Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This second audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Perriwinkle (Graeme) who were tasked with completing a quest in a Call of Cthulu universe.
Hold your roast beast carving knives close and scream with holiday fear because in this recording agents were sent to Whoville to ensure the Who's down in Whoville had a merry Christmas! Having just witnessed a kidnapping and double suicide junior police officer Sandra Sue Loo and wealthy undergraduate student Purdy Who Bunkins are stunned and confused. The agents quickly begin investigating this dark Christmas crime, revealing the beginnings of a sinister plot that may include something green and eldritch...
It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) who were tasked with completing a quest in a DND 5E universe. Aiding them in their quest in this recording also is the esteemed Agent Periwinkle (Graeme).
In this recording agents using their assigned wizard avatars escape with the gems needed to stop the final ritual enacted by Flabberghast, but with Agent Gumbagge now a ghost they must first try and find blood magic prodigy Alucard Anhel so they are at full strength for their final confrontation with Flabberghast. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
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Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This first audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gamboge Yellow (William Guryvech) who were tasked with completing a quest in a [REDACTED] universe.
Pull out your roast beast carving knives and scream with holiday cheer because in this recording agents were sent to Whoville to ensure the Who's down in Whoville had a merry Christmas! Agent Gamboge was assigned the avatar of junior police officer Sandra Sue Loo, and Agent Umber was assigned the avatar of university student Purdy Who Bunkins, daughter of the wealthy Bunkins family. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This first audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) who were tasked with completing a quest in a DND 5E universe. Aiding them in their quest in this recording also is the esteemed Agent Periwinkle (Graeme).
In this recording agents using their assigned wizard avatars to investigate the members of The Royals at the Luxury Student Dorms. With Abby Von haut watching closely Agent Gumbagge Yellow comes up with a smelly solution. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
The gang continues their break out attempt. Linafel, Nix, Bloody Shneewitchen, Big Boy Peep and a newly summoned sheep monstrosity Pushpop rush to escape an ambush, while Gibbles and Doctor Al continue to distract the guards. Forced to come up with a more elaborate lie to keep them distracted Gibbles accidentally creates a cult worshiping the 10th level vegan Mike, and comes up with a disturbing commandment for cult members.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This first audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) who were tasked with completing a quest in a DND 5E universe. Aiding them in their quest in this recording also is the esteemed Agent Periwinkle (Graeme).
In this recording agents using their assigned wizard avatars to investigate one of the members of the Nerd Core and go to the Von Haut's on campus rager at the Luxury Student Dorms, while also causing devastating property damage with helicopters in the process. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This first audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) who were tasked with completing a quest in a DND 5E universe. Aiding them in their quest in this recording also is the esteemed Agent Periwinkle (Graeme).
In this recording agents using their assigned wizard avatars to fight a wizard duel against Dean Baldin Johnson Junior in the illegal bar Barry's Under the Cupboard. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This first audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) who were tasked with completing a quest in a DND 5E universe. Aiding them in their quest in this recording also is the esteemed Agent Periwinkle (Graeme).
In this recording agents using their assigned wizard avatars fought a blood elemental in a magical library while trying to find Alucard Anhel. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This first audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) who were tasked with completing a quest in a DND 5E universe. Aiding them in their quest in this recording also is the esteemed Agent Periwinkle (Graeme).
n this recording agents were assigned wizard avatars and tasked with stopping the dastardly plans of the dark wizard Flabberghast. Their goal was to defeat him and save magic from being irrevocably altered by his ritual of chaos. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This second audio recording covers the continued exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) in a Perils & Princesses universe.
In this recording, the Agents in their princess avatars deal with a giant spider, find unlikely allies at Ye Old Olive Garden, and finally solve the dastardly kidnapping of the visiting prince. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This second audio recording covers the continued exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) in a Perils & Princesses universe.
In this recording, the Agents in their princess avatars deal with exceptional orphans, a difficult family member, and dastardly dad jokes. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
Welcome Agents to the PDA, the Planar Defense Agency, defending reality one existential crisis at a time. This first audio recording covers the exploits of Agent Umber (Grayson Golka) and Agent Gumbagge Yellow (William Guryvech) who were tasked with completing a quest in a Perils & Princesses universe. Agents were assigned princess avatars and tasked with clearing their family of suspicion after the theft of a very important crown and the kidnapping of visiting prince Harvey Hearthrob. It has been recorded for training purposes, please take notes to improve your performance agents.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
The gang goes to break out the rest of the Glitter Gang's members. Since it worked well the last time, Gibbles and Doctor Al attempt to distract the guards in the complex via a wonderful new product called The Guardian Edge while the rest make their way into the high security area,
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
The heist crew moves deeper into Titania's factory, trying to dodge enchanting traps and deadly workplace safety violations. Can they overcome the obstacles to steal the slippers from Titania's fashion vault?
This episode has references to drug use. and profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
The crew saves Essina from the dastardly plans of Greyfax, only to learn their coven is in even greater danger than they realized. Having to save both the Glamour Gang's leader and prepare for the coming assault, they make a dangerous deal with an individual they never thought would be able to help.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
The crew has acquired one of the keys they need to get into Titania's atelier, but run into a snag when Luna realizes they may have a history with one of the security guards. Even worse the last two keys are much more difficult to steal. Can they find a way to overcome these challenges so they can continue the heist?
Join us for a heist of fantastical fey proportions as Only Wizards once again plays Kids on Bikes. In a feywild dominated by powerful fashion brands, an unlikely crew comes together to try and steal the Starlight Slipper from one of the most powerful fairies in fashion, Titania. Will they succeed at getting past the security at the Four Seasons Galla hosted by Titania and her fashion brand Enchanteres, or are these three fey-folk out of their depth?
The crew interrogates the captured war priest and changeling while getting to know some of their new fey-touched friend's peculiar abilities. Holding back Jack as a last resort, they get some information about a group called The Mission, and about Changelings working for a mysterious figure called The Duchess.
This episode includes profanity.
Patreon: patreon.com/OWDcast
Instagram: @owdcast
A group of retired magical girls are living comfortable lives in a retirement home when disaster strikes! It appears that their magic has returned, but so has their oldest and greatest nemesis, the Evil Queen Hortencia! To make matters worse their magical animal companions have been kidnapped, forcing the girls out of retirement and on a quest to track them down.
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