مجموعة من الكتب الصوتية الكاملة وأشهر المؤلفات للدكتور مصطفى محمود
مصطفى محمود (27 ديسمبر 1921 - 31 أكتوبر 2009)، فيلسوف وطبيب وكاتب مصري. هو مصطفى كمال محمود حسين آل محفوظ، من الأشراف وينتهي نسبه إلى علي زين العابدين. توفي والده عام 1939 بعد سنوات من الشلل، درس الطب وتخرج عام 1953 وتخصَّص في الأمراض الصدرية، ولكنه تفرغ للكتابة والبحث عام 1960. تزوج عام 1961 وانتهى الزواج بالطلاق عام 1973. رزق بولدين هما "أمل" و"أدهم". تزوج ثانية عام 1983 من السيدة زينب حمدى وانتهى هذا الزواج أيضا بالطلاق عام 1987.
ألف 89 كتاباً منها الكتب العلمية والدينية والفلسفية والاجتماعية والسياسية إضافة إلى الحكايات والمسرحيات وقصص الرحلات، ويتميز أسلوبه بالجاذبية مع العمق والبساطة. -
انا #مصطفى17 كائن عايش على كوكب الارض بحب اني اتعلم و بكره اني ادرس و الفرق ما بينهم كبير مهتم بالكيمياء و الفيزياء و الفلسفة بعرف حاجات كتير بس معرفش حاجات اكتر زي ازاي اسوق السيارة و انا ماسك الموبايل او اني اروح مول علشان اعد البلاط intro music ———- Facebook Twitter Instagram anghami
عشان نعيش بشكل أفضل، نحتاج نفهم بشكل أفضل. Support this podcast:
The adaptation of H.G. Wells’ novel ‘The War of The Worlds’ in 1938 showed the power of radio to capture listeners’ imagination through science-fiction - and in doing so demonstrated how mass media could be used to communicate science to different audiences. For decades, print and broadcast media have used different genres to portray the sciences, and the popularity of TV programmes like the BBC’s Blue Planet and the longevity of Horizon illustrates a current demand for science broadcasting. But with the digital revolution and the emergence of social networking will professional science broadcasting still retain significance in the future? Is there a role in this new digital world for printed journals and other forms of ‘traditional’ media? Dr Richard Holliman leads discussions exploring the history of science broadcasting and looks at whether emerging forms of user-generated content provide new opportunities for scientists to engage with members of the public.
This material has been taken from The Open University course SH804 Communicating science in the information age. -
Editors at The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explore their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy.
A monthly audio companion to the journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from thyroid cancer to childhood obesity, the mechanisms of ageing to erectile dysfunction, and more.
Join infection preventionists as they have conversations with authors of the latest research in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) about how to advance the science and practice of infection prevention and control. While learning how to put the latest science into practice, maybe you will be inspired to take the next steps to develop your own research projects.
Join series hosts Dr. Jim Gavin, Clinical Professor of Medicine at Emory University and Chief Medical Officer at Healing Our Village, in Atlanta, GA; Dr. Aaron King, Family Medicine Physician with Baptist Health System Physicians, in San Antonio, TX; Dr. Jennifer Goldman, Professor of Pharmacy at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, in Boston, MA, and Clinical Pharmacist at Well Life Medical, in Peabody, MA, and other fellow leaders in the field of diabetes as they tackle some of the challenges we face when treating T2D. Topics of discussion include the disease state of T2D, clinical inertia, the role of GLP-1 in glucose regulation, guidelines on early use of GLP-1 RAs in T2D treatment, as well as the mechanism of action, dosing and administration, efficacy and safety profiles, handling and storage, education of patients and pharmacists, and frequently asked questions regarding a once daily GLP-1 RA for adults with T2D.
This podcast series is sponsored by Novo Nordisk and is intended for clinicians. -