
  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim ask the million dollar question: why do we eat like college students or unsupervised thirteen-year-olds? They tackle the issue of real food versus processed food and the easy fast food companies have created for our busy lives that do not help our bodies. Why do we reach for chips instead of chicken? And how do we start eating like grown ups? Coach Jo and Coach Kim get real about what’s in snack food, the allure of sugar, and why protein needs our full attention.

    Their conversation highlights the realities of our busy lives, where we just can’t find time and energy to make real food, how convenience food is chemically designed to draw us in but never satisfy, and the hard truth about cooking like a grown up. Coach Jo and Coach Kim talk about feeling a dopamine rush versus satiety, sugar cravings versus real energy, and how to think about food purchasing and planning strategically. And they talk about taste! It has to taste good. How do we accomplish that? Discipline, willpower, and listening to Coach Jo and Coach Kim walk us through eating like grown ups.

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo: [00:00:08] Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:13] And Coach Kim.

    Coach Jo: [00:00:15] Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:27] We are all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life by doing what we call B-minus work.

    Coach Jo: [00:00:45] We are making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:55] Before we're ready...

    Coach Jo: [00:00:56] ... When we aren't feeling like it...

    Coach Kim: [00:00:58] ... And without hesitation.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:00] Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify so you don't miss a single episode. It's good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:10] All right, we're back for another perfectly unfinished conversation. And today we're tackling something that we think way too many people can relate to. Like, why do we still eat like unsupervised 13 year olds? Or better yet, how the hell do we start eating like actual grown ups when the world just keeps shoving Pop-Tarts and granola bars and artificially dyed beverages in our faces? Speaking of artificially dyed beverages, did you know that they have a Skittles drink now that I saw?

    Coach Kim: [00:01:39] I saw it in the grocery store.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:39] I was like, are you kidding me? My kid was like, I want that. I'm like, no, I said that makes you sick, I told him.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:46] Oh, really? Yeah. I don't blame you.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:49] But anyways, let's chat about all this today. And don't forget, stick around until the end of this episode, because we've got a little update on what's next for the perfectly unfinished. So don't miss it.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:59] So spoiler alert. A lot of this conversation we need to hear. So honestly, that includes me. Like if I didn't make a conscious effort, my default would still to this day be some variation of gluten free toast, peanut butter, and way too much coffee. And listen, at almost 55, I should fucking know better.

    Coach Jo: [00:02:22] Right? Like, I have two kids, I run a business, I know how to structure my life, and yet the sheer willpower it takes to not just like eat a handful of goldfish crackers any time of day throughout my house, like, even just as a lunch. But like, if that's just my lunch while running around my house, like, it's just ridiculous. So, like, what is wrong with us, Kim?

    Coach Kim: [00:02:42] Well, I think we were set up to fail, right? I've told Jo this before. When I had my first two kids, 1992 and 1994, I refer to the 90s and early 2000 as my Oprah years, pre lost in the void of my cell phone era, when I was working outside the home Monday to Friday, and I had four kids between the ages of 4 and 14 and I was where you're at, I was fucking tapped out. And I would come home at night and cook dinner and listen to Oprah in the living room on TV. And the television taught me that McCain's deep dish pizza was part of a well-balanced diet, and that I could absolutely, with certainty, trust everything that had the green check mark on the box. And so between the 80s and 90s, that low fat, low calorie diet culture era and the rise and accessibility of processed food, because you and I have talked about this too before, where when I was a kid, 1974, 76, 78, going through the grocery store, you did not have an aisle, an entire aisle of cereal. You did not. You had a section that might have had Frosted Flakes and Froot Loops, Rice Krispies. Corn Flakes. Muesli. Puffed rice. Puffed wheat. That was it. Like you did not have the accessibility of processed food with all of the marketing that we do now. And on top of it, in the 90s, we were raising latchkey kids, right? Who in that time, it was still okay for kids to get themselves home from school and keep themselves busy until the parents got home. You know, but they developed the shittiest eating habits. And we're just now unpacking and unlearning decades of bad programing every time we pick up a vegetable.

    Coach Jo: [00:04:35] Exactly like we grew up thinking microwave dinners. Like Kraft Dinner.

    Coach Kim: [00:04:41] Lean Cuisine.

    Coach Jo: [00:04:42] Yeah. Hungry Man. I remember there's a couple Hungry Mans in the deep freeze in the garage, you guys will be okay, right? We'll see you tomorrow. And they just, like, leave. And I'd be like, it'd be the best thing ever. And then, funny story enough, me and my cousin, one time we decided to go buy one to have like some childhood memory of it for like later in the day we we ate it and we were like, it was the most disgusting thing. Like the dessert, the apple turnover, the dessert, whatever it was tasted like a pine tree, like smelly thing you'd light in your house. It was horrible. Yeah, it was horrible. But like, and now ...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim dive into the power of morning routines and how they impact productivity, well-being, and overall success. Each coach shares their personal struggles to create and maintain a morning routine and share strategies for how to make their mornings successful. This includes prepping the night before, not hitting the snooze button, skipping the doom scroll, and eating a healthy breakfast. They discuss how small habits—like drinking water first thing in the morning and planning the night before—can make a big difference in energy levels and focus throughout the day.

    The conversation highlights key strategies for building a sustainable morning routine, including reducing decision fatigue, prioritizing protein-rich breakfasts, and avoiding common sabotagers like social media and an unorganized start to the day. Coach Jo and Coach Kim also explore how nighttime habits influence mornings and offer practical tips to create a routine that is both effective and flexible when life gets in the way. Tune in for actionable steps to transform your mornings and set yourself up for success!

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Mel Robbins - The 5 Second Rule


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go. Welcome back, folks. We are going to dive right in today on the importance of morning routines. So Kim, tell me the truth here. How's your morning routine?

    Coach Kim 1:19

    Well, funny you should ask, because my sleep is a mess right now. And that affects my morning routine for sure. 80% of the time, I love my morning routine, and right now it's pretty dialed in. Like it's Monday, and it's pretty dialed in, and I'm relieved and happy about that. But if you would’ve asked me Friday, I was a mess. And on the days where I'm early coaching mornings and when my alarm goes off at four, like I don't like those mornings very much. And I'm, if I'm not very organized the night before, to get out of the house by 5am I set myself up to fail all day. So, I prefer to wake up without an alarm and to sit and drink something hot. I like to journal and dump out my brain in the morning and then eat breakfast and pack my meals. But recently, I've been opening up my phone too early, which sucks me into the vortex of lost lifetime. And I find the darker winter hard, because I love getting outside when the sun's coming up. That's one of my favourite habits ever, and I'm kind of over the dark right now in the season, just with winter. So I was really excited when I drove to work this morning that the sun's coming up quarter to eight it’s light.

    Coach Jo 2:26

    The sun was shining before I got my car.

    Coach Kim 2:28

    Amazing, because it's minus 31 this morning, and that was tough. But on the days that I struggle to make my morning routine happen, like on the days where I don't do all the things that I love, I I'm a disaster all day long. Like, I don't eat a great breakfast, I don't pack adequate meals for lunch or snacks. I leave my water bottle behind. I'll decide, oh, I can just grab something on the way, which is forcing me not only to spend money, and it also forces me to try to rely on someplace out there that fits foods that align with my health and my plan, my goals, right? So, that's just a bad idea. So, to top it off, I come to work feeling like I don't want to be there because I'm not ready, and my hair is probably half-assed and my makeup hasn't done.

    Coach Jo 3:09

    Oh, I liked your hair today.

    Coach Kim 3:10

    Oh, thanks.

    Coach Jo 3:11

    I did. It was nice and straight.

    Coach Kim 3:12

    Today was a good day, but if you would ask me Friday, what'd you say to me? You said, Elvira or something. I've even forgotten my laptop before, at home.

    Coach Jo 3:25


    Coach Kim 3:26

    Like, talk about disorganized. So, yeah.

    Coach Jo 3:27

    You know, this topic is so timely because I recently came back from a hockey tournament, which is four and a half hours away, and I feel like I was hit by a dump truck today. Even though, you know, I was sleeping early enough, even though I tried to have food ready, I tried, but I really didn't try. I didn't meal prep, like I should have. I'm just exhausted from the weekend with my two young boys, where I was riding solo and it was just a long ass drive home. So like, what I hear us saying is that this whole thing, things could have been avoided if we had taken a few minutes to plan ahead the previous night.

    Coach Kim 4:00

    Yeah, makes me wonder how many people are rolling out of bed and totally just hitting the ground running every day, which I would absolutely hate. Like could is rolling out of bed and winging it an actual strategy? It could be a strategy, but probably not a great one. And so we're talking about the importance of a morning routine, because rolling out of bed and winging it might work if you've built really strong habits that keep you on track without much thought, but for most people, this habit or this approach leads to decision fatigue and inconsistency and frustration, so a little bit of structure, like a solid morning routine, a set workout schedule, or even just time set aside to plan meals, can make a huge difference in energy and focus and time, free time and long term success. So sure you can wing it, but you'll probably get better results if you at least. Have a loose plan.

    Coach J...

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim explore the critical topic of toxic load, which is accumulation of harmful substances in our bodies that can lead to inflammation, chronic illness, and many other health issues. They break down which kinds of substances are leading to these issues, what your body might be telling you about your toxic load, and how to reduce your exposure through small but powerful changes in your daily life.

    One of the main focuses is how the body naturally detoxifies through four main pathways: urine, feces, sweat, and breath. The coaches share their personal struggles with inflammation and autoimmune conditions, illustrating how toxic load affects everyone differently. They identify the top ten toxic offenders—including everything from the typical villains like processed foods to more subtle ones, like scents and chronic stress—and offer actionable steps to reduce exposure without becoming overwhelmed. The episode emphasizes that while we can't eliminate all toxins, we can make informed choices to support our body's natural detoxification processes.

    From choosing organic produce to improving air quality and managing stress, they pinpoint some of the worst contributors and share how their own personal experiences with limiting toxins has changed their families’ lives and health. They acknowledge the challenges of implementing changes while maintaining that small, consistent adjustments can lead to significant improvements in overall health and wellbeing.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Environmental Working Group (EWG) Dirty Dozen ListEWG Product Verification SealSt. Francis Herb Farm Canadian Bitters

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:10

    Welcome to Episode 19 of Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. And in this episode, we're talking all about toxic load. Are you puffy, inflamed. and bloated? We are going to address what is actually classified as toxic load to the body, and what kinds of things increase toxic burden on the body and why it's a problem and what you can do about it. Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. We are always recommending that you consult your own medical doctor, functional medicine practitioner, or naturopath and follow their recommendations. Today's discussion is education, and of course, some thoughts and opinions between us both, but we've also done our homework to support this subject matter. These aren't “woo woo” or conspiracy claims. These are now proven facts that are creating major implications for our health and for the health of our children. So holy shit, Kim, where do we begin?

    Coach Kim 02:09

    I think it's a good place to start with just why this conversation is so important. Like someone could say, stay in your lane, ladies, but I see my lane as proactive and preventative: long-term, optimal health care. And so there's this term that exists, which has been coined to describe our current model of health care, which is unfortunately, “sick care”, that our medical system has become one that is only ever responding to sickness, muting and managing symptomology, and never actually supporting or optimizing health. And so let's be frank, while we know a lot of health professionals and doctors who take their jobs very seriously and are very deeply caring about their patients and people, and who are also concerned about the unprecedented epidemic of chronic illness, which is mostly metabolic in nature. Like. we still recognize that there are limits to conventional health care.

    Coach Jo 03:14

    Remember, most people see the word metabolic or metabolism, and we only think about weight— weight up or weight down. Your metabolism is the finely tuned symphony of chemical reactions, hormones, and energy use that tells your body how to run effectively, efficiently, and perfectly the way it was designed to. You were designed to clean yourself (detoxification). You were designed to fight illness and disease (immunology), and you were designed to regenerate and heal and grow and thrive, hopefully enjoying a vital and productive lifespan. But we've never seen so much chronic illness, general unwellness, and mental health troubles. Something is desperately fucking wrong, and we're ignoring the signals. Now, one of the things Kim and I teach in the Metabolic Blueprint program that we run is that it's more than just food, guys. This is why we won't give out any strict, calorie controlled food plans, like ultimately, we want you to nourish and hydrate, build muscle and manage your stress load, because stress is a real killer, guys. We still have so many people coming to us saying, I need you to motivate me. I need you to kick me in the pants and the ass and tell me what to eat. I must be eating too much. I just need to work out really harder. Meanwhile, their nervous system is highly taxed. They are drinking too much coffee and eating way too many processed foods. They don't like water, and are dousing themselves in chemical soup, staring into their phones until late at night, and saying that they just can't sleep.


    Coach Kim 04:50

    So you can always trust us to give it to you straight up. And I think it's important to understand that none of us are getting away wi...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim dive into the profound importance of balancing Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) energies in health, fitness, and life. They explore how these complementary forces shape their personal and professional experiences, emphasizing the need to harmonize rest and activity. From the pitfalls of overly Yang-focused fitness trends like 75 Hard to the transformative power of embracing Yin energy, the coaches share candid insights and examples from their journeys.

    Coach Jo and Coach Kim encourage listeners to engage in self-awareness, blending strength training, cardio, and flexibility into routines and planning intentional self-care to avoid burnout. Food and nutrition also get a spotlight, as they encourage listeners to strike a balance between structured eating and mindful indulgence, letting go of many diet myths we’ve learned over the decades.

    Listeners will gain practical tips on incorporating Yin and Yang into daily life, from scheduling Yin activities to tuning into their unique energy needs. The conversation highlights the challenges of achieving balance in a high-intensity gym culture and offers actionable advice for maintaining harmony across life stages. Tune in for real, raw insights into aligning your energies and reclaiming your well-being—and don’t forget to share your thoughts, subscribe, and explore personalized coaching opportunities with Jo and Kim!

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Yin and yang - Wikipedia


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:09

    We got episode 18, Yin and Yang: Why you need feminine energy in a masculine gym world. Welcome back, folks. We are really excited for today's episode on yin and yang, because when it comes to health and fitness, we think it plays a role that has probably never been addressed this way. And so we're going to dive straight in. Now to kind of preface, Joe and I had this terrific conversation the other day when we were connecting about masculine and feminine energy, and that's what inspired this podcast conversation. So let me set the stage: in my own 2024, year end review, I had kind of an informal coaching session with a super smart friend named Carly, where she had me do this sort of reclamation of self exercise, so to speak, where I review my life, my energy, tools, gifts, and I am paying attention to where I may have left an aspect of myself or a piece of myself with another person, place or thing at some point in the past. This is the idea about energetics and about calling back pieces of yourself or energy to you. So it sounds pretty out there, and at the time, during the exercise, I didn't really grasp the concept. But afterwards, while I was thinking on this idea and reflecting, I had this massive aha moment. So for many of you who know me, personally, I love New Mexico. My family has a history there. I have family who lives there, and I feel called to be there. I really feel at home there. I love it. But one of the last times I visited there in 2021 with my mom and my sisters, at the end of the trip, I truly was not ready to come home. And don't get me wrong, I love my life here. I have a beautiful life here, and I love my people, my husband, my business, my friendships, but I didn't want to leave. And so for months after I returned home, I longed to return and grieved that departure. And it took a good eight or nine months for my heart to settle. Now in the reclamation exercise, I had this aha that I had left a piece of myself there, maybe a soul piece or an energetic piece, but it was a soft piece. It was a part of my heart, and I would label that as feminine energy. And so the really cool thing was, is just that awareness and recognition and the intention of calling myself back to myself, was really meaningful to me and re energizing. I felt an actual shift, and it was the return of yin, this feminine energy, back to myself. And I felt it like a puzzle piece being put back into place, making me whole again.

    Coach Jo 04:18

    And for those of you who think that sounds like a little out there, we want to bring this idea to life for you. Yin and yang originate from ancient Chinese philosophy and are foundational to Taoism. This concept was first documented in text around 700 BCE. And BCE stands for Before Common Era. It's a non religious alternative to BC, which means, before Christ. So yin, yin, top of it represents the feminine, the dark, the more passive and even more receptive energy, while yang embodies the masculine, the bright, the active, you know, loud energy, the. Think of yin and yang as the ultimate dynamic duo of energy vibes. Like together, they symbolize the duality of nature. They're not opposites like enemies. They're more like peanut butter and jelly, like fire and ice or Thelma and Louise. So let's just break them down, yin energy, this is your chill, Netflix and sweatpants, candlelit bath kind of vibe. Yin is about stillness, softness and introspection. It's cool, it's calming, and it's really nourishing, like a big, cozy hug for your nervous system. In people, men with yin energy might be the grounded, introspective guys who are great listeners, they have calm, confidence and a vibe like they'd rather meditate than shout at the TV during a hockey game. Women with yin energy, they exude nurturing vibes. They're intuitive, creative, and probably the ones you'll call when your life feels like a hot fucking mess and you need someone to just get it out. So yang energy, now, the opposite side of the spectrum, this is your go getter, like Red Bull, Beyonce is–who run the world–anthem. Kind of energy. Yang is bold. It's dynamic. It's action oriented...

  • In this episode of The Iron Lab Podcast, Coaches Jo and Kim take a deep dive into the intricate world of hormone health by answering questions from their coaching program members. They discuss how hormones, including the over 50 types found in the human body, play critical roles in everything from energy and mood to metabolism and reproductive health. Listeners will learn about the distinct hormonal differences between men and women, the hierarchy of hormones, and how lifestyle factors such as sleep, stress, and nutrition directly impact hormone balance.

    The conversation also explores the nuances of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and strategies for navigating perimenopause and menopause. Coach Jo shares valuable information and actionable tips on tracking menstrual cycles and adjusting nutrition and exercise during the four phases of the cycle to better manage hormone fluctuations. They highlight the importance of small, sustainable lifestyle changes, like improving sleep and eating whole, nutrient-rich foods, to support overall health and vitality.

    Whether you're managing the challenges of PCOS, addressing chronic pain during perimenopause, or seeking to optimize testosterone levels, this episode gives you practical insights and actionable advice to advocate for your health. Coaches Jo and Kim also share personal stories and emphasize the importance of seeking professional guidance from doctors and practitioners for personalized treatment. Tune in to take charge of your hormones and discover how to create lasting health and strength!

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Dr. Rob KominariakTrainwithJoan

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint

    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim.

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:10

    Welcome folks and friends in this episode, we are going to talk about hormones, particularly as it pertains to women's health. We are going to answer a few questions, we're going to talk about our own personal experience with hormone health and our own challenges or changes. But please disclaimer, this is not medical advice. This is conversation opinion and personal insight and experience. We are not medical professionals. It is not intended to be a tool for self diagnosis or a substitute for medical advice, always listen to the advice of your primary care physician, clinician or integrative health practitioner.

    Coach Kim 01:48

    So hormones, the title of this podcast is hormone hell, or hormone health. And hormones tend to be lumped into this like broad, mysterious, catch all word that gets the blame for bad moods, bodily functions and bitchiness. But I think it's common for us to generalize our thinking when we talk about hormones, and to automatically assume that the word hormones specifically relates to Lady hormones like progesterone and estrogen, and we'll get there, but those are actually just two out of over 50 hormones that have been identified in the human body. Wikipedia, in my research for this episode, lists 74 and I have seen somewhere in the last several months where somebody was talking about up to 200 hormones that have been identified now, who? I don't have a definitive list on that, but there's a lot. It's not just progesterone and estrogen. Hormones play crucial roles in regulating a wide variety of physiological processes, including your metabolism, growth, reproduction, mood and stress responses. The exact number can vary depending on how researchers define and classify hormones. Okay, whoa, spit it out, Kim. As some molecules may have hormone like functions without being formally categorized as hormones. Hormones include the well known ones like cortisol and melatonin and testosterone, and also include the ones we may not realize are hormones like insulin, adrenaline and vitamin D, which was originally mislabeled as a vitamin and its hormone name is calcitriol, so that's the like baseline intro to this podcast.

    Coach Jo 03:48

    Let's start with hormones in men versus women. And the types of hormones are largely the same in men and women, but their levels and roles, they differ significantly, especially in the context of our own differences between our reproductive systems, we have shared hormones. Both men and women produce hormones together, such as insulin, cortisol, thyroid hormones, growth hormone and adrenaline. And we share the same sex hormones, even though the levels and primary functions differ between the two. So here's all your sciency stuff. Example, estrogen, higher in women, essential for reproductive health and secondary sexual characteristics. You've got progesterone, which is predominantly active in women, regulating your menstrual cycles and supporting pregnancy. And you've got testosterone, which is obviously higher in men, as you have probably heard, crucial for muscle mass, bone density and male secondary sexual characteristics, women produce similar amounts, which it still influences your libido and your muscle mass. And then there are the reproductive like the specific reproductive hormones, like follicle stimulating hormone or FSH, you got luteinizing hormone, LH, which regulates menstrual cycles and ovulation and HCG in pregnancy, which helps thicken a uterine lining to support a growing baby and embryo, and it tells the body, hey, time to stop your period. And then you got androgens like testosterone, which they're dominant with FSH and LH, regulating your sperm production.

    Coach Kim 05:23

    So here’s what people fail to understand about ...

  • Get ready to enter the new year with confidence. In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim discuss setting realistic and meaningful goals for 2025, focusing on sustainability, self-care, and consistency rather than extreme resolutions. Each coach reflects on 2024, celebrating wins like maintaining training routines, setting boundaries, and managing personal relationships, while acknowledging challenges, such as burnout, managing tough times, and accepting changing bodies.

    The coaches share helpful insights on how to reach your goals and feel amazing in 2025, from tracking self-care metrics to building muscle for overall health to reframing experiences to find joy even during busy schedules. They emphasize the importance of setting clear goals, creating space to reflect, and staying aligned with personal values.

    Looking ahead, the coaches encourage listeners to focus on feeling strong, connected, and aligned three months from now. They stress planning for busy seasons, prioritizing habits that support physical and mental well-being, and staying present in relationships. With a balance of self-awareness and self-compassion, Coach Jo and Coach Kim inspire listeners to reflect on their own desires, set achievable goals, and create a roadmap for success in 2025.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Ep. 137 Dr. Stacy Sims on Gabbey Reese Podcast


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:10

    Hey guys, and welcome back to the Perfectly Unfinished Conversations podcast. You've got coach Jo and Coach Kim here, and we are on Episode 16, which is the new year. Same badass you, say no to extreme and yes to routine in 2025.

    Coach Kim 01:24

    Okay, so here we're going to start with kind of where the holidays were for you. I'm thinking that, you know, I don't know about you, but I had enough people, enough love, enough gifts, enough junk, enough treat food, and now I'm ready to get back to the goals and the routines and the habits that I love that make me feel my best this week. So this episode airs December the 30th in preparation for 2025 and I love the week between December 26 and January 1. I'm not really crazy about the New Year. I don't make a big deal about it, because the gold for me is in the reflection that happens december 26 to January 1, when the house gets quiet and the kids go home and the food starts to get put away, and I have quiet time, and the world feels quieter, you know, right now, even it's starting to ramp up right as far as like, as we're recording this, it's ramping up as far as energy and excitement and enthusiasm. But you know, by this point in the end of the year, this is where my brain is on to now I can breathe and think about what's going to come next. So, you know, did you eat all did you all eat all the cookies?

    Coach Jo 02:44

    I did. I love my cookies. I love them. And, you know, I completely agree. I do exactly what you do as well. This week is fantastic for, when you think about it in this light, whenever we're gearing up for Christmas, we have so many lists and so many menus to plan, and so many people to visit, and everything is almost organized in this huge schedule that as soon as that is all done, you take this big breath of fresh air, and then you can start putting your energy, effort and intention into all the other areas of your life. For me, usually it begins with organizing the house. Before I can organize my mind. Because when the house is in a clutter, I can't even think straight. So usually in after this time is when I start picking an area. Maybe I go to the garage, maybe I do closets, maybe I move the clothes of the boys up to the next level, and I bring out the other stuff. You know what I mean? Like, there's always some sort of transition that happens in the house before I start getting really calm and I focus on 2025.

    Coach Kim 03:41

    Nice. So, you know, here's the second part of this is that we love, we both love this week of like, decompress, get quiet, purge a little bit, you know, feel kind of solid ground beneath our feet, and then begin to think about what's coming next. But, you know, in the last couple years, Joe and I have really noticed, especially like in gym culture, you know, for a long, long time it was New year, new you hype and set resolutions and people there would be all this, like hype, for lack of a better word to, you know.

    Coach Jo 04:19

    Marketing, really.

    Coach Kim 04:20

    Yeah, and to create these, like, resolutions of how you change everything. And, you know, like some really extreme things, like, I'm never going to eat carbs again, and I'm going to exercise every day at 5am and, you know, like all these kinds of things. And really, truly, in the last couple years, we've seen almost the complete opposite of that, like people are in total rebellion to the idea it's like, no resolutions, fuck the resolutions.

    Coach Kim 04:57

    You know, I don't buy it. It's never worked. It puts too much stress on me, so forget it. But I also kind of think that doesn't work. Definitely doesn't work for me.

    Coach Jo 04:58

    It doesn't, I don't think it works at all. You're pretty much saying. Fuck you to anything positive that could enter your life.

    Coach Kim 05:03

    True, and yes, for sure. And I also think that it's kind of a way that unless you really, and there are people like who really love...

  • In this episode of the Iron Lab Podcast, Coaches Jo and Kim share practical strategies for navigating the holiday season while staying true to health and wellness goals. They dive into the importance of setting intentions, planning ahead, and making conscious decisions about indulgences. Key tips include prioritizing protein at meals, opting for smaller portions, and engaging in family activities like walks to stay active.

    The coaches also highlight the significance of balancing movement with rest and recharge days, ensuring both mental and physical well-being during this festive but often overwhelming season. The discussion goes deeper into managing stress, emotional triggers, and family dynamics. Joe and Kim emphasize the power of self-awareness, maintaining personal boundaries, and reframing indulgences to align with individual health goals.

    Listeners are encouraged to decide on their “non-negotiables” for the holidays and create a plan to stick to them. With actionable advice and relatable anecdotes, this episode serves as a guide to enjoying the holidays mindfully and maintaining balance without sacrificing joy or progress.


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:07

    Hello and welcome back. We are on episode 15 here for the Iron Lab Podcast: Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. You got Jo and Kim...

    Coach Kim 01:18


    Coach Jo 01:19

    And we're going to be talking about the holiday Survival Guide. This episode should be coming out to you guys here on December 16. So we thought we should talk about something that was pretty important around that exact time.

    Coach Kim 01:31

    Yeah, I think where we're going to start is talking about kind of where we live and culturally, what holidays very typically look like for us, for our clientele. We can't speak for everybody, but we can make general, general...

    Coach Jo 01:45


    Coach Kim 01:47

    Generalities? Yeah. Anyhow, we can make generalities about cultural traditions around Christmas. Lacombe, where we live, Alberta, Canada, is kind of in the Bible Belt, and so there is a lot of churches and religious kinds of celebrations, but also we are, I always think, like, Alberta is Canada's Texas. You know what I mean?

    Coach Jo 02:11

    Like, bigger and faster and bigger work hard.

    Coach Kim 02:13

    And oil and gas and ranchers and farm and agriculture and yeah, and and lots of business as well, but it's the hustle, specifically that you're talking about, and I think that probably exists in most places nowadays, but really it's kind of the driving energy of Alberta, and it translates into how we behave culturally as people, and especially when it comes to celebrations and holiday seasons. And we were just talking before this episode started, where I said, you know, typically, once the weather starts to change, it's almost like, I wonder if we developed all these holiday crazy, extended holidays as a way to survive the winter.

    Coach Jo 02:53

    I have thought about that many times, you know, like, what else do we do?

    Coach Kim 02:56

    Yea, the bleack light starts to change. The leaves fall. It gets cold. It's, you know, like, even today, minus 17 here, it's, you know, it's, it's sunny enough, it's bright enough where we've got a snowfall warning coming, but it's almost like somebody somewhere was like, Okay, this is almost unbearable. We should create six months of holidays to get us through, get us through the winter, because it's like Thanksgiving, and then it's Halloween, and then it's November, Christmas party season, and that extends into December, and then we have Christmas, and then we have Christmas week, and then we have January 1, and boxing or not, Boxing Day and New Year's Day, and then we've got Valentine's Day, and then we've got Easter.

    Coach Jo 03:36

    Yeah, I know it never ends.

    Coach Kim 03:38

    It doesn't end. And so culturally, what we see is that, you know, people typically just go from one holiday of excess to the next, yeah, starting in about October. And so Christmas is no different. And so November, it's probably already started, although I feel like it's a little later than normal, because we've had pretty nice weather up until recently.

    Coach Jo 04:01

    I don't know, I was in Walmart, and it was before Halloween, and they already had the Christmas shit out. And I was like, What is going on here? It's just a lot, like, it's like, early October, it was, think it was Thanksgiving weekend, and I'm like, they've already scooted the Halloween out before Halloween, and they were starting to put Christmas in.

    Coach Kim 04:16

    I didn't notice that, but I did notice at one of the drug stores in town that that November 1, boom, all the Halloween stuff was gone and the Christmas stuff was already up in the aisles. You know.

    Coach Jo 04:25

    There's early shoppers.

    Coach Kim 04:26

    Totally and so that also translates into the the rush and the stress and the pressure and the excess of it all through this entire season. And so one of the things that I think is useful to kind of talk about, when we're talking about surviving the holidays, there's a lot of things happening simultaneously that we kind of hype up to. We...

  • In this episode of The Iron Lab Podcast, Coach Jo and Coach Kim dive into the art of balancing the time to push through and the time to pause in your fitness journey. They discuss how to recognize when to power through a workout and when rest is essential for long-term progress. By listening to your body’s signals—like mood changes, fatigue, or pain—you can make informed decisions that enhance recovery and prevent burnout.

    The coaches also explore strategies to break through plateaus, including various training routines and incorporating new methods, such as changing your tempo, adjusting your weight, and mixing up your reps to match. Throughout the episode, they remind listeners that life is a marathon, not a sprint, and sustainable progress requires balance.

    The episode is packed with practical advice, from starting workouts with minimal effort to prioritizing sleep as a recovery tool. Jo and Kim encourage listeners to incorporate flexibility in their training plans and emphasize self-awareness as a key to making smart fitness decisions. Whether you’re navigating a busy schedule, battling decision fatigue, or aiming to build consistency, this conversation offers actionable tips and motivation to achieve your fitness goals while respecting your body’s needs.


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:11

    Hey everybody, welcome back to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the place where we keep it real about all things health and life and trying to maintain some sanity along the way.

    Coach Jo 01:22

    That's right. And if you're here, you probably relate to the struggle like everybody else, of balancing 500 things a day and wondering to yourself, when should I actually rest and when should I just push through?

    Coach Kim 01:33

    Yeah, so today's episode is dedicated to figuring that exact thing out. We mentioned this in our last Podcast, episode number 13, Consistency and Discipline: the sisters that you want to be BFFs with, and we're going to come to you with this whole conversation. So we've called it, Take Your Training up a Notch: Do you really need a rest day? Or are you just being a little bitch? And because, let's face it, there are days where we genuinely need to listen in and give ourselves a break, but there are also times where we sort of need to kick our own ass.

    Coach Jo 02:12

    Exactly. I mean, like between me chasing my two boys to hockey practice every other night. And you know, well, you struggling with iron and ferritin and perimenopause.

    Coach Kim 02:20

    right? So Jo and I totally get that life doesn't always make it easy to know when to push and when just to take a damn nap, and maybe napping is not your thing. Like, I'm not a napper, but there are other important requirements for recovery. So today we're going to dive into that tricky balance. And we're here to keep it real, guys like get comfy, because this one is really for anybody who feels like they're walking that fine line between training in a way that maximizes our results and allows adequate recovery, which is also needed to maximize results. So let's kick things off with the idea of listening to your body. And I don't mean that, like, half assed I'm tired today, or I had a hard day at work, so I'm just gonna skip my workout. I mean, actually, trying to tune in and figure out what your body is telling you.

    Coach Jo 03:16

    Like, sometimes your body's like, oh my goodness, I just had the best sleep, and I'm feeling super grateful, and the stars are all aligning, and Mercury is in retrograde. Like, get up and go, let's go. And other times it's saying, like, get your ass on the couch right now. Sit the fuck down and don't move. But it's about knowing the difference between these two. And that's ultimately where most people, they get tripped up on.

    Coach Kim 03:36

    This is, yeah, this is where our brain can interfere along the way, like we like to shame ourselves for not being tough enough, for sturdy enough. We think we should always want to train. So it's super easy to confuse being lazy with actually needing rest. I'm so used to now getting my training done without wanting to, like, it's just not an option. I go and it's done, unless there's something else that's going on for me physically, like I've recognized that there's a difference between I just don't feel like it, and my legs feel like they've been through a meat grinder this week, or I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, or I had physio this morning, or I feel like I'm coming down with something.

    Coach Jo04:24

    The meat grinder feeling like that's real, especially after strong first lines workout this last Wednesday, like that's me currently in my upper body. It feels like it was put through a meat grinder. And listen, when you're consistently pushing your body hard, sometimes those signs can actually be more subtle, like maybe you're getting a little cranky towards your family at home, suddenly everything feels like a huge effort, like you have decision fatigue on everything.

    Coach Kim 04:51

    Yeah, or you're just in a crappy mood for no reason, snapping at people, things like that. Mood swings can actually be a huge sign that you need rest. So if. You're feeling extra triggered by your partner, or are yelling at the coffee maker for not brewing fast enough. It might be a day...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim chat about how consistency and discipline can make a real difference in personal growth and training. They emphasize the concept of “B minus work,” where the focus is on making progress without aiming for perfection. Coach Jo shares how she adjusted her workouts to avoid burnout, choosing quality over quantity. They highlight the importance of self-accountability and adaptability, comparing it to a sailor navigating ever-changing seas. They also introduce the “30 by 30 strategy,” encouraging listeners to commit 30 minutes a day for 30 days to a new habit. Coaches Jo and Kim remind us that real growth comes from steady, ongoing effort and that setbacks are just stepping stones along the way.

    The coaches also dive into the mental side of staying consistent, talking about the role of self-compassion and resilience when sticking to new habits. They invite listeners to look back on past challenges to uncover valuable lessons for the future. Coach Jo and Coach Kim share their insights on embracing imperfections, keeping a growth mindset, and building healthy habits that suit each stage of life. The Coaches encourage listeners to try the 30 by 30 strategy, practicing self-kindness and seeing discipline as a path to greater freedom in fitness and beyond.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    “Discipline Equals Freedom” by Jocko Willink


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 1:10

    Hey gang, let's check in. How are ya?

    Coach Kim 01:14

    How's your training going? What are you working on these days? For yourself, specifically, talk to me.

    Coach Jo 01:20

    Well, let's chat it out. Like I'm in my “No” season. I'm thinking, I like these boundaries and a lot of no's are happening right now, like I'm having a big shift in my training. Like, no, I do not need to go faster. No, I do not need to go harder and murder myself and all the workouts and sweat my bag off, like, with the busier schedules headed into fall, I knew I didn't want to burn myself out. Like I kind of felt like I did last year. And really, I feel like every fall I've been kind of burning myself out. So I had to change something up, and that started with my training. So I've adapted a different style of training mentality, like slow, lighter weights and simply, I just got to make the moves like, really, really fucking good. I just gotta make them good, and I gotta put my brain in my body and be more intentional about how I'm moving my body. Like I'm still moving I'm just not doing it 4-5 days a week. Like I'm coaching, still sessions, and I'm coaching four out of five of those days a week now that my schedule has somewhat shifted, but I'm only working out maybe two to three sessions a week, and like that to me, feels like a really good fit. At the moment, I've always loved to move my body. It's just a part of me like, Hi, my name is Joely, and I'm a chronic mover since, like, fucking forever, and it's part of my fabric, probably because I'm clinically undiagnosed ADD. Like I am, yeah, I just have all that frenetic energy, and I feel like my skin crawls when I sit still. So just to I need to move, the movement purges my body of all that frenetic energy. And you know, I also know when I need to start moving my body more to like the bitchiness kicks in, the anxiety creeps in, the joints start to hurt. Specifically, I feel my knees more than anything these days, so really, like, those are my signs, and I try not to let, like, any of those limits keep me from moving. I just, I know I need to move when they creep in. So I just when I feel that I gotta go. Yeah, if that makes sense.

    Coach Kim 03:16

    Yeah, so well. And it totally it makes sense. And I really admire this about you is that we have spent a lot of the last decade with this real push, drive mentality, drive go heavier, get stronger, go harder, and in order to walk the talk, and in the amount of one to one really deep personal coaching that we've been doing with people, I think what we've discovered is that there is a time and a place to push, and there's a time and a time and a place to back off. It doesn't mean you stop. It doesn't mean you quit. Because I think that, I do believe that this, these are the habits that make you stronger, right, and healthier and feel better and deal with your mental health. Course, yeah, just a physical body, just like you're not just a brain, right? Like it all works together. And so I love that you have kind of allowed yourself to evolve. Because I suspect at some point earlier in, you know, in your training practice, in the developing years, where you were becoming this, you know, hard style kettlebell coach, I think there was probably a lot of that, like, go fucking hard, no matter how you felt, push through it, no matter how you felt.

    Coach Jo 04:25

    Level up!

    Coach Kim 04:26

    Yeah, level up, Bitch! And so it's nice to, it's nice to actually go, You know what? What can I do in this season of my life where, you know, I've got demands other places, but I still need to remain consistent. There is no fucking quit. You can't quit like you could. That is an option. Quitting is an option. But you know what's on the other side of that payoff, right? You know that, that there is a you know, your mental health, your your energetic state, your physical health, your cranky knees, like you know.

  • In this episode of the Iron Lab Podcast, Coaches Jo and Kim explore the profound impacts of wine, stress, and soft tissue injuries on fitness goals, especially for women aged 35-55. They explain how chronic stress raises cortisol levels, leading to fat storage and muscle breakdown, while alcohol worsens this effect by disrupting deep sleep and fat metabolism. Jo and Kim highlight how hormonal changes in this demographic contribute to soft tissue injuries like tendonitis and bursitis, emphasizing the importance of self-care and adjusting lifestyle habits to support long-term health and fitness.

    Our coaches also share practical strategies for managing stress and recovery, such as prioritizing sleep, incorporating sauna sessions, and reducing alcohol intake. Jo and Kim encourage intentional self-care practices, including regular massages and strength training, to support injury prevention and muscle gains. They remind listeners that lasting fitness success goes beyond workouts, requiring intentional lifestyle choices that foster overall health and resilience.

    The main takeaway is that if you’re not seeing the results you want, it’s time to take a closer look at your lifestyle, not just your workouts. This episode offers a wealth of actionable advice for anyone looking to balance the demands of fitness with life’s challenges.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    24-Hour RuleDr. Vonda Wright


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 1:10

    Welcome back to the show, friends. It's me, Joe, and we are gonna be chatting all about the real reasons you're not seeing any results. So, we're gonna deep dive and talk about wine, we're going to talk about stress, and we're going to talk about some soft tissue injuries and what they have to do with your results specifically. Currently, I have two young boys running me ragged most days. The gym is my Saviour. It's my peace zone. And believe me, when that stress hits, I can hear the cookies calling me from the pantry: Jolie, Jolie, just one bite, babe.

    Coach Kim 01:45

    And for those of you who are new, thanks for joining us. I'm Coach Kim, and I am 54 and am just embarking on this menopause journey. So, forget stress. Stress isn't my real issue right now. I'm not suffering with any of the like conventional menopause symptoms, yet like hot flashes or insomnia, but I do feel like a bit of a stranger in my body right now, like I wish I could resort to drinking as a solution for this, but if I'm gonna have a hot flash, alcohol will totally be the thing that brings it on, alcohol and sugar.

    Coach Jo 02:20

    Yeah, for sure. So today we're going to talk about something that many people deal with. You know, they train regularly, or they walk regularly, or they run regularly, but they are not seeing any real results. So, we want to chat about the sneaky ways that wine stress and soft tissue injuries are affecting our fitness gains.

    Coach Kim 02:40

    Yeah, and they sort of go hand in hand, actually, and that's what we kind of want to highlight. So, like I've said numerous times, our demographic here are super pro at eating less and exercising harder. Like we are products of diet culture, where it was, like, you know, if you just eat little less calories or limit your calories and you work out harder, you're going to get all the gains. You're going to see all the results. You'll have this tone, sleek, lean body and you know, our clients, they're doing all the things, they're hitting the weights, they're sweating it out, but the body fat is not budging, or the muscle mass is just not showing up. And on top of that, then you've got these nagging injuries that keep coming back and we see inflammatory type conditions like tendonitis, bursitis and planter fasciitis that linger on. So does any of that sound familiar?

    Coach Jo 03:36

    Yeah, so stick with us. We're going to dive into how alcohol, stress and injury recovery, they're really all connected, and we've got some science, we've got some personal stories that we're going to share, and, yes, we're going to give you some strategies turn this around. So let's kick things off with stress. Whether you've got a like, little ones like I do that are pulling at your leg or, well, they're not that little anymore. They're getting a lot bigger, but they do like to pull…

    Coach Kim 03:58

    They're pulling at your schedule.

    Coach Jo 04:01

    They're, they're pulling on me. They're pulling on something.

    Coach Kim 04:03

    Duke, hey, just, you just said, for like, you know, to put it in perspective, Duke was on Jo's office floor yesterday, all day well, and maybe the day before too, for a half a day sick with the stomach flu. That's the stage of life you're at.

    Coach Jo 04:15

    Yeah, I got no work done. But whether you've got, you know, like that, or you're navigating menopause like it's no secret that stress can be absolutely relentless on you.

    Coach Kim 04:27

    Yeah, absolutely and, and as women in this you know 35 to 55 year old age bracket, so perimenopausal to through menopause, to e...

  • In this episode, Coach Kim and Coach Jo dive into practical meal prep strategies for busy individuals. They emphasize the importance of planning meals around protein, keeping meal prep simple, and focusing on sustainable, realistic routines that are simple to start. By planning ahead, listeners can avoid impulsive, unhealthy choices and reduce stress around mealtime.

    Both Coach Jo and Coach Kim share personal stories of how their day spirals when they fail to meal prep. While acknowledging we’re all human, they encourage listeners to value their health and nourish their bodies while highlighting the benefits of batch-cooking proteins and packing meals for on-the-go convenience.

    Listeners are encouraged to create small, manageable shifts in their meal planning that align with their health goals. The episode underscores that meal prep is not about perfection but finding a balance that works for each individual. The hosts also discuss family meal challenges and strategies for introducing new, nutritious foods. By the end, listeners will have actionable tips and tools to stay on track with their health and nutrition.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    The Food Matrix


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:11

    All right. Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. We're talking today, episode 11, already dead simple meal prep help for the overwhelmed and overworked and for busy people, meal prep can feel practically impossible. It's just one more responsibility, thing that has to be attended to in an already insanely busy life. Like isn't it enough that I actually had to get dressed and go to work today, let alone stop and buy groceries or pick up supper, and now you want me to think about and actually pre-plan what to eat tomorrow or on Thursday? Like it can feel daunting.

    Coach Jo 01:52

    I've heard from many different clients that I worked with in the past that they don't want to spend an entire day in their kitchen slaving away when they would rather be relaxing on their day off. But it doesn't have to feel this daunting.

    Coach Kim 02:07

    I feel like we could sum up the reasons people don't spend any time on nutritionally sound meal prep in any number of ways, and it probably sounds like I don't like to eat the same thing every day, or I don't have time to batch cook, or I don't know what to eat, or my kids are picky and healthy food and groceries are so expensive, but we live in this fast food world where there is little incentive to take control and tame this beast. It's so much easier to hit a drive-thru than it is to create simple strategies at home that work, but drive-thru is also way more expensive in the long run than or than groceries are. But, you know, there's a cost to your health and your pocketbook, and I promise you that you're also picking the exact same thing at the drive-thru. You know, for those people who are like, Yeah, well, they don't want to eat the same thing you're eating the same thing at the drive-thru. We're creatures of habit. The, I don't like to eat the same thing everyday. Excuse goes all to hell when you're ordering a caramel macchiato and egg sandwich for the 100 and second day in a row. The big payoff with meal prep is that you're not making rash impulse decisions. You're able to choose ahead of time with your best brain, and so you're setting your body up to win. You're creating habits that support healthy outcomes.

    Coach Jo 03:30

    I think one of the most important things to do when you approach the topic of meal prep is to just keep it simple. And I know it's simple, quote, unquote to say that, but one of the biggest misconceptions about meal prep is that it has to be this elaborate process with gourmet meals and matching containers, Pinterest worthy, or that it will take so much time. Think about how many times that you've stood in front of the fridge or the pantry at the end of a long day or in the morning knowing that you have a busy day ahead of you, or running from meeting to meeting, event to event, or, you know, hockey practice to hockey practice, and are indecisive in what you should eat at that time, that moment of indecision can be stressful, especially when you're hungry and need something quick. Meal prep, it really isn't just about nutrition. It's about creating space in your life for other things by automating one of the most basic human needs, and that's eating. And the best part, it helps you stay on track with your health goals without feeling overwhelmed by the processes every day.

    Coach Kim 04:34

    So first, I want to talk about what kind of decisions I make when I don't meal prep. And you know, let's say I wake up one day and say, Fuck it. I'm not one bit interested in packing my food today. What does my day look like without a plan? Well, truthfully, I'd probably burn my guts out with two or three coffee even though I'm almost two weeks off coffee. Miracles do happen, but typically. Actually, you know, like in the past, I'd probably burn my guts out with two or three coffee in a row, and then I might hit the Starbucks drive-thru for egg bites and maybe another americano on the way to the gym. I'd get some kind of a disappointing salad with too small amount of protein from lunch somewhere nearby, and maybe try to soothe my disappointment or lasting residual hunger with a grenade bar sometime mi...

  • Hosts Coach Jo and Coach Kim explore the challenges of maintaining healthy eating habits. They highlight how the struggle is not about a lack of knowledge or awareness but stems from deeper issues, including stress, habits, and emotional triggers. They emphasize the importance of understanding these triggers, rewiring unhealthy habits, and setting up the right environment and mindset for success. Coach Jo and Coach Kim cover practical strategies such as mindfulness, cultivating awareness of thoughts, and gradually replacing old habits with new, supportive ones.

    Listeners are encouraged to prepare mentally and physically by being proactive—keeping healthy options readily available and creating a supportive environment. Coach Jo and Coach Kim also stress the significance of a balanced mindset, avoiding the pitfalls of all-or-nothing thinking, and recognizing that one mistake doesn't erase progress. Ultimately, they suggest listeners seek guidance, like working with a coach, to dive deeper into the underlying factors beyond just food choices. With the advice and awareness presented in this episode, you can allow for more sustainable, positive change in your life.

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 1:12

    Hey everyone, welcome back to perfectly unfinished conversations. We're on Episode 10. Yahoo! Today we're gonna dig deep into something that I know resonates with a lot of you. Most of us already know what to eat. We've heard all of the advice, lean proteins, veggies, healthy fats, whole grains. Do the meal prep, plan ahead, and so on and so forth. It's being thrown at our faces daily on social media and in the conversation amongst your peers. But yet, for some reason, we find ourselves struggling to stay consistent, at an impasse, rebelling against all the things we know we need to do in order to feel good. The reality is, it's not the lack of knowledge holding us back. It's all the other stuff, the stress, the habits, the emotional baggage and how everything else in life comes together to impact our eating choices. This is a massive trigger for so many of us, and today, we want to spend some time unpacking how we can marry those two realities, which is the knowledge of what to eat and the everyday chaos that often derails us. So trust us, you're not alone in this journey, and today we're going to talk about how to make these two pieces of the puzzle fit together.

    Coach Kim 02:38

    So let's get real for a second when I first meet with Blueprint clients, and we deep dive into nutrition, and Jo and I, Amber, we all meet with clients and do a deep dive when we start working with them, and I usually tell them, I want to know what Monday to Thursday eating looks like, and then what Friday to Sunday eating habits look like, because we see this as such predictable behavior, you start your week strong. You have all the groceries, ideas, motivation to get it done, and even maybe you're a meal prepper. So you've done that on Sunday, and your fridge is stocked with healthy options, and you've got, you know, you have got the mentality that this is going to be the week that you nail it. And so Monday and Tuesday, we start start super strong. We're really structured that that's very, very typical. And by Wednesday or Thursday, things start to sort of go sideways, sideways. You've been worn down by the bullshit of the week, and your stress is beginning to accumulate. And so if you've had a rough day at work or the kids need attention. Suddenly that healthy meal doesn't sound so appealing at all, and pretty soon you're choosing to order skip the dishes or find a quick fix, fast food or the snack that's easy but not aligned with your goals. It happens to the best of us. You're only human, and it's not because you don't know what to eat. It's because life happens, and because our brains are really tricky.

    Coach Jo 04:09

    Here's where it gets interesting. Food, for many of us, becomes more than just fuel. It becomes a comfort, a reward, a stress reliever, or even a way to escape like your coping mechanism. Food has also been tied with you know, family friend get togethers. You're always bringing something to the potluck. We celebrate, we eat, we die, we eat. We eat, not because we're hungry, but because it serves a purpose in the moment, a purpose that has nothing to do with actual nutrition. How many times have you reached for food, not because you were physically hungry, but because you were emotionally drained, or how many times have you poured yourself a glass of wine after a long day, not because you wanted to celebrate, but because you needed to unwind? How often have you found yourself mindlessly snacking in front of the TV, and not because you were hungry, but because it felt comforting after a stressful day, or it's just what I do at the end of my day, right? Maybe it's boredom, maybe it's stress, or maybe you're just craving some comfort after a long day. That's what we like to call emotional hunger. It's different from physical hunger, and it can be a lot harder to manage.

    Coach Kim 05:24

    So, it’s really important to remember that the human brain is actually wired evolutionarily for three things. It wants to avoid pain, it wants to seek pleasure, and it wants to take the path of least resistance. It wants the easy road. It is a survival mechanism, and it's the equivalent of the installed software that is running on your supercomputer, like we this is the way everybody's brain works, and this is what makes it so difficult to stay 100% true to your best laid plans, because it's your primitive brain that's telling you, I just...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim get vulnerable in a deep conversation about the challenges of balancing busy schedules and personal well-being. Coach Jo discusses the impact of changing routines and schedules and managing emotions, while Coach Kim opens up about her emotional and physical struggles, particularly in the wake of family loss and the struggles of family members with mental health issues.

    You’ll hear each coach describe their strategies and tools for the shiting season, from practicing mindfulness to meal prepping to getting inspired by community support. Each coach shares her inspiration and goals, from Coach Jo’s inspiration from the community and desire for greater self-compassion to Coach Kim’s position as a lighthouse for her daughters and family.

    From discussing emotional regulation to setting boundaries and focusing on what matters, listeners get to be a fly on the wall as Coach Jo and Coach Kim answer questions and share their journey towards finding balance and joy in both personal and professional life.

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:10

    All right. Welcome to Episode Nine of Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. And today, we're sort of excited, because that is exactly what we're gonna do. We're gonna have a conversation. Together, yeah. We're going to talk about the fact that we're heading into the last four months of 2024 and September in the gym world is quite a bit like January. It really is a time of kind of refresh. People are coming back after having the summer off. They sort of feel like they've been off the rails, much like they do at Christmas. And so, they come in refocused and ready to recalibrate. And the same goes for us as well, I think. And so basically, we created a list of questions that we wanted to pose to each other. I came up with some, Jo came up with some, and we're just going to work through the questions.

    Coach Jo 01:58

    Yea, we're just gonna have a nice, perfectly unfinished conversation today.

    Coach Kim 02:01

    Heck, yeah, Heck, yeah. So, I'm gonna go first, because first question up was mine. Where is your head at right now?

    Coach Jo 02:09

    Uh, my head is a mess, and it's only because I'm headed into a million different schedules. So, I have a lot of schedules that I'm running. I got a hockey schedule, I got a school schedule, I got sacred entry for a kindergartener. I've got the gym schedule I'm creating. We've got new class times we're incorporating into the gym. There's just a lot of schedules on the go right now. So, my brain every minute of every day is, Oh! Did I forget something?

    Coach Kim 02:31

    Yes, there's just so much. How do you manage that?

    Coach Jo 02:33

    I have a lot of Excel spreadsheets. You know me.

    Coach Kim 02:37

    Joely likes Excel spreadsheets. I like my Google Calendar. I schedule everything time block in my Google Calendar, but Jo, Jo is a Spreadsheet Master.

    Coach Jo 02:46

    Thank you. Thank you. That's how I'm managing, is that just make sure that I have everything colour-coded, because that's huge for me. I like to have things in color coordination and making sure people are communicated with that need to help at certain times. I think right now that's what's going on, is that everybody knows what's happening, because there's more than just me that's helping me right now, and we all have to be on the same page.

    Coach Kim 03:04

    Well, and you kind of had a bump in the road this week, because you…

    Coach Jo 03:08

    My babysitter got a job. So I've had a babysitter for three years, and she got a job in the field where she went to college. She's now an EA at a school, and I'm really excited for her. But it also left me with a lot of challenges, because I was grateful to have someone for three years who would be there to drive my kids, open the gym, or close the gym, pick up my kids, because my husband is gone. He leaves early in the morning. He gets home really late at night, or else he works away. So, it's been, yeah, a lot of juggling this month. So, it was kind of like a bomb kind of blew up. But, you know, like it. We'll get to it later, I'm sure, but it feels good.

    Coach Kim 03:41

    I remember those days so well, because they really are super challenging. As a mom who worked full time out of the home and by choice, because I wanted it that way. I preferred it that way. My mental health was better working outside of the home. But I remember those days where two kids, you know, you're paying for childcare, full time at first for both, then part time for one, full time for the other, and just the expense and the guilt and the struggle and the challenge, and I always talk about, like, trying to spend quality time with your kids. You do a lot, as far as sports and that kind of thing. You're really involved with your boys, but it's such a tough gig for parents to look after themselves, let alone a business, let alone their other relationships, plus still looking after their kids and their kids needs, right? And then on top of it, you're paying someone else to come in and help you to be able to live your life.

    Coach Jo 04:39

    Yeah, it takes a village. It really does take a village. And, you know, there's so many people that reach out too and are like, he...

  • Get ready for the pep talk to finally take action, start the thing, or quit the thing! Coach Jo and Coach Kim bring the inspiration, motivation, and tough talk we all need to get stuff done, stay focused, and take action that serves us rather than self-sabotages. Make sure to save, download, and bookmark this episode to return to any time you need a pep talk to do the hard but necessary things in this thing called life.

    Coach Jo and Coach Kim discuss the tough truths of letting go of perfection, choosing the hard, and taking care of ourselves. From the concept of parenting ourselves to choosing the road less travelled to achieve our goals, the ultimate choice depends on ourselves. No coach, friend, stranger, spouse, or parent is going to magically make life easier, but we all have the power to overcome and persevere with the right mindset and a good enough perspective. If you’re in need of encouragement, this episode is for you!


    Robert Frost - The Road Not TakenAndrew Coates Instagram


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go. Welcome to the pep talk, guys. We want you to hit download and come back to this one as often as you need to.

    Coach Kim 01:19

    So we're gonna start with this little idea that maybe you're in the season. It's the season of summer, the season of kids getting ready to go back to school, the season of helping maybe aging parents or grieving someone, or you're in the season of a health crisis, or maybe you're just in the season of frustration, stuck results, sticky weight, or even just shitty thinking. Whatever season of life you're in, we're here today to send you some love. Welcome to being human. Being human means we're going to encounter tough times, hard things are going to come your way, but don't let your thinking get in the way.

    Coach Jo 02:03

    In this episode, we are going to do our best to motivate you to stay the path, start the path, or remain consistent on the path that you are on. So buckle up, bitches, we are going to inspire today.

    Coach Kim 02:19

    We're bringing the fire. We're bringing the fire. So here's a little reminder, there's nothing wrong with you, nor has there ever been. There's absolutely nothing wrong with your body, your mind, your spirit, your choices, your actions, your behaviors, or even your moods. You are and have been exactly who you needed to be to get you to where you are right this second. You are a sweet, flawed perfection, a mess of contradictions, blubbering mishaps, self doubts, stellar intention, foolish choices and deep belly laughs, just like the rest of us. You are right this moment, positioned for your own success or healing or accomplishment, you have total possibility inside of you to get whatever it is that you want. The experiences of our life have led us to adopt certain beliefs about ourselves, like we're messy, we're broken, we're a shit show, we're moody, we just can't see ourselves as anything else. It's very challenging for us to envision our own possibility, and we can also think when the world is suffering, who am I to want or ask for more?

    Coach Jo 03:45

    You know, if Kim and I had stopped and listened to every single opinion about the way we should be living our lives, we wouldn't be here doing what we love and creating this incredible life that we have for ourselves. Both of us have had to forge a new path, solo, separately, at different times. No one around us, in our circles are doing what we are doing to the level that we are doing it. We've continuously had to be brave enough to do it alone, to stand out, to choose that we matter every single fucking time. No matter the comments or quips back, no matter the looks or the eye rolls, because I'll tell you, I've had eye rolls. The beauty of this life is that it is your own life, and you get to choose how it ends up. Nobody else is in your body or gets to choose the direction of your ship. You are the captain, and it's up to you to steer it towards the life you want. The truth is, there will always be people who do not get it, who question your choices, or who try to pull you back into their comfort zones. But that's their story, not yours. Your story is about having the courage to live authentically, to pursue what sets your soul on fire, and to keep moving forward even when it feels like the world is against you. It's about knowing that you are in control, that every decision, every action, every step, is going to shape and mold your life. You get the power to create the life you want one brave, bold choice at a time. And as the quote goes, you're alive, it's time to start acting like it.

    Coach Kim 05:38

    So here's the first thing that we want to remind you of, and that is, you cannot be afraid to go alone. It's really human nature, I think, to want to bring our people with us, but this is the concept of strap your own oxygen mask on first before you help others. We have got to stop trying to bring all the people to healing or to fitness or around to our way of thinking, whatever you want to say. You have to stop trying to convince your husband he needs to eat better. You have to stop resenting your workouts because nobody else wants or stop resenting your workouts your time in the gym because nobody else wants to hear about it. You can bu...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim discuss the importance of macros (aka macronutrients) and how they affect our overall health. They start by giving listeners a basic overview of the three types of macros: protein, carbs, and fat and the vital role each plays in our body, including breaking down popular myths and misunderstandings about each macro. Then, Coach Jo and Kim get into the exciting facts about how macros communicate with our bodies, brains, and hormones—everything you didn’t know about macros but will be so happy you learned!

    Coaches Jo and Kim go beyond the simple facts of how macros affect the body and dig into the science of how each macro affects our body, how we process the energy and how we overcompensate for an imbalance of each of the three. This episode is a must-listen for anyone curious about their food choices to achieve optimal body and brain health while avoiding extreme diets and false information about food.


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 01:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:11

    Welcome back. This is episode seven, and we are talking about everything you didn't know about macros, what food is telling your body what to do, or food as a set of instructions to your body. All macronutrients, there's three of them, they are protein, fats and carbohydrates. There are micronutrients as well, available in your food. You know, examples such as iron, zinc or copper, but we're going to focus on those three today.

    Coach Kim 01:46

    Right, so everything that we eat is made up of protein, fats and carbs, either there is like straight up protein, which isn't available in a lot of foods, things like shrimp, tuna, a lean cut of beef is up, venison, moose, really high in protein, very little to no fat, definitely no carbs, unless you're mixing your meat with something, you know, like a sauce or something like that. So that's straight up protein. Some things are straight up fats, like olive oil or coconut oil or butter. And then some things are straight up carbohydrates, like oats, instant oatmeal, blueberries, oranges or gummy candies, honey, pop. But in order to, you know, obtain good body composition, you got to have all three in your diet. Skipping one macro might work for a short period of time, but it's really not ideal for the long term.

    Coach Jo 02:48

    Yeah, for sure. Let's talk about how to decipher what's in each macronutrient. So for every gram of carbohydrate that you consume, there are four calories energy sources per that one gram. So if you're having, say, a banana, you know, 30 grams, you would multiply that by four, and that would give you your caloric intake of just that carbohydrate. Now when we break down protein, it's the exact same as carbohydrates. It is four calories per that single one gram that you get. Now, the difference, and they're very dense when it comes to energy dense, is fats. Fats are higher. They're almost one like and a half times higher, nine calories you get per one gram of fat. Also something to consider is alcohol. And this is on the same scale when it comes to energy, because when we grab an alcoholic beverage and it says, Oh, hey, it's 100 calories only, well that might be just what it is made of, but it's not the alcohol content. I don't know why they don't put this on the label. It would be really important to, but you get seven calories per one gram of alcohol. Like I said, it's not included on your label. This is extra. So everything between these four that we just talked about, they're broke down into different categories of energy that you get from each gram.

    Coach Kim 04:22

    So let's start with protein, because, you know, Jo and I, we love to talk about the importance of protein. It is so important for our health, and it has several benefits that you might not know about or think about. First of all, protein has a higher thermic effect, which means that it can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories. In regards to instructions for the body, its job is to build and repair tissues, make enzymes and hormones, and it supports our immune system. We tend to hope that you know that. Good sources of protein include animal proteins like chicken and beef, fish eggs, whey protein supplements, or even plain Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Out of the 21 amino acids that our body requires and uses for optimal health, nine amino acids are essential, meaning we have to get them from our food, because our bodies cannot make them. Simply put, if you're not eating enough protein, you're not getting these essential amino acids, which are crucial for repair and growth. And when I'm talking about repair and growth, we're always talking about not just muscles, we're talking about bones, tendon, skin, hair, eyelashes, taste buds, like all of it. Everything that makes up you is made up of protein. So let's clear up a common myth. Some people believe that eating too much protein can damage your kidneys. And I think this myth started because people with kidney disease are advised to limit their protein as their kidneys struggle to filter out protein waste. But if you're healthy and active, your kidneys are fully capable of handling protein intake. Your blood pumps properly. If you're active and moving and your kidneys will as well. They're part of your detoxification. Detoxification pathway, studies show that there's really no link significantly between high protein consumption and kidney damage in people with healthy kidneys. So remember, protein is not just essential from your metabolism and muscle repair, but overall health. Please don't be afraid to ...

  • Join Coach Jo and Coach Kim as they delve into the struggles and strategies for navigating life’s challenges. You’ll learn basic tips that make self-awareness, self-care, and embracing personal responsibility both possible and manageable. They stress the importance of taking control of one’s thoughts and beliefs to achieve personal transformation and create a fulfilling existence.

    Highlighting time management, consistency, and accountability, both Jo and Kim share their personal journeys, offering valuable insights into overcoming obstacles and evolving into a better version of oneself—You 2.0. Listeners will hear compelling stories of resilience and personal growth, including overcoming adversity and reflecting on past experiences to shape a more intentional future.

    The episode emphasizes the power of choice in personal development, encouraging individuals to set boundaries, manage time effectively, and visualize their goals to manifest positive outcomes. With a focus on radical responsibility and emotional adulthood, Jo and Kim underscore the importance of intentionality in achieving desired results. Tune in to learn how to embrace change and take actionable steps toward personal and professional success.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Elizabeth Gilbert - Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 01:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:10

    Hello, and welcome back.

    Coach Kim 01:12


    Coach Jo 01:13

    This is episode six.And we're going to be talking about choosing change. What's your next shift?

    Coach Kim 01:20

    So we're going to invite you to think back to a time in your life where you knew you needed to grow, or wanted to grow, you needed to become the next version of yourself. My life has been really long, I've had so many different versions of Kim-in-transition, in healing and in growth. And I, I feel pretty fortunate to have great clarity around this topic. I know that becoming the next version of yourself cannot happen without clarity, and conscious decision-making.

    Coach Jo 01:55

    Yeah, “You 2.0” is a term that we came up with to signify the decision to grow forward into the next version of ourselves. Many times, life feels dropped on us, things happen that we don't foresee or we didn't choose, trauma, loss, struggle, illness, and even grief.

    Coach Kim 02:18

    We are constantly evolving or changing in response to events and circumstances. And occasionally we discover that like waves on an ocean life just gently or violently keeps pushing us forward toward the next version of ourselves.

    Coach Jo 02:35

    While we can't choose the things that come our way, we can always choose who we will become and what we will do and what we will say and how and what we will think.

    Coach Kim 02:47

    Now, sometimes when life is pushing us forward, we one day wake up and realize we've become someone we don't really want to be. Maybe we are, we realize we're in a bad relationship or we're in the wrong job. Maybe we've neglected our body out of the desire for ease or comfort. Or we sacrifice what we really want in order to keep the peace.

    Coach Jo 03:09

    Yeah, maybe you've reached a new phase in your life where you feel yourself waking up, stomping your foot, and saying I'm not doing this anymore. Or maybe it's that slow burn a feeling that is building like something that isn't quite right inside. Something needs to change.

    Coach Kim 03:30

    So Elizabeth Gilbert has a great post from her book, Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear that says, “I've never seen any life transformation that didn't begin with the person in question finally, getting tired of their own bullshit.”

    Coach Jo 03:47

    The concept of “You 2.0” reminds us that we can take our power back at any time and consciously choose the path forward. Many of us mistakenly believe that it is what it is, or my whole family is this way or I don't deserve any better or I made my bed now I have to lie in it.

    Coach Kim 04:08

    And this is victim mentality, like the thought, What does it matter? or It's too late, or I quit,I give up it's too hard. I have no control is completely bullshit. These are beliefs and beliefs are just thoughts that we keep choosing to think on repeat. Andl although beliefs are messy and complicated, you can choose to think new things anytime you want.

    Coach Jo 04:36

    Creating the next version of you is about being able to see where you've been, see who you are right now, and then choose in advance what you're going to think and how you're going to feel and what we will do to become who we want to be in three months or six months or even two years from now.

    Coach Kim 04:55

    So, we want to start with some really kind of personal view, vulnerable reflection about past versions of ourselves. And this is like taking a look at who we have been at various times in our lives and who and what we have morphed into. I feel like I've always led a pretty public life. Like I always say, I'm an open book. And the podcast i...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim dive into how social media and phone addiction affect our mental health, creativity, and relationships. They share personal stories of their own struggles with phone addiction, highlighting how it often leads to wasted time, shorter attention spans, and negative feelings from constant comparison. They emphasize the importance of setting boundaries to protect our mental and emotional well-being and offer practical tips for unplugging and creating space from technology. The conversation also touches on finding a healthy balance between technology use for work and personal growth.

    Jo and Kim also discuss their concerns about phone usage, both for themselves and their children. They explore how screen time impacts attention spans, brain development, and overall life quality, and consider the unique pressures faced by young moms in the digital age. In this episode, you’ll get tips for setting limits on screen time and creating distance between yourself and your devices. You'll be inspired by the benefits of a digital detox and the importance of being present in life, work, and relationships.

    If there is one thing you take away from this episode is the importance of being present in life, work, and relationships, and the value of unplugging from technology to foster personal growth and well-being.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Joe’s Social MediaAtomic Habits - James Clear


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:10

    Welcome back. It's episode five of Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. And this episode is all about my crazy phone addiction.

    Coach Jo 01:25

    I'm laughing because that was, that was just not practiced or anything.

    Coach Kim 01:30

    Well I don't want to. I'm always practicing speaking from the “I”, like, I can't offer up that it's “our” crazy phone addiction, because that would be speaking for you. And maybe you don't feel like you're addicted to your phone. But I have noticed that I'm resentful about how attached I am to my phone.

    Coach Jo 01:48

    Yea, I gotcha. I mean, it is that time of the age of human, where we are all looking into these little screens. And I, we could say that we're not attached to them. But when you really truly look at the bigger picture of it all, I guarantee most of us would silently put up our hand with everyone's eyes closed be like it's me. I'm addicted as well.

    Coach Ki. 02:08

    Well, so, let's talk about how this started. Why I wanted to have a podcast about this specific topic and, and it's because I was having a bubble bath, I take my phone in the bathtub. It's probably dumb. I've wrecked more electronic things in water than I…

    Coach Jo 02:25

    She has. This is her second laptop.

    Coach Kim 02:28

    But it's like relaxation, decompress time. So I run a bubble bath I get in and then I scroll and I watch and I listen and I read and I post and I do all kinds of stuff. It's just the way that it goes. And I had this moment, you know, in meditation when people talk about witnessing themselves, witnessing themselves think or witnessing themselves sitting in the room where they kind of for a flick of a second they get like a perspective where they see themself in a way, like where they're thir person. Yeah, like, it's hard to explain. But I had this moment in the bathtub where it was almost like a kind of zoned out where my vision got deep. And I could see the phone in my hand. But I could also see like the other side of the room. And I could see myself this, you know, the bigness of the bathroom inside the house inside the town inside the world. And here's me in the bathtub, staring at this black fucking screen. And I was like, it was like this was like, I don't know how to describe it. But that's kind of like, it was like witnessing myself zone out, using up my time staring into this phone falling down the rabbit hole.

    Coach Jo 3:48

    And how did that make you feel?

    Coach Kim 3:50

    Well, it was just like it. It was just the realization that I mean, it's one thing to lay in the bathtub and soak and you know, shave your legs and all that kind of stuff. It's another thing to lay in the bathtub, and then fall into the abyss of, of somebody else's bullshit or not even bullshit. I mean, there's lots of great stuff out there, but like it's wasting time. Like it was like it was this moment of like, I could be doing other things. And here I am. Scrolling, looking at other people's dumb stuff.

    Coach Jo 04:21

    You know, I've heard you say before, you know, I can easily be in a bath for up to a whole hour. You know, I just enjoy my time. Now my question to you is, is how much of that is Doom scrolling?,

    Coach Kim 04:31

    Well, yeah totally. And you call it Doom scrolling, but I don't really know what that means. Like Doom scrolling, because I'm not seeking out bad stuff.

    Coach Jo 04:39

    No, no, it doesn't mean bad. It just means like rabbit hole. You just keep getting deeper deeper, deeper and then before you know it all of a sudden you'v...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim delve into the metabolic health crisis, emphasizing its roots in diet and lifestyle factors affecting both adults and children. They highlight the critical role social support plays in maintaining a health and fitness journey and underscore the importance of muscle mass for both metabolic and mental health. They stress that strength training is particularly essential for aging adults and share personal experiences of making time for exercise despite busy schedules, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing fitness for long-term health goals.

    Coach Jo and Coach Kim explore the connection between metabolic dysfunction and chronic diseases, revealing how metabolic syndrome can begin in youth. The discussion also covers the significant role of muscles as metabolic organs that burn calories and improve mental health. They honestly address the common excuses for not exercising, such as feeling too weak or intimidated, and advocate for overcoming these barriers by valuing health and making time for self-care. The episode concludes with actionable tips for improving metabolic health through exercise, sleep, and nutrition, and highlights the importance of community and support in achieving fitness goals.


    Brain Energy by Dr. Chris Palmer


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:10

    Alright, we're back. This is episode four of perfectly unfinished conversations. And this week we're on the metabolic money soapbox, preaching the need for humans to move. Walking more and yes, physical exercise or training. But in particular, strength building, we want to set up this podcast episode to come back to this scenario right here. Let's talk about your 75-year-old self. Say the heavens opened up the clouds parted, and your 75-year-old self floated down like Zeus and wanted to give you some feedback towards your current health and strength journey. What advice would they give you?

    Coach Kim 01:56

    So first, let's start with a bird's eye view on metabolic health, obesity, and mental health because there is no disputing that as an overall population. We are more unhealthy than we've ever been before.

    Coach Jo 02:15

    The condition of being overweight or obese and you know, also sedentary. This is not personal judgment or cognitive bias statement like this is a concern for the actual welfare of people and our health collectively. I mean, yes, it can be a burden on the health care system, but also just the burden of metabolic health on the happiness and longevity of human beings in general.

    Coach Kim 02:40

    Metabolic health is a root cause of almost every chronic disease that is currently killing North Americans, 9 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the US and we all know that Canada and US share way more in common than Canadians would like to think they do. But 9 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in North America, I would say are fundamentally related to or directly rooted in metabolic dysfunction. Yeah, Alzheimer's disease, type two diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, not to mention the link to infertility. Right. So what is metabolic syndrome or metabolic dysfunction? It's primarily a cellular energy problem. But we see it manifest with five typical symptoms, obesity, or a large abdominal measurement, high blood pressure or blood pressure that trends high high blood fat, low HDL or good cholesterol and insulin resistance, which is probably the most common thing that we are seeing, culturally societally, which would be classified as pre-diabetes.

    Coach Jo 03:59

    Yeah, you'll hear threads of this subject in future podcasts because it's the largest health problem facing people, adults, aging adults and children, children today. In addition to the development of all the chronic diseases, you know, that Kim just talked about high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, or you know, kidney disease, there are links to poor and declining metabolic health and brain health like Alzheimer's dementia, as as well as one's own mental health.

    Coach Kim 04:29

    Yeah. So Alzheimer's and dementia are now being commonly referred to as type three diabeetus. So you have type one, which is is you know, from birth or you know, yeah, type 1.5 which they consider autoimmune. And then you've got type two, which is diet and lifestyle and now type three is the classification of Alzheimer's and dementia. You know, PCOS is leading to infertility among women, and it's essentially diabetes of the ovaries. This is not an aged person problem. And something you only have to worry about as you're getting older. It's it's a condition that we're seeing in, you know, we have people who we know, in this community whose children as young as 10 are battling with this metabolic dysfunction. And so we're going to come back to it stay with us, because we're coming back to the topic of this podcast, which is ”Bitch Gotta Move”, yeah, but we want to really underline that metabolic syndrome creates these serious chronic health conditions, and it begins when you're young. It's not happening, because you're old. It's happening energetically in our cells right now. And the proof is that our children are also developing chronic health conditions that used to be only primarily seen in older or, you know…

    Coach Jo 05:56

  • In episode three of Iron Lab’s Perfectly Unfinished Conversations podcast, Coach Jo and Coach Kim discuss the dangers of perfectionism, our relationship with mirrors, and its impact on self-worth. From cultural expectations to social media pressure to generational attitudes, both Jo and Kim unpack their hang-ups about body image. By sharing impactful childhood memories and discussing the negative effect these experiences have had on their perceived self-worth, they give listeners practical advice for pushing past the negativity and learning how to love and look after themselves on a daily basis.

    Listeners will hear about the crucial role of self-love and acceptance in personal growth and transformation. Coach Jo and Coach Kim emphasize how when we focus on appreciation for our bodies—no matter what stage of life we’re in—we gain the opportunity to love, nourish, and grow our minds and bodies so we can become the best possible version of ourselves.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone struggling with body image and self-esteem. Jo and Kim give practical how-to advice for making consistent, positive mindset changes and help listeners understand they are not alone in their struggles.


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:10

    Welcome back guys to episode three of the perfectly unfinished conversations podcast with Jo…

    Coach Kim 01:16

    Hi, my BFF! And coach Kim. This episode is all about making peace with the mirror. So, we want to have a discussion about the importance of this practice. ‘Cause it's a practice.

    Coach Jo 01:30

    So, what, why would it be an important conversation to have? Because I think behind closed doors, 80% to 90% of the female population probably deals with this. And it's not talked about enough in my opinion.

    Coach Kim 01:42

    Yea, I would agree. And I'm always kind of blown away. Because if I do have a conversation with somebody, and they're like, Yeah, I just, I'm totally good with the way I look. I'm always like, hands up, sister. I don't know how you got there. But I would love to know how you have been able to, like, put zero energy or attention, and this is kind of what we're talking about, put zero energy or attention into critiquing, criticizing, examining yourself in the mirror, most often with kind of some sort of negative feedback to yourself.

    Coach Jo 02:19

    And that negative feedback sounds like it spirals down into this rabbit hole of negative self-talk and negative emotions and the stories that we say in our brain that keep happening to us. And the more you speak this in your brain, the more we just start living that way, right? you view yourself as a story in your head.

    Coach Kim 02:37

    Where have you noticed this, in conversations either, like we're going to talk about ourselves, but where have you noticed this in particular with clients? In client conversations?

    Coach Jo 02:45

    I’d say over the last decade working with clients, I have learned that most people don't deal with, like, a weight issue, they deal with a self-worth issue. Because once the self-worth issue is solved, then usually the weight issue gets solved alongside the process, right? Because it slows down the main process of losing weight because a lot of it's attached to perfectionism. And they're not good enough because they didn't do it perfect, or this way or that way. And then that just slows, like that, just slugs it right down to a slow halt.

    Coach Kim 03:18

    So, as you're saying that I'm like geez, you know, I've never thought about it specifically like that, which is why it's so good to have this conversation. For me when I think about, like, how my relationship with myself in the mirror. I've never looked at it as being related to perfectionism. But maybe that's what it is. You know, like at the root, maybe that's what it is. But definitely, the self-talk that comes with that is slow or self-defeating or self-sabotaging, you know, as a result.

    Coach Jo 03:55

    Yeah, exactly. I think self-sabotage is one of the number one symptoms of someone who deals with perfectionism, it’s just never good enough. And when they're, if someone's trying to go on any type of journey, and if they look at themselves in the mirror and they're having this battle with a mirror, it's always going to be some form of self-sabotage, negative self-talk, because they're not. They're not what they think, as in their image in their head is perfect.

    Coach Kim 04:16

    Yea, true. So where have you struggled with your own reflection, appreciating your body, being able to recognize, yeah, just the way you feel about your body, when you look in the mirror?

    Coach Jo 04:28

    You know it I think for me, it started like maybe like most girls, maybe not like most girls, but it started with the scale, actually. And the scale was always in front of the mirror in the bathroom growing up. And I was raised that every morning, you're supposed to get on the scale and see how much you weigh. As a woman. I, my brother never had to do that. But I had to do that. And I probably did not have to do that. But I thought I had to do that. Because you know, that's how my mother was raised, maybe. And I don't look at it as...

  • In Iron Lab’s Perfectly Unfinished Conversations second episode, hosts Coach Jo and Coach Kim tackle the topic of habits that are no longer working for them. Amidst all the diet dogma floating around the internet, they address commonly-held beliefs and habits that aren’t serving the purposes we want them to. They break down why those habits don’t work and then discuss what does work, and things that we should consider replacing the old habits with.

    Coach Kim and Coach Jo list habits we are very fond of because of routine or comfort that nonetheless don’t serve our fitness or health goals. Habits like drive-through food, skipping breakfast and even lunch, not getting enough protein in our diets, inconsistency in our eating, and demonizing food groups instead of understanding the needs of our bodies. They approach these habits from experience, from having done and tried every one of them along their journeys, and having discovered how little the habits contribute to their wellness and goals. In talking about what habits to switch to instead, they focus on what works for the health and strength of our bodies, exploring protein levels, the benefits of sleep, regular eating, and how our bodies function without proper nutrition, debunking common diet myths along the way.

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo: [00:00:08] Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:13] And Coach Kim.

    Coach Jo: [00:00:15] Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:27] We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life by doing what we call B minus work.

    Coach Jo: [00:00:45] We are making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead...

    Coach Kim: [00:00:55] ... before we're ready...

    Coach Jo: [00:00:56] ... when we aren't feeling like it...

    Coach Kim: [00:00:58] ... and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:00] Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify so you don't miss a single episode. It's good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:10] Here we are, episode two of the Iron Lab podcast.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:15] Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. Thank you for joining us again.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:19] Yeah, today we've got sugar-coated lies. These are the nutrition habits that just aren't working for us.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:27] So in this podcast today, Kim and I sat down, we were brainstorming, we were thinking like, what are all of the diet dogma lies that are floating around the internet or things that people think are working, but it's literally just not working for us. That was kind of the premise of this podcast.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:43] I always say, well, I recently I've been saying to my clients, like, we are fighting so hard to keep some of these habits, you know, like we just want to, we just want to fight for what we like. And the simple fact of the matter is, is that you're fighting to keep things that aren't working.

    Coach Jo: [00:02:01] Exactly. Boom. So a couple of examples that we just decided to, you know, point form right out, one of them being the high carb, high fat, and the perfect example of this is literally anything drive-through.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:16] Literally, literally.

    Coach Jo: [00:02:17] Literally anything drive-through.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:20] Your breakfast wrap, your chicken sandwich. Yeah, all of it.

    Coach Jo: [00:02:25] And a lot of that is because we want ease and we know the route or we've built the habit. If I leave five minutes early, I have enough time to turn right and get through the drive-through and get back on track, on the road, on time to my destination.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:38] Well, and it's also a happy place, you know, like our routines, the routines you have are because they feel good to you. And so if your routine includes a double double and a breakfast wrap or two, that's, you like it. And so it's going to be awfully hard to break that habit until you can come up with a new habit to replace it.

    Coach Jo: [00:03:03] Exactly. And that's just, you know, the law of habits. You know, James Carr with Atomic Habits, he has a--

    Coach Kim: [00:03:09] -- Clear, Clear.

    Coach Jo: [00:03:10] Sorry, James Clear. My fault. He's got a brilliant book. And if you have not read it, I guarantee you will just leave that so mind blown because it's our situations, it's our environments, it's, you know, the cue, the reward. And like Kim said, the reward is you just want to feel good and you have to learn to short-circuit that thought in order to choose a new habit to become a new version of yourself. Yeah, and high carb, high fat is, it's just empty crap calories that's not going to serve you.

    Coach Kim: [00:03:40] It's double the fuel. So high carb, high fat. When you look at the fact that carbs are a fuel and fat is a fuel, now you got high carbs, high fat, which are double the fuel, which is high energy density. And I don't mean energy like physical energy density. I'm talking like--

    Coach Jo: [00:03:57] -- too much gas in the tank.

    Coach Kim: [00:03:58] Too, yeah. And so remember that, you know, high carb, high fat are all the things we love. Pizza, ice cream, chips and dip, guac and tortilla chips.

    Coach Jo: [00:04:09] Like fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies out of the oven.

    Coach Kim: [00:04:12] Yeah. That's Jo's favorite.

    Coach Jo: [00:04:14] It is. I love 'em.

    Coach Kim: [00:04:16] I like tortilla chips and guacamole. Well, pretty much anything like straight-up habits that don't work for me. Like if I am ra...