Have you ever wondered to yourself, “Now, why does the butcherbird save its food?” Well, does Mister Cricket have a “true” story for you! It really all started with an old butcher bird by the name of Red Roughshanks, but everyone just called him The Red. Tune in to hear about how The Red went from being friendless to saving an entire town because of his selflessness and self-control. Gather around the campfire as John Cricket weaves another incredible fable for you and your family.
Have you ever had something about yourself that you would like to change? Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished there was something different about yourself? Well, so does Douglas Nutkin. But, thanks to a true story about a young recruit in the Crustacean Infantry during the Shell Confederacy and the Fish Union we will all learn why crawdads walk backward. God made each of us, individually, with love and care! He longs for us to be our authentic selves. Tune in for a great fable today, one your don't want to miss!
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Have you ever been out on a front porch at night and wondered to yourself, “Why does the raccoon wear a mask?” A True mystery, indeed. Well, would you believe it if we told you that all raccoons used to have no black markings on their faces at all? And that it all started with a mischievous little raccoon from New Jersey named Risky Smith? Grab a friend, pull your parents in, and gather ’round as we weave a fable for you all about thankfulness. You won’t want to miss today’s fable featuring a Christmas catalog, a Dutchess, and a mob of angry bosque town members.
Have you ever asked yourself, “why do fireflies shine at night?” Well, would you believe us if we told you it all started with a toothache, a lone match, and a regular, old housefly with the bravest temperament around? Grab your parents and gather around for today’s fable about a dentist, a mayor with a sweet-tooth for the ages, and Ernie Alabaster, the bravest housefly to ever live. Don’t worry, if it’s not true, it should be.
Welcome to Season 2 of Mister Crickets Fire Fables! You may sometimes wonder, why does the black bear eat everything? Would you believe us if we told you it all started with a food festival, a cit-wide diet, and the compassion of a jazz band? Gather around for today’s fable about a group of black bears that decided eating pie was more important than some musical instruments and a young doe’s growth in caring for those around her. You don’t want to miss this riveting fable!
Hello parents! Welcome to our Volume 1 bonus episodes. Between Volume 1 and Volume 2 (launching Spring 2020), we will be running three bonus episodes especially for our parents listening with their kids. In today’s episode Will, the mastermind behind our fables, interviews two of our staff members here at Mission Hills Church. Listen in today as Kelly McSparran and Matt Rhodes (Whistlepunk Bumpy) talk about their experience as parents teaching their kids kindness and humility. Share in their past victories and failures alike!
Hello parents! Welcome to our Volume 1 bonus episodes. Between Volume 1 and Volume 2 (launching Spring 2020), we will be running three bonus episodes especially for our parents listening with their kids. Listen in today as Kara Sudduth and Michael Petrelli talk about their experience as parents teaching their kids diligence and honesty. Share in their past victories and failures alike!
Hello parents! Welcome to our Volume 1 bonus episodes. Between Volume 1 and Volume 2 (launching Spring 2020), we will be running three bonus episodes especially for our parents listening with their kids. In today’s episode Will, the mastermind behind our fables, interviews two of our staff members here at Mission Hills Church. Listen in today as Mandy Henry (Mrs. Piddleman) and Micah Harrison (Smokey Ledbetter) talk about their experience as parents teaching their kids obedience and generosity. Share in their past victories and failures alike!
Why is it that poison ivy sometimes looks like green mittens? Well, it all starts a long time ago with a few mice named Dilly and Dally Brown. Dilly Brown was a White-Footed Deer Mouse who lived by the dump in an old, leather boot, with his mom and his dad and his brother, Dally. Now, Dilly and Dally were twins born two minutes apart. Gather around for today’s fable about truth-telling, and the upset stomach that comes with a lie about pie eating.
Why does the kudzu vine grow SO fast? Before you were born, there wasn’t a stitch of Kudzu in the South. There were vines, of course, vines of every kind. Maypop, Ground Nut, Dutchman’s Pipe, Trumpet Creeper… so many vines, a man couldn’t walk two feet without tripping. Listen in today as Mister Cricket weaves a fable for two unsuspecting bosk natives all about the importance of diligence through a very lazy entrepreneur.
Why is the crow black? Did you know that there was once a time all crows used to have feathers as white as the freshly fallen snow? If you want to know the truth about the crow, you’ll have to know the story of Reverend A. C. Babble, a certain crow with a divinity degree and a large congregation in Suavity Bosk. Listen in today as Mister Cricket takes us through a fable involving a crow with a very humbling fall.
Why don't deer have any top teeth? Did you know that there was once a time when all the deer of Suavity Bosk had top-teeth the size of a wolf’s! Sharp! And pointy! And not to be trifled with! Listen in to today's tale as Mister Cricket takes us back to a time in Suavity Bosk when a certain deer, named Ten-Point Tom, learned a hard lesson in kindness with the help of some dental cement, a hardworking Hound and a pool of delicious wonders.
Why does the Water Moccasin swim on top of the water? Listen in to today's tale as Mister Cricket takes us back to a blisteringly hot day in Suavity Bosk when a certain snake, named Slide, learned a valuable lesson in Generosity. Being generous and kind isn’t easy and we hope today's fable shows the importance of those virtues.
Did you know that once upon a time, every possum in the woods (Suavity Bosk) had a tail as black and bushy as a skunk’s backside? Listen in to today’s tale as Mister Cricket takes us back to a time where a possum named Pokey Piddleman learned a valuable lesson in Obedience at the expense of his tail; because of a delicious pie.
Conceived for kids 6-12, (but loved by parents everywhere), Mister Cricket’s Fire-Fables are tales that teach the common courtesies of life through humor and intrigue. Set in a fictional woods known as, “Suavity Bosk”, each fable begins with a question, and each question is answered by John Cricket––the only human being in the bosk.