
  • We know Otitis Externa is caused by more than just bacteria and fungi, but It’s summertime and visits into the clinic for swimmer's ears are in full effect. So, let’s get you prepared with the most common presentation. Stay tuned.


    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    A 7 year old boy that’s been doing lot’s of swimming at his grandma’s house comes into the clinic with the complaint of right ear pain. No fever, no preceding symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, otherwise doing great. 


    Your child’s ear canal is red, swollen and full of white discharge. 

    El canal auditivo de tu hijo está rojo, hinchado y lleno de secreción blanca.


    This is an otitis externa, most likely caused by bacteria growing in the ear canal secondary to water getting trapped in the ear from swimming.

    Es una otitis externa, probablemente por una bacteria que creció a causa del agua atrapado en el oído, siguiendo la natación. 


    I’m going to prescribe antibiotic ear drops. 

    Le voy a recetar gotas de antibiótico para el oído.


    Be sure to keep the ears dry during the duration of treatment.

    Asegúrate de mantener el oído seco durante el tratamiento.


    Return to the clinic if not improved in 48 hours and we will send out a culture to rule out a fungal infection.

    Regresa a la clínica si no hay mejoría en cuarenta y ocho horas y mandamos un cultivo para asegurar que no es infección de hongo.


    ¡Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: Lead, part 2

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

  • Unfortunately, motor vehicle accidents are not that uncommon.  Be sure to include car seat safety into your anticipatory guidance.  Stay tuned.

     Vamos! Let’s go!

    Use a rear facing car seat until reaching the maximum weight and height limit of the car seat, until 2-4 years of age. 

    Usa un asiento de coche orientado hacia atrás, hasta que llegue al peso y estatura máximo para el asiento, hasta los dos a cuatro años de edad. 

    Use a forward facing car seat until at least age 5. 

    Usa un asiento de coche orientado hacia enfrente hasta por lo menos cinco años de edad.

    Booster seat until seatbelt can be worn properly without a booster, around 9-12 years of age.

    Asiento elevador hasta que el cinto de seguridad se pueda usar apropiadamente sin asiento elevador, casi nueve a doce años de edad.

    A seat belt fits properly when the lap belt is on the upper thighs and the shoulder belt is across the center of the shoulder and chest. 

    Un cinto de seguridad encaja correctamente cuando el cinto está en los muslos superiores y pasa por el centro del hombro y el centro del pecho. 

    Is the infant or toddler you’re examining putting everything in his mouth?  What better time to talk about lead.  Check out the extended lesson to keep your kiddos safe from lead poisoning.  If you haven't done so already, be sure to show your support by hitting the subscribe button and leaving some stars! Thank you!

    ¡Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: Lead

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • An appointment for an ear infection is a breeze in your native language, let’s make it a breeze in Spanish as well. Stay tuned.

    She has a bilateral ear infection. 

    Tiene infección de los dos oídos.

    I’m going to treat it with Amoxicillin.

    Le voy a dar Amoxicilina. 

    Give it to her twice a day for ten days.

    Se la da dos veces al día durante diez días.

    If she still has fever or ear pain greater than 48 hours, please return to the clinic.

    Si sigue la calentura o el dolor pasando cuarenta y ocho horas por favor regresa a la clínica.

    We will need to follow up in 8-12 weeks to monitor the resolution of the associated middle ear effusion. 

    Ocupamos sedimento en ocho a doce semanas para revisar la resolución del líquido en el oído medio.

    ¡Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: Otitis Media with Effusion

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider.

  • Your 12 month old isn’t putting together any words, he’s vocalizing closer to a 9 month old’s expectations. How will you communicate the plan for Speech delay with the family?  Stay tuned.

    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    Your child is currently showing a speech delay, while every child develops at his/her own pace, I want to make sure we are doing everything to give him/her the right support.

    Tu hijo está mostrando un retraso de habla,aunque todos los niños se desarrollan a su tiempo, quiero asegurar que le estamos dando el apoyo apropiado.

    We've found that the earlier we give a child support, the better the outcomes are down the road. 

    Hemos observado que cuanto más temprano le damos a un niño apoyo, hay más beneficios a largo plazo.

    I’m going to refer him/her to Speech Therapy.

    Lo voy a referir a terapia del habla.

    I’m also going to send a referral to Audiology to ensure he is hearing properly. 

    También, lo voy a referir al Audiólogo para asegurar que esté escuchando adecuadamente.


    Be sure to check out the extended lesson for part 3 of the 12 month old immunizations. Thank you for listening, I appreciate you!

    ¡Hasta Luego!


    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 12 m WBV, Immunizations, part 3

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider.

  • Protect your patients, protect your community, as your first step gaining vaccine confidence, learn how to say the vaccine names correctly.  Stay tuned.


    ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Medical Spanish for Pediatric providers.


    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)

    Sarampión, paperas y rubéola

    The measles, mumps and rubella vaccine is given between 12 and 15 months of age, and the second is given between 4 and 6 years of age.

    La vacuna de sarampión, paperas y rubéola se da entre doce a quince meses de edad, y la segunda se da entre cuatro y seis años de edad.



    The varicella vaccine is also given between 12 and 15 months of age, with the second dose between 4 and 6 years of age. 

    La vacuna de varicela también se da entre doce y quince meses de edad, con la segunda entre cuatro y seis años de edad. 

    Hepatitis A

    Hepatitis A

    The first hepatitis A is given between 12 and 23 months of age, with the second dose 6 months after the first. 

    La primera hepatitis A se da entre doce a veinti tres meses de edad, con la segunda seis meses después.

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 12 m WBV, Immunizations part 2

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider.

  • 12 month olds are developing so fast, help the parents support them and keep them safe during this exciting time!  Stay tuned.

     ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    It’s time to see a Pediatric Dentist, be sure to schedule his first appointment.

    Es tiempo de ver un dentista, asegúrate de hacer su primera cita.

    Provide safe places in your home and neighborhood for your toddler to explore.

    Busca lugares sin peligro en tu casa o vecindario que tu niño pueda explorar. 

    Lock up medicines and household cleaners.

    Encierra medicamentos y productos de limpieza.

    Block off stairs.

    Bloquea los escalones.

    Place plug covers on all outlets.

    Usa cubiertos en sus enchufes eléctricos.

    There is so much guidance we can give at this age, encouraging independence by letting the toddler do for himself, giving positive reinforcement for positive behavior, and how about using negative behaviors for teaching moments instead of punishment? Check out the extended lesson for this and so much more. 

    Hasta Luego!


    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 12 m WBV, Anticipatory Guidance, part 2

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider.

  • Make sure your 12 month old patient is developing appropriately, get comfortable asking about milestones.  Stay tuned.


    Can he wave bye bye? 

    ¿Puede saludar adios?


    Can he stand alone? 

    ¿Se puede parar solo?


    Follow simple directions?

    ¿Sigue instrucciones simples?


    Say 1 to 2 words and jabber back and forth with you?

    ¿Dice 1 a 2 palabras y parlotea de un lado a otro?


    Hasta Luego!


    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 12 month Developmental Milestones

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

  • With the transition from infancy to toddlerhood we need to make sure they are keeping up with changes in diet as well as keeping surveillance on any behavioral concerns.  Stay tuned.



    Has your toddler transitioned from formula to whole milk? 

    ¿Tu niño ha cambiado la fórmula a la leche entera?


    Is he drinking 16 to 24 oz per day? 

    ¿Está tomando de 16 a 24 onzas por día?


    Does he have any other calcium sources in his diet?

    ¿Tiene otras fuentes de calcio en su dieta?


    Do you have any behavior concerns?

    ¿Tienes alguna preocupación con su comportamiento?

    ¡Hasta Luego!


    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: Iron deficiency anemia, part 2

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

  • The 9 month old is really starting to get around, let’s keep him safe. Stay tuned.

    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    Every year in the United States there are over 4,000 fatal drownings.

    Cada año en los Estados Unidos hay más de 4,000 ahogos fatales. 

    Life jackets should be used when in or around water at all times. 

    Se debe usar chalecos de salvavidas en todos momentos cuando están en él o junto al agua.

    Anytime your child is near water there should be a designated adult watching over.

    En cualquier tiempo tu niño está junto al agua debe ver un adulto designado  para tomar cuidado.


    Hasta Luego!


    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: Iron Deficiency Anemia

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

  • The parent wants to know if their 9 month old is developing appropriately. Learn how to ask the right questions, to give them the reassurance they are, or to develop a plan to help them get there. Stay tuned.

    ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Medical Spanish for Pediatric providers.

    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    Is he crawling?

    Esta gateando?

    Pulls to stand?

    Jala para parar?

    Wave bye bye?

    Saluda adios?

    Say mama and dada?

    Dice mama y papa?

    Points to objects?

    Apunta a objetos?

    Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 9 m WBV, Developmental Milestones

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

  • It’s the 6 month WBV and it’s time to talk about solid food introduction, are you ready? Stay tuned.


    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    Solid food introduction is important to support your infants nutritional needs.

    La introducción de comidas sólidas es importante para apoyar  necesidades nutricionales de tu infante. 

    To start solid foods your baby should be able to; 

    Para empezar comidas solidas tu bebé debe poder;

    Sit with support,

    Sentar con apoyo

    Have good head and neck control,

    Tener buen control de la cabeza y el cuello,

    Move food to the throat and swallow

    Mover comida a la garganta para tragar.


    You’ve got the parents' attention, but now the parent wants to know what to give and how much. Follow the link below for access to the full lesson on Introducing solids.  If you are enjoying these mini lessons, don’t forget to subscribe and leave me some stars! Thank you!

    Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 6 m WBV, Introducing Solids

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider.

  • It's time for your 2-, 4-, or 6-month-old to get their immunizations.  Do more than hand over the VIS forms to your patients. Learn how to say the immunizations in Spanish.



    Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B


    Poliomielitis is the correct way to say it, but in practice we generally say, Polio



    Haemophilus influenza type b 

    Heamophilus influenza tipo b



    Diphtheria, tetanus, pertusis (Dtap)

    Difteria, tetanos, tos ferina

    Do more than learn how to say the vaccines in Spanish, get comfortable talking about them and answering parent’s questions. Follow the link below for the extended lesson. If you are enjoying this podcast be sure to leave me some stars and share it with an old classmate!

    Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the extended lesson

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 


  • Average tooth eruption is 6 months of age, are you prepared to add your dental history to the HPI? Stay tuned.


    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!


    First, take a listen, then use the pauses to repeat. 

    Dental History

    Historial Dental

    Does he have his first tooth?

    Tiene su primer diente?

    Have you started brushing two times a day?

    ¿Has empezado a cepillar dos veces al día?

    Have you started supplementing with fluoride?

    Están suplementando con fluoruro?

    Avoiding the bottle in bed?

    Evitando la teta de noche?


    Can this 6 month old sit, transfer objects from hand to hand, is he trying to feed himself? Get prepared to ask the developmental milestone questions. Check out the Extended Lesson for this and more. Follow the link below to find out how. 

    ¡Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 6 m Developmental Milestones.

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 


  • As a clinician you likely don’t get too excited about an infant with atopic dermatitis, you see it all the time, it’s one of the most common skin conditions in infants and children after all. But for a parent, that itchy child really needs your help. Learn how to explain the diagnoses. Stay tuned.

    ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Medical Spanish for Pediatric providers.

    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, relapsing, itchy skin condition.

    La dermatitis atópico es crónica, reincidente, condición de piel con comezón.

    It causes inflammation of the skin.

    Causa inflamación de la piel.

    The skin becomes red, dry and scaly.

    La piel se pone roja, seca y escamosa.

    Typically, it’s worse during the cold winter months, and better in the warm summer months.

    Típicamente, empeora en los meses fríos del invierno, y mejora durante el calor de verano. 

    Don’t stop here, learn to talk about the causes and how to treat atopic dermatitis in the extended lesson. Click the link in the show notes or check out the website; www.pediatricmedspanish.com. If you are enjoying this podcast, be sure to leave me 5 stars and write a comment, it helps get the podcast exposure. Thank you so much for your support!

    ¡Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: Atopic Dermatitis

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider.

  • Don’t let a medically easy visit be difficult due to language, learn how to navigate a visit for the common cold with ease!  Stay tuned.


    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    My baby has had four days of coughing and nasal congestion.

    Mi bebé ha tenido cuatro días de tos y la nariz congestionada.

    It looks like he has a common cold. The good thing is his lungs are clear, his oxygen saturation is 100%, he looks comfortable, well hydrated, and doesn’t have any signs of a secondary infection.

    Se ve que tiene un resfriado común.  Lo bueno es que los pulmones están claros, su saturación de oxígeno está en 100%, se ve cómodo, bien hidratado, y no tiene señas de una infección secundaria. 

    What can I do to help him?

    ¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarlo?

    Use saline in the nose and succion what you can from the nose.

    Usa salina en la nariz y succiona lo que puedas de la nariz.

    Also, use a humidifier and sleep him upright.

    También, usa una humidificadora y duérmelo más sentadito. 

    ¡Hasta Luego!

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: RSV Bronchiolitis

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

  • Your 6 month old patient is now eligible for the influenza immunization, or maybe it’s fall and the new seasonal vaccine has arrived at your clinic, are you prepared to talk about it? Stay tuned.

    1000’s of people in the U.S die from the influenza virus annually.

    Miles de personas en los Estados Unidos mueren por el virus de la influenza anualmente.

    People at highest risk are the young, elderly and chronically ill.

    La gente en riesgo alto son los jóvenes, los ancianos, y los que tienen enfermedades crónicos.

    I recommend the seasonal influenza immunization.

    Recomiendo la vacuna de influenza estacional.

    Ready to dive deeper into the Influenza conversation? Follow the link below to access the extended lesson and learn how to talk about the influenza disease, symptoms, complications, vaccine side effects and who should and shouldn’t receive it.  If you are enjoying these free mini lessons, you will absolutely love the extended lessons, be sure to check them out! You can join for the low cost of $14.99 and if you aren’t hooked, you can cancel anytime.

    ¡Hasta Luego!

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: Influenza Immunization

  •  How do you say “cooing” in Spanish? How do you ask if he can briefly hold a toy? Learn how to ask the developmental milestone questions in Spanish. 


    Does she chuckle when you try to make her laugh?

    ¿Responde con risa cuando tratas de hacerla reír?

    Does she use movement and sound to try and get your attention?

    ¿Usa movimiento y sonido para captar tu atención?

    Does she make “ooo,” and “aahh,” cooing sounds?

    ¿Hace los sonidos “ooo,” y “aahh,” sonidos de arrullo?

    Does she reply with sounds when you try to talk to her?

    ¿Responde con sonidos cuando tratas de hablarle?

    Does she look at her hands with interest?

    ¿Se mira las manos con interés?

    Can she sit with support?

    ¿Se puede sentar con soporte?

    Can she briefly hold a small toy?

    ¿Puede, por un momento, sostener un juguete chiquito?

    Does she bring her hands to her mouth?

    ¿Trae sus manos a su boca?



    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 4 month WBV, Anticipatory Guidance

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider. 

  • As clinicians we can get hyper focused on pathophysiology and with good reason, we're here to heal. But after more than a decade in this field I find what most parents are interested in is learning how to manage daily behaviors.  How to raise happy and mentally healthy children.  So I take from the pearls of Erickson’s psychosocial development and work it into my anticipatory guidance. Stay tuned.

    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    For social and emotional development in your child, it’s important to start with a sense of trust. 

    Para el desarrollo social y emocional en tu niño es importante empezar con un sentido de confianza. 

    With a sense of trust, they develop a feeling of safety and security in the world.

    Con confianza agarran el sentido de seguridad en el mundo.

    When your baby uses crying to communicate his/her needs, you can build trust by simply responding to your baby.

    Cuando el bebé se comunica a medio de llantos, le puedes dar confianza simplemente atendiendo al bebe. 

    Lack of trust can lead to a fearful, anxious child with difficulty forming healthy relationships.

    Con la falta de confianza el niño puede desarrollar a ser miedoso, ansioso, y tener dificultad en desarrollar relaciones saludables. 


    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)

    Click HERE to learn more about the program


  • You have a 2 month old in for a WBV, you want to assess communication, motor and social skills. Learn how today. Stay tuned.

    Is he/she smiling and cooing?

    Está sonriendo y arrullando?

    Does he/she have different cries to express different needs, such as hunger, sleep and comfort?

    ¿Tiene diferentes llantos para expresar sus diferentes necesidades de hambre, sueño y consuelo?

    When on his/her tummy, can he/she push up with arms and hold his head up?

    ¿Cuando está en su estómago se puede empujar con los brazos, y sostener la cabeza?

    Does he/she fuss when bored or needs to change position?

    ¿Reniega cuando se aburre o quiere cambiar de posición?

    Does he/she watch you as you move?

    ¿Te sigue con la vista mientras te estás moviendo?

    Does he/she react to loud sounds?

    ¿Reacciona a los ruidos recios?


    Extended Lesson: Thrush

  • One of the most important jobs we have as primary care providers is to catch concerns before they can become a problem.  Get comfortable asking about developmental milestones in Spanish. Stay tuned.

    ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    Can she lift her head when lying on her tummy?

    Puede subir su cabeza cuando está acostada en su estómago?

    Does she calm when held?

    ¿Se calma cuando está en brazos?

    Does she start to smile?

    ¿Empieza a sonreír?

    Does she sleep for 3-4 hours at a time?

    ¿Se duerme 3-4 horas a la vez?

    Does she stay awake for 1 hour or longer at a time?

    ¿Se queda despierta 1 hora o más a la vez?

    Disclaimer: this program is not meant to teach medicine or give medical advice, if you or someone you know is in need of medical care, please visit your assigned medical provider.

    CLICK HERE for the Extended Lesson: 1 month WBV, Anticipatory Guidance, Postpartum Depression