
  • When my kids were little, I’d get them to bed earlier about a week before school started. We’d get their clothes ready, school supplies purchased and they were ready to start a new school year. Even if they weren’t excited, they knew it was time and we adjusted without too much difficulty.

    Now that my kids are older, and you may have noticed this too, things can get a little more stressful and you may find it hard to keep your cool.

    We want to not be triggered, we want to stay patient and calm.

    But let’s be honest. It isn’t easy.

    Listen to this episode for 3 simple tips to make your days a little easier.

    Join me for my Live Workshop on Friday, August 11 at 11am pacific.

    Follow me on Instagram for more:


  • Liz is the creator, editor and owner of Liz on Call, a creative lifestyle blog sharing easy do-able crafts and recipes. At Liz on Call, she incorporates her love of all things Disney. As an extension of her blog, in 2015 she created Disney Food N Fun as a home base to share all things Disney so families could get the most out of their trips to the Happiest Place on Earth. Liz will be the best friend you never knew you needed when planning a trip to Disneyland.

    Liz on Call Blog

    Disney Food n Fun Blog

    Disney Food n Fun Instagram

    Liz on Call Instagram

    Liz's YouTube Channel

    Find Liz on Facebook

    Find Liz on Pinterest

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Join me as Kristen Arnett and I discuss how to help our kids become more confident. Kristen has a clear way of understanding and teaching a concept she calls, The Confidence Spectrum.

    Her business, Meant to be Me, teaches young girls how to be confident in themselves just as they are. If you're local, you must check her out. If you're not, she'll be expanding to virtual courses soon. You won't want to miss out.

    Find Kristen on IG @meanttobe.me

    For information about her class offerings Click Here!

    Interested in a free introductory coaching call with me? Get on my calendar!

  • Finding your parenting blindspots can be challenging, as they are often unconscious patterns of behavior or ways of thinking that can be difficult to identify.

    In this episode, I talk about how to uncover the blindspots that are keeping you stuck.

    Observe your own behavior: Pay attention to your behavior and reactions when interacting with your kids. Are there patterns that you notice? Do you respond in certain ways to certain situations? Reflecting on your own behavior can help you identify areas where you may be reacting unconsciously and need to make changes.

    Remember that parenting is an ongoing process of learning and growth, and it's okay to make mistakes. The most important thing is to be willing to reflect on your own behavior and make changes when necessary to improve your relationship with your child.

    Join me in my April Workshop!

    Click Here and use code LUCKY7 to get in for only $10!

    Follow me on Instagram? Find me @kristengoodmancoaching

  • Are you unsure about how to parent your teen? Are you worried you are pushing too hard, or not pushing enough? Do you want to feel more confident in your parenting decisions? If so, listen to this podcast episode on how to set rules and limits with your teenager.

    Remember, this is a process that takes practice. Notice what works. Notice what doesn't work. One of my favorite thoughts is that nothing is urgent. So take a breath, don't freak out and focus on connecting with your teenager. You've got this.

    Want to join me in my April workshop? Click Here to Join!

    Or maybe you want more personalized help? Schedule a free 1-1 introductory call HERE!

    As promised in this episode, here is a simple guide to everything I talked about - download below.

    Download 10 Ways to Set Limits with Your Teen Here

  • What's an emotional bid and why are they important?

    An emotional bid is a way for one person to get the attention of another person.

    We often focus so much on getting our teenager's attention, that we can fail to notice when they are trying to get our attention.

    We can sometimes feel frustrated when our teens complain or act disrespectful. But instead of it being a cause of frustration, we can start noticing this behavior as an emotional bid they are giving us to get our attention.

    What do they need or want from us? How can we show love to them?

    Listen to this episode as I share different ways you can turn toward your teen and focus on how you respond instead of how they are acting.

    Come to my workshop on Tuesday March 7th!

    Click Here to Save Your Seat!

  • In this episode, I talk about why we get angry, where it comes from, and how we can control it.

    Controlling our anger doesn't mean we will never be angry again, but it will help us to respond instead of react.

    We will feel better and our relationships will improve. Anger can often snowball into us saying and doing things that we regret.

    Listen to this episode and start taking control of your anger today.


    March 7th @ 10:30am MT

    Want to work with me 1-1? Schedule a free call HERE !

  • It's not about never making a parenting mistake, but about learning from them and being willing to try a different approach.

    In this episode, I share four common parenting pitfalls that are easy to make and how to avoid them.

    You will learn how to manage your emotions first, respond and not react, get curious and validate your teenager's emotions.

    Doing this will create more connection and influence as you help your child navigate these teen years.

    The Now Habit by Neil Fiore, Phd

    5 Simple Steps to Parenting a Teenager - Free Download!

    Schedule a free parenting coaching session Click Here!

  • Naturally, as moms, we want to help our kids be respectful, productive, hard working...etc. etc. Sometimes this can lead to nagging, yelling or thinking our teens are just lazy and rude.

    If our kid spends too much time on their phone, plays too many video games, or ___________fill in the blank, it's easy to go right to worry and guilt thinking you (and they!) are doing it all wrong.

    But what if you didn’t have to be stressed out or frustrated about their behavior anymore?

    Listen to this episode to find out how to take the edge off of the frustration from parenting teens.

    Want More? Click Here!

    Get My Parenting Toolkit Here!

  • What can we learn about parenting from Blockbuster and Netflix?

    Link To Article About Blockbuster and Netflix

    I’m sure that based on the title of this episode, you may be a little confused about a thing or two.

    Blockbuster isn’t the first thing one would think of when trying to navigate the struggles of parenting.

    Come along with me while I explain an analogy that ties together fear based parenting, and good old Blockbuster! Think about it this way. What used to happen if you returned a movie to Blockbuster after your allotted rental time? You got charged a late fee right? And I’m guessing it didn’t make you feel great. Now think about what often happens when a child misbehaves or makes a mistake - if they get yelled at and talked down to all the time, it gives them the same negative feelings…

    So what can we do to help our kids understand that they need to be held accountable, but still foster a relationship of love, mutual respect, understanding and connection? We don’t need to get rid of expectations or boundaries by any means. But instead of using the fear of being in trouble as a motivator - we let them know that we are a safe place they can come to.

    And when they do mess up, we can trust that they have the strength and resilience to overcome their mistakes. We can have discussions and hold to expectations while still letting them knowwe love, respect and support them.

    Ready to schedule a strategy call? Click Here

  • It’s the New Year!

    And with the New Year, comes all of the resolutions and goals right? But sometimes (most times) it’s hard to get going! Routines get messy during the holidays, and once the New Year rolls around, you’re tired. You feel a loss of momentum and just want things to get back to normal.

    That’s why, in this episode, I talk about 4 simple things you can do to regain your focus in 2023. It all starts with picking ONE thing that you want to do this year - just one - and determine what your “why” is for doing that.

    For me - I want to feel more calm and centered going into this new year. I want to slow down. Maybe you’re feeling similarly - or maybe you’re feeling motivated to go full speed ahead into 2023! Either way, these 4 tips can help you get there.

    1. Get curious about new ideas! We hear things over and over again and the tendency is to think “I already know this…” Instead, pause, recognize the thought, but then think - what is something NEW I can learn from this?”

    2. Instead of thinking thoughts like “this won’t work” or “I can’t do that”; think, “how can this work for me” When you ask your brain better questions, it will give you better answers.

    3. Don’t judge yourself or the things you are doing. Instead, I want you to just observe - get feedback. Whats working? What's not working? This is valuable information that you can use to move forward.

    4. Have compassion for yourself. If we want to raise kids who are able to show compassion for themselves - it's going to start with us. It’s ok to take a step back and do things a “little less perfect”. We can show our kids that it's okay to try again.

    Do you want to ad some midday momentum to your week? Join the Facebook Group The Year to Get More in 2023.

    "The Gap and the Gain" Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy

    “Everything is Figureoutable” Marie Forleo

    Confident Parent Coaching Session *Click Here to Schedule a coaching session with me. Together, we will create a plan to get you focused and connected with your life and family. It's an affordable way to get coaching without the huge investment or commitment. I'd love to see you on my schedule!

  • Want to understand your teenager better?

    Do you feel like you are always walking on eggshells around your teen, not wanting to fight with them, but also needing them to listen to you? Parenting teens can be exhausting.

    There are so many myths that make parenting teens harder than it needs to be. We often go into parenting dreading the teen years. But it doesn't have to be this way. Parenting teens can be fun again.

    Darby Fox, LCSW, is a child and adolescent family therapist with over twenty years of experience. She is an expert on parenting, child psychology, and family topics.

    Listen in as I ask her real questions from real moms. Her answers are applicable, simple and so helpful. You'll love this episode. To connect with Darby and check out her new book, Rethinking Your Teenager, click the links below.


    Rethinking Your Teenager by Darby Fox

  • It can be so hard to know when your child's behavior is normal and when it's time to reach out for help.

    Some signs that something is going on can include:

    Trouble sleeping

    More irritable than usual

    Stomachaches or headaches

    These symptoms are also pretty normal to see in most children and teens.

    So what do we do?

    My two favorite questions to ask myself are:

    Does my child feel safe to share emotions?

    Am I asking good questions?

    Doing this mental check-in will often help me know the next steps that I need to take.

    In this episode, I will also be talking about the power of saying; “I notice that…..

    Acknowledge something you notice in a way that leaves him feeling curious - not feeling defensive

    I will talk about the power in avoiding the word WHY - "Why are you doing that?" It immediately puts your child on the defense.

    I will also address the three most common struggles in adolescence and how we can help our teenagers navigate these struggles.

    Click Here for my guide to avoid a power struggle

    Schedule a Confident Parenting Coaching Call Here!

  • Imagine being 16 again. Feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Academics, sports, family, friends, learning to drive, new to dating...it feels like a lot doesn’t it? And for some reason, on top of it all, it seems you can never do anything right in your parents' eyes.

    If there is one thing I have learned as a parent, it's how important it is to let your children know that your love is unconditional. So how do we do this?

    Set your expectations for your children based on what they are capable of, not based on what you want. Focus on their effort - not the outcome of their efforts. Let them know it’s ok to fail - falling down is ok, it’s getting back up that matters! Resilience is built by failure and mistakes - we don’t need to live with an all or nothing mindset We don’t need to feel bad about ourselves in order to improve. Don’t beat yourself up!

    Use these tips and others mentioned in the episode to help create a positive, encouraging and supportive relationship with your children. Mutual understanding, love and expectations is a parenting game changer.

    You're in for a special treat! I'll be launching my Parenting in the Middle Toolkit!

    This Toolkit includes twelve easy parenting tools that actually work.

    Sign up for my emails here for more information

    See link below for the book referenced in the episode.

    13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Do - Amy Morin

  • In this episode, I talk to Cassidy Lundgren about her struggle with scrupulosity (religious OCD) and depression. She's a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a wife and mother to four children.

    Cassidy talks about her battle with mental illness and how it impacted her ability to feel God's love for her. I'm so grateful to Cassidy for being so willing to share her story with us. Whether you suffer from mental helath challenges yourself, or know someone who does - listening to Cassidy's story will help you move forward knowing you are not alone. There is hope and it can and does get easier.

    Cassidy owns a home decorating business called Just Tweak It with her business partner Whitney. Find Them On Instagram Here

    For Cassidy's personal Instagram page Click Here

    To hear more of Cassidy's story listen to Richard Ostler's podcast Listen, Learn and Love episode #575

    Enjoy the episode.

    Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Parenting in the Middle Podcast. And if you find it helpful, share with a friend who would benefit from this message as well.

  • All your teen wants is to be seen.

    Think about it. When someone acknowledges you and says your name, doesn't it feel good?

    Our kids are the same way. They may not act like they notice or appreciate it, but I promise it will make a huge difference in your relationship if you put this into practice.

    Active Recognition - noticing something your child is doing and let them know you see them. Try it!

    Follow me @kristengoodmancoaching on Instagram for more helpful tips for parenting your teen.


    Avoid a Powerstruggle with these 3 Simple Tips

    Confident Parenting Plan - Schedule a call here

  • Did you miss the workshop on Monday? No worries, listen to it here! And if you're like me, it will be at 1.25 speed 😊

    I'll give you 3 tips to help you stop getting so frustrated with your teen. You'll know where to start and learn how to be patient with yourself in the process.

    Click Here for information on joining me and parents just like you in my Parenting in the Middle Group Coaching Course.

    We start on October 24th and right now, if you use the code CONNECTION you will get 10% off. For less than $350, you can change the way you parent your teen in 8 weeks.

    Are you ready?

  • Every day, we tell ourselves a story.

    We create stories because it gives meaning to our lives. When things are going well, our stories make us feel good. However, when problems come up, the stories we create make us feel like we have failed.

    Listen to this episode as I explain a time when the story I had about my teenager didn't serve me. It didn't serve them either. It only increased my anxiety and created a power struggle with my teen.

    You can change your story. No matter how you're feeling or how your teen is behaving, make sure the story you are telling yourself is a good one.

    Want to schedule a free coaching session to see what coaching is all about? Click Here!

    To join my workshop on Monday, Oct 17th at 11am PT Click Here! I'll send you the link to join soon! You'll be able to submit questions and get answers to specific questions about parenting your teen.

  • In this episode, I share my origin story and how I discovered coaching. I jump back several years to my old mindset when I felt stuck, unfulfilled, and empty inside. Even though I loved being a mom, I wasn’t doing “enough” in my mind. I thought that I should have a clean house, be organized, and have my kids act a certain way…but that wasn’t happening.

    I finally got to the point where I thought, “I’ve got to do something because what I’m doing isn’t working.” This is when I was introduced to coaching and my life completely changed.

    Listen to this episode to learn:

    How to not allow the things people think or say to impact your life Why you should be grateful for where you are right now How your life can change if you just shift one degree Three book recommendations that will make all the difference Why feeling good enough right now just as you are is so important

    Use the principles from this episode to start living up to your potential. You’ll feel better about where you are and you’ll get on a path to making progress.

    Want to schedule a parenting strategy session? Click Here!
    It's totally free. Let's talk soon!

  • Imagine that you are speaking in front of a big group of people. Your palms are sweaty; your knees are shaking; your heart is pounding. Public speaking is something that is scary for a lot of us. Your fear may tempt you to run away from the situation, but fear doesn’t have to be a signal to stop. In fact, it’s just an emotion you’re feeling and it’s only as powerful as you let it be.

    Whether it’s public speaking, pitching your course, or having a complicated discussion with your teenager, you don’t have to give in to your fear.

    Listen to this episode as I do a deep dive into fear. Here’s what we’ll cover:

    What fear looks like and how to overcome it Different mantras to replace fearful thoughts How to put your emotions in a capsule and move forward Negative impacts of fear-based parenting on children Why staying grounded helps control your feelings

    You can feel fear and take action anyway. Listen in to learn about leaning into your fear instead of giving it more power than it deserves.

    Want a free parenting session to get you back on the right footing?

    Click the link below for a 30 minute phone call.

    In this call you will learn a strategy to help you stay calm and connected in your most frustrating parenting moments.
    Schedule Here!