource:

    Turn “I Can’t Afford It.” Into “Sign Me Up!” - Overcome price objections to get more sales, more paying clients and turn those Nos into Yeses! Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • Have you ever had a sales conversation and you're wondering why the heck aren’t they actually just going ahead and saying yes when you know that you can in fact help them. You're getting frustrated and struggling because you don't know what you're missing in your sales process to actually help them to go over that finish line, to cross the line to finally saying yes. Instead of being on the fence, or worse yet, you know that you can help them, but they don't see how.

    In this episode, we're talking all about the top three reasons why buyers actually say no and don't buy the thing that actually could help solve their problem and get them the solution that they're desperately seeking (which is you!) and how you can actually get them to say yes instead.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    When you have that kind of magic secret sauce for your true ideal clients, it is really going to be magnetic. It is something where they’d go, “I want that. Gosh, I didn't even realize that that was something that I'd been looking for, but I desperately need and I want it.”Your customers have to trust that you have a high level of expertise and credibility around being able to do what it is that can actually help them the most.Understand the critical piece of tapping into all of our emotions on why we can't do something and inviting them to think about a different opportunity, inviting them to consider a different option to what they think is the solution. The more open you can be in that conversation, the quicker you can invite them into that opportunity.


    The most critical factor is that they trust that what you say is actually true. They trust that you have a high level of expertise and credibility around being able to help them the most. [Tweet This]Actually you get fabulous results. You just downplayed it because you're so used to getting that level of result with the people you serve, that you don't even realize how wonderful it is. [Tweet This] The more you can make them feel like you're speaking to them, that this is exactly what they need, this is exactly the time for them to do this, the easier it is going to be for them to SAY YES. [Tweet This]


    This is the most critical thing you need to have beyond the know, like and trust factor. [02:41]How we rationalize our purchases. [03:06]Having the confidence in knowing that what you do will work for your clients and how you may be downplaying the results you get for them. [04:15]Pay attention to this if you're selling high ticket, higher priced programs, services done for you services where there's a high level of expertise that is required. [07:10]Quick recap on the top three reasons why buyers say no [11:02]

    Bonus Resource:

    Turn “I Can’t Afford It.” Into “Sign Me Up!” - Overcome price objections to get more sales, more paying clients and turn those Nos into Yeses! Grab your free copy now.

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    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • If you are here today, it is because you are the top 1% or you see yourself as the top 1% regardless of what is going on for you currently. You are here because you want to hear the top secrets of what the best sellers do consistently.

    This episode is going to blow your mind and maybe even surprise you about what it actually takes in order to be really, really good at selling. I’ll dive in to the three main things that I have found in over 20 years in selling, managing and meeting high performing sales people. And then now working with superstar clients who have to sell in their business or have sales team members selling in their business.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    You are the face of your brand and your business. How you demonstrate the first point of contact with your potential customers is how they think about you through everything.You are trying to overcomplicate what you're doing today in your sales process and your sales strategies, when it is actually really simple!Prepare and practice, listen, and have integrity.


    It is doing the 1% consistently all the time, focusing on ONLY the key critical things that actually make the difference, move the needle and make an impact. [Tweet This] All great sellers, the best of the best. This is what they do consistently. They spend 80% of their time getting ready for the deals. [Tweet This]The best salespeople ask the best questions, which then allows them to spend most of their time in conversations listening. [Tweet This]


    Why it is about doing the 1% consistently all the time [02:30]Simplifying the sales process. It’s really not complicated at all! [03:46]The very first thing that every single fabulous salesperson does. [05:25]Why the best salespeople don’t do most of the talking and what they actually do instead. [08:40]Evaluate how often in your conversations where you are speaking and actively listening to your potential customers. [11:39]Learning to say no and turning down potential customers who are not a right fit. [12:52]How to focus on the long-term game to become a great salesperson [14:18]

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • What if I don't have a sales process? I have no idea what it is that I am doing when I'm selling. Even if I am making sales, I don't actually know where they're coming from. I have no idea how people find me. I really don't have a system. I don't have a process...

    If you’ve been wondering about these things, this episode is for you. We’ll talk about mastering the seven critical steps of your sales process, so you can stop throwing spaghetti against the wall and having to recreate things constantly. And you finally enjoy the things that you uniquely are created to do, in your business!

    Biggest Takeaways:

    You need to have enough lead generation or live prospects that you are actually moving through to the next stage because people are going to be engaging with you at all stages of the sales process.It's your business. You get to choose, you get to choose who you work with. You get to choose who you say yes to. And more importantly, that invites the clients who are the perfect fit.The fortune is in the followup and on average most folks are actually not buying until the fifth to eighth touch point. If you are not doing a ton of marketing, chances are sales process are the touch points that you're having with your customer. And if this is the only way that you're engaging with your audience, then you're going to talk to them more often and this can be done through your follow up.


    Too often people are focusing on leads, leads, leads, but any good sales person worth their salt will tell you that it's the quality of the leads that matter. [Tweet This] You get to choose who you say yes to. And more importantly, that invites the perfect fit clients for you. [Tweet This]By making more invitations at the end of conversation where you feel confident that this person is a yes for you and you are a yes for them. You are going to double your sales every single time. [Tweet This]


    The seven steps of the sales process so that you can identify what you're doing right and start closing the gaps. [02:21]How to get people to identify themselves as prospects in your business. [04:11]Prequalifying your leads and the main thing that you need to focus on. [06:57]You always get to choose and it is important that you choose a client that is the right fit for you. [09:45]How to get clear on how you help your clients and help them understand that perfectly. [12:57]How to present your offer and ensure you don’t get ghosted after. [15:51]How to handle objections with ease. [21:58]Closing the sale effectively. [24:36]Fortune is in the follow up. [29:19]

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    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • How does self-care even relate to our business? In this episode, I share the 5 key benefits when you focus on you in your business. We’re going to dive deep into this really short but really impactful conversation. Too often we're focused so much on strategy, which is important. Don't get me wrong because I'm all about strategic thinking and strategy and tactics, but I think we do ourselves a disservice, especially as business owners and leaders when we fail to recognize that we are human beings too.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    When you are consistently and constantly taking care of others, and getting burnt out, you're no use to anybody because you're not giving your highest self.When you're pulled in a million directions, when you don't have the time and the energy and just the space, the margin to be able to sit and breathe, have a cup of tea, just ponder and think, and really just allow yourself time to just be, it is much harder to make decisions.The best leaders take care of themselves. The best leaders do take the time to put their oxygen mask on because without it, they can't lead.


    Self-care is the biggest gift that you can give to yourself in order to help you to generate better results and make more impact the people that you are called to serve. [Tweet This] Leaders come from a place of abundance, clarity and focus because they're looking at the 30,000 foot level and all of the things that are going on. [Tweet This]If you have faith in your ability to stand firm in your leadership to do what's required of you first and then you serve the people that you need to serve, the results will show up. [Tweet This]


    How to instantly shift into a less stressed state [05:03]How to focus and remove distractions by saying “No.” to things that don’t serve you [08:55]Why the best leaders take care of themselves [10:30]

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    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • How do you actually sell higher priced programs and offers and services? In this episode, we discuss about the different ways that you can sell between transactional selling versus consultative selling and why the consultative selling approach is the best and easiest way to sell.

    Too often, what I see is that most people use transactional selling. Transactional selling is essentially where there's not a lot of advice or information that is provided to your customer or buyer. They're simply coming in, paying for the service or the product. And that's it. There's not a lot of differentiation between what it is that you offer versus your competitors or alternatives

    If you are a service provider, you’d want to sell more in a consultative selling process. This means that you take the role of a trusted advisor and you’re the expert in the transaction. You're acting in an expert capacity to help your customers understand exactly how they can get the solution that they're seeking because you under, you've taken the time to really understand the problem, which ultimately gets you the sale.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Consultative selling means you take on the role of a trusted advisor, you are the expert in the transaction.In a consultative sales process, you are standing in your position of authority and expertise. You are speaking with your potential customer to find out if they are a perfect match for your offer.Your customers will get overwhelmed by too many options, so keep things to one to three options and keep things simple.With a consultative selling approach, you won’t ever feel like you are selling because in essence, you are not selling, you are simple recommending because you are acting in an expert capacity to help your customers understand exactly how they can get the solution they are seeking.


    In your consultative sales process, make things as simple as possible. Encourage your customers to really think through what would a yes look like versus what would a no look like. [Tweet This] If they are the right people, they will come back. If not, they will send you the right people because they already have the respect for how you sell with integrity and understand exactly how you help people. [Tweet This]You can’t help everyone. Your unique zone of genius, the way that you help is unique to you and unique to the people your serve. [Tweet This]


    Transactional selling vs. Consultative selling [01:15]What goes down in a consultative sales process and how you can apply it to your business as a service provider [04:18]How to keep things simple and not overwhelm your buyer [07:23]Do this ONE thing that gets you mad respect from your customers and have them refer other customers to you even if they didn’t sign up to work with you [09:17]Three simple steps of the consultative sales process [11:48]How to set yourself apart from everyone else offering similar services [13:57]

    Bonus Resource:

    6-Figure Blueprint: Finally Say “I’m Fully Booked” - With this mind map, learn the 3 simple proven ways to get calls booked so you can generate clients on demand! Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • The very first thing that most of my clients come to me with struggling with is pricing. If you're a freelancer or a consultant or a coach and you are working off of the trading time for money model, you need to stop, because it’s the fastest road to burn out.

    Too often, what I see is high level experts like you who want to help more people, but you are caught in this whole hamster race of trading hours for dollars and hours for dollars.

    In this episode, I’m going to discuss value based selling in order to help you to charge more with your high ticket services and offers.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Value based selling is based on an outcome or a result where the value of the item is very, very high.If something is easy for you as the expert, chances are you're taking less time to do it. You’ve already honed your craft, you’ve already learnt from the mistakes. What would take your client five hours to do, you can accomplish in an hour. So in fact, with you charging by the hour, you're actually doing yourself a disservice.Your customers are willing to pay a lot in order to get the solution and to shorten their timeline, especially if it's something that maybe they have been working on or dealing with their entire life.


    When you actually are able to sell the value of the transformation, outcome and results regardless of what area of expertise that you have, it's a game changer. [Tweet This] When you're able to articulate the value of the transformation, the results you provide and not focusing on trading time for dollars, it's much easier for your customers to say yes. [Tweet This] In value based selling, you are selling based on the transformation based on the outcome and result. As a result, the price tag is indicative of that total transformation. [Tweet This]


    What exactly is value based selling and how you can charge higher rates for the subject matter you’re an expert in [03:39]Why you are doing yourself a disservice by charging by the hour [05:00]Why clients are willing to pay high ticket prices [07:30]The KEY to value based selling and how to clearly explain the value you provide [09:54]Why charging by the hour will burn you out and how to flip that around [13:32]How to create a value based package [14:58]

    Bonus Resource:

    6-Figure Blueprint: Finally Say “I’m Fully Booked” - With this mind map, learn the 3 simple proven ways to get calls booked so you can generate clients on demand! Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • If you have ever thought that closing the sale is the end all be all to your sales and your sales process, I'm going to debunk that myth on today's episode. People are focused on how do I close, how do I close, how do I close. Maybe you've even heard The ABC of sales - Always Be Closing. However, I very much believe that it really should be ABS - Always Be Serving, instead of ABC.

    In this episode, we're talking all about why opening the sale is the most important part of the sales process and why it will bring you even more sales in the long-term.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Selling is the opportunity for you to provide your service, programs, products and solution as a way for your customers to get the help that they need.The front end part of your sales process, which is the opening, is a combination of your preparation as well as setting the stage and building rapport, making the connection with your ideal customers.Set yourself and your potential customer up for success by having very clear expectations for what the sales conversation is supposed to look like based on what you want.People buy from those that they know, like and trust. They may know you and trust that you have the expertise, but if they don’t like you very much, especially when you’re working with them at a high level, high touch type of service, then there would be a huge disconnect.


    Selling is serving and when you sell really well, then you’re serving at the same time. When people have a problem you can solve, they’re naturally going to continue to ask how to work with you. [Tweet This]You get to choose who you work with and if you don’t like them, you can say no. [Tweet This] Nobody wants to be pushed through with their credit card. They want to know that they matter even if they don’t end up working with you. [Tweet This]


    Why opening the sale is the most important part of the sales process. [01:22]The key things you need to prepare for sales calls (it’s actually pretty simple!) [05:01]How to set the stage in your sales conversations and have the confidence to set your expectations upfront. [07:20]How to create rapport and set the tone for the relationship that you’re going to have with your customers right from the get go. [10:57]Why selling with integrity helps you create powerful word of mouth marketing for your business, even from people who may never buy from you. [17:39]

    Bonus Resource:

    Turn “I Can’t Afford It.” Into “Sign Me Up!” - Overcome price objections to get more sales, more paying clients and turn those Nos into Yeses! Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • If you've been listening to other episodes, you know that I really do believe that selling and sales can actually be fun, easy and exciting. I never thought in a million years that I would ever feel this way, because when I first started to sell, I dreaded it. I hated it. I ran away from it. So if you're anything like me, you want to stay tuned because we're diving in deep about five key things that I believe that you need to have in place in order to make sure that your sales mindset game is on point.

    In this episode, we're talking all about sales mindset and exactly what it is that you need in order to be able to win at this game of sales. Now, sales strategies are important. Don't get me wrong. But they're only really about 20% of your ultimate success. The other 80% probably even more than that is really all what goes on inside your head. It's inside your heart and inside of you.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Selling is not about lying. If you're trying to convince people, it typically means you don't believe in the product or service that you're trying to sell.I always like to take the shortcut. I always like to take the proven path from somebody else that has already walked the path ahead of me.When we do the right thing by the people that we're serving, we actually end up winning even more. And in order to do that, sometimes you have to turn down a sale.


    Really understand what it is and what it takes for you to be confident in your own abilities to produce the results and transformation that you're promising to your customers. [Tweet This]Continue to move forward knowing that your success is inevitable, assuming that that is the case and expecting it. [Tweet This]Find someone to serve every single day and serve the heck out of them. [Tweet This]


    What you need to do to be confident in your sales [02:17]There is always enough to go around, even in a highly competitive market [07:16]The sales mindset you need to master so that your success is inevitable [14:30]Don’t take things personally in sales, especially around the “Nos” [18:10]Why you need to keep on serving and why you may need to turn down sales in order to win [21:23]

    Bonus Resource:

    Turn “I Can’t Afford It.” Into “Sign Me Up!” - Overcome price objections to get more sales, more paying clients and turn those Nos into Yeses! Grab your free copy now.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • If you are struggling to sell, perhaps you're over complicating things. I know that it happens for a lot of my clients. You're making things harder than they need to be.

    In today's episode, I’m breaking down super simply, the two critical pieces that you actually need to have in place regardless of whether you're selling a product or service.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    It really doesn't matter what you're selling. You need something to sell and you need somebody to buy it and that's it.You can't simply just build it and hope that they will come. Because even if you have a buyer, if you are not clear, they are not going to buy just simply because you've made the offer or you have it available.You need to have the offer, but you also need to make sure that your messaging, your marketing, your positioning, how you've described it or you're explaining that in your communication really makes sense for your buyer.


    Don't go for clever. Go for clear. Because if you are clear, it's much easier for people to know what they're buying. [Tweet This]When it comes to your offer, it's about the transformation. It’s about what is the end result and what is the benefit of the benefit. [Tweet This]Do you have enough buyers such that your metrics will provide the results that you need to see in your business? [Tweet This]


    The TWO critical pieces you need in order to sell [02:23]The most important thing you need to keep in mind when you are creating your offer [05:11]How to communicate the transformation, the end result of what you’re selling to your buyers [07:02]How to identify which of the two critical pieces you are missing right now [09:00]How I started making sales after tweaked my offer based on what my community wanted [12:25]How to do an audit of your current offer and how to tweak it to get more sales [15:25]

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • Lead generation is very much part of your sales process and if you missed Episode 10, go back and listen to it where I walk you through all seven steps in the sales process.

    In this episode, we’re talking about why lead generation is a huge part of your sales process and how important it is when you're trying to get more sales, help more customers and make more money and impact.

    It’s so important that your prospecting activities are part of your sales process. And you don't lose sight of how important it is that you take action on your sales and marketing activities as consistently as you possibly can.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Lead generation and prospecting, they are one in the same, as it both relates to your sales process. The reason for that is because the mechanism of creating leads is really designed to help you to prospect.If you're talking to people who aren't ready to say yes, and until you up the quality, you're going to consistently hear more nos than yeses.Do your lead generation activities consistently day in and day out every single day, maximizing your time on one, two or three different types of prospecting activities from high quality sources where your dream clients are hanging out at.


    If you don't have enough leads coming in to the front end of your sales pipeline, then you don't have enough people that are walking through the next stages of your sales process. [Tweet This]Never underestimate what you've actually learned through experience without being “certified” or having gone to school for it. [Tweet This]


    Why it is important to have enough leads coming through the door [01:43]Sales and marketing activities need to go hand in hand, in order for both to work effectively [05:27]The quality of your leads matter and where to find your dream clients [09:50]What your lead generation activities need to look like in order to get more sales [17:48]How I started to tighten up and automate my lead qualification process [21:25]

    Bonus Resource:

    Episode 10: Mastering The 7 Critical Steps Of Your Sales Process - mastering the seven critical steps of your sales process, so you can stop throwing spaghetti against the wall and having to recreate things constantly. And you finally enjoy the things that you uniquely are created to do, in your business!

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • If you are selling a service or program that is higher priced, where there's high touch involved, a high level of expertise, perhaps even a one-on-one, workshop or mastermind where you need to have some kind of conversation with the people that are going to buy from you. This episode will be perfect as we’re going to dive in deep in to the three biggest reasons why your high-ticket sales aren't going to happen.

    Sometimes we overthink and get so caught up in our own stories that we miss sight of the fact that fundamentally, regardless of what we're selling, whether it's a product or service, but especially the higher the ticket price, the more that's on the line, not just for you, but ultimately for your potential customers.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    If you're talking to customers that you really, really do want to work with and yet they still keep saying no, there's still that's keeping them on the fence or you're getting frustrated.Identify if there’s something about your offer that has been poorly explained that needs more communication, more explanation or clarification in order to make sure that it really does meet the needs of your ideal customer.The more you can empathize with your potential customers, the more you can set their minds at ease. You can use past customer successes and testimonials, as well as examples from your own life and from the people around you, to let them know that they are not alone.


    It’s all about you and your authority. Building your credibility, your social proof in terms of your background, your experience, your expertise and how you show up as an expert. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/6N5b6)You need to ensure your clients have the faith and courage within them to grab your hand and say, yes, I'm ready for this right now. Identify what's getting in the way for them and address it. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/IJbwN)There's a way for you to be able to succeed and win in your business regardless of your personality type, your gender or background and what you've been taught before. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/wfQ9a)


    How to build your authority and credibility [03:50]How to tweak your offer so that it fits your customer perfectly [06:56]What to do when your potential clients are unsure of themselves and how to address it so they can confidently sign up with you [10:53]

    Bonus Resource:

    Turn “I Can’t Afford It.” Into “Sign Me Up!” - Overcome price objections to get more sales, more paying clients and turn those Nos into Yeses! Grab your free copy now!

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • If you’re trying to sell higher priced premium services, products and programs, and you have heard not to give stuff away for free. On the flip side you're wondering, gosh, I gave away so much stuff for free, why would somebody want to pay me?!

    This episode is going to blow your mind a little bit about why I believe that free is NOT the problem and how you can actually leverage those free offers, consults or sessions that you're giving away so that it actually help you boost your sales in a very smart and simple way.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    While 99% of the stuff that you give away free can be your best stuff, the structure, organization and implementation of it can’t be done for free.You need to make sure that your free offer directly complements your paid offer. This means that your paid offer is the logical next step up from your free offer.When there is direct alignment and a direct connection in your offers, you are going to see an instant boost in your sales. You are going to see more leads coming through the door, more people reaching out to you and booking appointments on your calendar or starting to buy the next service. And if they're not, it means that there's a gap. Check out Episode 18: The 3 Things That Stop You From Closing High-Ticket Sales to learn more about the 3 things you need to have in place to close high-ticket sales.


    Is your free offer irresistible? Does it immediately speak to your ideal customer’s needs and help them where they are at? And is the next step something you can help them with your paid offer? [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ec/9xmaC)If you have a purpose to serve and the heart, it really doesn’t matter how much you give them. At the end, people will still find a way to repay you, monetarily or otherwise. #lawofreciprocity [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/70Db4)When you give away stuff for free, make sure it actually does what you need it to do as a business owner. It’s not just a matter of giving, giving and giving. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/M6aDQ)


    How to differentiate from free offers and paid offers [05:08]How to create your free offers where you are not giving away the farm, yet delivering great value [08:32]What you can do to ensure your paid offer is the next logical step up from your free offer [12:25]

    Bonus Resource:

    Episode 18: The 3 Things That Stop You From Closing High-Ticket Sales - Dive deep into the 3 biggest reasons why your high-ticket sales aren't going to happen. In this episode, I’ll teach you how to build your authority and credibility, how to tweak your offer so that it fits your customer perfectly and what to do when your potential clients are unsure of themselves and how to address it so they can confidently sign up with you.

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • Now if you have ever heard I can't afford it, I need to think about it. I need to consult with my business partner, my spouse, my best friend, the Oracle, the stars, the heavens, you name it. I'm sure you've heard it, especially when it comes to selling your professional services, your expertise in your business. Who has not heard those dreaded objections?

    Today we’re talking all about how to overcome the biggest objections that you hear time and time again that are stopping you from being able to help. So that you can ultimately get more comfortable with your sales conversations.

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Preparation is very much a critical piece of your overall success. However, there's such a thing as being prepared and then waiting for an objection to happen. I don't want you to do that because if you are expecting an objection, guess what's going to happen You're going to lead the questions in such a way and it is automatically going to create an objection.Objections are normal!Make sure that you actually take the time to listen and that you don't ask more and more questions without leaving space for them. Respond accordingly because more than likely the information that's being shared is something that you didn't even know you didn't even uncover earlier on in the conversation because you didn't ask the right questions.


    The no actually becomes no because you have made it so. You have ultimate control and power over whether or not the conversation is going to continue. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/wJdIb)Sales is leadership. Be a leader. Allow them to understand the choices that they're making and empowering them with. Ultimately the choice is theirs. #salesconversations #salesstrategy [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/EL1ys)Overcoming sales objections is about understanding what's in their mind, what's actually going on. And how you can help and make sure they understand that there may be different options out there. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/hfCm0)


    How to be prepared for objections [01:22]Why objections are perfectly normal [03:02]The magic phrase that is going to get your potential clients to actually give you the real reasons why they are saying no right now, so you can continue the conversation, instead of ending it for good. [04:34]Why their “No” may not even be a real “No” and how to pick up the conversation again [08:16]What happened when a potential client who said No to me and ended up referring someone else who said Yes! [12:27]

    Bonus Resource:

    Turn “I Can’t Afford It.” Into “Sign Me Up!” - Overcome price objections to get more sales, more paying clients and turn those Nos into Yeses! Grab your free copy now. (link to: https://www.susanmcvea.com/work-with-me/freebiescomingsoon/pricing-objection-freebie/)

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    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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  • Today, we are talking about the top 3 sales trends, my predictions for 2020. I’m super excited to share this episode with you. If you've been around me for awhile, these might not be super surprising, but they still may be unexpected and also great reminders for all of us no matter where we are in our business.

    Stick around for this episode because it is all about the differentiators. Here are my top 3 sales trends that will set you up for success in 2020 and dare I say, even in the coming decade ;)

    Biggest Takeaways:

    Don't hide behind a brand or your voice or your image or your ego or the stuff that you create. You are the one that matters.Stories resonate more emotionally with us and it's something that we remember. That is the power of being human and our stories are how we connect to one another.Think about what can you automate that will help you to increase relationship currency.


    Share your story, share the stories of your customers, of the people that you represent, the people you work with, the people you want to work with. We relate to each other by stories. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/U9W7q)When people are happy with what you've done, they share and want other people to experience the same thing that they have. You’ll create an army of ambassadors for your own business. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/T09ee)Don't lose sight of the fact that there is a human being on the other end of the transaction, of the interaction. [Tweet This] (link to: https://ctt.ac/UbfbC)


    Be human in your business and how to share that humanness with your audience [03:21]How to create personal connections with your customers to constantly entertain and delight them so they keep coming back [07:38]How to use automations strategically to personalize and deepen your relationships with your audience, so that you are not getting exhausted with having to do everything [12:41]Why automations allow you to scale your business with intention and frees up more time for you to focus on the things that matter [16:40]

    Bonus Resource:

    5 Steps To Growing Your Abundant Sales Mindset - How to connect authentically with your audience so you can finally sell with more ease and less sleaze. Grab your free copy now. (link to: https://www.susanmcvea.com/work-with-me/freebiescomingsoon/abundance/)

    Send me your burning questions:

    Send me your questions and I will profile you here on an upcoming show.

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