
  • What does a balanced meal actually look like?
    What foods should I include in a balanced meal?
    Am I eating the right things?

    In today's episode on the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm helping you with breakfast, lunch, dinner ideas AND how to make sure those meals are complete.

    As a registered dietitian, I hear a lot good meal ideas on session with my patients but it's my job to help them understand the missing parts of their meals and that is exactly what I'm doing today.

    You'll start understand how to execute my favorite way of eating; with the plate method!

    Color, carbs, protein, and sometimes a healthy fat are the main components to this method.

    You'll start to look at meal preparation a bit differently and it be a lot easier than you think!

    Enjoy today's episode!!

    For more information or to work with Nicole, visit www.nutritionsmylife.com

  • Are your blood sugars high or increasing?

    Have you been told you are pre-diabetic or insulin resistant?

    On today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm helping you:
    1. Understand what insulin resistance is
    2. Why you should be mindful of your blood sugars
    3. Provide you with 4 nutrition tools and 2 habit building tools that can positively impact your blood sugars (and even reverse prediabetes).

    These 4 nutrition tools that help improve blood sugars are:

    *Choosing complex carbohydrates
    * Pairing all carbs with a protein and/or fat source
    * Having enough protein at your meal times (I even go over how much protein someone should have per meal based on their height)
    * Avoiding skipping meals / eating consistent throughout the day

    The 2 habit building tools are:

    * Moving throughout the day
    * Build muscle mass

    These tools personally helped me improved my hemogloban A1C from a 5.7% down to a 4.9% and I often see improvements with my patients as well.

    To work with Nicole visit www.nutritionsmylife.com

    To collaborate with Nicole email at [email protected] or fax inquiries to 726-465-5623

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • There was a TickTok trend going around that I participated in and it got me thinking I need to do a podcast episode on this.

    The trend was, " What do you think the next silent killer of our generation will be?"

    My answer as a Registered Dietitian and health advocate- DIET TRENDS that remove food groups.

    Here at Nutrition's My Life you've heard me say all foods fit into a healthy lifestyle and today I'm sharing with you the foods that you DO want to add in more and why. I'm sharing with you what I think about the KETO and Carnivore diet... specifically what pushing out key foods can do to the body.

    Today we're talking about the benefits of eating carbohydrates and how to balance them with enough protein and fiber rich foods. We're talking about the benefits of the colors in our foods, specifically vegetables and I even share with you a blog post I did years ago that will help you understand, plus there are tons of recipes in that blog- you can read more here https://www.nutritionsmylife.com/blog/antioxidants

    Today we even talk about the benefits of eating legumes and beans- as they're the most common food consumed across all Blue Zones. (Blue zones are where the most people who live past 100 years of age and are the healthiest).

    Today's a really interesting podcast and I am so happy to share it with you.

    To work with Nicole or to hire her for media, a talk at a conference, brands, and even to be a guest on your podcast, email her at [email protected] or visist www.nutritionsmylife.com



  • You know some of the foods you needs to be eating but why are you not seeing the results? Why aren't you able to actually do all the things you know you need to do?

    In today's episode I'm sharing with you why your past may be influencing your choices today, giving you real life examples (that may be triggering for some of you), and how to recognize those habits that may be influencing your execution.

    I want you to improve your thyroid.
    I want you to improve your metabolism.
    I know you want to have more energy and feel better.

    But I don't want you to do it at the expense of your mental health or physical health.

    Here at Nutrition's My Life I'm going to help you see the big picture and find the tools to start taking action (or to improve that action) to start seeing the results you're wanting.

    Enjoy today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast and make sure you leave a review or share this episode with your family or friends! It's an important one!!



    email: [email protected]

    website: www.nutritionsmylife.com

  • It's 2024 and a lot of people start the year trying to lose weight.

    You might have eaten a bit more over the holidays and now want to refocus on your health. Or maybe you're just ready to finally learn what you're needing to get that metabolism revved up to lose some weight. Whatever your reason or goal may be, I'm here to support you by helping you understand the science behind metabolism.

    We're in a new season here on the Nutrition's My Life Podcast and it's going to be a great year!

    I'm starting it off helping you understand calories, macros, and metabolim.

    I'm going to help you understand how to feed your metabolism and how to feed you healthy bacteria in your gut to get the most out of your metabolism! Yes they're connected!!

    Tune into the new season of Nutrition's My Life Podcast.

    Share on social media with family and friends - tag me @nutritionsmylife so I can support you!!

    If you'd like to work with me, visit www.nutritionsmylife.com

  • Have you experienced this?

    You start a new diet and feel like you have to be perfect with everything. You typically eat out and so think you have to grocery shop for all your meals for the entire week but then end up wasting so much food.

    Then you get frustrated at yourself and feel like you're failing, so you end up overeating or binging on something that in the moment makes you feel better but then you feel even lower than you did before..

    Think of it like this... you're trying to do college level Spanish but you're really needing to start out at elementary or middle school Spanish - because you've only been trained in English. Of course you're not going to be able to do it all- you haven't learned the basics and it's so outside of what you're currently doing that it's foreign to you.

    Meet yourself where you're at.

    I frequently tell my patients to bring vegetables with them to work, even if they know they're going to go out to a fast food restaurant. It's hard to change habits- so start small. Start somewhere that's doable.

    In this week's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm helping you to learn how to give yourself grace during this process and to help you meet yourself where you're at, so you're able to be successful long term.

    If you're loving what you're hearing- please share this episode or your favorite episode with your family and friends. Tag me, @nutritionsmylife , in an instagram story or social media post!

    To work with me or hire me for your business, visit www.nutritionsmylife.com or email me at [email protected] (for corporate wellness talks- please put int he subject line "corporate wellness").

  • Weight stigmas

    According to many health professionals (ahmmm doctors!)

    If you're in a bigger body- all your health problems are because of your weight.

    If you're in a bigger body- you must be gorging yourself with food all day long.

    If you're in a thin body- you are either underweight and need to gain or you can't have certain health conditions because you're in a small body and those health conditions only happen in bigger bodies.

    As a dietitian I'm sick of it! I'm sick and tired of hearing doctors tell my patients to fast for 2 days each week or to do the keto diet etc.. I'm sick and tired of doctors blaming everything on weight for some people and ignoring health concerns of others.

    Doctors, physician assistants, nurse practioners, and other health providers- do better!

    On today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm sharing with you my experience as a dietitian- what I hear while on sessions and better ways to speak to our patients. This is me talking to doctors.... Have you ever thought of asking your patient:

    1.Does your body allow you to do all the things you want it to?
    2. How do you feel about your body (optional: when you look in the mirror?)
    3. Where do you see yourself 6-12 months from now if you continue your current eating habits?
    4. How much sleep do you get every night?
    5. Do you feel rested upon waking up?
    6. Do you wake up in the middle of the night
    (questions 4-6 need to be asked becuase we know that sleep apnea or insomnia etc can mess with our hormones [like our hunger and fullness hormones], can mess with our digestion etc)
    7. Do you poop every day? (if someone isn't pooping daily, it's a good indicator they've either inadvertently messed up their metabolism or not eating enough fiber rich foods)
    8. Are you skipping any meals? (many times people that skip meals have slowed down their metabolism)

    If you're a patient and a doctor is not giving you the advice you're looking for or needing for your nutrition or health- please ask for a dietitian referral OR if you're a provider, please refer your patients to a dietitian.

    Today's episode is 40 minutes long- I did get fired up about this topic and I know you will too!

    If you enjoyed this episode, please tag me @nutritionsmylife in a post / story or share this episode with family and friends (or your doctor lol).

    To work with Nicole, visit www.nutritionsmylife.com

  • When trying to lose weight, building muscle mass, or generally trying to be healthier... all you hear is PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN.

    Butttttt How much protein should we be eating each day?

    If you talk to a personal trainer or an avid gym goer, you might think 1g/pound of body weight. Well the recommended daily allowance or RDA for most adults is 0.8g/kg of body weight. To get your weight into kilograms/kg you need to divide weight in pounds by 2.2. This could look like a 180lb individual divided by 2.2 = ~82kg.

    This could be either 180g of protein to try to eat (wowzas) OR aim for at least 65g protein (phew that's easier).

    Now, do I frequently recommend 1g/kg of body weight!? YESSS!!! So in that example I just gave, that's 82g protein a day! Still a lot easier to achieve than 180g protein a day.

    PLUS veggies, whole graine, legumes/beans, nuts/seeds also contain protein. So ADD to your meal :)

    To learn more or work with Nicole, visit www.nutritionsmylife.com



  • Fiber

    What is it?
    Why do we need it?

    Fiber is the component of a plant that gives the plant its structure. Think of it as the plant's bones lol. Fiber can be found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

    Today on the Nutrition's My Life Podcast I'm helping you see that fiber can help with:
    1. Weight loss
    2. Blood sugar control
    3. Keeping you fuller longer
    4. Improve gut health
    5. Helps lower cholesterol

    We're talking all things fiber today and ways to start incorporate the types of fiber rich foods that may be beneficial!!

    Learn more by going to www.nutritionsmylife.com

  • The topic of carbs (carbohydrates) have been in the conversation of half my patients lately and it was time for me to help you out again with understanding carbs and why we need them..

    Are you on a weight loss journey?
    > you need carbs for T4 to T3 conversion (T3 is the active thyroid hormone and without adequate carbs, your best chance of having a metabolism you want is taken away from you as the body does not want to convert T4 to T3 when there are not enough carbs present)

    Constantly exhausted?
    > you may be only filling up your gas tank a quarter of the way and expecting your vehichle to get you everywhere you want...all day long! Doesn't work like that. Your bod needs carbs for energy, if you're doing low carb or skipping meals, you may be simply not "putting in enough energy into your energy tank" causing you to be exhausted all day!

    Wake up at 2-4am consistently?
    > could be you're not enough enough carbs throughout the day and the body is smart- it will release stored blood sugar in your liver and muscles, glycogen, so you have energy to do all the things you needs to do while sleeping (like breath, your kidneys to function, heart to beat... etc). Your body, on average, needs 1200 calories a day for your organs to function properly. If they're not getting what they need, your body will take care of you and wake you up by releasing cortisol, which then will release glycogen into your bloodstream.

    Listen in to today's Nutrition's My Life Podcast and share your biggest CARB TAKEAWAY on social media by tagging me in a post or story you share- tag me @nutritionsmylife

    To work with Nicole, you can visit www.nutritionsmylife.com

    To have Nicole as a guest on your podcast or blog for you- email Nicole at [email protected]

  • Do you ever look at people on social media and think, "my life is crappy compared to them"

    Have you ever felt "less than" because you felt like you couldn't compare to someone else.

    Today I'm sharing all the crappy things I've gone through to help you understand that, even a dietitian is not perfect. Even a dietitian who eats well, is not perfect. Even a health professional who has done it all, still has issues.

    I had to take some time off of work recently due to complications from surgery due to a new diagnosis I received last year.

    Ehlers Danlos Syndrome has wrecked my life since I was young, I just didn't know it and one thing you can count on me is to be real and open with you.

    We'll move on next podcast episode to more science but felt like you might need to hear this....

    To work with Nicole or have her as a guest on your podcast, visit www.nutritionsmylife.com OR email me at [email protected]


  • Have you thought about going gluten free or maybe you are following a gluten free diet and don't know if it's the best option for you.

    Today on the Nutrition's My Life Podcast I'm helping you understand why you may or may not need to be going gluten free if you have a thyroid disorder or autoimmune disorder.

    We review some literature together, talk about why some people may feel better coming off gluten, and ways to improve your health without going gluten free (for those that do not have celiac disease).

    Removing food from your diet may not be the best answer for so many people because they're already not meeting their nutrient demands, that taking foods aways is just feeding into the narrative of "the reason your body is doing all the crazy things it's doing is because you're eating too many harmful things".... when in reality, many people are lacking in key nutrients and their bodies just want them to be fed more nutrient dense foods!! And if that means there's less stress around eating because now you're able to have foods/meals with gluten in it, then let's do that!

    Articles referenced:

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9101474/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2111403/


    To learn more or to work with Nicole, please visit email me at [email protected] OR visit my website at www.nutritionsmylife.com

  • Do you have inflammation?
    A thyroid disorder?
    Do you feel stressed?
    Want your hormones to be optimal?
    Have a lot to do or feel anxious at times?
    Do you have an autoimmune disorder?
    Does your family have a history of alzheimers, dementia, or parkinsons disease?
    Do you get headaches or migraines?

    You might want to learn a bit more about Omega 3 fatty acids if you answered yes to any of the quetions above.

    Oh you do want to learn? Sweet! Okay! Tune in to Nutrition's My Life Podcast today then, as I'm helping you understand the benefits of eating foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and how to add them to your meals/snacks without breaking the bank!

    To work with Nicole or learn more, visist www.nutrtionsmylife.com

  • Have you ever gotten really frustrated at yourself for screwing up your diet or felt like because you haven't worked out in a long time you're lazy AF?!

    If you have, you're not alone.

    In today's episode of the Nutritio's My Life Podcast, I'm helping you understand why we self sabotage and hacks for overcoming this mindset. Because... enjoying the 3 slices of pieces of pizza at your nieces party or the cake does not make you a failure. It makes you human! We are social beings and eating a meal with family/friends is a crucial part of society and our health. And having one meal that's not "healthy" is not going to make or break your "diet".

    What I typically notice is that in these situations, we need to work on our relationship with foods and ourselves to overcome self sabotage. This is what I'm helping you with today!

    To learn more from Nicole, visit www.nutritionsmylife.com

    To have Nicole on your podcast or to hire Nicole for social media, email at [email protected]

  • Summer is around the corner, which means many of my patients are asking me.... "How can I drop the pounds fast?"

    Over the last few weeks I've heard:

    + I want to slim down for my cruise in July
    + we're going on vacation, I'd like to lose some weight
    + we're headed to beach in a few weeks, how much weight do you think I'll be able to lose?
    + I'd like to lose 1-2lbs a week
    + My friends are taking Octavia and dropping weight fast, do you think that's something for me?
    + my husband is doing keto and has lost a ton of weight already but keto messed up my digestion, so don't think I can try that again

    I am totally down for you to lose weight but want to make sure you're doing it in a way that your body will appreciate and want you to keep the weight off long term. Quick fix diets aren't sustainable, which is why most people yoyo diet or hop around to different diets (I mean, think about how many have you tried).

    On today's podcast episode at Nutrition's My Life is all about helping you understanding what really helps most people lose the weight they want and keep it off.

    Share this episode on your social media and tag me, @nutritionsmylife ! Would love to see you helping your family/friends understand metabolism and weight loss a bit more!

    If you'd like to work with Nicole, you can visist www.nutritionsmylife.com.

    If you'd like to have Nicole as guest on your podcast or blog, email her at nicole.eichinger@nutritionsmylife

  • Do you drink dairy or eat dairy products?

    Did you know that certain types of dairy can be more beneficial than the conventional dairy?

    On today's episode at Nutrition's My Life Podcast, we're talking A2 dairy! What is A2 dairy? What are the health benefits of choosing A2 over conventional dairy? Why is A2 a good choice?

    If you're reading this and like, Nicole, I have no clue what you're talking about. No worries, I didn't know that much about A2 dairy and I'm a dietitian! It wasn't until the Alexandre Family shared their knowledge did I realize how important this type of dairy could be for so many people!

    You can learn more about the Alexandre Family Farm by visiting their website https://alexandrefamilyfarm.com/ and can find their dairy and keifer locally by going to their website and searching find products https://alexandrefamilyfarm.com/pages/store-locator

    I found my A2 Alexandre Family products at Sprouts near me!

  • If you have digestion issues, you know how uncomfortable they can be.

    Today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast is continuing the talk about slow digestion issues - people more proned to get constipated.

    We're talking about:

    Blended foods Soups / Bone broth Supplements Probiotics Melatonin L-Glutamine Bovine Colostrum

    To learn more about gut health and action steps it takes to improve digestion, grab my self paced course, Mind Your Gut, to learn the tools that may be beneficial for you!

    To work with Nicole visit www.nutritionsmylife.com or to have Nicole as a guest on your podcast email [email protected]

    Happy pooping y'all :)

  • The poop whisperer is here to help... lol.

    I recently shared a video on TikTok that went a little crazy because so many people are struggling with a slow digestion. The movement capability of the digestive tract is called motility and I see many people in my practice with a slow motility. This can cause:

    + more bloating
    + constipation or diarrhea
    + discomfort
    + make you not hungry (which then makes it hard for you to meet your nutrient demands)

    On this episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm helping you understand where your slow motility could have resulted from and some action steps to start improving your digestion. This is going to be a 2 part series, so stay tuned for more information on how to improve your gut motility.

    If you'd like to learn more and have information at your fingertips, I encourage you to sign up for the self paced online course - Mind Your Gut.

    If you'd like to work with Nicole please visit www.nutritionsmylife.com

    If you'd like have Nicole as a guest on your podcast or speak to corporate wellness or a variety of speaking opportunities, please email at [email protected]

  • I've been a dietitian for a while- 15 years to be exact but I've been a health warrior a lot longer than that.

    On today's episode I wanted to share with you 10 nutrition hacks I wish I would have known earlier, so I could have improved my health and stress/anxiety around the foods I ate a lot faster.

    Today's top 10 nutrition hacks are:

    Certain foods need to be paired together and some don't... Pair all carbs with a protein and/or fat I can eat sweet and don't need to find a low calorie sweetner or "healthier" flour Oils aren't bad for your health like people may make it out to be Nuts and seeds are actually really helpful for our health- way more than most people think! Calorie intake isn't everything Herbs are more powerful for health than most people think and aren't just to be the aromatics for our foods to give it flavor. I don't need to follow a recipe to a T Flaxseed is the bomb (lol) Antioxidants need more credit

    If you enjoyed today's episode- share it with a friend or tag @nutritionsmylife in instagram stories or on tiktok!

    To learn more visit www.nutritionsmylife.com

  • Do you take magnesium or have thought it might be helpful for you?

    Did you know that different forms of magnesium help with different things inside the body?

    For example, magnesium citrate is super helpful for people who are constipated however, if you aren't constipated or lean towards looser stools- you might regret taking magnesium citrate.

    In today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm helping you understand which form of magnesium is best for you!

    Learn more at www.nutritionsmylife.com