
  • Civil rights leaders in the black community have long been divided on their stance toward the existence of Israel. Some see the black struggle for civil rights as analogous to the Palestinian cause, while others, including Dr. King, were staunch allies of Israel, seeing the plight and eventual victory of the Jewish people as a model for the black community. Our guest today is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel, Pastor Dumisani Washington. In his book, Zionism and the Black Church, he explains why Israel is a defining issue for Christians of color.

    – Episode Timeline –
    00:00 Introduction to Dumisani Washington.
    02:20 Overview of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel.
    04:44 How Dumisani’s connection to Israel began as a young child.
    08:24 Black American spirituals flourish in the stories of Israel’s history.
    13:54 Zionism vs. Black Hebrew Israelites.
    20:24 Working for Christians United for Israel.
    24:27 Reasons for authoring Zionism and the Black Church.
    27:49 Misuse of the term “apartheid” in reference to Israel.
    32:49 What is Zionism as it relates to the Black church?
    39:35 Forms of Zionism and the impact on civil rights.
    47:08 How the Black relationship with the Jewish People was hijacked.
    53:10 The Durban conference that launched the modern BDS movement.
    59:13 What can be done by the Black church to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism?

    – Episode Resources –

    Zionism and the Black Church

    Institute for Black Solidarity With Israel

    Christians United for Israel

    Tent of David By Boaz Michael

    "Soon and Very Soon" - Andrae Crouch
    "Go Down, Moses" - Fats Waller
    "Down By the Riverside" - Mahalia Jackson

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • From before the beginning of time, God planned to call out a people from among the nations and to bring a redeemer from among them. For centuries, the followers of Yeshua forgot that the unfolding of this history of redemption centers on the people of Israel. Our guest today, Dr. Gerald McDermott, has written A New History of Redemption, a book that puts Israel back at the center of God’s plan to save the world from sin and death.

    – Episode Timeline –
    00:00 Introduction to Dr. Gerald R. McDermott.
    01:44 The root of the irrational support for Hamas from university campuses.
    05:44 How does the history of redemption reveal the nature and beauty of God?
    09:01 Jonathan Edwards’ impact on American Christian theological development.
    10:43 Jonathan Edwards as a Christian Zionist.
    14:21 Ancient Israelites might better be known as “The Jewish Church.”
    16:21 Jewish Election: God has never abandoned his people.
    23:37 Allegiance to the Messiah is a central component of faith, even in the Old Testament.
    27:20 Understanding prophetic “types.”
    37:16 Theophanies and reconciling the verse that states that “No one has ever seen God.”
    45:00 Marcion and the gnostics vs Judaism. Body vs Spirit.
    49:59 How do we know that the State of Israel is important in God’s plan of redemption?
    56:16 What comes next in redemptive history, and how can we prepare for that?

    – Episode Resources –

    A New History of Redemption

    Other Books By Dr. Gerald R. McDermott

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

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  • The reestablishment of Jewish sovereignty in Israel was a significant milestone in the unfolding of God’s end-times prophetic plan—a sign that the end is near. The recurring conflict in the Middle East is a harbinger of an apocalyptic battle yet to come—the war of Gog and Magog. Our guest today, Doctor Jeffrey Seif, has written a timely book about the role of Iran in this coming war and how this role was foretold thousands of years ago by the prophets of Israel.

    – Episode Timecode –
    0:00 Introducing Dr. Jeffrey Seif on Messiah Podcast.
    01:53 The journey from Jewish hippie to Messianic scholar.
    08:32 PhD research at Cambridge in criminology.
    13:00 What is the UMJC, Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations?
    15:10 Characterizing the spectrum of Messianic Jewish congregations.
    18:00 Filling the legendary shoes of TV personality Zola Levitt.
    20:29 A historical and modern menace east of the Euphrates.
    26:13 Iran’s relationship with Jews crumbled with Zionism.
    27:46 When Muslims and Christians are at peace with Jews, their societies prosper.
    30:53 Israel is geo-politically positioned at the crossroads of the world.
    32:37 What is the value of learning from extra-biblical literature?
    39:25 The historical impact of Parthea on both Israel and Rome.
    43:08 The power of the Islamic religious ideology to motivate extreme action.
    44:21 How should we respond to a world that appears to be falling into war and chaos?
    46:44 We are called to love, not hate.

    – Episode Resources –
    The Iranian Menace in Jewish History and Prophecy, Dr. Jeffrey Seif

    Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • As the Nazis attempted to eradicate the Jewish people from every corner of Europe, one country’s Jewish population actually grew, thanks to the tireless efforts of Metropolitan Stefan of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Messianic Jewish Rabbi Daniel Zion. Avi Mizrachi and his daughter Devorah share the harrowing story of the heroes who courageously and repeatedly put their lives on the line to save the Jewish population of Bulgaria from Hitler’s death camps.

    – Episode Timecode –

    00:00 Introduction to Avi Mizrachi and his daughter Devorah
    05:27 Family connections between the Zion and Mizrachi family
    09:51 The fruit of friendship between a Metropolitan Bishop and Chief Rabbi.
    13:15 A mystical vision that prompted Rabbi Daniel Zion to believe in Jesus.
    17:42 Pre-war life for the Sephardic Jews of Bulgaria.
    20:37 Devastating legislation that paved the way for Hitler.
    25:15 The miracle of March 9, 1943 – Stopping the First Deportation attempt.
    33:18 Fleeing to the forest to join the partisans and fight the Nazis.
    39:08 Rejecting despair with Truth, Faith, and Love (Emet, Emunah, and Ahavah).
    41:15 How to maintain gratitude and perspective in a concentration camp.
    45:44 Why did the Tzar of Bulgaria decide to defy Hitler?
    49:50 A gesture of gratitude in the Bulgarian Palace.
    51:47 What lessons can be learned from the past?
    59:42 Constant roadblocks: A story of Aliyah

    – Episode Resources –


    Legacy of Hope: Hidden Heroes from Generation to Generation

    Daniel Zion, Biography and Selected Writings of Rabbi Daniel Zion

    The Power of Civil Society in a Time of Genocide: Proceedings of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on the Rescue of the Jews in Bulgaria, 1940-1944

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • The Epistle to the Hebrews constitutes one of the most difficult sections of the Bible for those of us who have embraced a Messianic Jewish perspective. Thankfully, D. Thomas Lancaster, First Fruits of Zion’s Director of Education, has spent years penning a commentary that will enrich and enlighten you. He joins Messiah Podcast to provide a sneak peek into the premise that unlocked the historical understanding of this important book of the Apostolic Scriptures.

    – Episode Highlights –

    * The Epistle to the Hebrews is a difficult book to interpret from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Daniel Thomas Lancaster's new commentary brings the latest in New Testament scholarship and the oldest of Jewish hermeneutical principles to bear on the biblical text to present a relevant and insightful understanding of the epistle.

    * The authorship of Hebrews is uncertain. While it was certainly not the Apostle Paul, it may have been a second-generation disciple of the apostles like Clement of Rome.

    * Hebrews emphasizes Yeshua's importance as the gateway to the Messianic Era and warns against turning away from him.

    * The hermeneutical method used in Hebrews, known as kol vechomer, establishes the weight of the first matter to make a case for the second matter.

    * Understanding the Jewish context and the distinction between Jews and Gentiles is crucial in interpreting Hebrews.

    – Episode Resources –

    The Holy Epistle to the Hebrews

    The Holy Epistle to the Galatians

    The Holy Epistle to the Ephesians

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • Every year, hundreds of disciples gather for Malchut, a summit for First Fruits of Zion Friends. We spend three days getting reacquainted, taking meals together, and recentering our vision for the kingdom. Today’s guests are some of the many Malchut 2024 attendees. You’ll hear about their heart for Messiah and his kingdom, how they came to embrace a Messianic Jewish perspective, and their joy at knowing they’re not alone on their journey of faith.

    – Episode Takeaways –
    600+ disciples of Yeshua gathered together in Orlando Florida in March 2024 for the annual Malchut conference and were encouraged and energized by great fellowship, delicious food, and solid teaching.
    Torah Club is growing world wide and is a resource that supports, educates and strengthen local communities of various shapes and sizes.
    Messianic Judaism can be a lonely spiritual path and the resources and events that First Fruits of Zion produces is inspiring deeper study of the Scriptures, and devoted love and discipleship for Yeshua,

    – Episode Resources –
    FFOZ Friends



    Tent of David

    Israel Tours

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • Early Jewish believers in Yeshua created a catechism for new disciples from among the nations. Lost for hundreds of years, this document, the Didache, reveals the expectations and standards the early Yeshua-believing community put in place for Gentile disciples of Yeshua. Our guest today, Dr. Daniel Nessim, has spent his academic career demonstrating that the first disciples of Yeshua considered the Torah to be the moral compass of all those who joined the community of disciples, whether Jewish or Gentile.

    – Episode Takeaways –
    The Didache is a discipleship manual created by early Jewish believers in Yeshua for personal Gentile discipleship and how to conduct themselves within the community.
    The Didache was written around 80 CE during a tumultuous time in history and reflects the beliefs and values of the early Jewish believers, who considered the Torah to be the moral compass for all disciples.
    The arch of the Didache progresses from directing individuals on the proper moral path to addressing issues of community life that were particularly applicable at the time the Didache was written.

    – Episode Chapters –
    00:00 Welcome Dr. Daniel Nessim to Messiah Podcast!
    02:41 The Didache: What it is and where it came from.
    05:44 The purpose and significance of the Didache.
    08:16 Relationship of the Didache to other early Christian writings.
    09:49 The historical occasion for writing down the Didache.
    12:37 The clues that betray the Jewishness of the Didache.
    14:20 Rediscovery of the Didache.
    15:52 Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls on Didache research.
    21:44 Thesis of the book “Torah for Gentiles” by Dr. Daniel Nessim.
    28:16 Parallels with Greek moral instruction.
    31:12 Modern interpretations of the Didache.
    32:36 Textual criticism and the similar sayings of Yeshua in the Didache and the Gospels.
    37:52 Hard lines and leniencies in the Didache’s concession passages.
    41:37 Is there a specific list of Gentile responsibilities to the Torah?
    49:02 Judaism as a religion of grace.
    50:07 Why the Didache disappeared.
    52:24 The end of Jewish Christianity and the historical context of the Didache.
    58:27 The value of the Didache in the present era.

    – Episode Resources –
    Torah for Gentiles?: What the Jewish Authors of the Didache Had to Say, by Dr. Daniel Nessim

    The Way of Life, The Rediscovered Teachings of the Twelve Jewish Apostles to the Gentiles, by Toby Janicki

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • Rabbi Dr. Mark Kinzer discusses the Catholic Church's embrace of distinction theology and its impact on Jewish-Christian dialogue and the Messianic Jewish movement. He highlights the significance of the Second Vatican Council and the documents Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate in redefining the church's understanding of itself and its relationship with the Jewish people. The Catholic Church's rejection of deicide and recognition of the ongoing special relationship with the Jewish people have had a profound impact on Christian theology and paved the way for further dialogue and understanding. This conversation explores the theological developments and dialogue between Messianic Judaism and the Roman Catholic Church. It delves into the concept of Jesus as the Living Torah and the connection between Yeshua and the Jewish people. The role of Cardinal Lustiger in emphasizing Jewish identity within the Catholic Church is highlighted. The conversation also touches on the progress being made in the Catholic Church regarding the recognition of the enduring significance of the land of Israel. Overall, this dialogue is seen to be of historic significance and a promising trajectory for Catholic theology.

    – Episode Takeaways –

    The Second Vatican Council, prompted by the Holocaust, marked a significant reassessment of the Catholic Church's understanding of itself and its relationship with the Jewish people.
    The documents Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate work together to lay out how the church understands and identifies itself and how it understands and identifies itself in relationship to other religions of the world.
    The Catholic document The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable went even further to express the enduring covenant between God and the Jewish people.
    As a Jewish Cardinal, Jean-Marie Lustiger made significant contributions to the dialogue between Judaism and Christianity. Acting as a counselor to Pope John Paul II on the Jewish people, he emphasized Jesus' solidarity with his people and the continued Jewish identity of Jews within the church. He saw the suffering of the Jewish people as a part of the Messiah's suffering, highlighting the deep identification of the Messiah with His people.
    The Catholic Church is moving toward visible changes to reflect the realization of the enduring significance of Jewish identity within the church and the Jewish people in the land of Israel.

    – Episode Resources –

    Searching Her Own Mysteries by Rabbi, Dr. Mark Kinzer

    Nostra Aetate

    Lumen Gentium

    The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable

    Film: The Jewish Catholic

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • First Fruits of Zion teaches that the whole Bible, including the Law of Moses, that is, the Torah given to the Jewish people, has relevance and practical application for Gentile Christians. Some Messianic Jews disagree; they argue that the Torah is for Jews only. Today’s guests, FFOZ Senior Educator Aaron Eby and Director of Torah Club Damian Eisner are here to challenge the idea that the Torah has nothing to say to Gentiles.

    – Episode Highlights –

    Terms are confusing if they are not well-defined. Many people stumble on the Jewish Jesus online but many times the source of the information they stumble on is what we would call Hebrew Roots. First Fruits of Zion is part of Messianic Judaism, and there are some important distinctions.
    The community of faith is composed of both Jews and Gentiles. But despite us being “one in Messiah,” First Fruits of Zion believes that it is important to maintain our unique identities. Why do we think so, and how do we advise Jews and Gentiles to avoid blurring the lines of distinction?
    Acts 15 documents an important time in the life of the apostles when they decided on the course of faith for Gentiles who were coming to faith in the Jewish Messiah. What does this passage teach about Jewish and Gentile obligations to the Law?
    The Sabbath and the Jewish festivals are full of richness in meaning and blessing. What does the remembrance and observance of the Sabbath and the other biblical holidays look like for Jewish people, and what would they look like for a Gentile disciple?

    – Chapters –

    00:00 Welcome to Messiah Podcast.
    02:05 First Fruits of Zion is a Messianic Jewish organization, not Hebrew Roots.
    13:08 What is distinction theology?
    20:00 The apostles’ expectation of Gentile disciples.
    25:22 Interpreting Acts 15 and Acts 21 and the four prohibitions for Gentile disciples.
    29:38 The synagogue has always been a place for Gentiles to learn about the God of Israel.
    40:43 What does the distinction between Jewish and Gentile observance of the Sabbath look like?
    55:51 How can Gentiles interface with and observe Jewish holidays like Passover and Tabernacles?
    01:04:51 Is 1 Corinthians 5:8 an invitation to Gentiles to celebrate Passover?
    01:11:34 A biblical model for do’s and don’ts for Gentiles.
    01:15:23 Gentiles are adopted to be part of the family of God.
    01:20:32 First Fruits of Zion does not subscribe to what is commonly known as “one law theology.”

    – Episode Resources –

    Restoration: Returning the Torah of Moses to the Disciples of Jesus

    From Sabbath to Sabbath: Returning the Holy Sabbath to the Disciples of Jesus.

    The Holy Days: Returning the Biblical Festivals to the Disciples of Jesus.

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • A talmudic adage says that before God inflicts a wound, he prepares the remedy. The tragedy of October 7 has left a spiritual scar on Israel and the Jewish people, but not without remedy. Messianic Israeli cellist Leat Sabbah, inspired by God’s call to repentance through Yeshua and the prophets, has been sounding the alarm through her brilliant composition, “Wake Up, My Beloved.” She joins us to talk about her faith, her music, and the spiritual battle Israel is waging behind the scenes. Our co-host is Judi Abrams from the Bram Center for Messianic Jewish Learning in Jerusalem.

    – Episode Highlights –
    What began as a journey from childhood to be a professional musician has become a heartfelt effort to bring healing and inspiration to souls around the world through stirring lyrics and instruments such as the cello, harp, and piano.
    The development of Israeli music often seeks to blend Western and Eastern styles, which is symbolic of the peace and unity that will be present in the Messianic Kingdom.
    God has an intimate knowledge and love for every person and, in his desire to be known, leaves clues along the way. Even in times of struggle, he has thoughts of peace and blessing for his people.

    – Chapters –
    00:00 Meeting Leat Sabbah.
    04:05 What is The Bram Center in Jerusalem?
    07:26 A standing-room-only concert at the Bram Center.
    13:56 Leat’s musical journey to become a professional musician.
    18:28 Exploring different styles of music, including Arabic and Bulgarian.
    22:24 A spiritual journey to search for God and move to Israel.
    26:18 Discovering Yeshua as the Messiah.
    27:44 The end times and the message of “Wake Up, My Beloved.”
    33:17 Playing the harp and worshiping on the Mount of Olives.
    35:27 The healing power of music.
    38:05 Leat uses music to bring comfort in Turkey after devastating earthquake.
    40:31 The impact of the war with Hamas on Leat's Music
    54:09 Creating the song “Thoughts of Peace” in a time of war.
    55:53 Finding peace and intimacy with God in times of trauma and confusion.
    57:49 Promoting music and ministry.
    59:16 Collaboration and future plans.

    – Episode Resources –
    Website: https://leatsabbah.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leatsabbahcello
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leatsabbah/
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/LeatSabbah
    Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/mx/artist/leat-sabbah/1497601697
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4vl9FdNK3HnJkMhgWKuk19?si=D0-sXbFlR7iWg_am1MwoKQ

    Galilee Ensemble: https://www.youtube.com/@galilensemble
    Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations: https://jhopfan.org/

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • Is First Fruits of Zion a danger to Christians? Is the Torah Club Bible study out to pull congregants out of the church and into some kind of cult? There are individuals who believe this to be the case. In this episode, we join the founder of FFOZ, Boaz Michael, and the Education Director, Daniel Lancaster, for a frank discussion about a few of the warnings that are out there and what people who are seeking to know the truth should know about the organization.

    – Episode Highlights –
    First Fruits of Zion teaches a theology that is disruptive to fundamental Christian ways of interpreting the text of the Scriptures.
    Is the Torah more inspired than the rest of the Bible?
    Did the new covenant replace the old covenant?
    Did Jesus fulfill the law of Moses?
    Are all followers of Jesus obligated to keep the whole Torah?
    Distinction theology: Gentiles should be cautious about misappropriating Jewish practices and should strive to implement the Torah in a balanced way.
    According to Romans 7:6, it seems that Jesus came to replace the old written code with something new and better.
    Is there a conspiracy among Christian leadership through the ages to distort history, hide truth, and lead people down a separate path from truth?
    What is the difference between a Christian gospel and the gospel Jesus proclaimed as understood by Messianic Judaism?
    Does First Fruits of Zion seek to undermine the local church and lead people away?

    – Episode Resources –
    Restoration, Returning the Torah of Moses to the Disciples of Jesus

    HaYesod, The Land, the People, and the Scriptures of Israel

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • Around the world, followers of Yeshua are reconnecting with their Jewish roots, learning the Scriptures from a Jewish perspective and rekindling the church’s ancient relationship with Israel. One expression of this reconnection has been through music, as Jewish songs, psalms, and prayers slowly make their way back into expressions of faith in Yeshua. Our guest today is Joshua Aaron, renowned Messianic Jewish Israeli-American musician and worship leader, and he’s going to tell us his vision of the nations coming together for Israel.

    – Episode Highlights –
    Joshua Aaron's music career began as a song writer. He released his first album “Bo Yeshua” in 2009, but his big breakthrough came with the release of “How Great Is Our God” in Hebrew.
    An appreciation for Judaism and his Jewish heritage came from Joshua’s mother and grandmother, culminating in moving his young family to Israel in 2009.
    With a daughter in the Israel Defense Force and more teenage kids to go into the Israeli military in the near future, the war with Hamas has been particularly emotional.
    Joshua immigrated back to Israel as a professional musician and is “one of those crazy Jews who believes in Jesus.”
    Joshua Aaron incorporates various middle eastern and exotic instruments that reflect the music of world cultures past and present with songs hitting #1 in world genre on iTunes charts.
    Joshua leads a Torah Club in Israel, providing a space for families in the Galilee to study the Bible from a Messianic perspective and explore the deeper scriptural meaning behind their faith.
    Joshua Aaron has developed a close-friend connection with Aaron Shust over the past few years, collaborating on music composition and live concerts together, with Shust providing musical arrangements.
    Is it possible to avoid being corrupted and retain the heart motivations in the music industry?
    Gather the Nations is a non-profit organization intent on uniting the nations toward Israel through the universal language of music and worship. The organization is having an inspirational impact through concert events around the world and practical impact through the donation of instruments and the start of a music school for orphans in Kenya.

    Gather the Nations

    Joshua Aaron Music

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • Every year around the world, millions of Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah. This year, it’s probably going to feel a little different. As ancient echoes of widespread anti-Semitism, anti-Judaism, and anti-Zionism seem to be resounding again in the present time, the Jewish battle for survival against the Seleucid Empire finds its eerie, parallel expression in yet another conflict between Israel and her neighbors. Our guests today are First Fruits of Zion Senior Educator Aaron Eby and his wife, Rachel, and they’re going to tell us all about Hanukkah.

    – Episode Highlights –
    What is Hanukkah?
    Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas?
    Candles, songs, prayers, menorahs, dreidels, latkes, sufganiyot, presents, and other traditions that enhance the holiday.
    The trick to frying the perfect latke.
    Food is such a central part of creating lasting memories.
    What does Hanukkah look like for a Messianic Jewish family?
    Traditional Jewish observance of the holliday.
    What historical event does Hanukkah recall?
    Why didn’t the book of Maccabees make it into the Hebrew Bible?
    What would have happened if the Jews had not defeated the Greek army?
    How does Messianic faith in Yeshua enhance the holiday?
    How can followers of Yeshua who are not Jewish connect to the Jewish holiday?
    The oft repeated battle for the survival of Judaism and the Jewish people.
    What are the most meaningful elements of the holiday?

    – Related Resource Links –

    Light: A Hanukkah Anthology

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • The Bible has a lot to say about the end times, and Israel is always at the center of God’s plan. However, Islam has its own apocalyptic narrative. Our guest today, John Harrigan, draws upon his personal experience and theological expertise to help us understand what is fueling the anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic jihad amongst the Arab nations in the Middle East. We’re also joined by First Fruits of Zion’s director of education, D. Thomas Lancaster.
    You’re listening to Messiah Podcast, where Jesus is Jewish, and that changes everything. Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion.

    – Episode Highlights –
    The future of the Apocalyptic Gospel Podcast.
    A Jew, a progressive liberal, and a Hamas terrorist walk into a bar. What happens next?
    Hamas and Iran are enemies but unite around their common arch enemy of Israel.
    A derivative of Marxism is leading the global narrative and identifies all social conflicts as a struggle of the socioeconomically oppressed against an oppressor.
    Is the church drifting toward or away from support of Israel?
    A shift that is taking place due to a departure from dispensational theology.
    Modern progressive politics is causing dramatic shifts in the western church.
    What is “realized eschatology” and why is it wrong?
    Comparisons of the Greek, Roman, and Jewish eschatological perspectives.
    Theological wrestling with the dichotomy between physical and spiritual redemption.
    Theological differences result in beliefs about how the promises of the Bible find their fulfillment.
    What happens when Christian theology meets with ideas of Jewish people obtaining a homeland in Palestine, Aliyah, Zionism, and the formation of the modern State of Israel?
    Dispensationalism is the belief in two separate redemptive programs: one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles.
    Apocalyptic expectations within Islam and the establishment of a world caliphate.
    The younger Arab generation is seeing a greater secularization due to its interface with the modern western world.
    How to bring the gospel to the modern middle-eastern Arab world.
    What does God want us to be doing with all the chaos going on in the world?

    – Related Resource Links –
    Extending Mercy to the Gentiles: The Jewish Apocalyptic Trajectory of Pauline Discipleship
    By: John P. Harrigan

    The Gospel of Christ Crucified: A Theology of Suffering before Glory
    By: John P. Harrigan

    Apocalyptic Gospel Podcast

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • The October 7 terrorist attacks in the land of Israel have provoked endless discussion attempting to provide historical context for the current conflict. Whether Israelis or Palestinians ultimately shoulder the blame is the question occupying our minds and television screens right now. Our guest today is Jeremiah Michael from the Bram Center for Messianic Jewish Learning in Jerusalem. He’s here to give us one piece of the puzzle: Christian supersessionism, its connection to European and Islamic anti-Semitism, and how it has obscured the relationship between the people of Israel and the land of Israel throughout history, denying the right of the Jewish people to exercise sovereignty over the land God promised them.

    – Episode Highlights –
    Recounting personal family experiences from Jerusalem on October 7.
    A spirit of national unity has taken over the State of Israel.
    The promises of God to the Jewish people for the physical Jewish homeland.
    Does God have a unique chosen people and a chosen land?
    Christian supersessionists claim that the Jewish people who have rejected Jesus can no longer lay claim to the geographical land that is known as Israel.
    Extra-biblical evidence for the presence of Jewish people in the land of Israel from the ancient time of the Babylonians.
    After all the foreign conquerors drove Jews into exile, did Constantine improve the situation for Jewish people in their ancient homeland?
    Islam began as a heretical offshoot of Christianity.
    Jerusalem has not always been integral to Islamic tradition.
    How did Jerusalem and the land of Israel become integral to the Islamic tradition?
    How did the Christian Crusades shape modern views of the land of Israel?
    What if the Crusaders took back the land of Israel in order to give it to the Jewish people and stand by their side as defenders of the Jewish people’s divine right to the land?
    Both Christianity and Islam were established on the basis of supersessionism.
    Widespread support of Hamas’ attack on Israel by both Arabs and Christians.

    – Related Resource Links –
    Dr. Brown Responds to Jeff Durbin and Apologia Radio About Israel and Jewish Identity

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • As the people of Israel find themselves yet again at the center of global attention since the terrorist incursion of October 7, the nations are in an uproar. With pressure on Israel from all sides, those of us who stand with the Jewish people are wondering what we can do to help. Our guest today is Joshua Waller, whose organization, HaYovel, is providing real, tangible aid to Jewish people in Judea and Samaria. We’re also privileged to have Boaz Michael, founder and director of First Fruits of Zion, here with us today.

    – Episode Highlights –
    * What is HaYovel and what is the biblical and prophetic basis for its vision and mission?
    * The origin story and inspiration behind the Waller family moving to Israel and working alongside Israeli farmers.
    * Is HaYovel a missionary organization disguised as Christian supporters of Jewish people in Israel?
    * HaYovel and First Fruits of Zion share a camaraderie in working toward the fulfillment of a positive kingdom-building future outlined by the ancient prophets of Israel.
    * Pro-Israel Christians have an opportunity to become active, “boots-on-the-ground” Zionists through involvement with HaYovel.
    * Secular Zionists and religious Zionists work side by side.
    * In 2023, through HaYovel, the nations helped Judea and Samaria to plant 20,000 new vines and trees and harvested 150 tons of grapes.
    * HaYovel is currently the only international organization providing support and aid to the 500,000 Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria and is working tirelessly to increase global support.
    * What have Jewish/Arab relations been like in Samaria before Hamas invaded southern Israel, and what are relations like currently?
    * How are the Arabs of Judea and Samaria similar to or different from those in the Gaza Strip?
    * What and who are the Palestinians? Would a two-state solution solve the problems?
    * What is the political landscape of the Arab population in Gaza and Judea and Samaria?
    * Boaz and Joshua speculate on the political motivations behind supporters and enemies of Israel.
    * Are we moving toward the disastrous biblical prophecies of Armageddon or are the redemption and early fulfillment of the Bible’s positive prophecies possible?
    * Israel is facing a war on four fronts: Gaza in the west, Lebanon in the north, Yemen in the south, and Judea and Samaria in the heartland.
    * Answering the accusations of Israel’s genocidal aggression against Arabs.
    * This is a time to take action and stand up with and for the Jewish people wherever you are, speaking the truth in whatever form possible to combat the lies and hatred coming against God’s chosen people.
    * Operation Ittai is an initiative of HaYovel in cooperation with the governors in the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria to airdrop needed supplies and equipment to the fourth front in the current war—the front in the heartland of the Holy Land.

    – Related Resource Links –
    Operation Ittai:


    The Israel Guys:

    Messiah Online:


    Additional Recommended Donation Links:
    OneFamily: https://onefamilytogether.org
    Friends of the IDF: https://www.fidf.org/
    United Hatzalah: https://israelrescue.org/
    Magen David Adom: https://www.mdais.org/en

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

  • On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded Israel, striking soft targets, killing civilians, and sparking a conflict that has left thousands dead. As tensions in the region escalate, the rest of the world is left wondering—what happens next? Our guest today is the founder and director of First Fruits of Zion, Boaz Michael, who is here from Jerusalem to give us the latest.

    – Episode Highlights –
    The state of the First Fruits of Zion staff in Israel.
    The internet is rampant with misinformation that needs to be debunked.
    Details of the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel.
    Who is Hamas, what is their history, and how did they come to power?
    What is the emotional and psychological state of the people of Israel now?
    A personal experience of hosting a displaced family and facilitating peace for them.
    The nation of Israel rallies together in a spirit of unity.
    Stories of tragedy, terror, and heroism.
    Disdain for life by Hamas extends beyond Jews, as seen by violent acts and kidnappings against internationals in Israel.
    History of some of the kibbutzim and moshavim communities that were attacked.
    History of the conquest and surrender of portions of land, including the Sinai and Gaza.
    Is “land for peace” a historically viable solution?
    The largest reserve call-up in Israel’s history.
    Soldiers to pray for who have personal connections with First Fruits of Zion staff.
    The nature and character of the IDF as a defense force.
    The prophetic, biblical, and spiritual dimensions of current events.
    Biblical assurances of Israel’s victory and long-term success.
    The redemption process involves a cycle of revelation and concealment.
    How can this tragedy be part of the process of redemption?
    Signs of the times and steps that will bring about the final redemption.
    Redemptive impact regarding the land, the people, and the Scriptures of Israel.
    The enemies of God repeatedly attack the land, the people, or the Scriptures of Israel.
    What will be the long-term implications of this war?
    Both the land of Israel and the Torah are acquired through suffering.
    Strengthening the resolve and rationale of Israelis to continue residing in the land is reflected in the resolve and rationale for Gentiles to attach themselves to the Jewish people and stand up for the people of Israel.
    Defending our defenders by being informed with facts and accurate news and spreading truth to your sphere of influence.
    How to stand with Israel in solidarity.
    How replacement theology has brought us to this point in history and how we can have a direct impact on the global conflict and bring the world one step closer to the final redemption.
    Donate to reputable organizations with integrity. Some options are included in the show notes.

    – Related Resource Links –

    Recommended Donation Links
    OneFamily: https://onefamilytogether.org
    Friends of the IDF: https://www.fidf.org/
    United Hatzalah: https://israelrescue.org/
    Magen David Adom: https://www.mdais.org/en

    Israel on Google Maps

    The Dawn of Redemption, Rabbi Ya’akov Filber

    Messiah Online:


    Our Wars Have Names, Boaz Michael

    In a Time of War, D. Thomas Lancaster

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • The Old Testament. You’ve heard that it’s irrelevant; you’ve heard that it was superseded by the New Testament; you’ve heard that none of its laws and rituals are relevant today. But what if I told you that the Old Testament, properly understood, is the key to the New Testament and that it reveals God’s plan, his character, and his will to all of his people today? First Fruits of Zion has a small-group Bible study program designed to help you understand the first five books of the Bible on their own terms. It’s called Torah Club, and we have the author, D. Thomas Lancaster, and the director of Torah Club, Damian Eisner, here to tell us all about it.

    – Episode Highlights –
    What is Torah Club?
    What makes Torah Club different from every other small-group Bible study?
    Is the Old Testament even relevant any longer for Christians in the twenty-first century?
    How does knowing the historical context of first-century Judaism help disciples of Jesus?
    Understanding the Jewish people is critical to understanding the Jewish Scriptures.
    All about the Jewish annual reading cycle.
    Join us with a year of learning through the first five books of the Bible with “Unrolling the Scroll.”
    How to start a Torah Club or join a Torah Club?
    How will Torah Club help make the world a better place?
    What can a student hope to take away from a year of study from Genesis through Deuteronomy?

    – Related Resources –
    First Fruits of Zion

    Torah Club


    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • Have you ever found a Bible verse confusing or frustrating? Or found two Bible verses that seem to contradict each other? Have you ever felt like something was missing from your toolbox during your Bible study? First Fruits of Zion has just rereleased a ten-week course designed to give you the tools you need to interpret the Bible in its original language, context, culture, time, and place. It’s called HaYesod: The Foundation, and the author, D. Thomas Lancaster, and principal instructor, Aaron Eby, are here to tell us all about it.

    – Episode Highlights –
    The inspiration behind the original creation of the HaYesod discipleship course in the 1990s.
    HaYesod means “The Foundation” and is a teaching series that lays a solid foundation of faith with a biblical understanding of the land, the people, and the Scriptures of Israel.
    HaYesod is a tool to equip believers to access the Messianic Jewish understanding of the Scriptures and to know Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, better.
    What is the benefit of understanding the Scriptures from a Messianic Jewish perspective?
    Many elements of traditional Christian interpretation of the Bible contain holes that have created instability in the faith of many believers.
    What changes have been made to the new version of HaYesod compared to older renderings?
    Why are the people of Israel the foundation of the Bible?
    The kingdom perspective of the gospel Yeshua taught.
    HaYesod is not designed to turn Christians into Jews.
    HaYesod is designed to inspire active discipleship to Jesus.
    What is distinction theology as a theological structure within HaYesod?
    Does First Fruits of Zion teach that Gentiles shouldn’t keep the Torah?
    HaYesod is a course consisting of ten video lessons filmed in a studio and on location throughout the land of Israel. An extensive workbook can be purchased to assist the learning process.
    How can students access the course individually or study as a group?
    Torah Club is a weekly international Bible study network that is a great way to continue learning after HaYesod: The Foundation.

    – Related Resources –


    Torah Club

    First Fruits of Zion

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine (messiahmagazine.org). This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

  • Rosh HaShanah is a prominent Jewish holiday with many layers of significance. On the agricultural calendar, it represents the planting of cereal grains with the hope and prayer that the spring harvest will be successful. On a spiritual level, it represents the “sowing” of good deeds with the hope of a sweet year to come. Finally, it hints at events to come—the second coming, the final judgment, and the end of the world as we know it.

    – Episode Highlights –
    What is the the biblical calendar?
    There are layers of meaning in the calendar including agricultural, historical, and prophetic.
    What is Rosh HaShanah about?
    What are some of the ways the Jewish people observe Rosh HaShanah?
    How Rosh HaShanah came to be known as the Day of Judgment.
    The parables of Yeshua are rich with Fall holiday themes.
    The season of repentance is a time for repentance, prayer, and charity.
    The Day of Judgment contains themes of the fear of God and drawing close to God.
    An annual accounting in the Fall holidays is a rehearsal for the final judgment at the end of time.
    All about the shofar: the Rosh HaShanah trumpet.
    Is there a connection between the shofar and the “last trump” spoken of by the Apostle Paul?
    How Jewish months were determined in biblical times
    The three books opened before the heavenly court on the high holidays.
    What does Rosh HaShanah teach us about the Great Tribulation and the Rapture?
    An overview of the end times from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    – Related Resources –

    The Holy Days, D. Thomas Lancaster

    HaYesod, The Festivals

    First Fruits of Zion:
    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine (messiahmagazine.org). This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.