
  • Was there a worldwide catastrophe in the 18th or 19th century, during which massive amounts of mud and dirt engulfed elaborate buildings and cities, leading to a widespread cover-up by governments and historians? What was going on with the world-fairs of the 1800s where cities supposedly engineered massive buildings in record time only to demolish them soon afterwards? Is there more to the story regarding the hundreds of thousands of kids riding orphan trains of the old days? And why was there record numbers of adults during that time simultaneously locked up in insane asylums? in In this exclusive episode, I sit down with researcher, film-maker and explorer Joe Telford - otherwise known as jtfollowsjc on social media - to talk about these interesting topics of the mud flood theory, old world architecture, Tartaria and even portals... Pulling from his years of research, JT pulls back the veil of our mainstream history narrative to reveal, what he believes, are glimpses of a forbidden hidden history...

    Connect with JT below: https://www.instagram.com/jtfollowsjc/


    BOOKMARK this page for future tour announcements:https://stargatevoyager.com/tours/GET ALL YOUR TRAVEL/ VIDEO GEAR DEALS ⁠HERE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ancientexpedition?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_aipsfshop_aipsfancientexpedition_X2YD8JTHKQNC6ZZXCK94&language=en_US

  • A mysterious craft pulled from the Japanese coastline in 1803, the recent discovery of an incredible ancient artifact at Gobekli Tepe, and an old 1903 report of a strange skeleton pulled from an Oregon grave… These are the topics we are going to dive into in this episode.


    In February of 1803, local fisherman working off the coast of Japan spotted a strange vessel aimlessly floating on the waves off in the distance. Intrigued by its small size & strange shape, the fisherman decided to tow it ashore. Once upon the beach, the local villagers marveled at the seemingly advanced engineering that the vessel possessed. But what they found inside surprised them even more...


    Recent excavations at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Gobekli Tepe have resulted in a unique discovery, a life-sized wild animal statue that is estimated to be 11,000 years old. Learn what animal it depicts...


    I found this 1903 article in the digital archives of the Library of Congress that speaks of two men in eastern Oregon who dug into a rocky grave and found a very strange skeleton... find out why it was so strange...

    Show Notes/ Sources:








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  • In this exclusive episode I sit down with explorer, researcher and physiotherapist Rhys Rogers to discuss his travels around the world, namely in Peru where he's had some very strange experiences involving strange lights and ancient sites. Rhys and I connected through Instagram over five years ago and now we finally meet to talk about our passion of ancient history, megaliths, legends of old and these enigmatic anomalies that can be found all over the earth, especially in Peru.
    Connect with Rhys on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/qiphysio/Check out Rhys' websitehttps://www.qiphysio.co.uk/

    BOOKMARK this page for future tour announcements:https://stargatevoyager.com/tours/

  • A new scientific discovery has been made involving one of the world’s most infamous artifacts - the Shroud of Turin, Christ's alleged burial cloth, which is one of the most studied and controversial artifacts in history according to a 2023 Harvard study. Also known as the Holy Shroud, this fourteen foot long piece of linen cloth bears a faint image of the front and back of a man. It has been venerated for centuries, especially by members of the Catholic Church, as the actual burial shroud used to wrap the body of Jesus of Nazareth after his crucifixion, and upon which Jesus's bodily image is miraculously imprinted. Millions of believers worldwide have taken great interest in the Shroud of Turin as potential proof of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Using new ground breaking x-ray technology, an Italian group of scientists shared their recent findings that state the shroud to be 2,000 years old… Is the Shroud of Turin just an elaborate hoax or does this discovery help prove its authenticity?

  • In this episode I am joined by John, Max and Stephen - three explorers who joined us on our Peru and Bolivia tour just a couple of weeks ago. In this round-table discussion, we share about various highlights, legends and ancient anomalies that we saw and touched on our Andean expedition. There is so much more to the ancient Andean region that we have been led to believe... enjoy 4k video of these incredible sites that we reference.

  • A new ground breaking discovery at Stonehenge has left the scientific and archaeological community shell-shocked. New research has revealed that the so called “Altar Stone,” which is buried at the center of the ring (that weighs approximately 6.5 tons and measures about 16 ft long), was transported some 5000 years ago - not from Wales as previously thought, but from northern Scotland –400+ miles away! How was this huge stone transported from islands off the coast of Scotland, onto the British mainland and then overland all the way to the Salisbury plain through dense forests and over mountains? I also delve into the mysterious long-headed humanoids of ancient Britain and their possible link to these ancient monuments...

    Source Material

    The Guardian

    Andrew Collins

    Maria Wheatley

  • In this exclusive interview I am joined by researcher, filmmaker and author L.A. Marzulli to discuss what he refers to as the "Genesis 3:15 Narrative." In this episode, L.A. breaks down the genetic seed war of ages past where "The Watchers" (fallen angels) descended into earth's orbit, took on human-like form and bred with the women of earth - creating a hybrid race known as the Nephilim, as described in Genesis chapter 6, the book of Enoch and elsewhere. L.A. connects the dots to how this ancient seed war connects to the natural elongated skulls of Paracas, Peru, as well as the present day UFO phenomenon.

    Stream L.A. Marzulli's videos & buy his books HERE

  • While Derek is away on tour in Peru, enjoy this previous episode featuring author, inventor & host of Gaia’s Codex series - Robert Edward Grant. In this video presentation style interview, Robert shares about Leonardo Da Vinci’s secret trip To Egypt in the 1400's where he spent considerable time inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. Robert will then take us on a journey through a few of Da Vinci's most famous paintings to uncover the Great Pyramid Codes Da Vinci Hid Within his World-Famous Art.

  • In this exclusive interview I am joined by researcher, explorer & author Hugh Newman to discuss the many highlights from our "Mysteries of England tour" that took place in early July 2024. In this episode, we discuss the various ancient sites & artifacts that we saw, which included: stone circles, standing stones, burial chambers, neolithic henges, earth-works, giant geoglyphs, museums, strange elongated skulls & more. Hugh also shares various ancient legends & oral traditions related to these ancient sites & that of these mysterious builders. Enjoy 4k video and drone footage of all these sites that we discuss in this interview (if you are watching on a platform that allows video)

  • On November 26, 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter and his financier Lord Carnarvon, after years of searching, finally discovered the burial chamber of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun who ruled 1332 – 1323 B.C. during the late Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. Unearthing the most well-preserved tomb in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon became instant world-wide celebrities overnight, but all would not be well for long... Soon after opening Tutankhamun's tomb, several people who either entered his tomb, handled his artifacts or who were involved with the excavation of his tomb, began to die of rather strange circumstances... Were these unfortunate deaths the result of circumstantial coincidences or that of an ancient deadly curse? Watch this insightful new episode to learn more and share it with your friends who enjoy ancient history.

  • In this exclusive interview, I sit down with researcher, explorer, host of "A View from the Bunker," and author of many books including "Veneration," "The Second Coming of Saturn," and "Giants, Gods and Dragons" - Derek Gilbert. From his decades of deep research into ancient texts, the book of Enoch and Genesis chapter six, Derek takes us on an enigmatic journey back in time to the days of old where the gods mingled with men. Why does every ancient culture on earth have legends and oral traditions that whisper of this "golden age" of hybrids? And who really were "The Watchers" and the "Nephilim" as referenced in the book of Enoch, Genesis chapter six and many other scriptures of the Bible? Is there any archaeological evidence that can be found on planet earth that corroborates the reign of these hybrids? Derek Gilbert breaks it all down in this must see episode.

    Follow Derek & buy his books here

  • Why is Mt. Shasta in northern California linked to so many strange mysteries and legends? Why is it considered by many to be a portal, and considered a hotspot for UFO activity? Why are there long and large stone walls that snake over the foothills of this primordial region? Why are there enigmatic doors carved into the back-side of this mountain? Mt. Shasta is very sacred to the Native American tribes who live there and who regard it as their native place of worship, which they believe is also home to a mythical creature known as Matah Kagmi. What is it about this mountain that draws thousands of people make annual pilgrimages here seeking healing and enlightenment? And is the 1900s legend of mining prospector J.C. Brown more than just a legend? Did he actually find a tunnel that went deep into the mountain?

  • Located near Luxor, Egypt, the "Valley of the Kings" is over 400+ miles away from the Great pyramids in the north - a 7+ hour car drive away. The Valley of the Kings is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, which really began to garner significant attention following the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922. Known to contain approximately 65 chambers, the Dynastic Pharaohs used these tunnels as resting places for themselves and their powerful nobles under the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt for a period of nearly 500 years, from the 18th dynasty to the 20th dynasty (approximately 1539 BC to 1075 BC). But is there more to the "Valley of the Kings" than we've been told? Does this ancient site go back to a much earlier age? Were the largest precision cut tunnels engineered for an entirely different purpose than that of a tomb? Why do some of these ancient massive tunnel systems appear as modern day hotels that feature multiple levels, large corridors, huge pillars, gatherings spaces and hundreds of rooms running along both sides of long hallways? Were the largest of these tunnels engineered prior to 10,500 B.C. by pre-diluvian ancients in order to survive the coming cataclysmic solar disasters? I break it all down in this mind-bending episode….

    Get Mohamed Ibrahim's book here

  • Graham Hancock - author and star of the Netflix docu-series "Ancient Apocalypse," as well as the leader of the alternative history movement, recently issued an apology to what some would call his longtime nemesis - Dr. Zahi Hawass, Egyptologist and icon of the mainstream view of history. In this episode I break down why these two history heavy-weights had been at odds for almost a decade and share my personal opinion on the matter. Next we will travel to Gobekli Tepe where I break down the latest video by Jimmy Corsetti of "Bright Insight," where he shares some very concerning information and photos coming out of Gobekli Tepe of a possible and literal cover-up of history that may be taking place at one of the world's most mysterious, ancient and important archaeological sites.

    Watch Jimmy Corsetti's video here


  • The Inca civilization arose sometime in the early 13th century and included seventeen different Inca rulers that spanned from 1200 A.D. - 1533 A.D. The Inca Empire, called Tawantinsuyu by its subjects (Quechua for the "Realm of the Four Parts”) was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America, and at its height, this empire ruled over ten million subjects until its fall to the Spanish Conquest. In this episode I give a sweeping overview of the Inca empire: where they originated from, what gods they worshipped (namely the mysterious Viracocha), how they protected their royal bloodlines via in-breeding, their human sacrifices, their connection to the elongated skull culture of Paracas and much more.



  • In this exclusive interview I am joined by author, researcher, explorer, Mayanist and host of the Earth Ancients podcast Cliff Dunning. The episode starts out with me asking Cliff to preview his upcoming tour to Turkey where he will visit Gobekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe and many more ancient sites. Having just returned from his annual Egypt expedition, Cliff then shares with us his highlights from this adventure, and we get into a brief discussion about the colossal prediluvian statues of Egypt, as well as the unfortunate suppression of critical thought and exploration in Egypt. The bulk of the show is dedicated to the amazing Maya civilization. Do the Maya go back much further into history than we've been told? Did the Maya possess lost technology that enabled them to build mesmerizing pyramids, harness the energy of the earth and even... take to flight? Mayanist Cliff Dunning breaks it all down in this must see episode for every history lover!


  • In this episode I break down the fascinating twelfth century account of the "Green Children of Woolpit," who seemingly appeared out of nowhere one evening near the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England during harvest season. Why did these children have green skin? Where did they come from? Were they really humans? I will attempt to answer some of these questions and also share many theories regarding these enigmatic kids. Next, we will travel to Utah to investigate the very strange six fingered “Bigfoot” petroglyph located in the Uinta Basin. No other petroglyph figure possesses feet of this size, proportion and nature anywhere else in this style or region. Was the ancient artist depicting what he saw or maybe what his ancestors said they saw according to their oral traditions? Might this be depicting a hybrid demi-god from the old world that descended into the American south-west in ages past?Lastly, I will read an enigmatic account found in the digital archives of the library of congress that speaks of some large skeletons with four fingers and four toes unearthed in a Connecticut quarry in the 1800s.

    Utah’s Ancient Six Fingered “Bigfoot” Petroglyph
    1867 Report: Large 4 fingered Skeletons Unearthed in CN Quarry

  • In this exclusive interview I am joined by author, inventor, explorer, historian, CEO, polymath and host of Gaia’s “Codex” series Robert Edward Grant. For one of the first times ever, Robert shares about his latest discoveries in Brazil of huge hidden pyramids, balancing rocks and megalithic stone circles that are aligned with Orion's Belt. Robert also shares in depth regarding ancient sacred pyramid geometry and how he was able to reconstruct the Great Pyramids using Metatron's cube. In the second half of the episode, Robert explains and show us the hidden astrological symbols that he believes cover the inside of the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

    Follow Robert HERE


  • Were the ancient engineers of Egypt using the earth's geomagnetic gravity to harness energy through the pyramids? Did inventor Nikola Tesla re-discover some of this ancient technology and use it to power his Wardenclyffe Tower in the early 1900s? In this exclusive interview I am joined by engineer Christopher Dunn, who has authored several ground breaking books that have sent shockwaves throughout the Egyptological world going back to the late 90s such as The Giza Power Plant, Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt and his newest Giza: the Tesla Connection. In this episode, Chris will unveil what he believes to be the true function and purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza.



  • In this exclusive interview I am joined by explorer, researcher and author Dr Gregory Little who has written many books which include "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Native American Indian Mounds & Earthworks." Dr Gregory is the foremost expert regarding the ancient mound builders who thrived from coast to coast across North America in ages past. Did you know there were once millions of ancient mounds dated as old as 11,000 years old scattered across North America? Why do many of the strange artifacts that were unearthed inside these mounds appear to look as if they were Mayan artifacts? Why have many skeletons measuring between 7-8 feet long been found inside these mounds? Why are our history books and history classes nearly silent regarding this ancient mound building culture? Dr Gregory and I dive into all of these topics and more in this exciting new episode.

    Follow Dr Gregory on X here

    Get Dr Greg's book here


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