
  • Have you ever wondered what a life filled with inner safety, compassion, loving kindness, and understanding for oneself looks like? In this episode, we revisit a deeply insightful conversation with Joseph Argazzi (Joe), a spiritual counselor, and recovery specialist. Throughout the episode, Joe shares his practices, principles, and lived wisdom on achieving a life of spiritual well-being. Join us as we delve into Joe’s  journey and his teachings on assuming radical responsibility for our lives and surrendering to the infinite possibilities that await us.

    One of the core themes of our conversation with Joe revolves around shifting from a victim mentality to an empowered mindset. Joe shares his journey of realizing that life isn't something happening to him but for him. Even in the most painful circumstances, he learned to see the universe's hand in guiding him towards growth and self-expansion.

    Joe recounts his experiences of discovering new spiritual insights, sharing these with others, and watching his consciousness evolve over the years. This shift—from seeing life as a series of misfortunes to recognizing it as an intricate plan for personal growth—has radically transformed Joe's life.

    A powerful takeaway from Joe’s teachings is the practice of radical acceptance. Embracing what is, without resistance or judgment, creates an opening for divine intelligence and creativity to flow through us. This acceptance paradoxically enables change and growth, providing a sense of peace and alignment with our true selves.

    This conversation with Joe Argazzi highlights the profound impact of compassion, self-understanding, and spiritual practice in living a fulfilled life. By embracing our emotions as messengers, transitioning from victim mentality to empowerment, and surrendering to the universe’s infinite possibilities, we can cultivate a life of internal safety and loving kindness.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro03:15 The Shift from Victim Mentality to Empowerment07:53 Early Spiritual Experiences and Catholic Upbringing22:51 The Journey of Self-Discovery and Sobriety32:56 Therapeutic Process and Emotional Safety33:50 Discovering Agape Spiritual Center35:43 Embracing Universal Teachings38:06 Living from the Heart39:18 Surrendering to Infinite Possibilities46:02 Understanding and Accepting Emotions50:30 The Power of Acceptance01:00:08 Living a Fulfilling Life

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodCreator Connections: https://www.maureenspielman.com/events 

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Joe

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joseph.argazzihttps://josephargazzi.com/

    Connect with Maureen 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/Facebook:
  • Have you ever wondered how personal challenges could potentially alter and define a professional journey? In the latest episode of Mystical Sisterhood, I sit down with Dr. Jill Carnahan, a leading voice in functional medicine who has transformed her personal battles into a wellspring of inspiration and knowledge for many. Dr. Jill's story is a testament to human resilience, hope, and the confluence of science and faith. Dive into our conversation as we explore her profound narrative that combines battling aggressive breast cancer, embracing functional medicine, and realizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

    For many, the concept of functional medicine may seem like an abstract, fringe area of health. However, Dr. Jill provides illuminating insights into this growing field. Functional medicine, she explains, involves delving into the 'why' behind a disease, rather than simply managing symptoms. It aims to identify and address the root causes of illness, looking at the complex interactions between genetics, environment, and lifestyle.

    Autoimmune diseases and gut issues are on the rise globally. Dr. Jill breaks down this complex topic, unraveling how environmental triggers, genetics, and gut health can contribute to such conditions. She stresses the importance of addressing gut health to calm the immune response, a critical step in managing autoimmune diseases.

    For those navigating their health journey, Dr. Jill’s advice is clear: trust your intuition, seek holistic approaches, and empower yourself with knowledge. Her dedication to her patients and her unwavering faith serve as an inspiring lesson that, even in the face of adversity, one can find resilience and hope.

    If you are facing health challenges or simply seeking to improve your wellbeing, Dr. Jill's story and approach might just provide the motivation you need to start on a transformative path. Remember, healing is possible, and often, the journey of suffering can lead to unexpected revelations and resilience.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro02:32 Dr. Jill's Battle with Breast Cancer05:13 Exploring the Multidimensional Approach of Functional Medicine10:02 The Power of Self-Advocacy in Medical Treatment15:28 Spirituality and Healing: Dr. Jill's Personal Insights18:10 Understanding Functional Medicine: A Deeper Dive21:37 The Power of Functional Medicine: Reversing the Incurable24:21 Identity and Habits: The Key to Lasting Change25:34 The Power of Positive Affirmations and Self-Care27:36 Listening to Your Body: The Importance of Somatic Experiencing29:12 Learning to Slow Down: A Personal Story of Self-Care30:56 Creative Ways to Share Work Without Burnout33:53 Addressing the Rise of Autoimmune Conditions

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodCreator Connections: https://www.maureenspielman.com/events

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Dr. Jill 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlatironFunctionalMedicine/YouTube:
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  • Have you lost your creative flame? In a world that often labels and categorizes us based on our perceived level of creativity, today we are challenging these notions by inviting you to explore the true nature of creativity. 

    How can societal conditioning and educational systems sometimes stifle our creative instincts? We cover this, and I share personal stories about feeling inadequate in art classes and how such experiences can shape our beliefs about our creative abilities.

    Despite the challenges and conditioning we may have faced, you can reclaim your birthright to create. Self-expression can take myriad forms and that each individual possesses a unique creative energy waiting to be unleashed.

    Through sharing my own journey of self-discovery and creativity, I encourage you to honor your unique creative expressions. Whether it's through spoken word, visual arts, cooking, or gardening, she highlights that there are endless ways to tap into your creativity and bring your gifts to the world.

    In a world that often undervalues and overlooks the power of creativity, this episode on Mystical Sisterhood serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing our inner creative selves. Through self-reflection, exploration of childhood creativity, and the reclamation of our birthright to create, I invite you to awaken your creative potential and share your unique gifts with the world.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro00:43 Exploring Our Inner Creativity and Misconceptions02:36 Creativity as a Birthright and Transformation07:44 Revisiting Childhood Creativity and Play11:40 Addressing Lost Creativity in Adulthood13:53 Reclaiming Creativity and Expressing Your Unique Self20:51 Introducing Creator Connections: A Community for Creative Growth22:19 Closing Thoughts on Creativity and a Special Invitation

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodCreator Connections: https://www.maureenspielman.com/events

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Maureen 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list Website: https://www.maureenspielman.comEmail Maureen at [email protected] to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking engagements

    Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.

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  • In a world where the lines between the physical and spiritual realms often blur, the experience of near-death encounters remains a profound mystery. Today, we delve into the extraordinary journey of Susie Pearl, who bravely shares her remarkable near-death experience and the transformative insights it brought into her life.

    As Susie gets deeper into her near-death experience, she paints a vivid picture of leaving her physical body and embarking on a soul-stirring journey through the cosmos. The profound messages she received during this transcendent moment resonate with the universal truths of love, choice, and the interconnectedness of all beings. The miraculous healing she experienced upon returning to her body serves as a testament to the unfathomable power of the human spirit.

    Susie's poignant reflection on the aftermath of her near-death encounter sheds light on the challenges and revelations that reshaped her perception of life. Her newfound awareness of the interconnectedness of all existence and the boundless potential of human consciousness illuminates a path towards personal transformation and collective healing. In the face of skepticism and conventional medical advice, Susie's unwavering pursuit of holistic healing underscores the importance of listening to one's inner guidance.

    Through her experiences and insights gained from the realms beyond, Susie emphasizes the role of consciousness, intention, and compassion in shaping our reality. Her journey serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those seeking deeper meaning and connection in a world fraught with uncertainty. By embracing our inherent spiritual nature and aligning with the forces of love and light, we can pave the way for a brighter, more harmonious future.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro03:15 Her Life-Changing Diagnosis and Near Death Experience04:56 Healing and Insights from Beyond09:34 The Power of Consciousness and Intention12:53 Applying Spiritual Insights to Modern Challenges17:25 The Importance of Natural Healing and Personal Choice20:42 Exploring the Universal Connection and Collective Consciousness22:44 The Role of Creativity and Challenges in Personal Growth

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Susie 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susiepearlx/?hl=enYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@susiepearlFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/susiepearlwriter/X: https://twitter.com/susie_pearlWebsite: https://www.susiepearl.com/

    Connect with Maureen 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/Facebook:
  • How many hats have we worn in our lifetimes? Do we have to stay the course we initially chose? These are questions that often plague us as we navigate through life's unpredictable waters. It's a story of transformation and actualization that resonates deeply in the tale of Sarah Maher, the proprietor of Village and Vessel, a beacon of light and vibrational healing in the heart of Oak Park, Illinois.

    Sarah's journey is not just her story; it mirrors the quest of many who seek purpose beyond the conventional paths laid before them. Sarah's transition from the world of comedy and tech to opening a crystal and tarot shop reflects a profound exploration of self and the courage to live one's dreams.

    Sarah reminisces about her discovery and connection with crystals during a time when she felt lost and disconnected from her purpose. Her venture into the world of metaphysical healing was not just about embracing a new profession but about reclaiming her soul's call. The creation of Village and Vessel was a response to an inward pull—an answer to a community's silent plea for a space that understood and catered to their spiritual path.

    Village and Vessel is more than just a crystal shop; it's a sanctuary for seekers, a place where souls can commune, learn, and grow. Sarah's passion for healing crystals and her commitment to providing a space for spiritual education and evolution resonates deeply with her mission. The shop stands as a testament to the beauty of pursuing one's passions, exploring the mystical, and supporting each other's journeys.

    Sarah Maher's story, encapsulated in the founding of Village and Vessel, serves as a luminous example of what becomes possible when we dare to dream and support one another. Her journey from feeling lost to finding her purpose in the world of crystals and healing is a powerful narrative of personal evolution and community building.

    For those in the Oak Park area or beyond, Village and Vessel awaits your visit, ready to offer a space for healing, learning, and connection. Whether through their physical storefront or online presence, Sarah and her team look forward to guiding you in your journey towards vibrational healing and spiritual discovery.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro01:54 The Power of Mentorship and Community Support03:00 Embracing One's Giftedness and Supporting Others05:58 The Spiritual Significance of Crystals and Personal Growth16:48 Navigating Life Transitions: From Comedy to Crystals23:41 The Journey to Opening a Crystal Shop24:37 Embracing the Universe's Guidance26:05 The Path to a Physical Storefront28:29 The First Year: Learning and Growing32:10 Exploring the Meaning of Mysticism37:17 Building Community and Vision for the Future

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Sarah 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/village_and_vessel/Website: ​https://www.villageandvessel.com/

    Connect with...

  • In a world that constantly oscillates between skepticism and belief, the mystical realm offers an intriguing blend of magic, energy, and pure consciousness that captivates the seeker in all of us. This fascination was at the heart of an enlightening conversation with Laura O'Malley, a spiritual intuitive and psychic channel.

    The conversation dives deep into the essence of vibrational alignment, discussing the physical and spiritual sensations that accompany both harmony and discord in one’s energy field. Laura shared her insights on the significance of intention and the profound impact of meeting energy with energy, emphasizing the transformative power of understanding and tuning into one's vibrational state.

    Laura shed light on an intriguing shift in consciousness, highlighting the unique vibrational signatures of younger generations. She spoke about these individuals as "different human beings" who are bringing about planetary shifts, simply by existing in a more open, seeking state than those before them. This narrative not only acknowledges the evolving human consciousness but champions the role of emerging generations in fostering widespread spiritual awakening.

    In exploring what mysticism means to Laura, the discussion unveiled a perception of the mystical as not just an exploration of the unknown but as a reconnection to the omnipresent magic of the world. Laura's perspective turns the mystical into something tangible, accessible, and inherently linked to the essence of happiness and joy. This redefinition of mysticism underlines the potential for an enriched, vibrant experience of life that is available to everyone, not just those who identify as spiritually inclined.

    Highlighting the concept of emotional guidance, Laura explained how every emotional response serves as direct feedback from our higher selves regarding our alignment with our true nature. This perspective offers a liberating view of emotions as indicators and guides rather than obstacles, encouraging individuals to engage more consciously with their emotional landscape.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro01:57 The Power of Intention and Energy Exchange02:49 Demographics and the Importance of Energy Awareness05:47 Understanding Mystical Experiences and Vibrational Levels11:56 The Concept of Source Energy and Personal Power16:37 Navigating Life's Path: Guidance, Free Will, and Vibrational Alignment22:04 The Role of Guidance in Our Lives and the Power of Awareness28:08 Understanding Our Connection with Source and the Universe29:02 Embracing Our Truth and the Journey of Awakening34:46 Understanding Emotional Reactions and Vibrational Levels35:28 The Power of Awareness and Choice in Emotional Responses36:36 Navigating Fear and Emotions with Conscious Awareness40:33 Embracing Fear as Guidance and Information44:23 The Journey of Emotional Awareness and Growth55:16 Channeling and the Spectrum of Emotions

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Laura 

  • In this episode of the Mystical Sisterhood Podcast, I welcome Tirzah Shirai, the visionary founder of the Venusian School of Business, for an enriching discussion. Their conversation spanned from creating heart and soul-centered businesses to balancing feminine and masculine energies in entrepreneurship. 

    At the core of the Venusian School of Business is the principle of heart and soul-centered entrepreneurship. Tirzah and her school advocate for a business model that transcends traditional profit-driven motives, instead centering on creating value that enriches the community and the individual spiritually and emotionally. This approach challenges entrepreneurs to align their ventures with their deeper purpose and to contribute positively to the wider world.

    A significant portion of the discussion revolved around harmonizing feminine and masculine energies within the business landscape. Tirzah brought forward the idea that contemporary business practices have been dominantly masculine, focusing on competition, aggression, and logic. However, she suggests that integrating feminine qualities such as intuition, empathy, and collaboration can lead to a more sustainable and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.

    One of the most captivating aspects of their conversation was the application of ancient wisdom to modern business practices. Tirzah shared how teachings from the ancient mystery schools are more relevant today than ever before, especially as humanity grapples with accelerated changes in society and technology. Embracing these age-old teachings can help entrepreneurs navigate their paths with more grace, wisdom, and effectiveness.

    We touch upon the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age for entrepreneurs. The overwhelming influx of information can lead to a superficial understanding and application of knowledge. However, by grounding oneself in the wisdom of ancient practices and focusing on meaningful, purpose-driven action, entrepreneurs can rise above the noise and make a genuine impact.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro02:13 Exploring Spiritual Connections from Childhood to Adulthood03:53 Generational Wisdom and the Evolution of Consciousness05:58 Integrating Spirituality into Business and Personal Growth10:13 The Birth of the Venusian School of Business16:07 Manifesting, Failure, and the Journey of Entrepreneurship28:42 Exploring Human Development and the Power of Will29:52 A Simple Exercise to Strengthen Your Will32:16 Embracing Imperfection and Authenticity33:08 Redefining Wealth and Empowerment for Women39:22 The Journey of Personal and Business Growth43:04 Fostering a New Generation of Consciousness

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Tirzah 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/venusianschoolofbusiness/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-puITk-7RTnEtUgm3d0JswPinterest:
  • In a world that often feels teetering on the precipice of transformation, women are increasingly called upon to navigate the shifting paradigms with grace and bravery. In a profound conversation with Suzi Lula, we go deep into the themes of change, worthiness, and the pivotal role of compassion and community in our personal and collective evolution.

    Our collective culture is undergoing a significant transformation, inviting women to play a leading role in ushering in a new era. Suzi's wisdom invites us to explore what we're called to release to make space for an unabashed claim to our presence in the world. 

    One of the foundational elements highlighted in this enriching discussion is the profound impact of self-compassion. In our journey toward self-realization and empowerment, the practice of self-compassion emerges as a transformative force. Cultivating compassion for oneself, acknowledging the struggles and embracing them with understanding, creates an internal environment of safety and acceptance. It's a nurturing soil from which confidence and courage can bloom, allowing us to take up space and pursue our aspirations with unwavering conviction.

    As we journey along our paths of personal growth and transformation, the role of community cannot be overstated. Community offers a mirror reflecting our shared humanity, struggles, and triumphs. It provides a space of belonging, where we're reminded that we're not solitary islands navigating the vast ocean of life alone. In community, we find the precious opportunity to be seen, heard, and supported unconditionally. The Mystical Sisterhood and the Soul Care community are testament to the profound connections and expansions possible when individuals come together, united in their pursuit of growth and healing.

    Each conversation in the podcast is a reminder of the uniqueness of every individual's journey. Whether stepping into a new career, nurturing relationships, or embarking on a spiritual quest, the insights from Suzi Lula and the Mystical Sisterhood podcast illuminate the path. They encourage us to embrace our authentic selves, to shine our unique light with confidence, and to remember the importance of tending to our soul's needs alongside our worldly endeavors.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro04:37 The Power of Worthiness and Taking Up Space07:46 Unpacking the Layers: Self-Compassion and Transformation27:54 Exploring Spiritual Psychology and Its Impact34:29 Embracing Your Purpose and the Power of Belief36:52 The Journey of Vulnerability and Courage40:27 Cultivating Inner Safety and Self-Acceptance52:58 The Transformative Power of Community Support01:03:32 Investing in Self-Growth and Embracing Your Journey

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Suzi 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzi.lula/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuziLula/YouTube:
  • In this episode, I invite you to join me in reflecting on the recent interviews and trends that have been unfolding in the world of Mystical Sisterhood. From messages channeled by intuitives and healers to courageous souls sharing their wisdom, each conversation is crafted to seed new ideas and insights for your personal evolution.

    Now more than ever, we are called to deepen our practices of self-care, self-awareness, and inner reflection. It is a time to honor the patterns and belief systems that no longer serve us, and to embrace the possibilities of personal transformation. Through the practice of self-care, we can uncover the answers and insights needed to navigate our journey towards growth and fulfillment.

    One of the key trends we explore in Mystical Sisterhood is the importance of rituals in our daily lives. Rituals not only bring a sense of rhythm and intentionality but also infuse our actions with sacredness and meaning. Whether it's a simple tea ceremony or a daily journaling practice, rituals can elevate our daily experiences and deepen our connection to ourselves.

    Another trend we delve into is the innate intuition that resides within each of us. By tapping into our intuitive guidance, we can access a limitless source of wisdom and clarity, guiding us on our path towards self-discovery and empowerment. Embracing our intuition allows us to navigate life with a deeper sense of purpose and authenticity.

    As we navigate the ebb and flow of life, finding a rhythm in our self-care practices can be a transformative journey. Whether you have established daily rituals or are still exploring ways to nurture your soul, remember to be gentle with yourself. Self-care is a deeply personal and evolving process, and each moment of self-reflection brings us closer to our true essence.

    I invite you to explore the realms of self-care, personal growth, and spiritual evolution with an open heart and a curious mind. As we embark on this journey together, may you find solace in the stillness within, and may you embrace the transformative power of self-discovery and inner reflection.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro01:20 Embracing the Now: Deepening Your Practice and Personal Growth01:36 The Impact of Solar Eclipses and Messages from the Universe02:09 Cultivating Deeper Self-Care and Witnessing Transformation03:48 Exploring Popular Episodes and the Beauty of Messages04:18 Navigating Outer Chaos and Inner Transformation08:03 Rituals and Intuition: Pathways to Sacred Living12:42 Creativity and Divine Support: Embracing Your Inner Power17:31 The Importance of Community and Spiritual Collaboration22:26 Finding Your Rhythm in Self-Care and Inner Peace25:41 How the Journey Continues

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodEpisode 49: https://mystical-sisterhood.captivate.fm/episode/living-a-life-of-sacred-reverance-with-shiva-roseEpisode 63: https://mystical-sisterhood.captivate.fm/episode/063-channeling-spirit-guides-with-jessica-rachelEpisode 65:
  • In this week’s episode of Mystical Sisterhood, I speak with Sophie Chiche and Katie Hendricks, and we talk about finding what you love to do and the profound impact it can have on your life. Katie shared her insights on how discovering your passion can be a major source of nourishment, as it activates your creativity and brings a sense of fulfillment.

    In our conversation, Sophie and Katie highlighted the importance of not only identifying your interests but also surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who can support and inspire you on your journey. They stressed the value of collaboration and the joy that comes from sharing your passions with others.

    As you reflect on your own pursuits and interests, consider the power of finding what truly lights you up. Whether it's a creative hobby, a professional endeavor, or a personal project, investing time in activities that bring you joy can have a transformative effect on your well-being.

    Take inspiration from Sophie and Katie's words and explore what brings you joy and fulfillment. Embrace the process of discovery, and remember that finding what you love is not just about the activity itself but also the connections and experiences that come with it.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Welcome to Mystical Sisterhood: A Deep Dive with Sophie and Katie02:05 Unveiling the Essence of Authenticity and Collaboration05:00 Sophie's Journey: From Inquiry to Authentic Essence07:43 The Power of Friendship and Authentic Connection18:50 Embracing Embodiment: A Journey to Self-Discovery20:37 The Evolution of Personal Growth and Embodiment24:10 Exploring Trust and Intuition in Food Choices24:47 The Power of Listening to Your Body26:25 Navigating External Influences and Inner Feelings27:51 Conscious Parenting and Empowering Individual Choices31:44 The Journey to Authenticity Through Food and Feelings38:11 Embracing Vulnerability and the Freedom of No Secrets40:03 Reflecting on the Interview and Looking Ahead

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

    Connect with Katie and Sophie:


    Connect with Maureen 

  • This episode of Mystical Sisterhood features a replay of the highly popular episode 'Consciously Parenting Your Adult Children,' with guest Nani Langenstein. We get into the principles of conscious parenting, discussing how it's never too late to foster change and transformation in relationships with adult children. 

    We highlight the importance of parental growth, self-healing, and recognizing children as sovereign beings on their own life journeys. Nani shares her transition from a successful engineering career to coaching others in conscious living, driven by her own experiences of reconnecting and healing relationships with her daughters through self-discovery. 

    The conversation covers the significance of seeing children as whole beings, understanding personal patterns and judgments, and the gradual process of change both for parents and children. They also touch upon the generational impact of this approach, emphasizing inner work's role in facilitating intergenerational healing and change.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro01:28 Introducing Nani Langenstein: Elements of her life journey02:50 The Heart of Consciously Raising Adult Children04:04 Nani's Personal Transformation: From Engineering to Consciousness07:04 Exploring the Depths of Parental Influence and Self-Reflection12:25 The Shift Towards Consciousness and Healing in Parenting18:15 Embracing the Journey of Self-Compassion and Forgiveness29:28 Understanding Success and Sovereignty in Parenting45:08 Concluding Thoughts on Inner Work and Generational Change

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodDr. Shefali Tsabary, https://www.drshefali.com/ Gabor Mate, Compassionate Inquiry, https://compassionateinquiry.com/ Suzi Lula, https://suzilula.com/ Gary Zukav, Seat of the Soul, https://seatofthesoul.com/ 

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

    Connect with Nani:

    [email protected] 

    Connect with Maureen 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list Website: https://www.maureenspielman.comEmail Maureen at [email protected] to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking...
  • In an era where the quest for spiritual identity and evolution becomes increasingly paramount, this episode invites us into a profound dialogue about the essence of divine femininity, spiritual awakening, and the transformative power of recognizing ourselves as sacred beings with the remarkable Julie Piatt. She delves into these themes with depth, vulnerability, and a luminous sense of clarity that beckons listeners to explore the more expansive vistas of their own spiritual journey.

    Julie, a mystic, mother, musician, artist, chef, author, and healer, graces the podcast with her radiant presence, sharing insights from a life immersed in devotion and expansive creativity. She embodies the living bridge between spirituality and daily living, illustrating that divinity can be woven through every aspect of our existence. In our conversation, Julie sheds light on what it means to live mystically in modern times—highlighting a path that embraces meaning, reverence, and devotion in all life's experiences.

    At the heart of this episode lies the understanding that the feminine, regardless of gender, is a source of boundless creativity and life-giving power. Julie articulates the feminine as eternally creating, a force that never ceases to bring forth life, beauty, and transformation. This is seen not only in the biological capacity to give birth but in the countless ways the feminine enriches the world through art, music, wisdom, and nurturing.

    Another gem from the episode revolves around the power of ritual in daily life. Julie shares deeply personal experiences, including the sacred ritual at her father's passing, which underscore the potential of rituals to transform ordinary moments into profound spiritual encounters. Through her narrative, listeners are invited to explore and embrace their rituals, fostering a deeper connection to themselves, their loved ones, and the divine essence that permeates all of life.

    Our conversation is an invitation—an invitation to step into our power, to reclaim our sacredness, and to participate actively in the evolution of consciousness on this planet. It calls on us to embrace our inner mystics, to see the divine in the mundane, and to contribute our unique vibrations to the tapestry of life.

    We talk about:

    0:00 Intro3:28 Exploring Mysticism and Living a Spiritual Life7:38 Embracing the Feminine in a Patriarchal World13:25 The Divine Plan: Why We Chose to Incarnate Now25:48 Navigating Trauma and Transformation30:59 The Power of Perspective and Creating Our Reality32:57 Embracing Your Sacred Self and the Power of Dreams36:17 Understanding Masculine and Feminine Dynamics37:07 Navigating Life's Transitions and the Eternal Journey39:22 Rituals, Music, and Starting Your Own Practice40:54 A Personal Story of Love, Loss, and Sacred Transition48:03 Nourishment Through Plant-Based Living57:09 The Spiritual Journey and Finding Your Community

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

    Connect with Julie:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/srimati 
  • In this episode of the Mystical Sisterhood podcast, Alicia Isaacs Howes, Valerie Wood, and Heather Hanson join me to explore the intricacies of spirituality, healing, and trust. We get into the fascinating world of human and mystic recollections, and discuss our journeys toward enlightenment.

    Several topics are discussed during the roundtable discussion, from the importance of discerning truth from fiction to navigating our past and future spiritual lives. We delve into the importance of collaboration instead of competition and the roles they each play in the collective spiritual ascension.

    The guests collectively affirm the importance of utilizing curiosity as a medium to navigate complicated feelings. Duality, wonder, and faith become recurring themes. It's a conversation that guards the mystery of the divine and nourishes listeners with the wonders of spirituality.

    The guests share a common belief - the importance of self-discovery and faith. Valerie emphasizes the power of transformation, aligning our desires with the greater good and involving others in our growth process. Likewise, Heather asserts that the conception of mystic lies in incorporating the Divine into our everyday lives, thus realizing oneself as a channel or conduit for the divine connection.

    As our unique lives intertwine in this collective consciousness, the roundtable participants conclude that we must hold both our individual experiences and our shared societal ones. This paradox of existence is what allows us to resonate with the concept of ‘mystical sisterhood,’ an acknowledgment of both the collective and the individual's power.

    We offer a simple yet profound take-home: the power in your authenticity and in standing firm amidst societal norms. It encourages listeners to embrace the discomfort of growth, believing that the process, no matter how grueling, is liberating.

    We help you embrace and understand the realms of spirituality, healing, and trust, teaching us that we are all interlaced together, threading our unique stories of spiritual explorations, and knitting ourselves into a tapestry of mystical sisterhood.

    We talk about:

    0:00 Intro0:45 Introducing the Mystics: Stories of Healing and Magic2:44 Exploring the Mystical: Definitions and Personal Journeys7:25 Embracing the Unknown: The Power of Curiosity and Faith14:05 The Collective Energy: Why Now is the Time for Unity17:24 The Shift Towards Collaboration and Support24:56 Discernment and Authority: Navigating Personal and Collective Growth31:13 Exploring Ancestral Healing and Its Ripple Effects33:27 The Impact of Healing Across Time and Generations40:18 Embracing Our Power and Overcoming Fear42:50 Finding Safety and Trust in New Beginnings52:43 The Journey of Self-Discovery and Trust1:03:24 Closing Thoughts: Embracing Joy and Collective Peace

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

    Connect with Alicia, Heather and Valerie

    Alicia Isaacs Howes


    Heather Hanson

  • Spiritual medium and intuitive coach Jessica Snider is no stranger to the ethereal realm. Harnessing the fascinating power of spiritual mediums, she joined us for an enlightening conversation on embracing intuition, understanding the mystical, and aligning with our true selves.  

    Delving into her own personal journey from teaching to spiritual medium, Jessica detailed her experiences and encounters with the spiritual world. Her life transformed drastically when she began consulting with her spirit guides, revealing aspects about herself that continue to influence her life and intuitive work. Recognizing that everyone possesses the capability to connect with spirit guides, Jessica underscored her mission to guide others towards unveiling their innate intuitive powers. 

    In our conversation, Jessica also touched upon the concept of soul evolution and the difference between new and old souls. Through the various stages of soul levels, one gains new layers of awareness. The newer souls generally are more focused on survival and getting basic needs met. In contrast, older souls comprehend the oneness of all and carry a deeper understanding of their intuition and their divinity.

    Jessica highlighted the importance of setting boundaries with spirit guides. Rather than constant communication, she advised that having routine check-ins with spirit guides can prevent spiritual overwhelm and offer more focused guidance. Using her personal experience, she shared the importance of making time for yourself and providing designated spaces for spiritual connections.

    From understanding intuition to connecting with spirit guides and navigating the journey of self-discovery, the conversation provided a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom, leaving listeners enthralled and eager for further exploration in the realm of the mystical. Onto our next episode, here's to maintaining a curious mindset and embracing the infinite possibilities awaiting us in the mystical world. 

    We talk about:

    0:00 Intro1:32 The Journey of Discovering Intuitive Power2:22 Jessica's definition of the mystical7:13 The Awakening: Recognizing and Embracing Intuitive Gifts10:57 The Role of Spirit Guides in Our Lives19:06 The Evolution of Souls: Understanding New and Old Souls28:21 The Importance of Listening to Intuition32:18 Creating Boundaries with Spirit: A Key to Intuitive Work35:22 Types of Questions to Ask in a Reading36:33 The Role of an Intuitive Coach37:39 Channeling Session Begins44:12 Channeling Messages from the Guide55:22 Asking the Guide Questions1:01:31 Closing the Channeling Session

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

    Connect with Jessica 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjessicarachelhttps://www.jessicarachel.co/

    Connect with Maureen 

  • Our bodies, the vessels that carry us through life, are often subjected to our own scrutiny and criticism. We constantly desire them to be different, to conform to societal standards of beauty and perfection. It’s an exhausting and never-ending cycle. But what if we shifted our perspective and saw our bodies as our friends, rather than enemies?

    In today's episode of Mystical Sisterhood, we explore the profound truth that our bodies are not adversaries, but allies. I introduce the concept of the four dimensions of being: the spiritual, the emotional, the mental, and the physical. Each dimension plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Our spiritual connection to something bigger, our emotions as a source of guidance, our thoughts and belief systems, and finally, our bodies - the densest form that houses all other dimensions.

    By acknowledging and nurturing each dimension, we can experience growth and transformation on a profound level. Maureen particularly emphasizes the importance of our bodies in this context. They are not separate from our souls and spirits but are encompassed by them. This new perspective invites us to view our bodies with reverence and gratitude.

    While society is gradually embracing diverse body types and promoting self-acceptance, many women continue to struggle with body image and self-worth. I challenge us to flip the script and rewrite our own stories. Instead of clinging to the masculine energy of control and perfection, she encourages us to embrace the feminine qualities of softness and self-compassion.

    Let us embark on this transformative journey of embracing our bodies and treating them as our dearest friends. Together, let us rewrite the narratives of self-judgment and comparison and embrace the truth that our bodies are not our enemies, but the vessels through which we experience life's wonders.

    We talk about:

    0:00 Intro1:11 The Four Dimensions: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical02:01 The Body: The Densest Form03:49 The Soul and the Body: A New Perspective05:05 Honoring Our Bodies05:23 The Body and Its Worth05:59 Our Body's Wisdom07:11 The Body's Role in Our Insecurities and Fears08:11 Conditioning and Its Impact on Our Body Image10:49 Impact of Media12:47 The Body and Sports: A Personal Experience20:24 The Body and Aging: Embracing the Change

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Maureen 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list Website: https://www.maureenspielman.com Upcoming Events:
  • As we journey through life, we often encounter unconscious scripts ingrained in us by our upbringing. These scripts shape how we interact with ourselves and the world around us. At times, they serve as roadblocks on our spiritual journey and hinder us from reaching our fullest potential. In this exploration, we will illuminate these scripts, delve into the fascinating world of intuitive abilities, and discover ways to better navigate our emotions.

    Scripts are embedded in us by the people in our lives, introduced to us by our cultures, and built on personal experiences. As we mature, these scripts become increasingly influential, dictating the choices we make, the beliefs we hold, and the paths we follow. However, by recognizing these scripts for what they are -- conceptual separators -- we gain the power to challenge and rewrite them. 

    I’m joined by Heather Driscoll, a certified life alignment expert and an intuitive guide adept at delving into the depths of one's personality to reveal hidden truths. By exploring her experiences, we provide insights into how understanding and tapping into your intuitive abilities can lead to emotional healing.

    Embracing the age of Aquarius and evolving to new heights in our spiritual journey requires taking the time to do the necessary inner work. It's about focusing on transforming the self, processing past experiences, and re-defining our scripts. The more we do this, the more we are able to tap into our intuitive abilities, handle our emotions, and transform our lives. As we journey on this path, it’s important to take time, be patient, and treat ourselves with compassion and understanding.

    We talk about:

    0:00 Intro0:43 Divine Timing and Intuition2:34 Being dialed in in a different way9:02 Balancing Spiritual and Human Experiences13:22 The Power of Self-Reflection and Inner Child Work20:20 Understanding Victim Consciousness and Self-Compassion26:48 The Importance of Inner Child Work in Healing30:13 Embracing Emotions as Information35:58 The Power of Thoughts and Emotions in Shaping Reality41:43 The Role of Intuition in Coaching and Personal Growth44:20 The Importance of Emotional Work in Personal Transformation47:17 Understanding the Connection Between Physical and Emotional Health

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Heather:


    Connect with Maureen 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/Facebook:
  • Forgiveness can be an intricate and complex concept to navigate. Despite being a frequently discussed topic, its true essence often remains misunderstood. However, understanding and implementing it in our lives can be liberating and transformative, and that's what this blog post is about - treading on the path to forgiveness.

    Drawing from an enlightening conversation between Brenda Reiss, a renowned forgiveness coach, and I, we uncover the concept of forgiveness and its profound significance in our lives.  

    We introduce the idea of forgiveness as an antidote to the resentment or anger that we often hold onto from past experiences, creating a space for us to feel freer and more expanded. Brenda emphasizes how her work revolves around guiding others on their transformative journey of forgiveness. Her unique approach involves closely exploring this intricate path and thereupon unraveling its influence on our mental and emotional state. 

    Brenda explains how her unique technique, "Radical Forgiveness," covers five key steps. It starts by recognizing and understanding one’s feelings followed by collapsing the story – differentiating fact from interpretation. It then takes a higher spiritual perspective that considers occurrences as happening ‘for’ us and not ‘to’ us.

    The narrative of our lives doesn't need to be gripped by past hurts, resentment or regret. Establishing a deeper, more compassionate relationship with ourselves can pave the way for emotional freedom and empowerment. 

    We talk about:

    0:00 Intro2:38 Brenda's Personal Journey to Forgiveness10:59 Understanding the Concept of Projection19:05 The Process of Forgiveness21:00 The Power of Self Forgiveness26:07 Understanding Justified Resentment27:05 The Cost of Holding onto Resentment29:14 The Impact of Past Stories on Present Life31:10 The Power of Forgiveness and Freedom35:48 The Impact of Forgiveness on Relationships38:36 Understanding Mother and Father Wounds40:59 The Power of Radical Forgiveness43:42 The Transformation through Forgiveness

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Brenda:


    Connect with Maureen 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhoodYouTube:
  • In this episode of the Mystical Sisterhood Podcast, I’m joined by Dr. Ricci-Jane Adams, who holds a PhD in Magical Realism and as a founder of the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence, strives to bring spirituality and intuitive intelligence to the forefront of everyday life.

    She believes in using intuition as a guiding force in our lives. According to her, intuition can enable us to understand our life's purpose and surrender to our unlimited self. This belief is reflected in the array of invaluable spiritual and intuitive insights she shares with her audience.

    In our conversation, Dr. Adams delved deeply into what it means to trust ourselves fully. The key, she explains, is having the ability to trust and follow our intuition, even when it leads us against convention. As Adams has seen and experienced, there is often a pull between the paths that intuition guides us towards and the constructs we have built about what the ‘right’ path looks like. 

    She also shares about how we are living in the age of the contemporary mystic. A phase where humanity is waking up to the idea that spirituality should not be separated from the human experience but integrated into our daily lives. The world might be on fire metaphorically, and that can be seen as a sign of change and evolution.

    The Institute of Intuitive Intelligence, founded by Adams, is a congregation of like-minded individuals who foster this spiritual growth. The camaraderie and shared wisdom can expedite spiritual evolution, making the Institute a true beacon for those on a spiritual path.

    We talk about:

    0:00 Intro2:55 About her upbringing6:31 How her spiritual seeking started9:22 Advice if you're in a stage of spiritual discovery16:39 The knowing that comes with trusting your path24:21 Learning how to trust25:20 Going through a crisis of faith28:31 Nervous system regulation in order to have access to intuition34:55 Does everyone have intuition?37:42 Being in the demonstration of your faith40:52 The world is a dream44:23 What shifts energetically as we start to awaken48:23 The meaning behind her books

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Dr. Ricci-Jane:


    Connect with Maureen 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/Facebook:
  • In this episode of the Mystical Sisterhood Podcast, I’m joined by Pam Grout, New York Times Best Selling Author, author of over 20 books, and leader in the spiritual space. We talk about the power our thinking holds over our reality, the illusion of life, personal growth, and the state of connectivity we share with the universe.

    Pam shares how seductive it is to believe that your reality is a product of your culture, your family, or events from early in life. She encourages listeners to dare to look beneath the illusion. She asserts that many of us are living under a veil, and to reveal the real truth of life, we have to be ready to see beyond our established perceptions.

    During the podcast, Pam explores the power of believing in the impossible. Often, literal-mindedness limits us; inhibits our ability to imagine a world beyond the concrete — a world where our thoughts create our reality. It is when we stretch our minds to believe in the impossible that we start to see miracles occur in everyday life.

    Pam emphasizes the value of community for spiritual growth, citing the power of collective consciousness. She's an advocate for seeking and surrounding oneself with high-vibration messages. This, she believes, progresses humanity forward and enlivens our dreams. 

    Words have enormous creative power. The language we use constructs our reality. We all carry our individually nuanced understandings of every word’s significance, and hence, we create unique interpretations of our realities. Spiritual growth, therefore, beckons us to intentionally employ positive and expansive language. 

    The podcast also covers Pam’s inspiring initiative, The 222 Foundation she created to honor her daughter. It supports regenerative, creative, and progressive projects — a testament to the hypothesis that when we dare to dream and take action, we can change the world.

    We leave you with a powerful message for dreamers and creative thinkers, an invitation to all to embrace the unknown. Letting go of the need for structured plans and hard and fast rules, they encourage listeners to trust their intuition, feed their curiosity, and continue to focus on their dreams.

    By shift of perspective, by daring to dream, and by believing that change is not just probable but possible, we have within our reach the power to transform. Explore your thoughts, watch for everyday miracles, and remember: the language you use to describe your reality is the paintbrush with which you color your world.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[3:08] Turning to different tools for guidance[11:53] Getting into a balanced state of being[14:12] Giving it over to Source[18:05] Power in gratitude[19:45] How to know when we're in frequency[21:29] Letting go of the outcome of a situation[23:33] Children as mirrors for developing trust[24:31] Tuning into what and who supports you[29:33] Pondering our own unique alchemy

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the Host: 

    Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

    Connect with Pam:

  • Do you ever feel like parts of your life are not as aligned as you'd like them to be? That the ways you've tried to solve the challenges only work for so long and before you know it, you're living in the same pattern once again? 

    If you've tried to find the answer to fix the issue and yet you still keep running into the same challenges, I'm here in solidarity with you. I want to share the practices I've applied in my own life that allow me to see the bigger picture and lean into the support that's out there for me as well. And by support, I'm talking about the universal presence that surrounds us and some spiritual laws that can help guide and support us.

    Today, I invite you to embrace the truth of being both human and a soul and a part of something bigger. As I sometimes say, Mystical Sisterhood is where the mainstream meets the mystical. Yes, there is the mainstream and then there is the mystical!

    One of the most powerful things we can do is really work on letting go of the outcome and remind ourselves that it's not the outcome that matters. It's the process and what you are doing as you're doing life. It's about relinquishing control and trusting in the universe that you are just where you're meant to be.

    Watching our language is another important practice. The words we use matter. The more we can be aware and have intention around the words we choose and the language we put out there, the more we can communicate with the universe. It's about choosing words that have a higher vibration, free from resistance.

    Can you trust? Can you just give over that faith that you are being led, you are being guided on the perfect path for you? Trusting that the universe is conspiring in your favor can be a game-changer. It allows us to surrender and let the universe work its magic.

    Surrounding ourselves with people and communities that support and uplift us is crucial. Finding what supports you, who supports you, and what communities support you is an essential part of this journey. It's about finding that vibrational match and creating a support team that can hold space for each other's experiences and potential.

    Gratitude is a practice that is often underestimated. It not only brings about feelings of goodwill but also signals to the universe that you are in a receptive state. Practicing gratitude, whether through journaling or expressing it out loud, can open up the doors to abundance and more amazing things in your life.

    As we navigate through the challenges and triumphs of life, it's important to remember that we are not alone. We are part of something bigger, and the universe is there to guide and support us. By letting go of the outcome, being mindful of our language, and trusting in the universe, we can tap into a higher wisdom that will lead us on the path to our authentic selves. Surrounding ourselves with supportive communities and practicing gratitude further enhances our connection to the universal presence. Embrace the infinite possibilities and let the universe show you the way.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[3:08] Turning to different tools for guidance[11:53] Getting into a balanced state of being[14:12] Giving it over to Source[18:05] Power in gratitude[19:45] How to know when we're in frequency[21:29] Letting go of the outcome of a situation[23:33] Children as mirrors for developing trust[24:31] Tuning into what and who supports you[29:33] Pondering our own unique alchemy

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood

    About the