
  • Myquillyn Smith joins me today and we talk all about her new book, House Rules. This was my favorite interview I've ever done. If you know who Myquillyn is, you know what I mean. She is authentic and down to earth, and teaches you how to love your home. We discuss her tips and tricks for decorating your home and what her new book, House Rules offers.

    House Rules - This inviting collection from a self-proclaimed imperfections contains 100 memorable, universal decorating truths that apply to every house, style, and budget. By guiding you to do what you know, use what you have, and finish what you started, Myquillyn Smith will help you find:

    understanding of why you love (or don't love) your spaces confidence to make rewarding decisions to feel risky satisfaction with small wins that combine to create big changes inspiration and motivation resulting in finished personalized rooms

    Learn how to make better decorating decisions with ease. Her beautiful new book released April 23, 2024!

    For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Do you know The Nester? Aka - Myquillyn Smith - the home decor girl that keeps it real! You do not want to miss my interview with her which is the next episode (#120). This episode is a short intro and I'll share one of Myquillyn's rules with you from her new book, House Rules - she has 100 of them.

    Myquillyn is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Welcome Home and Cozy Minimalist Home. For the past fifteen years, she has been encouraging women to embrace their space - imperfections and all - and make it their own. You can join her community Academy at Home and keep up with her TheNester.com.

    For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • In this episode (a re-release) I chat with fellow Professional Organizer Dalys Macon who serves her clients in the Washington DC area. Dalys specializes in closet organization (and all other spaces in the home) and she has great tips for how to be more purposeful – specifically with your clothing and styling. Her tips and tricks will help you really examine your closet in a new way!

    Dalys Macon is the owner of D’Vine Order in the Washington, DC Metro area. Born and raised in the Republic of Panama đŸ‡”đŸ‡Š, she has lived in the U.S. all her adult life. Dalys is the Queen of the castle to her husband of 25 years and 2 young adult sons. Air Force Veteran, Breast Cancer Survivor, IT Project Manager and Creator @blackgirlswhoorganize are all part of her resume.

    Blessed with creative parents who encouraged artistic freedom at home, planted a gift that developed in a way that Dalys now knows is not natural to many. It was the beginning of her love for stylish clothing and beautiful spaces. After 25+ years organizing for friends and family, she finally leaped and launched D’Vine Order in 2018.

    Dalys is passionate about order and simplification. She helps busy professionals, especially women, live with only those things that matters most. When not organizing, Dalys enjoys volunteering at her church, travel, music and home decor. It is her desire to inspire all to develop a lifestyle that is organized, simplified and styled.

    For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Monica Leed and I chat in this episode (a re-release because it was SO good).

    Monica has a design background in the fast-paced film industry. She spent over ten years cultivating curiosity in the art of efficient space design, time management, and the power of organizational systems. Then in 2011, life threw her an unexpected curveball that reminded her that a demanding career without a balanced home life will leave you feeling stuck and uninspired.

    I loved hearing more of her story, how she discovered how to bring her life into a better balance, and why she wrote her book Simply Spaced. Monica is the CEO and Owner of her brand and company Simply Spaced.

    Thank you for listening and subscribing, I hope you were inspired by Monica’s story today. For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Drum roll! Are you ready to hear my announcement? I have some fun updates to share with you! Tune in and hear all the latest and greatest. Have you subscribed to the podcast? I would love it if you would. Thanks for listening!

    For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • The only way to get organized and stay organized is to commit to the reset! What's a reset? It's when you take the extra minute(s) to put things back and keep things in place. It is critical to practice resetting. When you get home from shopping allow time to reset. When you move from room to room, put things away where they go. A system will only stay maintained if it its maintained (see what I did there?). For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Sarah Bragg (Podcaster, Author, Communicator) hops on the podcast today to chat all about her new book, Is Everyone Happier Than Me? Sarah is an amazing communicator! She encourages you to sit where you are and ask yourself the tough questions. I SO appreciate her authenticity and curiosity.

    If you pre-order or order her book (releasing March 19th, 2024) you’ll also get access to a series of podcast episodes where she talks about perfectionism. (Head over HERE to claim your free gift if you order her new book.) You’ll love learning from Sarah and I encourage you to also tune in to her podcasts Surviving Sarah and also be sure to check out her great free organizing resources.

    In an age where everyone else’s successes are flaunted in front of you on social media, it can be a struggle to feel true happiness and contentment exactly where you are. Throw in difficult circumstances—loss, heartbreak, change, midlife—and it’s easy to understand why you feel lonely, lost, unsure of yourself, stuck, and, if you’re honest with yourself, flat-out unhappy. Is Everyone Happier Than Me? provides practical and relatable answers to the questions you’ve probably already been asking about your life, and poses a few more, to help you figure out what’s standing in the way of your happiness, peace, and connection.

    For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month which seems like the perfect time to share with you our cancer journey. My husband, David was diagnosed in July of 2021 and thankfully just passed his two year mark of his “wait and watch” program. We shared more about his story on these episodes – Episode #11, Episode #12.

    If you have any history of cancer in your family PLEASE talk to your primary care physician and discuss which cancer screenings you should schedule. Early detection is key!

    As I shared in this episode the NEW screening age for colon cancer (a colonoscopy) is 45. Please send any questions my way and/or if you have your own cancer journey story, I’d love to hear. Cheers to good health!

    Resources: Lead From Behind and Colorectal Cancer Alliance.

    For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • David my best friend since 1993 joins me for part two of our discussion on how to organize as a couple. We share our five tips: communication, individual spaces, boundaries, blending styles, and strategies. We encourage you and your partner to take on the attitude of being a "good roommate." Organizing together and setting up your home works better when you use a teamwork approach.

    We'd love to hear your feedback and also how you're navigating organizational systems in your home with your partner. It's an ongoing process and we encourage you to follow our five tips. If you want to hear more from David (he asked me to remind you that he's been on the podcast before: Episode #11, Episode #12, and Episode #111. (Yep - he's a regular!)

    For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • David (my partner in crime) joins me today on the podcast. This is a two part chat where we share how we have worked to blend our two organizing styles and honor each other in the process. In this first part we talk about how we were raised and how we prefer to set up our spaces. David has joined me before on the podcast Episode #11 and Episode #12.

    This is often a challenging piece to navigate when you share your home and spaces with others. We hope this helps you to communicate and set up systems that work for you and your loved ones. If you don't subscribe to the MWM newsletter I encourage you to do so. This way you'll never miss an episode and I also share other tips and tools via the email news. For all the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • In today’s episode I share all about what I learned and re-learned in 2023. And how my takeaways from last year have helped me to better redefine what I value and prioritize.

    From my reflections and experiences I came up with the principle – Have What You Value & Value What You Have. Isn’t that what it should be all about? But don’t we often value too many different things? Or put our attention and energies towards things that aren’t truly what we cherish and/or value?

    I encourage you to do some soul work on this. Ask yourself if your calendar, commitments, and choices truly reflect your highest and most important values? And...if the answer isn’t a resounding YES – make some changes. I did and I know you can too – if you need to. Life is a gift. We need to use our time intentionally and purposefully.

    Stay tuned for the next two-part series where I unpack out to organize with your unorganized partner. For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Happy NY and happy '24! Do you start the year with extra motivation? Or do you feel overwhelmed? Maybe a little of both? I get it. Me too!

    I am hoping this year is your best year yet. The year where you feel the most at peace. I'm here to help you on your journey. One step at a time. The podcast episodes are now going to be releasing weekly - cue the confetti! So be sure to subscribe and follow along. Every day you have the choice to make it an intentional day.

    In this episode I dive into why less spending, stuff and stress equates to MORE saving, space and sleep. Yes please! Which of these do you crave the most of? What changes can you make to create better habits? Let's do this one step at a time. Cheers to MORE in '24! For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • In this episode I'm sharing five questions you can ask yourself when it comes to Organizing Your Home (this is the book I reference and recommend). These questions pertain to your home, but they can also be applied to your time, energy or schedule. Anything you want to manage better or more intentionally.

    Dream: What do you want your space to look like? Get Real: What does your space look like now? List your frustrations: What's bugging you? Get Specific: What's not working? Set Some Goals: What do you want to achieve?

    Consider these questions and evaluate where you want to make changes. Where are your tensions? What's not working for you? Where do you need systems? Remember less is truly MORE!

    Lastly, please VOTE FOR ME! I have been nominated as one of the top Professional Organizers in Northern Colorado and would love your vote! :) If you want to join the Seasonal Organizing Challenge you can find all the info HERE. For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • It's all about Keeping it Simple. I'm sharing how to embrace and pivot within our different life seasons. In this episode I share three principles: keep it simple, keep it working, and keep pivoting/adjusting. If you'd like to dive into this topic more you may enjoy reading my book - Take Back Your Time

    As I mentioned in the episode, I'd LOVE to have your vote for the top Professional Organizer in Northern Colorado. Here is the handy dandy link - VOTE FOR ME.

    Thank you for tuning in and being committed to live a MORE organized life. Let's focus less on perfectionism and productivity, and more on peace and purpose.

    Seasonal shifts are unavoidable! Keeping it Simple keeps things manageable. And if you want to join the Seasonal Organizing Challenge you can find all the info HERE. For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Christy Lingo joins me for part two of our conversation! In this episode we take a deep dive into her ADHD diagnosis and how she is navigating life with it. If you struggle with ADHD and want a great resource, Christy is your person. Now better known as "The ADHD Mompreneur," Christy specializes in mom-centered executive function coaching for women who may struggle with ADHD and/or have organizing challenges. She is also sharing a great FREE bundle of ADHD checklist printables with you HERE. You can follow and connect with Christy on Instagram, to see more of her great offerings and to learn more! For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Getting on my soap box here to tell you what I don't want you doing! I want you to stop being hard on yourself. No more negative self talk. Don't fall into the trap of feeling guilty and ashamed of how and where you are not measuring up. YOU get to decide what your priorities are and what you will or will not prioritize. And I know, this is not necessarily easy to do, but it can be VERY empowering. Take today and the next day and the day after that to focus on what you want to do and what's most important to you (and then let the other stuff go!). This could be stuff stuff or actual commitments or just things you feel obligated to do, but don't really need to be doing. Take back your time and your health and your well being by being razor focused about what you will and will not do. And of course, feel free to delegate, outsource, say no - you get the idea! Thank you for tuning into this seasonal release of the podcast. Please subscribe, review the show, and let me know what else you'd love to hear about. Cheering you on!!! For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • This episode #104 and episode #105 are both with Christy Lingo. Christy is a former Professional Organizer who is now better known as "The ADHD Mompreneur." She specializes in mom-centered executive function coaching for women who may struggle with ADHD and/or have organizing challenges. We begin our conversation talking about her past year and a half and how she walked through her battle with breast cancer. One in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer, so be sure to get your mammograms and do your due diligence. Your well being depends on it! Her story and words of wisdom will educate and inspire you. Be sure to listen to the next episode too and follow and connect with Christy on Instagram. (And check out her free checklists for ADHD entrepreneurs!) For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Welcome Wendy to the podcast, aka the lady behind The Peaceful Homestead! Wendy has come up with five reasons why we can get overly attached to our "stuff." She breaks down what she calls the five attachment syndromes. Or, in other words the relationships we have with our stuff and the struggles within. You'll love learning her tips and you may also identify with one (or more) of the attachments. You can hear more from Wendy on a previous episode (#76). Follow Wendy for more inspiration on her website The Peaceful Homestead and Instagram. For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Dr. Shannon Polk joins me today to talk about her desire to move in an intentional way (literally to move from one city to another!). I'm so incredibly thankful she reached out to me and that I got to step into her life to help her family relocate. We worked hard to set up realistic systems and it was SO fun. You'll appreciate Shannon's authenticity and self awareness, and enjoy hearing about the moving process. (It's all about the systems!) Keep up with Shannon on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and her website www.shannonpolk.com. When she is not leading her organization or helping run her home life, Shannon is also a thought leader on the topics of race, gender, class, and faith. For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

  • Cheers to a new year and another season of the MWM Podcast. Check out the new look for the podcast and some great topics coming your way! This spring seasonal release of the podcast is focusing on your well being. We'll discuss systems, prioritization, keeping tabs on your health and check ups, why you need a team, the five syndromes of attachment we have with our stuff and MORE. Make sure you are a part of the MWM Community and plan to join the Spring Organizing Challenge today! For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."