
  • The Democrats are now calling for censorship or jail time for misinformation and disinformation.

    Trump and his 2020 election denial.

    Trump claiming the greatest economy of all-time.

    Immigrants snacking on Fido and Fifi.



    The queen of all psy-ops and disinformation has to be Hillary's fake Steele Dossier.

    That led to years of the Russian Hoax.

    The political turmoil that led to January 6th.

    It's the biggest and most damaging hoax since Weapons of Mass destruction.

    Clinton voted for that Republican fake as well.

    If Trump was dragged to the defendants table for campaign election fraud, then Clinton belongs in a New York courtroom, too.

    The Hunter Biden laptop had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.


    But THAT was a disinformation campaign cooked up by the Biden campaign and spread by the spy agencies and the dopes in the media.

    Do they belong in jail?

    More bullshit still from the Democratic elites – Dictator from Day One.


    Very fine people on both sides.

    Trumps Project 2025.

    Trump's National Abortion Ban.

    Trump will cut Social Security.

    Fake border numbers.

    Fake inflation numbers.

    Fake crime numbers.

    Cheap fakes.

    Bidens competency.

    No troops in war zones.

    Harris and her campaign footmen are congenital deceivers.

    The TV stations who air their campaign commercials for big money are co-conspirators.

    Are we really going to censor them?

    How? Worse: Who?

    Some hipster with a Princeton degree and caramel colored saddle shoes?

    Some deep state cadaver from the smoke-filled bunker?

    AOC? Hillary?

    Be careful what you ask for America.

    You'll go after your opponents now.

    You'll muzzle them. You'll convict them.

    And you'll be happy.

    Until...they come after you.

    Free Speech is sacrosanct in a Democracy. Without it, it's an autocracy dressed in a silk robe.

    Remember the founders wrote down the right to free speech BEFORE they memorialized your right to privacy, your right to guns or your right to a fair trial.

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  • After many construction delays, the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center finally opened.

    It was promised to be a state of the art criminal courthouse and detention facility.

    Not even close.

    The building is already falling apart.

    There aren’t enough deputies.

    And the inmates are revolting.

    It’s a debacle.

    And we’re stuck with the bill.

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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Andrew Cuomo, the former governor of New York was hauled up to DC yesterday to explain his devastating co-mingling policy in the nursing homes 
 as if a plastic sheet was supposed to protect people.

    Gretchen Whitmer, who's still a governor, was mentioned
but only once.

    Remember: Whitmer also decreed that infected elderly be let back into the nursing home in which they lived, exposing the vulnerable to infection and death.

    That didn't stop her from closing schools, prohibiting shopping for seeds and shuttering small businesses. All to protect the elderly.

    Thousands are dead: probably 14,000.

    That's double what the state admits.

    We may never know.

    Remember, these numbers represent human beings.

    What it all amounts to is this: Michigan officials overstated the threat of the coronavirus to the health of the general public, while it understated the devastation ripping through the state's long term care facilities.

    Even former Gov. Andrew Cuomo realized what was happening in New York's congregate care centers.

    He ended the practice of returning infected people back into the state's LTC facilities in May 2020.

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  • Who’s running the country?

    We in Michigan would really like to know.

    Because we’re dying out here.

    I saw an African family on the corner of Eight Mile Road and Van Dyke selling used shoes from plastic bags and clothes from roller bags.

    The Warren cops ran them off and they crossed over 8 Mile to Detroit.

    A white junky on a bicycle took a pair of boots the family left behind.

    The VFW hall was torn down after it was purchased by the UAW, who built a union hall in its place.

    I like the old VFW HALL.

    It had Merle Haggard and Snoop Dog in the jukebox.

    Not a soul was at the new UAW hall the Thursday before Labor Day, despite the fact that 2,500 auto workers at the Ram plant will be out on their asses next month.

    Add that to the 700 software designers up at the GM Tech Center who were shown the door yesterday.

    White collar, blue-collar, pretty soon
 No collar.

    Warren’s screwed.

    The Alibi bar near the plant was doing a brisk business at two o'clock in the afternoon.

    It won't be like that come Thanksgiving.

    An autoworker told me his teeth were bad cause he’d rather put his copays towards his kids medical deductible.

    His mouth looked like a ruined fence.

    The latest contract was good. But not that good.

    It’s not preventing layoffs, even after we’ve given the company billions.

    There’s old cinder block housing built for the southern war time workers.

    People are still living in them.

    The row houses look remarkably similar to the sharecroppers shacks from whence there people came.

    But these people aren’t leaving.

    Can’t. To where? By what means?

    The trailer park that the rapper Eminem allegedly grew up in is on 8 Mile Road on the other side of the plant.

    He didn’t. It’s a fairy tale.

    What’s real is that even though the park is condemned a few pale ghosts live among the blown out windows and open sewer pipes.

    Along Eight Mile someone tried to outrun a cop, hit a curb and sheared a tire and linkage off.

    The car landed on its remaining three tires and the driver was immediately arrested.

    I should expect the driver to be released in no time.

    No room at the inn.

    The wheels are literally falling off.

    That’s the truth in America, east of Broadway.

    What acknowledgement do they get from the political class?

    Now that they want something, now that it’s clear what they’ve done to you, they pretend to be you.

    Because that’s the mood of the country.

    Apparently Kamala Harris worked at McDonald's somewhere in Mississippi judging by the accent.

    JD Vance is from Appalachia, which is apparently a suburb of Cincinnati .

    And apparently Gretchen Whitmer the poor little rich girl is from Eight Mile.

    Stop with the bullshit.

    The expert class is desperate.

    They’re devoid of answers in the time of populism.

    We don't need you to be like us.

    We need you to do right by us.

    So why won't you?

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  • Chris Cuomo on “The Game”Politics isn’t about you. The shots are called by the big donors.But what would we know? We here in Michigan are sitting in the dark. Again. Nearly 1,000,000 of us.The dopes in Lansing. The bums in DC. They pocket the money and close their eyes.Electricity is more reliable in Baghdad. (Right Elissa?)The only thing more broken than politics and the press around here are the power companies. #DTESucksSubscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshour

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  • Robert Kennedy Sr once said, “We look not for a slavish commitment to the party from the people, but a moral commitment to the people from the party.” Think about that. That's long gone. Once the party of free speech, the Democrats are now the party of censorship and coercion. Kennedy's Democrats were anti-war.Harris's Democrats are NeoCon warmongers. Her vice president Tim Walz is a war dodger. Once the party of first responders and physical laborers, the Democrats are now the party of big tech, big banks and Wall Street. Once the party of voting rights and fair elections, the Democrats are now the party of lawfare and coronation by corporate donors by unknown members of the party's central committee. As for Republicans, Donald Trump is a billionaire backed by billionaires who mimic the pain of working people while lining their pockets. You're telling me Ted Cruz is a populist?Runaway spending and tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations didn't help Main Street, it helped Wall Street. That's your Republican party. Nicole Shanahan, Bobby Kennedy Junior's running mate has floated the idea that the Dems are so corrupt that they forced them out of the race to run as independents and they may now push their support towards Trump. That's interesting. So that leaves us with two choices. Now remember the lesser of two evils, the old trope goes.Except you should remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil. Subscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshour

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  • Gretchen Whitmer. Tim Walz. Gavin Newsom. Andrew Cuomo.

    These governors came to the national attention because of their response to Covid.

    And their response says everything about their leadership styles.

    Whitmer and Wolz lockdowns were complete and total.

    The state constitutions were suspended.

    Those who ignored their decrees were arrested.

    This was all done, we were told, to save lives.

    What happened was exactly the opposite.

    The lockdowns were supposed to save the lives of the elderly virus most affected.

    We knew that then, and we know that now.

    Children were locked out of school, fell behind academically, and were crushed emotionally.

    Businesses were devastated.

    All this to protect grandma.

    And yet in their great wisdom, Wolz and Whitmer ordered that infected elderly people to be herded into the same long-term care buildings as healthy seniors.

    They cited "data and science" that did not exist.

    It does now.

    A recent study showed that such facilities had 73% percent higher death rate.

    Minnesota suffered ~ 8,000 nursing home deaths, 52% of the state's total -- the worst in the nation...except Michigan.

    We don’t know the true total here in the Wolverine State because the Whitmer administration never bothered to count, and never bothered to verify.

    She claims ~ 7,000 such deaths But Michigan has nearly doubled the population of Minnesota.

    The true deaths are probably nearer to 14000 by my estimate.

    Much worse than Cuomo's New York.

    We need and deserve an investigation, but our attorney general promises we will never get one.

    Politics played with the lives of people.

    This election is as much about the past as it is the future.

    We need leaders who understand their roles in a democratic republic.

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  • Who's running the country?Hillbilly Hoax JD Vance respected the couch in the morning and Tampon Tim Walz deserted the troops.

    Flint’s still poisoned, the country’s falling apart, and these are the choices we get?

    It's “The United Corporation of America,” says Jordan Chariton, author of the new book We The Poisoned: Exposing the Flint water crisis cover-up and the poisoning of 100,000 Americans.

    Subscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshourSubscribe to NBN on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-bs-newshour-with-charlie-leduff/id1754976617Subscribe to NBN on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0qMLWg6goiLQCRom8QNndCLike NBN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeDuffCharlieFollow to NBN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlieleduff

    The main topics include the Flint water crisis, political figures like Kamala Harris and JD Vance, and the state of politics. The role of media is now shaping narratives leaving the lack of accountability in politics. There’s a lack of progress in the Flint water crisis. Big business and Wall Street are the influencers of politics. "We The Poison Exposing The Flint Water Crisis Coverup" by Jordan Sheridan, which reveals the government coverup behind the Flint water crisis is available in book stores now

  • Border expert Todd Bensman exposes how Kamala Harris/Joe Biden funnel 3 million migrants into America every year.

    A.I. Summary:The No BS Newshour discusses the current state of immigration in the United States.

    All the political talking points and lies being told to the American public about the border.

    They discuss the role of Kamala Harris and the controversy over whether she was appointed as the "border czar", the influx of immigrants from various countries and the impact on the economy and society.

    They express concern over the lack of control and regulation at the border, and the perception of ICE in certain communities.

    They also discuss the potential closure of the Darien Gap by the new Panamanian president.

    Subscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshourSubscribe to NBN on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-bs-newshour-with-charlie-leduff/id1754976617Subscribe to NBN on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0qMLWg6goiLQCRom8QNndCLike NBN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeDuffCharlieFollow to NBN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlieleduff

  • Brian Brown - My client couldn't have killed Samantha Woll.Hill Harper - Elissa Slotkin is afraid to debate me.(01:39) Michael Jackson-Bolanos Defense Attorney Brian Brown.(08:20) He couldn't have committed the murder in that time period.(16:08) Is that the ex-boyfriend who confessed to police?(42:58) Elissa Slotkin is scared of Hill Harper in the Democratic primary for US Senate.(49:10) How many died in Iraq under Slotin?Subscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshourSubscribe to NBN on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-bs-newshour-with-charlie-leduff/id1754976617Subscribe to NBN on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1L55xlG8yyvSFX9kwbJRpuLike NBN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeDuffCharlieFollow to NBN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlieleduff

  • Bill and Hillary Clinton's former body man exposes all.

    Retired Secret Service agent Gary Byrne explains how the near assassination of Donald J. Trump was almost predictable, considering the rotten state and incompetent leadership of the Secret Service.

    And, how the Clintons tried to frame him as the lover of Monica Lewinsky.

    Plus: an update on the bizarre murder trial of Detroit Jewish leader Samantha Woll.

    Also: are Detroit election officials ready for November? Exclusive findings here.

    Trump Assassination Secret Service




    Samantha Woll

    Murder trial

    Charlie LeDuff

    No Bs



  • Justice for Joe Biden

    Justice for Samantha Woll

    And please, can we get some help in Michigan?

    BREAKING: We have officially filed a petition for guardianship of President Joseph Robinette Biden, 81, with the Washington DC Superior Court citing obvious cognitive decline.

    We allege abuse, exploitation, endangerment, and neglect.

    Subscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshourSubscribe to NBN on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-bs-news-hour-with-charlie-leduff/id1435711364Subscribe to NBN on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1L55xlG8yyvSFX9kwbJRpuLike NBN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeDuffCharlieFollow to NBN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlieleduff

  • Who Killed Samantha Woll? And why is the dead man registered to vote?Mysteries UnveiledMystery Number 1. Prosecutors give immunity to the ex-boyfriend of popular Detroit Jewish leader Samantha Woll who called police and confessed to her murder. At the same time, prosecutors contend that petty thief Michael Jackson-Bolano is the true killer, who beat Woll and stabbed her 8 times in exactly zero seconds.Mystery Number 2. Who cast the absentee vote in the name of Citizen Advocate Ramon Jackson? It wasn’t Jackson, says Jackson. And that’s not his signature. In search of the fraudster; Jackson uncovers dead people, Venezuelans, and bogus addresses. Subscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshourSubscribe to NBN on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-bs-news-hour-with-charlie-leduff/id1435711364Subscribe to NBN on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1L55xlG8yyvSFX9kwbJRpuLike NBN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeDuffCharlieFollow to NBN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlieleduff

  • The demolition program has quite likely led to the mass poisoning of the Motor City. Explosive report shows connected contractors did as they pleased, dumped what they chose, and the Mayor covered for them.In the meantime, the Biden administration made it all go away.Subscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshourSubscribe to NBN on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-bs-news-hour-with-charlie-leduff/id1435711364Subscribe to NBN on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1L55xlG8yyvSFX9kwbJRpuLike NBN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeDuffCharlieFollow to NBN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlieleduff

  • Not My President.EXCLUSIVE: 8,000 more nursing home dead in Michigan buried in Whitmer’s statistical mass grave.*If the media would like access to the material and data for a follow up, I’m more than happy to provide it. DM MeSubscribe to NBN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NoBSNewshourSubscribe to NBN on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-bs-news-hour-with-charlie-leduff/id1435711364Subscribe to NBN on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1L55xlG8yyvSFX9kwbJRpuLike NBN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeDuffCharlieFollow to NBN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlieleduff

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  • EXCLUSIVE – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel concealing former Gov. Rick Snyder’s role in the Flint water mass poisoning. Though Snyder was a top target for manslaughter and racketeering, neither...

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