Along with The Migrant and Refugee Poetry Competition, the partners of this event include Poet X, The High Commission of Canada, Malaysia, UNHCR, Tenaganita, KL Writer’s Workshop, I dem Vende, MSRI, HELP University, and The Good Shop. Poet X is proud to present this special episode taken from live recordings from the event on 1st October 2017.
The annual competition provides a platform for mutual understanding between Malaysians and migrants while celebrating their literary talents. The event promotes greater tolerance for multi-culturalism and gives migrants a direct and powerful voice.
The event took place at HELP University, Jalan Damansara and was judged by Bernice Chauly, Looi Siew Teip, Carol Leon, Anindita Dasgupta and Sharon Bakar.
It is our combined hope that with this event, the two communities of migrants and Malaysians can come together with greater understanding and appreciation for each other.
Featured exclusively in this episode are the winning poems of both Adult and Junior categories recorded live during 'The 3rd Migrant and Refugee Poetry Competition'.
Junior Category:
1st place - Mohd Feroz
2nd place - Aiman Munir
3rd place - Chani Ta Chun
Adult Category:
1st place - Mwaffaq Alhajjar
2nd place - Saima Ameena Shah
3rd place - Desi Larasati
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast
Website: www.tehhalia.my/poetx -
In collaboration with our partners Monsters Among Us and Asterik Anak Seni, Poet X is proud to present an off-season special of recordings taken during our event in August 2017.
TOTU2 was part of a larger campaign to raise awareness on the issue of child sexual abuse and sexual grooming, or abbreviated as CSAG.
It was held at Twenty20Two, PJ and showcased many different performances including music, poetry, storytelling and theatre. Our celebrity guest Daphne Iking also took to the stage and read true victim stories which touched the hearts of many in the crowd. The venue was packed on the night with over 170 tickets sold.
It is our combined hope that the message is received by society loud and clear that there is no place for CSAG in our country and our future.
Featured exclusively in this episode are poems recorded live during 'Tales of the Untold' 2.0:
1) 'Achar Budak Kampung' by Pavithrah Sambu
2) 'Motorcycle Diaries' by Jamal Raslan
3) 'Hati Besar Jari' by Wani Ardy
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast
Website: www.tehhalia.my/poetx -
Manglende episoder?
Ruminate was a spoken word event organised by Poet X in February 2017 where we showcased among the biggest talents of the contemporary poetry scene.
Marking the end of the 'Ruminate: Live Recordings' series, we feature a true shining beacon in the scene. Her mastery in performance poetry has earned her many titles - a light bringer, a love giver and a true inspiration to many young writers.
Sheena Baharudin represents the poetry collective Poetry Cafe KL and has assumed the role of student, teacher, writer and performer in her decade long involvement in poetry.
Her first book of poetry, 'Rhymes for Mending Hearts' was published in 2013 and her latest book, 'All The Bodies We've Embraced' was recently released on May 1st.
Her poems are featured in several poetry anthologies including Rollercoasters and Bedsheets, Poems And Other Myths: A collection of Spoken Word Poetry by Women in South East Asia and Malchin Testament: Malaysian Poems. Several have also been translated into French and Spanish by the literary journals Jentayu and 2384. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Malaysian Literature, focusing on the relationship between spoken word poetry and storytelling.
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
Ruminate was a spoken word event organised by Poet X in February 2017 where we showcased among the biggest talents of the contemporary poetry scene.
In this penultimate episode of the Ruminate series, we present you a poet who has an almost cult-like following in the scene. Through the years, Jamal has helped shape and mould local poetry through his influence on poets and organisers alike.
Skilled trilingually, Jamal Raslan is a contemporary example of the conundrum that is the English-speaking Malay Muslim. An icon to many junior poets, he is a seasoned performer adept at captivating the audience with almost discomforting ease.
Jamal has appeared on TEDxKL and is an artist with MOCA fest under the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF). He released his Ep "The Word" in 2011 at the Georgetown Literary Festival and was published in Malchin Testament: Malaysian Poems. -
Ruminate was a spoken word event organised by Poet X in February 2017 where we showcased among the biggest talents of the contemporary poetry scene.
In this fifth episode of the Ruminate series, we present to you our very own Azam Rais.
Azam Rais writes and performs exclusively in rhythm and rhyme. His poetry aims at invoking deep sentiments in the listener buried under social norms and preconceptions.
He began writing at a tender age but only started performing on small stages and gigs in 2014. He has since established himself on stages of Poetry Cafe KL's slams, Numinous, Festival Belia at Putrajaya, Markas Kota Damansara and Speakcity's Poetically correct.
In late 2016, Azam Rais and his team founded Malaysia's first ever poetry podcast called Poet X aimed at scouting and promoting local talents. Since then, he has been known as a collector and curator of Malaysian poetry.
Azam Rais believes that poetry is alive and in need of nourishment.
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
Ruminate was a spoken word event organised by Poet X in February 2017 where we showcased among the biggest talents of the contemporary poetry scene.
In this fourth episode of the Ruminate series, we present you a multi-talented artist across numerous fields. With a background in literature, Fazleena has won various awards for her work as a writer, director and actress. At Ruminate, her prowess took center stage as she dazzled the crowd as part of her band, Fazleena & The Lasykar.
Fazleena has also been called to speak at many motivational, poetry and theatre workshops across the country. Today, her work graces theatres, short films and television screens as the host or scriptwriter.
She has also organised Pondok Puisi, a poetry writing and performance workshop with fellow poet Wani Ardy. She released Seksi Ovari, her debut anthology of poems which was followed by Bibir Ceri Melati, her second book. Now, she manages Markas Kota Damansara, an alternative creative space dedicated to culture and arts.
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
Ruminate was a spoken word event organised by Poet X in February 2017 where we showcased among the biggest talents of the contemporary poetry scene.
In the third episode of the Ruminate series, we present you a true force of nature who lives in words and breathes words into life. A captivating performer, she oozes confidence on stage. Her level of performance poetry was on full display at Ruminate as she left jaws hanging in her wake.
Yohanna Yusrinal is an established poetry educator and spoken word artist who facilitates poetry and drama workshops in schools and universities as part of Poetry Cafe KL.
She was part of the team that represented Malaysia in the Singapore vs Malaysia Causeway Exchange Slam, winning gold in the group slam division. She is also part of the spoken word cabaret: Tongue Tied 2, that showcased at Iskarnival Naratif and Sama- Sama. She has performed countless open mics in Singapore, Johor, Sabah, Langkawi, Penang, Australia and is no stranger to local stages like Gaslight Cafe, Merdekarya and The Bee.
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
Ruminate was a spoken word event organised by Poet X in February 2017 where we showcased among the biggest talents of the contemporary poetry scene.
Muhammad Zhafir was the opening act for Ruminate and proceeded to set the stage and standard for the night. From the onset, Zhafir blew the audience away with his focus on rhyme schemes and wordplay.
Zhafir represents the groundbreaking poetry collective called MicJackers, organisers of the monthly poetry event called Jack It!. He has performed at various stages throughout Kuala Lumpur like the Cooler Lumpur Fest, The Flame by MAPS, If Walls Could Talk, Arts for Grabs, TEDxINTI Subang and Festival Boco Puisi in Ipoh. He has also featured alongside National Laureate A. Samad Said and rapper Altimet.
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
In collaboration with our partners 'If Walls Could Talk', we at Poet X are proud to present you an exclusive episode on a local legend in Malaysian Poetry, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haji Salleh.
Hailed as a thought leader of his generation, Muhammad Haji Salleh was conferred the title of National Laureate in 1991 and awarded the S.E.A Writers Award in 1997. Writing around the themes of identity, culture and roots, his collection of poems and short stories number in the thousands throughout his illustrious career.
The Poet X team had a chance to catch up with him for a few minutes to discuss his writing process, the current poetry scene and his hopes for the future generation of poets.
Featured exclusively in this episode are his poems recorded live during Vol. 29 of 'If Walls Could Talk':
1) Homecoming
2) This Is No Place For Truth
3) Juwita
4) Shadow Play I
5) Corruption
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast
Website: www.tehhalia.my/poetx -
As this is the finale of our first season, we felt it only right that we end with a bang. Today we tackle an issue that affects all of us, no matter where we are from and which country we live in. An issue close to home as it's about our home, and those within it who wield it's power.
We ask that you leave your pride and prejudice at the door and appreciate the following poets for what they are: raw artists who were inspired by their country to compose beautiful literary works.
In the finale of Season 1 Poet X, we showcase the ruminations of 4 poets on the political climate of modern Malaysia.
Featured this episode:
1) 'The Earnest Young' by Raaja Rao
2) 'Politics' by Wan Rizal
3) 'Power' by Azam Rais
4) 'Manglish' by Cat Brogan
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
As this is the first episode of Poet X in 2017, we felt it only right that we reflect on the year that was past and recollect lessons we've learnt along the way. We know at times, memories can be difficult to understand and are rarely insightful.
However, it is often up to us to extract its meaning and apply its true lessons for the benefit of the future. We entreat you to tune in as we travel through history on the path of poetry.
In this fifth episode of Poet X, we feature three poets journeying through time and past ponderings in search of answers for the future.
Featured this episode:
1) 'Tentang Semalam' by Tulangkata
2) 'I Am A Sinner' by Qaisara Idrus
3) 'Merdeka' by Sheena Baharudin
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
Nowadays, every time we watch the news or scroll through our Facebook newsfeed, we find news of abuse. Abuse takes on many forms in today's world and often floods headlines depending on the gravity of the offense. But reporting often stops here.
One has to ask:
Is knowing about the abuse when it happened enough? Especially when the pain and trauma lingers on with the victim for years.
Our episode today moves away from the crime of the abuse and instead focuses on the impact it leaves on victims.
In this fourth episode of Poet X, we delve into the souls of the used and abused and peer into the hidden cracks we thought time healed.
Featured this episode:
1) 'Bundle Shopping' by Qaisara Idrus
2) 'Clean' by Nadia
3) 'Whore' by Azam Rais
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
Society has a way of impacting the way we think, how we do things and how we behave. Our surroundings influence the kind of people we turn out to be.
However, nowadays we see evidence of many societal illnesses that plague our world. At times, we feel helpless to change the situation, yet we all know that the first step towards recovery is acceptance.
In this third episode of Poet X, we accept the realities we face in today's world without ever losing hope for the future. We are proud to present you 4 poets who diagnose society's sicknesses in the most poetic of ways.
Featured this episode:
1) 'I Tried Washing Delhi Off My Hair' by Aya Adil Elbaz
2) 'On My Block' by Wan Rizal
3) 'Implikasi Vitaliti' by Awang Saufi
4) 'Sanctuary' by Raaja Rao
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
Everyone has experienced loss in their lives.
There are the little losses - the ones you cry about and get over. These are the ones time will heal. The ones you will forget.
Then, there are the big losses. These are the ones you will never get over. The ones you will always remember. The ones that hurt you so much you write poetry.
In this second episode of Poet X, we explore how the loss of love has affected our poets.
We are proud to present you 3 featured poets to shed light on their personal experiences around this theme.
Featured this episode:
1. 'Fingertips' by Arisha Rozaidee
2. 'Question Marks' by Arisha Rozaidee
3. 'Not A Bad Breakup' by Nadia
4. 'A Poem About Loss' by Jamal Raslan
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast -
Being our very first episode, we find it fitting to celebrate our beginning with young poets who are also at the beginning of their creative years. This episode delves into the the minds of 3 talented teenagers and sheds light on the challenges they faced in growing up.
Poet X strongly believes in liberating voices to speak out on issues. We believe the hardest things to talk about are the things we need to talk about most. Hence, we welcome poets and listeners alike to join us on our show as we embrace challenges and changes in the world we live in today.
Featured this episode:
1. 'Becoming 19' by Lisa Nurmarini
2. 'Papercuts' by Nadia
3. 'Brother' by Syawal
Facebook: facebook.com/poetxpodcast
Instagram: @poetxpodcast