Why frequencies are more effective than drugs Why radiofrequency radiation (RFR) can cause serious health issues The science behind the Solfeggio frequencies Magical healing frequencies to use -
Healing with Natural Remedies and Frequencies vs Drug Therapy
Dr. Smith Live
68th Episode
Deaths due to prescription drugs now #1 cause of death Six primary areas to evaluate to reduce pain and illnesses Natural, noninvasive remedies to resolve pain Why the Biophoton System represents a major breakthrough in medical technology in the treatment of all medical maladies -
Manglende episoder?
Learn the causes for the leading worldwide disability Why water purification, toothpaste, and bleaching agent for baked goods are a universal cause for depression and anxiety How to protect yourself with natural remedies from succumbing to depression, anxiety and related symptoms Learn a simple home test to diagnose a potential cause for depression, anxiety and related symptoms -
Restoring Brain Function - Use it or Lose it
-Documentation that the brain can repair itself
-Neuroplasticity: stimulates neuron production and rewrites the brain
-Why a specific spice can repair the brain
-What supplements are critical to repair the brain
-Learn what vegetables stimulate nerve growth
-Why critical thinking is essential to maintaining brain sharpness
-How to prolong brain processing speed
Ask Dr. Smith Live - Episode 65
Teeth: The New Frontier in Health
Why 70% to 90% of all medical problems have a dental origin Why the dental complex is frequently overlooked Why your well-meaning dentist can be more destructive than a terrorist group Why your dentist must have training in cranial concepts Why TMJ most often is caused by an occlusal cranial distortion How your teeth relate to the rest of your body How dental toxicity and infections contribute to hypothyroidism -
Ask Dr. Smith LIVE: The Dangers of EMF's and How to Protect Yourself
An Essential Guide to Surviving EMF Exposure
You Will Learn About:
Non thermal damage to cells Why Peroxynitrites are so dangerous Common EMF-Related Health Problems Reproductive Effects and Cancer How to Lower Your Exposure Nutritional intervention can help reduce the harmful effects of EMFs.“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind.” Ansel Adams
Ask Dr. Smith LIVE: Episode 57 - Why 6 to 8 Million Adult Vegetarians May be Going to An Early Grave
You will learn:
Why there is no one group of vegans or pure vegetarians that have a five-generation record of fertility or good health Why vegetarians develop nutritional deficiencies Why a high carbohydrate diet causes systemic inflammation Why soy products enhance cancer Why thyroid cancer in so high in children today Why the average vegetarian life span is only 56 years -
Link to Chronic Fatigue and Degenerative Diseases Reversing 10 Major Causes of Illness Can Save Your Life
In Part Four You Will Learn the Potential Root Causes of Parasites and Hypoxia and how to resolve them.
In Part 3 of the Links to Chronic Fatigue and Degenerative Diseases you will learn about the top 3 heavy metals found in the human body and the most common nutritional deficiencies
Links to Chronic Fatigue and Degenerative Diseases - Part 2 of 3
In Part 2, you will learn how to overcome chronic fatigue, weak immune system, and heart problems
Watch the live video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o0gIKd8wVM
Learn more at https://icnr.com
Reversing 10 Major Causes of Illness Can Save Your Life
In part 1, you will learn the potential root causes of:
Low body voltage: key to restoring your energy Toxic bowel: 60% to 80% of your immune system Acid pH: acidity is the primary cause of low oxygen -
Resolving medical issues with essential oils How essential oils work from a scientific perspective 3 Things To Know Before Buying Essential Oils 10 Essential Oils That Go Better Together
Topics of discussion:
How Effective Are the "Jabs"? Relative risk reduction vs Absolute risk reduction What Kind of Protection Do the (K)ovid Shots Provide? Evidence of Increased Risk After jab Natural Immunity vs (Vac-seen)-Induced Immunity How the Koh-Vid jab Causes Damage How jab-Induced Antibodies Can Cause Harm (K)ovid Jab May Trigger Latent Viruses and Cancer Informed Consent is out the Window -
The best-kept secrets and why the medical establishments don't want you to know about healing frequencies.
Topics covered include:
1. Why the medical establishment doesn’t want you to know about healing frequencies
2. Why homeopathic remedies, essential oils, vitamins, herbs, and Qigong acupuncture work
3. Who is Royal Ramond Rife and why they persecuted him for 50 years
4. Learn what frequency supports and repairs DNA
5. Why structured water is essential for optimal performance of DNA
6. Learn what frequencies can reverse alcohol and drug addictions
7. Learn specific frequencies to resolve feelings of guilt, negative energy from past traumas, and fear
8. How to boost mental and emotional clarity and achieve a higher level of spiritual development
9. How to resolve pain with frequencies
Replay of live video from June 4, 2021 covering:
How to resolve seasonal allergies without pharmaceuticals The mechanism that causes allergies What specific supplements to take reverse the underlying causes Which supplements will make allergies worse Three homeopathic remedies to bring instant relief Two acupuncture points to immediately alleviate allergy symptoms -
Audio recording of Ask Dr. Smith LIVE Episode 34 - Nutritional Pearls That Will Save Your Life
Topics covered:
Why our life expectancy has declined How to protect the family from getting sick Nutrients to heal vertebral discs, TMJs, and other joints How to heal mouth ulcers quickly Best way to kick fluoride out of the body Why a specific vitamin deficiency is often misdiagnosed as Hypoglycemia How to remineralize bone How to reduce stiffness of aging The common denominator nutrient responsible for:Unipolar depression
Post-partum depression
Bipolar disorder
Homicide, violence, criminal behavior
Irritability associated with depression
Memory problems and poor learning
Alcoholism and chemical dependence
Replay of a live open format Q&A Session recorded on May 20, 2021
Understand the risks and side effects of the C-19 inoculations and how they will impact your body.
12 Signs and Symptoms of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Deficiency:Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is one of eight essential B vitamins that has many important functions throughout the body.
It’s used by nearly all your cells and responsible for helping convert food into energy (1Trusted Source).
Since the human body is unable to produce thiamine, it must be consumed through various thiamine-rich foods, such as meat, nut, and whole grains.
Loss of Appetite The loss of sense of smell Fatigue Irritability Reduced Reflexes Tingling Sensation in Arms and Legs Muscle Weakness Blurry Vision Nausea and Vomiting Changes in Heart Rate Shortness of Breath DeliriumThiamine works in practiceA recent study of COVID-19 patients where thiamine and its co-factor magnesium were prescribed along with other medicines and nutrients was found to be associated with low rates of hospitalization and death. But thiamine therapy, as successful as it may be, is largely confined to the intravenous treatment of sepsis cases in the ICU. By then COVID-19 patients are at death’s door.
Compartmentalized medicineThe reasons why a vitamin B1 shortage is dressed up as COVID-19 are pretty easy to understand. Modern medicine is organized into medical specialties to treat disease, not promote health. Modern medicine can’t imagine a disease that affects every organ and tissue. In a doctor’s mind, beriberi is a third-world disease or a disease of the past. Doctors couldn’t diagnose a case of beriberi if it was staring them in the face. Oh, maybe an alcoholic would be an exception.