REV. CANON DAVID ROSEBERRY has been an ordained Anglican priest for over 40 years. He was the founding Rector of Christ Church, in Plano, Texas for over 30 years. Currently, he is the Executive Director of the non-profit ministry of LeaderWorks which serves leaders and congregations in the Anglican Church in North America. He is also leads The LeaderWorks Trust, a kickstarter program granting funds for Anglican congregations and ministries helping them clarify their vision and mobilize supporters to give generously to it. He is a preacher, teacher, speaker and coach with a growing ministry through numerous books (available on Amazon). He and his wife Fran live in Plano, Texas. They have four children and five grandchildren.
I wanted to speak with him to better understand similarities and differences between what happened in The Episcopal Church and The United Methodist Church with respect to liberal ideology and the division it caused in both denominations. Both the Anglican Church in North America and the Global Methodist Church are essentially refugee denominations from these hostile takeovers. To what degree did both groups deal with the same phenomenon, and what important differences were there? It is a large, broad topic. I have already spoken with Dean Wheeler about this with respect to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). This picks up with the same theme. Enjoy!
If you want to examine Canon Roseberry's organization, or if you are an ACNA congregation that might like to consider his services, go to https://www.leaderworks.org/
And if you would like to support me and the work that I am doing, you can go to plainspoken.locals.com to become a member or, even better, a supporter!
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Mike Todd of Transformation Church has made quite a name for himself over the last few years, often from shocking and over the top sermon illustrations. In this episode we look at a few examples of his preaching and see what is potentially problematic.
Clip 1 & 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9YMoE8QC6I
Clip 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV2BhyQTIWw
Clip 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey1TiWbksIw
Clip 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GY8M1qSfBY
Clip 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHZgLSrSWAM&t=0s
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Talbot Davis was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Princeton University and a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. In 30+ years of full-time ministry in the Western North Carolina Annual Conference, he has served two appointments: Mt. Carmel-Midway (1990-1999) and Good Shepherd (1999-present).
In this conversation, we talk a bit about sacramental theology, church growth practices, and the ways in which doctrinal fidelity impacts, not only church growth, but how ethnically and culturally diverse a church will be. While we do not carry love for the UMC leadership, we speak to conservatives still within the UMC, asking how it is that folks can righteously continue to participate in such a body. We also talk a bit about why he and his church have chosen not to join the GMC despite having initially signaled a desire to join up. Interesting stuff!
Talbot's Website - https://talbotdavis.com/
Come Alive Website - https://www.inviteresources.com/lp/come-alive-series
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Was Jesus rich? Should we expect to be financially prosperous as Christians? You've probably seen videos floating around on the internet claiming many of those things. We take a look at a few of those videos and discuss what the Bible actually says about these things and what our response should be when presented with such ideas.
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In this section, we finish the portion dealing with how Robert's Rules of Order is going to be utilized, get into decorum, and wrap this whole segment up. Lots of opportunities for audience feedback on this one. We look forward to seeing what y'all have to say.
Link to our petition questionnaire - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfh9VhGo7nB9zav4WGBUQ-lI_31Zn5Jey27OXaccLKem4Qkag/viewform?usp=sharing
Link to this General Conference document that we review - https://globalmethodist.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/The-Convening-General-Conference-Community.pdf
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Rev. Dr. Peter Bellini is the Professor of Church Renewal & Evangelization at United Theological Seminary, as well as a Global Methodist Elder. He has a broad experience in life, both in the local church and in the academy. He as published a good amount of content on the Holy Spirit. I was encouraged to seek him out by Dr. David Watson, who thought Bellini could help me to figure out a helpful posture towards the growing charismatic influence in Methodism. Bellini didn't disappoint.
In this conversation, he and I discuss the topic of pneumatology, which is the branch of theology that deals with the Holy Spirit. We explore the history of the Methodist tradition and its relationship with the Holy Spirit, as well as the importance of reclaiming pneumatology in the context of the Global Methodist Church. We also touch on topics such as deliverance ministry, enthusiasm, and the balance between gifts and fruit of the Spirit. The conversation highlights the need for a normative understanding of the Holy Spirit's presence and power in the life of the church. We explore the relationship between pneumatology and Christology, emphasizing the importance of linking our understanding and relationship with the Holy Spirit to our understanding of Christ. The Holy Spirit bears witness to the person and work of Christ, not to himself. The conversation also highlights the need for discernment and testing of spirits, as there are false manifestations and spiritual narcissism in the charismatic movement. Discipleship and accountability are crucial in cultivating the gifts of the Spirit and ensuring they are used for the edification of others. The focus should be on fruit over gifts, holiness over power, and the love of God and neighbor.
As it comes up a few times in this conversation, you might consider purchasing (and reading) Bellini's book: "Thunderstruck! The Deliverance Ministry of John Wesley Today" - https://a.co/d/gzkj4Ui
He also has a number of other titles that you can find by searching his name on Amazon.
If you would like to support PlainSpoken for conversations like these, you can go become a supporter at plainspoken.locals.com. Thanks!
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In this section, we deal primarily with the procedures we can anticipate being in place, especially some of the particulars around Robert's Rules and voting. As always, we sorta trip through the material and do a decent job eventually constructing a proper impression. We are pleased with this document and are optimistic about the gathering that it will make possible.
Link to our petition questionnaire - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfh9VhGo7nB9zav4WGBUQ-lI_31Zn5Jey27OXaccLKem4Qkag/viewform?usp=sharing
Link to this General Conference document that we review - https://globalmethodist.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/The-Convening-General-Conference-Community.pdf
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Jeremy is the Lead Pastor of Crosspoint Church, a multi-site church with 6 campuses across Northwest Florida. He and Christy have been married for 20 years and have 3 kids. He is a passionate Alabama fan (graduated from there so it’s legit), loves sports, good sci-fi movies, and traveling around watching his kids play sports. He graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary and could be a professional recruiter for them. Other than his family, his biggest passion in life though is disciple-making and helping others become disciple-makers.
In this conversation, I ask Jeremy about the decision to join the Global Methodist Church (GMC) after disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church. We discuss the reasons for joining the GMC, the influence of denominational history, and the importance of accountability and trust. We also explore the impact of disaffiliation on the church and the challenges of navigating the transition. The conversation delves into the dynamics of large church leadership, the role of denominational engagement, and the potential for collective impact within the Wesleyan movement. It explores the need for disciple making, the impact of church size, and the ethos of the GMC. We touch on the importance of spiritual renewal, disciple making conviction, and organizational clarity for church vitality. The conversation concludes with a prayer for discernment and guidance for churches considering joining the GMC.
Flyer for "Multiplication Co-Lab" ministry Jeremy referenced: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dg5IuIM_cWnq58IBygEEjHkDOrCfBEBV/view?usp=sharing
Flyer for "Huddle" ministry Jeremy referenced: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I1QVfYHR3Xwp_iswsQxHOLmI1W6mjadR/view?usp=sharing
'Replicate' Ministry - https://replicate.org/
'Exponential' Ministry - https://exponential.org/
Both have QR codes that should take you fun places
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As you folks know, I have wanted the Global Methodist Church to be able to make good on the hopes of so many to become a truly multiethnic, global sign of Christ's presence and power. Racial separation hurts me. I believe it disappoints my Lord and cheapens his gospel.
So I and others need to have conversations with people of underrepresented constituencies so that we know how to work towards what we believe Christ requires. Blango, clergy from the UMC's Baltimore Washington Annual Conference, was willing to help me think through these things, drawing heavily on his decades of experience in ministry and life.
Many of you will enjoy this conversation very much. Blango and I are friends, and I believe we are paving the way for the future to look pretty different from the past and present.
Willimon Article (I didn't like it, of course, but it has the 4% stat in it) - https://www.christiancentury.org/features/missed-opportunities-umc-general-conference
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Friends, I felt like I needed to comment a bit on the predicament of those with a biblical fidelity who are still within the UMC. I have had a series of conversations with people representing different positions on this question. I wanted to make clear where I stand, and to give encouragement to those of you who aren't sure how to navigate these things. I hope this offering of mine gives some clarity. God bless you and your churches.
Interview with Randy Frye:
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Chance Robinson published an article in Firebrand a few weeks ago, outlining his personal history in the Freemasons and his theological clarity that secret societies are at odds with the Christian faith.
In this conversation, Chance tells more of his story, and we try to flesh out why exactly secret fraternal organizations are such a threat to the Christian faith. We end in a conversation about idolatry more broadly. I hope you benefit from our discussion!
Chance's Article in Firebrand - "Allegiance as Christian Witness" - https://firebrandmag.com/articles/allegiance-as-christian-witness-a-testimony-of-leaving-freemasonry
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In this segment, TJ and I report on the petitions we filed and some of the feedback we got. We also get some more details about how the legislative committees are going to work in the months leading up to General Conference. We finally read a good deal of that guiding document for the Convening Conference session, which gives a lot more information about the nuts and bolts of how things will work before and during (and after) the conference session.
We were surprised at how transparent and responsive everything is designed to be. This is going to be a large culture shift from the UMC. We are pleased and excited. We hope everyone else will be, too!
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UMNews picked up an article published by the Holston Annual Conference, which was essentially an interview with conservative clergy, the Rev. Dr. Randy Frye, who is a self-proclaimed conservative (though he hates labels) who will be staying in The United Methodist Church. In the article, he talks about how the legislation at the most recent General Conference only brings the issue of gay marriage "back to neutral," and how the denomination is still making room for conservatives like us.
I had a hard time understanding how a conservative could say these things. It turns out his thoughts are a little more nuanced than the article was able to represent. I still find myself in a pretty different place than him, but I appreciate his efforts to remain faithful where he is. My hope is publishing this is that it helps conservatives within the UMC to think through how it is that they want to participate in that covenant body, if at all. Rev. Frye presents an example of how one might navigate these issues faithfully from within, if one so chooses.
'Conservative Pastor Says He Will Live Into New Reality' by Annette Spence - https://www.holston.org/article/randy-frye-post-gc-18362101
Website for First Broad Street UMC - https://www.fbsumc.org/
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Mark Holland published a piece that was over the line for a lot of folks, and he was pressed to make an apology for "harm" that it did. Lonnie Brooks has already aired a concern for progressive 'triumphalism' that was seen before, during, and is now being seen after the UMC's General Conference. Odell similarly has the concern that this progressive takeover bodes badly for black and brown people, as these issues have now been racially coded.
My role was a bit different with this one. I felt like arguing with both of them. I was a bit more adversarial with my guests than usual. I figured it was time to make a strong case for a more fundamentalist sexual ethic. I also argued that these things are not racially coded, but are actually fundamentally a class issue. We had a good robust exchange. I think a lot of you will enjoy it.
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The Convening Conference for the Global Methodist Church approaches quickly. TJ, Ruth, and I crafted nine documents that we plan to submit for the consideration of the assembled body in September. This segment explains our agenda and how it is that you can join us in advancing the conversation about who we want to be together. If you would like to consider our petitions, then please go to the link below to review and support what initiatives of ours that you like:
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A lot has happened in the weeks following the General Conference of the United Methodist Church held in Charlotte, NC. So much took place that still has to be reckoned with. Our United Methodist laity and clergy attached to this group have a lot of information to share. Each has his own area of insight. This session was a barrage of analysis and insight.
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Rev. Dr. Scott Field has long worked toward Methodist reform and renewal. He served as a pastor in the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church for 41 years. Scott served on the Board of Directors of Good News for 15 years and, along with an outstanding team, led the Reform and Renewal Coalition efforts at four UMC General Conferences. He, along with his wife Lynda, were the local arrangement organizers for the inaugural gathering of the Wesleyan Covenant Association in Chicago in 2016 with 1800 in attendance.
Scott also took the lead to form the Northern Illinois Regional Chapter of the Wesleyan Covenant Association and worked voluntarily there for the last seven (7) years. His days were spent working within northern Illinois to inform, connect, advise, and resource Methodists in the disaffiliation process for separation from the United Methodist denomination. Scott retired from the UMC in 2019.
Scott has been a part of the Leadership Council of the Great Lakes Provisional Annual Conference, and also serves on the Great Lakes Board of Ministry both of the Global Methodist Church.
The Wesleyan Covenant Association - https://wesleyancovenant.org/
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Rev. Tom Lambrecht has been a foremost source of knowledge for many who have tried to discern what is actually going on in the UMC for many years. While many institutionalist and liberal voices have gaslit conservative concerns for decades, Tom has been a consistent voice of reason and concern. His tenor is not at all smug as his concerns were realized in the last couple weeks.
In this conversation, Rev. Lambrecht helps me to sift through the different things being said about changes in sexual morality, options for disaffiliation, and degrees of progressive takeover. He gave me a lot of clarity. I hope you receive the same benefit!
The audio is a little rough at first, but it levels out, so bear with it!
Good News Magazine - https://goodnewsmag.org/
Tom's Blog - https://tomlambrecht.goodnewsmag.org/
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The Convening Conference for the Global Methodist Church is approaching. It will do many things similarly to how the UMC does their conferences. However, there will be many differences. The only way to navigate this September is to understand the design that they have made explicit in their "THE CONVENING GENERAL CONFERENCE COMMUNITY: PLAN OF ORGANIZATION AND COVENANT FOR OUR LIFE TOGETHER" document. So TJ and walk through this document in this segment and try to get clear on the timeline for what is to transpire. Those of you who are interested in tracking these developments in September would be wise to spend time getting oriented with us.
GMC Website: www.globalmethodist.org
General Conference Website: https://www.sotheworldwillknow.org/
The Convening General Conference Community Document: https://assets-global.website-files.com/65ecb1a33dc79361d6f90b07/6619cdf0ca169e0b60fa4a89_Plan%20of%20Organization%20%2B%20Covenant%20202403.pdf
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When the General Conference met in Charlotte, NC, Rob Renfroe was there in a different capacity than ever: He knew that the long term agenda of evangelicals would lose, so he gave no resistance. His only purpose in attending was to support those remaining evangelicals who would otherwise be trapped, advocating for a way for them to exit. For that, he was maligned and insulted, even by a person or two speaking on the floor of plenary.
I wanted to take some time to hear from Rob himself to ask about things that went on behind the scenes at General Conference, and to ask him about his plans for the future now that this chapter has closed. Consider spending time with Rob and me as we digest what transpired together.
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