What is a Cognitive Bias? Why are they particularly deadly to startups?Do we all have Cognitive Biases? How can we spot them? What can we do about them, if anything?This episode is based on JB's original article here:https://vibratingmelon.com/2017/02/27/12-cognitive-biases-that-will-kill-your-startup/
This week, what's the big deal about Unit Economics anyway?
Fixed vs variable costs, CAC, LTV, CACD, MRR, margins, churn and other TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms).
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
This episode is based on JB's original "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Unit Economics but were Afraid to Ask" which you can read here:https://vibratingmelon.com/2020/08/03/unit-economics-two-sided-marketplaces-part-1/
Manglende episoder?
How does this whole fundraising thing work for startups?
What are the different kinds of investors?
Why is "dilution" such a scary concept?
This is based on Unit 113 of Platform's Founder-in-Residence syllabus.
If you are interested in being a Founder-in-Residence at Platform, signup to Platform https://os.platformstud.io/