Ο Κฯσμος ฮฌλλαξε… καιρฯς ν’ αλλฮฌξεις κι εσฯ! Τι φฮญρνει στην καθημερινฯτητฮฌ μας, ο Ψηφιακฯς Πολιτισμฯς που αναπτฯσσεται αฯρατα, καλπฮฌζοντας; Πฯς η Καινοτομฮฏα αλλฮฌζει τις κοινωνฮฏες μας, τα κρฮฌτη και την ζωฮฎ του καθενฯς ξεχωριστฮฌ; Τι προσφฮญρει και τι απαιτεฮฏ η Εποχฮฎ της Γνฯσης και της Ψηφιακฮฎς Επανฮฌστασης; Ξεχωριστοฮฏ και διακεκριμฮญνοι ฮλληνες... ερευνητฮญς, επιχειρηματฮฏες, παλαฮฏμαχοι μฮฌστορες, οραματιστฮญς πιτσιρικฮฌδες και ρομαντικοฮฏ ταραχοποιοฮฏ, θα μας ταξιδฮญψουν απฯ την Τεχνητฮฎ Νοημοσฯνη στο Blockchain και απฯ τη μονταζιฮญρα του DNA που κοστฮฏζει μฯνο 50 ευρฯ στη «Γραφομηχανฮฎ του Θεοฯ». Ο Μฮฏλτος Μακρฮฏδης μας μυεฮฏ στο Μฮญλλον που ฮฎρθε. Hack U - Ξεχฮฌστε αυτฮฌ που ξฮญρατε.
Under the DataScope: A six-episode podcast series from the Kraft Precision Medicine Accelerator at Harvard Business School, showcasing the most important companies—their innovations and their progress—that bring data and analytics technologies to precision medicine today. Discussions focus on the business models, technologies, and proof points of data and analytics leaders to illuminate the richness of this landscape today and its fast-paced future progress. Guests include: • John Wilbanks - Chief Commons Officer, Sage Bionetworks • David Shaywitz - Senior Partner, Takeda Ventures • Jeff Elton – CEO, Concerto Health AI • Wout Brusselaers – Founder/CEO, Deep6 • Richard Williams - Managing Director & CMO, Wuxi NextCode • Eyal Gura - Founder/CEO, Zebra Medical Vision
The data struggle is real. Companies are awash in data that can lead to better engineered products, improved customer engagement, and faster drug development. But first they have to overcome the daunting technical and cultural challenges of mastering it. Fortunately, other data and IT leaders have dealt with these same issues. They’ll share their advice and stories on the DataMasters podcast.
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The official podcast version of Mura Yakerson's YouTube channel Math-Life Balance. What Mura has to say about the content:
"In this [podcast] I post my non-professional interviews with professional mathematicians. I ask my colleagues about their personal experience in math, their struggles and lifehacks. I hope that this shared experience would be helpful for other people in the math community, especially for young mathematicians!"
Interviews are posted weekly during the weekends. -
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Welcome to Talking Techniques! In this Podcast BioTechniques Digital Editor Tristan Free, interviews researchers at the forefront of their fields about the latest breakthroughs, controversies and conversations in the life sciences. From CRISPR to COVID-19, organoids to the microbiome, this podcast will explore the latest developments in the lab and interesting applications of techniques, while trying to determine how we can drive science forward in progressive and inventive ways.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The podcast where we hang out and learn with the WIA Community. Each episode, host Lauren Burke connects with women in data and analytics to talk about what they do in the space, how they got there, and more. We showcase the unique paths that can lead to data, share resources, and bring awareness to new and interesting topics within the field.
How will AI, blockchain and other new technologies impact life science? -