
  • This is the FINAL episode of Pillow Talk.
    Over the last 3 years, I've explored awakening, liberation, relationship, tantra, parenting, money, career, and more on this podcast, but now... this particular expression is done.
    It's been an extraordinary ride, through many samskaras, traumas, and triggers.  That kind of content has been the mainstay of this podcast, however, a shift appears to been happening in my experience of reality where there's less need or desire to go to those places. In that way, Pillow Talk has been an extraordinary success - I'm experiencing a delightful romantic relationship grounded in a degree of awakeness and liberation never before available to me, and I found my way to it through this journey. 
    If you haven't yet listened to all of the Pillow Talk episodes, I invite you to go back and join me on the journey that I've been on for the last 3 years. Notice how I show up on each podcast, and feel into the quality of beingness available on each episode. Treat it like an experiment!
    For those of you who have been with me since the start, sending so much love and gratitude your way. May unexpected blessings shower your path.

  • This episode reveals how I now know that I need to stay in my relationship - that it's my defence mechanisms that keep making me want to run like hell, and look for reasons to leave him. I share the Tantrik tools that I use to navigate these relationship challenges without being sucked into the drama. This is the embodied work of liberation, revealed through relationship.

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  • Oh relationship, relationship, relationship... thou are my greatest teacher. In this episode I examine the teacher/student relationship, share the challenges I'm navigating in my romantic relationship around commitment and wanting to run, and the ups and downs of parenting. This is the essence of Tantra - relating and intimacy beyond drama, story and self-image.

  • Since I last spoke to you there's been a real ease and deepening in my romantic relationship after navigating a time of intense challenge.From that space, I share my reflections on why our everyday relationships can be a crucible for Awakening, the simple moments of connection and beauty that I'm treasuring in my life right now and why Heaven is right here in this moment, whatever challenges and suffering we may be facing.• More with Kara-Leah •Find my online and in person events at KaraLeah.comAnd join me on Patreon for as little as $4 per month to recieve teachings.• Credits •Audio • Russel Walder • https://www.russelwalder.comMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/Graphic Design • Tara Spice • https://www.taraspice.com/

  • When Death comes knocking, can you open the door and welcome it in?This week, the death of my beloved grandmother became an opportunity for me to meet life fully and to burn through that which I no longer needed.I share a small taste of my experiences navigating Nana's death, and my own grief, whilst simultaneously working with a period of tension and conflict in my romantic relationship. There's been days and days of deep processing, many intense, late-night conversation with my partner, and bringing awareness to my interactions with my wider family who gathered together for the funeral.Through it all, I've been showing up and leaning in...This is what matters. This is the process as it unfolds.• More with Kara-Leah •Find my online and in person events at KaraLeah.comAnd join me on Patreon for as little as $4 per month to recieve teachings.• Credits •Audio • Russel Walder • https://www.russelwalder.comMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/Graphic Design • Tara Spice • https://www.taraspice.com/

  • If you perfect the action of one thing... just one thing... that can awaken you in all things. This is true. Listen to stories of the delights that unfolded on Training, of encounters with the mysterious Nik Robson, of gated communities, of the path disappearing, of awakening now, and the power of inquiry to shift your experience.

  • It feels like every day brings fresh news of sexual assault, or abuse, evidence that our relationship to sexual energy is highly warped in this society.
    In this episode of Pillowtalk, join me as I discuss the prevalence of this in society. I will share a small part of my personal journey around sexual assault and abuse, and the adaptive strategy I developed as a means of survival. I close out the episode with a call to responsibility and compassion. If perpetrators, both male and female, were able to take responsibility for their actions, to heal the wrongs, then what would society look like then?
    Trigger warning: Please be advised that this episode contains discussion of sexual assault including rape and child abuse. Be kind to yourself and check in with whether you are in a space to receive this.

  • After a short hiatus, I'm very excited to bring you the latest episode of Pillowtalk. This episode, Showing Up, is about the magic that unfolds when we can skilfully work with resistance and mind-fuckery and show up, no matter what.I'm currently doing a Forty Day practice of an ancestral karma prostration as part of a commitment made to deliver a masterclass at a local studio. In this episode I share the impact on me, and potentially my son, of visualising the ancestral line and welcoming in my ancestral karma. And, I talk about the huge resistance I experienced to even doing this practice.Please do like and subscribe to this podcast on whichever platform you are listening from, it helps others find the teachings, musings, rants and raves that I enjoy sharing with you. Much love.• Patreon •If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon.• Credits •Audio • Russel Walder • https://www.russelwalder.comMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/Design • Tara Spice • https://www.taraspice.com/

  • What is your idea of the spiritual path? Do you think of it as something to achieve, attain or accomplish? Do you think it's about becoming a better person? More peaceful? More calm perhaps? This episode reveals what waking up is actually about; stages, orientation, and the tools, all told through the lens of my personal experiences.At the end of this episode, I guide the listener through the questions they need to be asking as part of a spiritual stock check.• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon.• Credits •Audio • Russel Walder • https://www.russelwalder.comMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/Design • Tara Spice • http://taraspice.com/

  • For years I wanted a teacher; I felt like I needed a teacher to guide my path and to help me as I journeyed. I never found the kind of teacher I wanted though - accessible, available and dedicated to living the path. So I become one. Now, I'm feeling more and more called to teach in person, and intimately online.Being on social media doesn't feel like it fits with that, so I am exploring leaving Facebook and Instagram. I have already left these platforms personally but still have a business presence. In this episode, listen as I share the fears, the justifications, and the journey that has led me to this place; a place where I have been able to recognise that these platforms do not offer the depth of interaction and intention that is necessary for the student/teacher relationship to flourish.Is there fear about leaving? Yes, but there is also an awareness that sometimes we must let go of the known to allow space for the unknown to reveal itself. And being willing to face the fear of leaving the known is part of the spiritual path.Write a review, leave comments, feedback, and share your experience through your preferred podcast platform. Those that write a review before July 12th will go into a draw to win a one-on-one session with me.• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon.• Credits •Audio • Russel Walder • https://www.russelwalder.comMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/Graphic Design • Tara Spice • https://www.taraspice.com/

  • Welcome to the latest episode, the latest season of Pillow Talk: Tales from the Tantric Frontline with me, Kara-Leah. In this episode, we look at some of the big life questions and how these teachings and practices are expressed in my life. What is awakening? What are we seeking on our spiritual paths? What is suffering?The conditions that we are cultivating in our lives are responsible for the fruits we harvest. What can we do to change those conditions? My daily practice is my foundation. My daily practice influences my integrated practice allowing me cultivate change in my life. During the episode, I refer to the article I wrote for my latest newsletter detailing four steps to changing the conditions of our lives. If you don't receive this already you can sign up here.Fear is our greatest jailer, set yourself free today! Lean in, show up, be seen!• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon.• Credits •Audio • Russel Walder • https://www.russelwalder.comMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • Title: Awakening takes timeThe recent weeks past have shown me the influence that our environments and surroundings can have on all of us but in particular on those of us who are seeking liberation. What is liberation, though? It is not being unaffected by everything, but rather being okay with reality as it unfolds.In this final episode of the season, you can understand how I have been able to recognise and address the situations and experiences that that have placed me into fight, flight or freeze, how I am shifting toward rest and digest and the effect those around us can have on us.Life happens. We can't control what is happening, all we can is respond. The episode closes out with some observations on the expectations we set ourselves; the need to also turn up in top form and our often neglected need to allow real time and space to process our emotional realities.• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon.• Credits •Audio • Russel Walder • https://www.russelwalder.comMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • As New Zealand commences a staged step down of the Coronavirus response, in this episode I share about the triggers and responses that came up for me in this time and how the non-linear stages of awakening helped me to accept all the expressions of myself.What motivates you to listen, to do the work to seek liberation in this lifetime? And what happens when you get stuck? To end this episode we discuss the role of relationship on our journeys; the deeper work is always relational.Discover how the shift from chasing good and avoiding bad to reducing suffering and knowing truth can have a profound impact on your life.• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon.• Credits •Audio • Marilyn VaccaroMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • As the globe sits in an apparent state of isolation and lock down, what are you facing?In this very raw and emotional episode, join me as I share the challenges that are present as I isolate in a new home, in a new town. We are presented with the challenge of remaining in our stories of avoidance and distraction or facing what is real. What is your spiritual practice? Do you really have any intent to liberate or are you indulging in spirituality? Is there any judgment toward your answer?Whatever you are facing, whatever is being brought up by our current circumstance, facing it, meeting the challenge makes us stronger. This is a truth. Letting go of knowing, surrendering and experiencing energy, whether grief or joy, and being okay with not knowing what is going to happen is the challenge.What's happening for you?• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon.• Credits •Audio • Marilyn VaccaroMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • Coronavirus is starting to have an impact on everyday lives; disrupting supply chains and having a major impact on our travel. This is a global event and we are seeing a global response.In this episode, I share about the personal effects of the pandemic, the decision to cancel my Mexcian retreat and remembering the future.Living defensively is a symptom of operating from a conditioned mind; essence nature does not defend. Learn how I weakened this response with a reorientation through awareness and sense of the subtle body.The amazing Nik Robson can be found here.• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon.• Credits •Audio • Marilyn VaccaroMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • I'm back from retreat with Christopher Wallis, and in this episode I delve into the necessity of awareness on the path of radical self acceptance. I share my personal journey for liberation in this lifetime, and we'll look at the accessibility and role of spirituality in that journey. It's all about navigation of consciousness baby, and we'll touch on the power of knowing versus intuition, plus you'll find tools and resources that allow re-orientation to essence nature, or awareness. This episode also includes a visioning of the role that I hope Patreon will play in building our community; with an invitation to join that community at whatever financial level feels right to you.• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/karaleah• Credits •Audio • Marilyn VaccaroMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • I feel like I'm entering dangerous territory.For a long time walking this path I've been fumbling in the dark, trusting my inner knowing but also wondering: What if I'm getting this all wrong? Is this really where I'm supposed to be?Now, things are different. I know that this is how it's meant to be. I know that THIS is the process of liberation. There's a sense of arrival.AND there's the danger that I could delude myself into thinking that this means more than it does, and that a new identity may begin to fossilise around the idea of what it means to arrive.Join me as I explore this new territory in the following forms:How to get curious about the world beyond language and beyond words.The epistemology triad - how do we know what is true?Using community as a way to break my conditioning, even when it's uncomfortableThe powerful work of digesting samskaras as they ariseExploring one of the deepest layers of conditioning• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/karaleah• Credits •Audio • Marilyn VaccaroMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • There is no self, it's all a construct. Feeling into that tonight... When all patterns, defences and constructs fall away, what remains?If there is no "you" left once those patterns, defences and constructs fall away, then who the fuck is wanting something, desiring and seeking?I also dive into:- Tantra as just another vehicle to awakening - an access point to liberation, but not the thing itself.- Going beyond identity and self constructs with Tantrik Yoga.- How waking up and orientating to truth no matter what is fucking fierce.- We are infinitely programmable beings: taking back the programming.- Mark Whitwell and the unfolding conversation around power dynamics: What is my place in this story? How can I stand in truth?• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/karaleah• Credits •Audio • Marilyn VaccaroMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • Going Beyond FearHere's what I'm pondering tonight: FearWhat is it exactly? And what if, what if it was possible to be fear-less?And what if watching horror movies could be good training for mastering the fear response and centering in non-reactivity?I also explore:* The process of releasing attachment and facing into aversions as a known way to navigate out of suffering* Love - what the fuck is it?* A series of questions and embodied inquiries for you, dear listener about what brings you here and how you experience this podcast - why do you listen?* Why questioning everything is NOT the same as overanalysing* Noticing a pattern of self-isolating in myself and how I'm executing a "pattern interrupt" and doing exactly the opposite• Applied Tantra Money Mastery • Registrations are now open for the January intake of this 21 day online program which explores the teachings of Tantra as applied to our relationship with money.Find out more & register: http://karaleah.com/money-mastery/• Patreon•If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me and access exclusive teachings and resources, join me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/karaleah• Credits •Audio • Marilyn VaccaroMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/

  • I'm in bed, in my pyjamas. I'm nervous, but I've chosen to show up and join you all tonight. Is any of what I have to say 'true'? I don't know. I offer it up to you to feel, inquire into and explore. Tell me, what is your desired reality? How do you want to play this game?In this episode my pillow talk ponderings lead me to consider:Why you shouldn't believe ANY of your thoughtsHow awakening is like the Matrix, but also notWhy you've gotta feel what you feel when you feel it (or soon afterwards)The most painful parts of awakeningWhy the teachings of Tantra makes the most sense to meHow our modern lifestyle no longer enforces presence in the way that it did for our hunter-gatherer ancestors when we were closely tied to the rhythms of nature.And yet every single human being has the potential to be present - yes, that includes you. And you!• Patreon •If you love the podcast and want to donate, or if you want to connect with me further as a teacher, join me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/karaleah• Credits •Audio • Marilyn VaccaroMusic • Matiu Te Huki • https://bit.ly/2y32khxPhoto • Pete Longworth • http://petelongworth.com/