Burundais | Journaliste | Homme Politique
Social Media :LinkedIn | Instagram |X |
Livre :The Sun Sets Everywhere (Instagram) xFlutterwave
Journaliste à Trends Magazine | Auteur de "Cobalt Blues, La Sape d'un Géant" | Linkedin |
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South African | Instagram | Linkedin | TikTok |
Website : Kolisi Foundation |
Book : Rise by Siya Kolisi |
Ads : Marleta Communications | Ethiopian Airlines
Social Media : Linkedin | X | Instagram
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Fondation du Grand-Duc et de la Grande-Duchesse | Linkedin |
Ressources : Beatrice Sauvageot | Jean-François Delsarte |
Réseaux Sociaux : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
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Senegalese | CEO DHL Middle East - Africa | Linkedin
Social Media : Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram
Ads : Flutterwave | Adventure Club
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Malien | Co-fondateur & Directeur des Sociétés Africaines chez L'Harmattan | Linkedin
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram |
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Nigerian | Co-founder & CEO of Limitless Studios | Linkedin
Limitless Studios : Instagram | LinkedIn | X |
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
Partners : Afrobytes | Adventure Club |
Book : Creativity Inc Article
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Mauritian | Managing Partner at Golden Sparrow | The Currimjee Group | Linkedin |
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
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Entrepreneur | Investor | Co-founder BAND | Managing Principal Sovereign's Capital | Faith Driven Investor | Podcaster | Author |
Check the books in French at the CLC France (available online)
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
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Auteur de "Paul Kagame, Un De Gaulle Africain" | Linkedin
Réseaux Sociaux: Linkedin | Instagram | X |
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Ghanaian | Founder of the Africa Dyslexia Organisation | Swiss Education Group (Country Representative, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone) |
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
Website : Africa Dyslexia Organisation | Afrobytes |
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Rwandan | CEO of Kepler | Linkedin |
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
As a future writer, Nathalie recommends these books : Nearly all the men in Lagos are mad by Damilare Kuku | Love in colour by Bolu Babalola | Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe | American by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie |
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Béninois | Fondateur & Directeur Exécutif de REMA |
Réseaux Sociaux : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
Pour en savoir plus sur Afrobytes |
Podcast : Sporteve (available on all major podcast platforms) |
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Kenyan | Founder & CEO of SHOFCO | Website |
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
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Pakistani | General Manager Radisson Hotel Group | Linkedin
Social Media : Instagram | Linkedin | X |
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Co-founder of Africa The Big Deal | Partner at The Catalyst Fund | Linkedin |
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X |
Because you can support me on Patreon
Iranian | Senior Lecturer (Clemson University) | Author | Former Adjunct Instructor (NYU) |
His Social Media : X | Linkedin |
Books : What Iranians Want : Women, Life, Freedom | The Shadow Commander |
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X
You can support my podcasts on Patreon
Guinea Bissau | Founder of VanLeles Diamonds Ltd | Linkedin | Website
Social Media : Linkedin | Instagram | X
You can support my podcasts on Patreon
Co-fondateur & Founding Partner de Blue Like An Orange Sustainable Capital | Can Finance Save The World (FR) | Money Honnie
Livres recommandées : The Wisdom of Finance | Thou Shall Prosper | Completing Capitalism
Réseaux Sociaux : Linkedin | Instagram | X
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Kenyan | Director of Original Series at Netflix | Linkedin | Article |
Social Media : Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | Medium article |
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