
  • What is up digital entrepreneurs! I have a special message for you about entrepreneurship that I hope you'll enjoy.

    I'll be taking a break from posting episodes for a bit but will continue teaching via my Digital Entrepreneur Newsletter, make sure you are on it!


    All my offers will still be up (and more great courses to come): https://www.simonwparsons.com/store

  • Have you ever felt like you're just a step behind the latest online business trends?

    This episode of the High Value Skills Podcast isn’t just another discussion – it's a gateway to mastering how to make money online in 2024. Imagine stumbling upon a conversation that reshapes your entire approach to online entrepreneurship.

    The digital landscape is evolving, and so are the strategies for making money online. If you want to have success you simply cannot ignore the trends that will be shaping 2024 and beyond. This episode not only hints at these trends but dives into how they can revolutionize your approach to online revenue generation.

    Think about the power of combining your unique ideas with a tool so advanced, it transforms how you make money online. This episode uncovers this potent combination, providing insights that could elevate your online business to new heights. But the exploration doesn't stop there. Discover the art of building a loyal online following, an audience eager to engage with your brand, and learn how this can be a game-changer in your online money-making journey.

    And in our hyper-connected world, where distractions are endless, what if you could learn to harness the power of focus to stand out in the crowded online marketplace? This episode delves into how mastering focus can be your secret weapon in the competitive arena of online business.

    Don't let 2024 be just another year of what-ifs. Hit play on this episode and unlock the potential of these top trends to catapult your online business and money-making strategies to new levels of success. It's time to transform your approach to online entrepreneurship and lead the way in making money online.

    Make sure to grab the Ultimate Online Business Playbook here: https://www.simonwparsons.com/playbook

    Get my free course Build Your Online Empire In Kajabi plus a free 30 day trial here: https://www.simonwparsons.com/kajabi

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  • Want to know what the fastest way to create more bandwidth in your life? On today's episode I'll be sharing an awesome exercise that I use every year to create more space for the new year, but this exercise is also the easiest and fastest way to create happiness as well.

    Tony Robbins mentor, Jim Rohn, used to say that you are the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with. The truth is, you are the average of everything that you surround yourself with.

    I'll share with you an easy journaling exercise that you can do to get highly intentional about who and what you want in your proximity and who or what you want to create some space from.

    If you want more time and energy to commit to making record breaking money in your online business, its easy to find the space when you learn how to 'protect your sphere'.

    Make sure to grab my Online Business Playbook here:


    Grab a free 30 day trial of my favorite app for making money online, Kajabi, plus my free course teaching you how I use it:


  • What if you could start an online business that not only gives you the flexibility and freedom to travel the world, but one that could could actually help you build a better world?

    Several years ago, Markus was burned out and took time off to travel the world. When he came back he realized he didn't want to go through life without making a true impact. He realized that he wanted to 'be the change in the world that you want to see'.

    Together with his partner Ketty Minnesale (who was recently on the High Value Skills Podcast), they decided to build a business around this concept.

    They are on a mission to help 10,000 entrepreneurs 'burn bright' instead of burning out. They help high performers and entrepreneurs make more of an impact in the world by helping them holistically with living a healthy lifestyle, inside out.

    On this episode, Markus shares his journey of transformation and his best tips for entrepreneurs who want to build an online business and make an impact in the world.

    Please connect with Marcus on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markus-kneissl/

    Book a call with Markus & Ketty here: https://www.phygitalme.com/

  • Want to know WHY it is that 92% of people fail at setting goals? Want to be the 8% who do actually make it happen?

    In this episode I'm going to go deep into goal setting and talk about:

    The 3 reasons why most people fail at achieving the goals they set for themselves, often within 3 weeks of setting them. Why I absolutely can't stand SMART goals. My 5 step process for dominating in your online business in 2024 and making more money than you ever have before!

    This will be an active episode so make sure to save this episode and revisit when you are in a place where you can write these steps down then dig deeper into them.

    For 2024 I want you to think bigger than you every have and create a vivid vision of what your online business could look like, and hold yourself accountable to this!

    We are going to get crystal clear on what you want to accomplish in your online business, how to make it quantifiable, what that will unlock for you, why it's important, how to be accountable and create a roadmap to make it happen.

    Make sure to grab my Online Business Playbook! It's the A-Z guide on how to crush it with making money online: https://www.simonwparsons.com/playbook

    Check out my course on how to Build Your Online Empire with my favorite all in one app Kajabi! https://www.simonwparsons.com/kajabi

  • If you are getting pushback from family and friends for doing something that you want to do, you know that you are aligned with your soul. When other people discount your dreams and try to bring you down, they are just projecting their own fears and insecurities on you. On this episode of High Value Skills Podcast, shaman and enlightenment coach Christina Deering shares her journey of ditching a high stress corporate job and building an online business around her passion. She shares the struggles that came along with this and what she did to start 'playing with the big boys'. Christina shares examples of how she expanded herself to play a bigger game by investing in coaching, online courses and a mastermind to help her evolver her high value skill set and grow her business. What happens when you start to intentionally push the limits of what you think is possible? You'll create MORE space for more money in your business, more knowledge and more skills!Christina Deering, Shaman Healer and Empowerment Coach on a mission to help you discover your divine purpose, quit the job you hate and make a lot of money doing what you love. She helps you heal everything that’s in the way of what you want by combining ancient wisdom with revolutionary healing modalities.She’s a 2 time Goss Manifest Magazine featured healer, best known for creating more powerful results in one healing session than decades worth of therapy.Make sure to connect with Christina here: https://www.instagram.com/iamchristinadeering/Top 3 Ways to Connect to Your Intuition to Make Business Decisions in Alignment w/ Your Soul: https://www.iamchristinadeering.com/intuition-bybl/

  • Time is NOT money. If you think you need to grind harder to get a bigger result, you may be stuck in an 'employee mindset'. One of the biggest threats that entrepreneurs face when starting an online business is they can’t let go of trading time for money. They think that to be successful, it’s a matter of grinding it out and working harder.

    In this episode I'll talk about:

    Share the story of how I broke out of the time traded modeland realized how I could do vastly more than I thought I was capable of. Identify several time traps that entrepreneurs fall intowhen it comes to managing time and productivity. Introduce you to Parkinson's Law and how to break free of the walls that hold most people back when it comes to their time.

    Once you listen to this episode, you'll have new ideas on how to grow your online business exponentially and create non-linear revenue growth by leveraging time instead of being trapped by it.

    If you are new to entrepreneurship and want to start making money online, the best place to start is by grabbing my free Online Business Playbook here: https://www.simonwparsons.com/playbook

    Are you ready to build out the assets of your online business including your email list & lead magnets so you can start email marketing? Want to learn how to easily set up a course and take payments? I'll show you how for free, plus get you a free 30 day trial of my favorite all in one app for making money online. Find out more here: https://www.simonwparsons.com/kajabi

  • Trying to run a successful online business with an employee mindset is like trying to win a bike race with running shoes. Many of us started our careers trading time for money, meaning working jobs where we exchanged ourselves on an hourly rate or were given a salary in exchange for 40 hours (which often becomes 50, 60 or 70 hours).

    This programs us to want to keep trading time for money as we move on to become self employed, thus working MORE for even LESS money because we end up wearing all hats in the business.

    But if you want to start making exponentially more money online, you'll need to get off the 'linear' model of working harder and more hours.

    In this episode, I'll share with you what I call the '6 money mindsets' which explores the differences between:

    How employees make money. The self employed mindset. The commission mindset. The business & systems mindset. The investor mindset. The influencer mindset.

    If you want to know how to grow your online business to levels you never thought were possible, you must understand how these 6 different money mindsets shape how we operate.

    New to online business? I good starting point is to grab my free Online Business Playbook which is like an A to Z encyclopedia of how to make money online: https://www.simonwparsons.com/playbook

    Want to know what my favorite app for doing business online? I use Kajabi which helps me with email marketing, building online courses, creating lead magnets, billing out clients, creating communities and even growing this podcast!

    You can grab a free 30 day trial plus free access to my course where I actually show you how to build out your digital assets: https://www.simonwparsons.com/kajabi

  • Do you know what the difference is between 'cost based' services and 'value based' services? For a start, one is a race to the bottom and the other allows you to start making exponentially more income, and to be able to do so on your terms.

    Online Entrepreneur Emily Reagan share's her story of finding how powerful this discovery was for her and how it unlocked a multiple 6 figure income that allows her to work from anywhere in the world.

    Emily Reagan is the founder of the Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School where she helps women achieve flexibility, creativity, and financial success as work-from-home marketing assistants and specialists. www.emilyreaganpr.comWant to start making money online with only your laptop? Learn how to be a Digital Marketing Assistant by tapping into what online business owners need help with: https://emily-reagan.mykajabi.com/10VAtasks

  • "I'm feeling the doubt, the insecurity and really wanting to give up because I don’t want to keep working this hard. I want to be with my family. Part of me thinks I should have never done this, but part of me trusts the Universe. Feel this. Observe this."
    That was a quote from my journal back in Oct of 2021. My fear and doubt in myself was at an all time high because I was 2 days into my 3rd launch of my Leveraging LinkedIn course and had zero sales.
    On this episode I'll be talking about how to recover from when you put out an online course or offer and no one buys it; then turn it into a winning offer!
    I'll be sharing with you 3 things that you can consider to improve on that offer and dial it in more.
    I'll also be sharing how to stop looking at a failed launch as a failure but using it for feedback instead.
    Make sure to grab my free Online Business Playbook, the A to Z guide to making money online and starting an online business that you love: https://www.simonwparsons.com/playbook

  • Did you know that most online business owners are eliminating 95% or more of their potential clients? The reason is because they are focused on selling their single offer at a single price point and hoping that I client will be in that exact position to buy from them.....at that exact time. Like ships passing in the night, would be 'lifetime clients' get left behind, never to be seen again.

    On this episode:

    I'll show you a strategy and business structure used by some of the biggest businesses in the world as well as how you can implement this same structure in your online business.
    We'll talk about what the 'Value Ladder' is, as described by Digital Marketing expert and owner of Click Funnels: Russell Brunson.
    I'll show you how I've used the Value Ladder to create lifetime, recurring clients and made money from the same clients over and over again.

    Want to get a better understanding of digital marketing concepts such as the value ladder, lead magnets, opt in pages, split testing, and more?

    Its crucial for you to understand these things if you want to start making money online so I've created an A to Z encyclopedia called the Online Business Playbook and you can grab it for free right here: https://www.simonwparsons.com/playbook

    Also check out the "Build Your Online Business With Kajabi " (5 day challenge). In 5 days I can show you how to build all your most important assets such as setting up payments, starting your email list, building your first lead magnet, setting up the outline of an online course and building sales and checkout pages. You can also get a free 30 day trial of Kajabi + free access to this course and a ton of resources!

  • Its time for a wake up call. You are following your boss around as he scrambles from meeting to meeting every single day, telling you that if you work harder, bust your ass, make more for the company, then one day you'll have what he has. The harder you work, the LESS freedom you have.Get ready for a raw and unapologetic jam session with Brian Luebben, the guy who flipped the bird to corporate life and jet-setted around the world while building a real estate empire and a thriving online business & podcast.This isn't your typical success story. Brian's new book, "Passive to Passionate," isn't just about making money online; it's about finding your vision, purpose, and reclaiming your most precious resource – time. We're talking escape strategies, rubbing shoulders with millionaire mentors, dominating the real estate game, and pursuing those audacious dreams that give you butterflies.Brian's on a mission to wake up a million go-getters, and if you're a Gen X or Millennial pro or content creator, you won't want to miss this. Plus, check out his daily wisdom drops on the Action Academy podcast – two years of daily brain fuel to ignite your journey!So, no clichés here, but prepare to have your reality shaken. It's time to redefine success on your terms, make money online, and build an online business that's driven by vision and purpose. Grab Brian Luebben's book Passive To Passionate right now: https://amzn.to/3GmoHkNConnect with Brian Luebben on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brianluebben/

  • How do you know when it is a good time to make a shift or a pivot in your online business? If you've been feeling like you aren't where you are at, you may be getting the urge to make a change. But what if you just haven't been staying in the game long enough. But how do you know?

    Today's topic is based around a question I saw this during a Q/A by Alex Hormozi: "You speak a lot on outlasting your competition and playing the infinite game, but at WHAT POINT should an entrepreneur PIVOT? In terms of strategy, marketing, sales tactics, etc. how do you know when something ISNT working OR you just haven’t been doing the volume/long enough?"In this episode, I'll share with you 6 questions you can ask yourself to help you figure out the best path for you.

    If you'd like to ask me a High Value Question on how to make money online, digital marketing, sales or online courses you can leave me a message here: https://www.simonwparsons.com/questions

    If you'd like to start building your Online Empire using my favorite app that I use to build courses, do email marketing, create lead magnets and make money while I sleep; you can get a free 30 day trial of Kajabi plus free access to my upcoming course that will teach you how to build everything out in 5 days:


  • Did you know that the average coach makes $45k per year? And 90-95% of coaches never break 6 figures? So why is it that there are so many marketing guru's and business coaches constantly bragging about how they are getting insane results for their clients? Is it even true?

    In this episode I'll get raw and real about the coaching industry and share some insights I've seen from working with over 200 other coaches and entrepreneurs and participating in several business coaching, digital marketing and online course programs.

    Most coaches aren't making the kind of money that they want to, they struggle to get buy, they grind it out and the failure rate is high for these types of online businesses. But it doesn't have to be like this.

    Here's the good thing, you CAN succeed and make 6 or 7 figures as a coach but it's probably NOT the path that most of these business coaches tell you, same with 'coaching certification' programs that make you think that you'll have a stream of clients coming in the second you open your doors.

    Make sure to join my Digital Entrepreneur Newsletter for more insights and behind the scenes of marketing, sales and online entrepreneurship: https://www.simonwparsons.com/entrepreneur

  • If you could work remotely, from wherever you wanted in the world, where would you be?

    In this captivating episode of the High Value Skills Podcast, Ketty from the Energy Lab. Ketty's story is anything but ordinary, as she shares her remarkable journey from the corporate grind to the realm of mindful and intuitive nutrition. But here's the burning question: What does it truly take to craft a purpose-driven online business that not only aligns with your passions but also grants you the freedom to work from anywhere on the planet?

    Ketty's narrative is a living testament to the power of purpose-driven entrepreneurship, offering insights into alignment, discipline, and organization in the pursuit of a successful online business. Plus, she unveils her personal mission to bridge the gap between personal well-being and environmental sustainability—a vital insight for anyone eager to create positive change.

    Join us for Ketty's invaluable tips for aspiring online entrepreneurs. From cultivating self-trust and patience to breaking free from the illusion of the "perfect" moment, her wisdom is gleaned from years of experience. Whether you're a newcomer to the world of online business or seeking fresh inspiration to supercharge your journey to making money online, this episode provides a wealth of actionable advice and inspiration.

    Don't miss out on this chance to shatter the conventional career path and discover how to build an online business that not only resonates with your purpose but also grants you the freedom you crave. Hit that subscribe button and dive into this illuminating conversation with Ketty on the High Value Skills Podcast because your extraordinary online business journey begins here.

    Connect with Ketty here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/onlinenutritioncoachholisticfitness/

    Also make sure to check out Ketty & Marcus's website here:


  • Does entrepreneurship ever feel lonely or like you have a hard time finding like minded people who will support you on your path to building a badass online business?

    There is absolutely NO question that your results are tied to the people that you are around. Jim Rohn used to say 'You are the average of the 5 people that you are closest with.' Making more money in your online business and having more success in life really is tied to your relationships.

    Today's High Value Question: "How do I find more like minded individuals actually doing productive things and not have to pay to be their friends?"

    On this episode I'll share with you 5 ways you can create a kick ass tribe of connections that will make it so much easier for you to success in your online business.

    Do you have some questions about digital marketing, sales, online courses, email marketing or mindset when it comes to making money online? Send me your questions here! https://www.simonwparsons.com/questions

    Want to see 7 passive income streams I've created in the last year? Grab my guide to passive income here: https://www.simonwparsons.com/passive

  • Question: What words come to your mind when I say the word 'sales' or 'selling'? Do you have a negative thought come up like sales is sleazy, high pressure, awkward, uncomfortable, rejection? Its interesting because I've taught sales in front of larger groups of entrepreneurs and asked that very question and its surprising to see what people will say, and its mostly negative.

    If you have some of these feelings about sales then you will be blocking yourself from making money in your online business. On top of that, higher ticket sales will require you to get better at selling on a zoom or phone call because its hard for people to make those sales with just a checkout or sales page.

    In this episode I'll share with you my sales 'script' that has lead to $36 million (and growing) in sales. Its actually not really a script but more like a 'flow' and it makes it so easy to connect with your clients, it feels natural and will lead to higher conversions.

    Make sure to drop in on my Digital Entrepreneur Newsletter where I share with you behind the scenes of my online business as well as actionable advice when it comes to how to make money online: https://www.simonwparsons.com/entrepreneur

    Want to learn how to turn Sales Objections into Opportunities? If you are walking away when someone you gives you an objection, you are leaving money on the table but also missing out on potential lifetime clients: https://www.simonwparsons.com/offers/NmftjSde/checkout

  • Have you heard of Sunken Cost Fallacy? Its a bias that shows up when you've put so much time and energy into something that you double down and keep going instead of cutting your losses (or listening to your heart).

    It takes a courageous soul to ignore the voice that tells you to keep going and cut your losses and start all over again.

    Emily-Jane Sarroff was 22 years old and a few months from graduating with her masters degree, with over $50,000 invested. She had put so much in, so she should complete it right? Most people would.

    When she searched her soul for answers, her intuition gave her the answers that she needed.

    In this episode, my good friend Em shares her entrepreneur journey with you, the highs, the lows, and what it takes to create a business that aligns with your soul and gives you the freedom to do what you want in life.

    You can connect with Em here: https://www.instagram.com/empowerwithem/

    You can grab Em's guide to planning your 9 to 5 exit strategy here: https://tidy-waterfall-589.myflodesk.com/mkg8m2wr78

  • Does asking for more money in your online business make you incredibly uncomfortable? Do you struggle with finding the right pricing that will allow you to make more money instead of struggling to get by? Don't worry, we've got you covered!

    This episode is your guide to transforming your online business's profitability and ensuring you're not just surviving, but thriving.

    We'll jam out on the significant benefits of charging what you're truly worth in the online business world. It's more than just a numbers game; it's about recognizing the value of your digital expertise and the unique solutions you bring to the online marketplace.

    We'll explore how setting the right prices can not only increase your income but also attract a more dedicated clientele, boost your brand's value, and lay the foundation for a resilient online business model. Remember, undervaluing your services doesn't just affect your earnings; it can impact the overall perception and success of your online venture.

    I'll cover eight powerful strategies to confidently raise your rates and maximize how to make money online without alienating your existing clients. These are tried-and-tested tactics, ranging from understanding the nuances of the online market to introducing tiered pricing models. Each strategy is a step towards a more profitable and respected online business.

    Finally, we address the common discomfort associated with charging more for your online services. It's a hurdle many face, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome it. This episode goes beyond just pricing; it's about instilling confidence in your worth as an online service provider.

    Want to ask me some questions about digital marketing, online courses, email marketing, sales or content? Drop me a message here so I can cover them on this segment of the podcast!


  • Question for you: If you believe in the deepest core of your being that you would succeed in building the online business of your dreams, the one that gave you the flexibility and freedom to do everything you want in life and make as much money as you want, would it happen? You bet it would. So why don't we believe it? Why do we talk or think our way out of success?

    Your beliefs have a direct tie to your results, as they say, what you think becomes reality. In the last 3 years, I've been given the opportunity to work with literally hundreds of online entrepreneurs, ones who have succeeded and ones who have failed and it inevitably comes down to your mindset and your belief system.

    In this episode:

    I'll share with you the 5 biggest and most common mindset obstacles for those wanting to build a thriving online business. I'll share with you how to reframe those beliefs into new and more empowering ones. I'll share with you the Knowledge + Action - Overthink = Results framework for success.

    If you can get rid of the most common mental threats that harm your online business, you'll have the freedom to go out there and build the empire that you want to have.

    I am on a mission to change the lives of at least 1000 entrepreneurs by helping them with digital marketing, sales, content creation, online courses and email marketing. You can join 4000 other badass entrepreneurs who are taking action to make this happen by signing up for my free Digital Entrepreneur newsletter here: https://www.simonwparsons.com/entrepreneur

    As Grand Cardone says "Starve the doubt. Feed the beast". Go get it my friends.