
  • In this conversation, Meg shares her experience and tips on increasing milk supply and establishing a pumping routine. She discusses the Sock Method, which involves covering the bottles with baby socks to create a positive association with the baby and stimulate oxytocin production.

    Meg emphasizes the importance of finding the right flange size and pumping frequency to maximize milk supply. She also mentions the benefits of hydration, calorie intake, and supplements. Meg shares her pumping schedule and the challenges and rewards of exclusive pumping for twins. She concludes by expressing her motivation and satisfaction in providing breast milk for her babies.


    Covering the bottles with baby socks can create a positive association with the baby and stimulate oxytocin production.

    Finding the right flange size is crucial for comfortable and effective pumping.

    Pumping frequency plays a significant role in establishing and increasing milk supply.

    Hydration, calorie intake, and supplements can support milk production.

    Creating a pumping schedule and routine can help maintain milk supply and balance motherhood responsibilities.

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

    Links I Referenced:

    →Allison Tolman YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@NewLittleLife

    →Boobie Products, use CODE MEGY_20 for a discount: https://www.boobiesuperfoods.com/?ref=MEGANYELANEY

    →Lactation Bites recipe: https://mommakesdinner.com/lactation-bites/

  • In this episode, Meg and Mike provide an update on their first six weeks with twins. They discuss the hardest part of parenting twins, the easiest part, and unexpected challenges.

    They also talk about the importance of fitting the kids into their life and the impact of having twins on their relationship. They share their sadness about their fathers not being there to meet the babies and express their love and admiration for each other as parents. They end with some final thoughts and advice for other parents of twins.

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • In this solo episode, Meg shares her postpartum journey and the challenges she has faced in the first six weeks after giving birth to twins. She discusses the importance of preparation for parenthood and the realization that no amount of preparation can fully prepare you for the reality of caring for newborns.

    Meg opens up about her struggles with breastfeeding and the decision to exclusively pump. She also talks about the physical recovery process without holding back: get ready for some TMI sharing!

    Emotionally, Meg shares the ups and downs of postpartum, the overwhelming feelings, and the need for self-care. She discusses the juggling act of parenting and sleep, as well as the mixed feelings and identity shift that comes with becoming a parent. Meg also touches on the support she has received and the importance of reaching out to others for help. She concludes by expressing gratitude for her healing and the flexibility she has in her work.

    →Meg’s Twin Birth Story Episode (Apple Podcasts): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/meg-and-mike-do-marriage/id1705552952?i=1000641795014

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2OcjcxNBR2GnhLQqtJc0ao?si=IirpoqzGSUeAHrdCAsQKMg

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • It’s been a minute since Mike and I recorded an episode together, and we thought what better way to jump back in than for me to interview him about the birth of our sons from his perspective.

    Mike was KNEE DEEP in the birth, holding one of my legs the entire time and being an essential part of the delivery of our sons, such a special moment we’ll never forget.

    In this episode he shares what it was like for him, no holding back.

    We talk about:

    How long Mike thought the induction would take

    What it was like holding my leg and seeing the babies literally come out of me

    Stress of me being so weak and white

    Watching me cry for 72 hours straight “baby blues”

    →Meg’s Twin Birth Story Episode (Apple Podcasts): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/meg-and-mike-do-marriage/id1705552952?i=1000641795014

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2OcjcxNBR2GnhLQqtJc0ao?si=IirpoqzGSUeAHrdCAsQKMg

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • Lynette and Matt Hoyle share their journey of marriage, from the difficulties in the first year to the brink of divorce and the subsequent healing and growth. They discuss the importance of commitment and working on the marriage, as well as actively showing love and care for each other. They emphasize the need to handle conflict in a healthy way and change conflict styles that may have been learned from their parents.

    Despite the challenges, they believe that marriage can get better and better with time and effort. In this conversation, Lynette and Matt discuss the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution in their marriage. They emphasize the need to express feelings and concerns without blaming or attacking each other.

    They also highlight the value of compromise and the importance of managing conflict in a healthy way. The couple shares their belief in the benefits of therapy for maintaining a strong and healthy marriage. They encourage couples to seek counseling as a preventative measure and to address any issues that arise. Overall, they emphasize the importance of building a deep commitment and finding joy in the imperfections of marriage.


    Marriage can be challenging in the first year, but it's important to work through the difficulties and communicate openly.

    Commitment and willingness to change are key to turning a struggling marriage around.

    Actively showing love and care for each other, even in small ways, can strengthen the relationship.

    Handling conflict in a healthy way and changing unhealthy conflict styles is crucial for a successful marriage.

    Marriage can improve and become more fulfilling over time with effort and dedication.


    →Follow Lynette on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynettemarieh/

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • In this episode I share my struggle with breastfeeding and decision to exclusively pump, and the toll the first 72 hours postpartum, aka “the baby blues” took on me mentally, physically, and emotionally.

    I hope this episode helps any new moms who are putting SO much pressure on themselves to breastfeed just like I was, and can’t wait to continue to share how the exclusive pumping experience plays out.

    Thank you for being such a supportive and loving community. I feel so comfortable sharing all of the ups and downs of this new motherhood journey with you because of it

  • We did it folks. We had the twins!! And I was able to have them both vaginally, something that the majority of twin moms I've talked to DON'T get to experience.

    And boy WAS it an experience, one of which I detail in this episode.

    I hope you enjoy this episode and I’d like to officially welcome Ayden John and Kevin John into the world!

    NOTE: the sound on this is a BIT fuzzy but right now with twin parenting life I can’t re-record, so bare with me!

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • This week’s expert interview is with Carrie Cohen; a psychotherapist, marriage Coach, and relationship expert.

    And boy do we cover the gamut in this episode, touching on marriage conflict, how to navigate separation, and how to actively work on your marriage if you can’t afford coaching or therapy.

    As a 25 year Psychotherapist, Carrie has spent over 50,000 hours with clients, worked with 1000s of women and men, and over 500 couples.

    As a trained psychotherapist, Carrie uses marriage coaching to help couples on the brink of separation/divorce create a marriage that’s worth fighting for and a love that lasts a lifetime.

    TRUST us when we say this is one you’ll want to go back to over and over and over again.

    Carrie’s Links:

    →Revive Your Marriage Toolkit: https://www.carriecohencoaching.com/ReviveYourMarriage

    →Follow Carrie on Instagram: https://instagram.com/carriecohencoaching?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ==

    →Follow Carrie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carriecohencoaching/

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • Is alcohol negatively affecting your marriage? Specifically…sex? YUP. We go there in this episode with our guest expert, Karolina Rzadkowolska.

    But we don’t just answer that million dollar question (spoiler alert: it very well MAY be), we also talk about alternatives and how to start changing your habits TOGETHER.

    Karolina is a certified alcohol-free life coach, with certifications including Senior Certified This Naked Mind Coach, transformation-based coaching and positive psychology.

    She’s also the author of the bestselling book, Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain A Happier, More Confident You.

    Her work has been featured in 40+ articles on media platforms like Real Simple, the Huffington Post, Elite Daily, The Sunday Post, Katie Couric, and PopSugar, and on multiple TV shows.

    And her ultimate passion is helping people discover a vision that is so much bigger than a beverage.

    Karolina’s Links:

    →Her Website: https://euphoricaf.com/about

    →Her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euphoric.af/

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • If you’ve been feeling a lack of intimacy or sexual connection with your partner or know you need to spice things up, this episode is for you.

    Hannah Deindorfer, a sex and intimacy expert brings us SUCH specific and actionable rituals to connect intimately with our partners on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

    Rituals that are easy to implement and that can almost immediately make you feel more passionate with your partner.

    Hannah is a fairy godmother who grants people the wish of a passionate, fulfilling, sustainable sex life. She has been a coach for the last six years and has supported hundreds of clients in having a deeper connection to their bodies, their passion, and their partners. She loves reading fairy smut, indulging in Milano double-dark chocolate cookies, and traveling and camping with my partner.


    →Follow Hannah on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelibidofairy

    →Follow Hannah on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thelibidofairygodmother

    →What’s Your Turn on Type? Take the quiz: https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/6552a91c0f189100149493e1

    →Likes and Limits Sexploration Checklist: https://freebies.hannahdeindorfer.com/sexy-time-menu

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • Trigger Warning: Miscarriage discussions in this episode

    A few months ago I shared on our TikTok account how much anxiety I had been experiencing during my pregnancy because of the miscarriage we experienced last year. I was constantly wondering if my babies were still there and even if it wasn’t my main focus for the day, it was an ever present thought in the back of my mind.

    When I brought it up to the community over there, it took off and SO MANY WOMEN said they had experienced a similar feeling and were going through the same thing.

    I really hope this episode helps you be as present as possible during your pregnancy because you deserve it and unfortunately having experienced loss can really rob someone of that presence. I know it did for me many a times…but it doesn't HAVE to for you.


  • I feel like the only things I was told about pregnancy was that you’re nauseous and tired all the time, two things I didn’t actually experience much.

    So in this episode I dive into the UNEXPECTED pregnancy symptoms I experienced, things that no one warned me about.

    Overall I’ve been SO lucky to have a pretty great pregnancy and feel amazing most of the time, so I hope this sheds some light on what you might experience so you’re as ready and prepared as possible, knowing what you’re experiencing is completely normal!

    As always, consult with your OB or doctor if you feel anything off or have any questions! This is NOT medical advice, but simply my observations from my pregnancy so far.

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

    Pregnancy Pillow: https://amzn.to/47OrIGv

  • As a self proclaimed control freak, having some things I could do to prep for birth that I knew I could control helped me feel more at ease, like having my hospital bag prepped ahead and ordering things I knew we would need once the boys came.

    In this episode I walk you through what I packed in my hospital bag and what we had on our registry. I’m excited to do a follow up episode to see what we ACTUALLY used from the hospital bag and ACTUALLY used from the registry once they’re here, so stay tuned!

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • (MEG) My Birth Preferences & Learning About Advocating for Yourself In Labor

    When I first got pregnant I had never even heard of the term “birth plan” because my only exposure to birth was in the movies and TV.

    I just thought your water breaks in the middle of the grocery store and you frantically drive to the hospital.

    But I quickly learned that’s not exactly how it goes.

    One of the biggest things I’ve done over the last few months is get really familiar with the birth experience and what my options are and how to advocate for myself when at the hospital.

    I hope this episode helps if you’re in the same position I was a few months ago, completely unaware you can even HAVE birth preferences or a “plan”, because this has helped me become so much more calm and even slightly excited for the birth of my babies.

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

    Hypnobirthing Course: https://thepositivebirthcompany.co.uk/the-hypnobirthing-digital-pack-us?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3uGqBhDdARIsAFeJ5r1zy2kK5GzckJuXyc0VEADSkb60MnUXtByHc4bktgC-V_0xaPoQYkwaAonYEALw_wcB

    Birth Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xoc4ZXFLMapjzZpha6XDU?si=IsPlo8HwSvyA77dPqWezKQ

  • Supporting a partner while they’re grieving can be tricky, especially if you’ve never experienced the type of grief or loss they’re going through.

    You don’t want to say “the wrong thing” or smother them, but you also don’t want to give them TOO much space.

    Unfortunately, we have both experienced intense grief with the loss of our fathers in the last year and a half, so learning how to be a supportive partner during this time was essential for us, and at the end of the day these incredibly hard times brought us closer together than ever before.

    In our latest Meg and Mike Do Marriage episode we’re breaking down some specific things we did to support each other in hopes it helps you support your partner (or even friend) during times of intense grief and loss.

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

    Grief Accounts:




  • This highly requested topic is no surprise, cuz it’s probably the biggest question mark couples who separate have before entering the separation: are we allowed to see other people while apart?

    In this episode we dive into our specific “separation rules” including…

    How much we communicated during the separation

    What we were committed to personal growth wise during the time apart

    And of course if we were allowed to see other people while apart

    We say this SO many times in the episode but we can’t re-iterate it enough…we did not set these rules alone and had a professional relationship coach helping guide us. We don’t recommend you copy/paste our specific rules, because everyone’s situation will be different and require different “rules” (especially if you are adding kids and pets into the equation).

    We hope this sheds some light on how we navigated our time apart and ultimately how we came back together stronger than ever.

    Enjoy and as always thanks so much for listening and sharing.

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • At the beginning of July we had to be apart for six weeks due to extenuating circumstances (which we explain in this episode).

    And let me tell ya, being apart from your spouse or partner for that long is NOT fun NOR easy, but we managed to stay pretty connected despite the time and when we saw each other again didn’t feel like it had been that long.

    It is 100% possible to maintain connection while apart, it’ll just look a little different than if you were together.

    In this episode we break down what we specifically did to keep our connection as strong as possible so we could just jump right back in when we did reunite.

    Enjoy and as always thanks so much for listening and sharing.

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • Happy Halloween!!!

    Be sure to peep our Instagram if you haven’t @MegandMikeDoMarriage because our Barbie themed costumes are pretty legit if we do say so ourselves (and NO, we’re NOT Barbie and Ken…it’s BETTER).

    ANYWHO…to the topic at hand.

    Our lives are about to COMPLETELY change when we become first time parents…to not one, but TWO babies at once, and in this episode we really wanted to just ask each other: how do you feel about it?

    So that’s what we did ;)

    We share what we’re most excited AND nervous about, but also discuss something that we’ve noticed come up a few times…

    How different we feel about being parents right now, while I (Meg) am pregnant.

    I already feel such a connection to these boys and get SO excited about every little movement I feel, whereas Mike not as much.

    This seems to be super common among couples and something we kick off the episode talking about.

    Any parents out there? Please DM us your advice! We welcome it with open arms!

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

    Midge & Allan Barbie background: https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a44625421/barbie-allan-midge-discontinued-dolls/

  • If we’re only communicating things when they’re a problem, that’s when we start to feel like we’re nagging which doesn’t feel good. It’s important to acknowledge and thank our partner for things we DO appreciate.

    ↑And in this JAM PACKED episode, James and Angela Mitchell break down not only how to handle conflict with your partner (so it doesn’t end in a huge life altering fight), but also how to give praise to your partner.

    James and Angela Mitchell are the founders of Love Intentionally, a relationship coaching company that’s committed to helping couples design, implement and sustain a conscious relationship rooted in depth, intimacy, intentionality, and a strategic life plan.

    We have worked with them for almost two years and SO MUCH of the progress we have made has been because of the tools and strategies we’ve learned from them, so we are SO excited to have them on the podcast sharing some communication GOLD with you.

    Be sure to bookmark this puppy, this is definitely one you’ll want to come back to.

    Follow James and Angela on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loveintentionally.co/

    James and Angela’s website: https://www.loveintentionally.com/

    Tips for Effective Communication download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dc33Sbq4wJUh_xhSqOOh-0AzGbIdf5ka/view?usp=sharing

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

  • Let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk about you and me…

    Yes, Mike DOES sing this at the beginning of the episode, so get ready for shenanigans.

    This was an episode we had written down to do way before we started this podcast, because scheduling sex has been SUCH a game changer for our marriage (and cough cough, why we’re pregnant with twins).

    At first (as you’ll hear in the episode) the idea seemed RIDICULOUS to us, but once we shifted our perspective we realized it can be such a great way to intentionally create intimacy and not leave it up to chance.

    We hope this episode gives you some insight into how we made that transition and some practical tools to get started!

    ↓Follow us on social media:

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage

    Our coaches, James and Angela: https://www.instagram.com/loveintentionally.co/

    The Erotic BluePrint test: https://www.jessiefresh.com/ebquiz

    Article about the Erotic BluePrint: https://goop.com/wellness/sexual-health/how-to-find-your-erotic-blueprint/