
  • The world we grew up in doesn’t exist. But this new world has endless possibilities, and our children are flexible, they accommodate change easily.

    So what if instead of trying to control your kids, suggests Susanna, you have the courage to let go and allow your kids to have their own learning experiences? To empower them to know they have what it takes to go through anything.

    On today’s podcast:

    What else is possible for our children and teenagers?How can you let go of a worldview that isn’t yours?How else can you work with children?What if you empower rather than control your children?What if you're willing to be a bad parent?


    Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call SeriesThe Book: Fairytale Family1 day Pragmatic Psychology Class: Making family and parenting work for you, July 17 in Slovenia and Online
  • We all worry, but what if worrying wasn’t your only option? What if, instead of investing in other people’s points of view, you choose to be you?

    Listen as Susanna suggests instead of worrying about what is going wrong in your life you look at it from a questioning position and give it the chance to change. Remember, you always have a choice, no matter what.

    On today’s podcast:

    What’s right about your current situation?What if worrying isn’t your only option?What if you choose to stop investing in other people’s points of view?What if you simply choose to be you?What is required to create a greater future?
  • Manglende episoder?

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  • There is always something to be afraid of or to worry about. The key is to make a different choice and go in a direction that works for you, that creates a better future for you.

    Listen to Susanna share her thoughts on taking the quantum leap to ease, joy and glory. Your past does not determine your future. Remember, you always have a choice to change your life in every moment.

    On today’s podcast:

    What if you made a different choice?What could your future look like if you didn’t allow your past to lead?What would you like to create as your future?What can you choose in this very moment to change the direction of your future? What will expand your world?


    Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call Serieswww.susannamittermaier.comwww.pragmaticpsychology.comSusanna’s ClassesSusanna’s Shop
  • The world around us is constantly shifting and changing. If you make what’s happening outside of your world part of your world you remove your choice to create your own world. And the only thing we have available is change and choice. But when you resist change, you create pain.

    Susanna invites you to look at the places in your life where you hold onto your past, and asks what change is available that you haven’t acknowledged? What if you let go of your past and ask what change and choice is available that will allow you to thrive like never before?

    On today’s podcast:

    Do you make everyone else’s world your world?The only thing we have available is change and choiceWhat if you looked at your past and made the choice to change?What if the discomfort of change isn’t something you need to avoid anymore? What are you resisting that you could be enjoying?What if your past is no longer the thing that haunts you?


    Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call SeriesGetting out of your hole - Outcreating fear, worry and separation: March 15 - A Pragmatic Psychology Intro Online CallMaking Your Life Work! March 26 and 27 - A 2 day Pragmatic Psychology Online Course
  • In these turbulent times, taking care of yourself is vital. Many people suffer from depression, anxiety and other unpleasant things because they want to be good for other people. But what if you practice a culture of taking care of yourself, of nurturing yourself? Because only then can your world grow.

    Listen to Susanna share her thoughts on a different kind of self care. The moment you start to look for more clarity on what truly works for you, everything can contribute to you, and your life will change.

    On today’s podcast:

    Do you even know who or what nurtures you? What else can you ask for that makes you happy?What if you receive and allow nurturing in your life?How do you let in more gratitude, nurturing and acknowledgement?What is available at this very moment for you to receive, that you haven't received so far?What if rather than fixing your wrongness, you discover your strongness?What do you know that you haven’t acknowledged you know?


    Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call Series
  • As we enter a New Year, imagine everything that limited you before has now gone, leaving nothing but opportunities. And we aren’t talking about unsustainable, momentary solutions created from stress. We’re talking about taking everything you’ve ever learned and questioning it.

    When you’re not weighed down by other people’s points of view, you allow yourself to see unexplored possibilities. When you allow yourself to be a happy airhead, you get to choose where to focus your attention and energy. So, asks Susanna, what else is possible for you that you’ve never considered before?

    On today’s podcast:

    What else is possible for you?What haven’t you yet considered?Have you ever created anything other than more stress when stressed?Why question everything that you’ve ever learned?What questions can you ask today that will lead you to a greater future?When you choose to be an airhead, where will you focus your attention?


    Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call Series
  • As the holidays approach, many people believe that meeting family takes away their choice because they have to meet their needs. Just because someone has needs of you doesn’t mean you don’t have choice. Needs are nothing but an interesting point-of-view.

    Listen to Susanna share why we shouldn’t stress being around family this holiday season. Most of the time, family is an institution of people wanting you to stay as you always have been and not change. What if that is ok? Let go of expectations and judgements and enjoy whatever is and how joyful you can make your visits this year.

    On today’s podcast:

    Do you really have to meet your family?What if you choose not to be triggered anymore?What if you choose to be a “bad person” because it gives you choice?What if you don’t have any expectations in regards to your family?Who are you beyond what is familiar to you?What are you beyond your relationships?What if family is something totally different from what you thought it is?


    "Fairytale Family" by Susanna Mittermaier
  • Things that need to get done, get done. And they get done when it’s time for them, not when they’re supposed to get done.

    We create stress by worrying about something in the future that isn’t happening now. But, we need to know when it’s time to be silent and wait or speak up and take action. Listen to Susanna share her thoughts on stress and how we can combat it by having a different point-of-view.

    On today’s podcast:

    How much are you aware of what people in the future need but you know it now?What if everything you create involves the future?Is it time for this [insert topic] now or later?How many things do you have to add to your life to stop being obsessive and micromanaging?What else can you add to your life that increases and expands my playground?What becomes possible when you focus on the energy of exploration?


    Your Pragmatic Exploration Start January 20, 2022
  • For most people, money brings up everything but ease, joy and glory.

    In today’s episode, Susanna touches on a topic that she has been exploring for years: money. We may find ourselves passing judgement on others and ourselves by how money is spent, which limits how you think and view spending money.

    As soon as you make a different choice the world changes, and changing our beliefs on money can expand our world. Listen to Susanna share her journey to thinking about money differently and how we can start claiming our wealth by how we view money.

    On today’s podcast:

    What is money for you?Are you only creating your money flows based on what you need or are you going beyond your needs?Are you only receiving as much as you need or are you allowing yourself to receive more than you need?Why do you need more?How many people do you know that make money the leader?If you use your money this way, what future will it create?


    Right Voice For You
  • You’re not your mental health diagnosis. You’re so much more.

    Susanna explores the thoughts around mental health and our perceptions around it. Although we may have anxiety, depression, or another mental illness, it shouldn’t define us. When a new concept enters our world that can change us, question it. Learn to question everything before accepting what is presented as truth.

    Listen to why we should question everything, why we shouldn’t accept everything presented to us as facts, and why we shouldn’t embrace the stigmas around mental health during this episode.

    On today’s podcast:

    What is this thing called mental health?What is my diagnosis really?What is anxiety really?What if you’re living not from your mind but what you perceive?Are you listening and receiving from your body?What are you aware of?
  • Like you’ve heard many times, your point-of-view creates your reality. So, if you tell your body everyday it is horrible, guess what you’re creating?

    When you put negative point-of-views and judgements against your body, you’re giving your body orders to create those things. Today, Susanna discusses how to stop being so hard on our bodies and trying to change it because of negative influences.

    On today’s podcast:

    Are you willing to not be right in your limitations for your body?Will you let the space and energy your body is inviting in?What if you allowed your body to show you the world of possibilities?What is true for me? What is true for my body?How often are you aware of someone else’s body thinking it is yours?How does your body feel?
  • It’s easy to relate to people based on expectation of who you should be, but when they don’t have any expectation or projections of who you should be you’re pretty open to be whoever you choose.

    Founder of Talk to the Entities and lead facilitator at Access Consciousness, Shannon O’Hara, joins Susanna to discuss control and why we should recognize when we’re doing it. They explore unlearning how to be perfect, creating rejection because of expectations, and why it’s important to detect when we’re trying to be in control.

    On today’s podcast:

    What else is possible?What else could you choose?What is it that you want to create in your life?What else is possible if you teach choice rather than control?Are you detecting your control?Are you rejecting by setting expectations?


    Shannon O’Hara
  • Aloneness is not actually a reality, it is a construct that gets created from your point-of-view and separation. You can create aloneness, but you can not be alone. If you want to stop feeling alone, stop creating the point-of-view that you are alone.

    Today, Susanna shares why we feel alone and how we can stop it. Are you rejecting what the universe is trying to contribute to you? Are you choosing what’s true for you? Listen to Susanna breakdown aloneness and the choices we make that cause us to feel this way.

    On today’s podcast:

    What could you receive from the universe contributing itself to you?How did I create this? How did I choose this?Is this really what I would like to choose?What’s true for me?What if you don’t look at how your life is supposed to be, but what is uniquely fun for you?Are you alone or are you creating aloneness?


    3 Online Calls! "Mental Illness- ADHD, Autism, Depression, Anxiety. What is it? How can you use it as a resource?"
  • Sarah Grandinetti, Access Consciousness certified facilitator and international speaker, joins Susanna to discuss a different way of parenting. Grandinetti’s different approach to experiences has helped people with creating a different paradigm with their kids.

    Listen to Susanna and Grandinetti discuss their personal experiences with their children and how they have learned to parent that is helping their children find what realities are possible for them.

    What else is possible with parenting?

    On today’s podcast:

    Are you letting your kid(s) choose?What is this choice creating?If a child was born into a world where wrong wasn’t a reality, what type of world would they have?How long do you have to sit with ‘I’m so wrong and bad’?What can I change for my kid(s) that will no longer make them be affected by the situation?Do you know how ____ you are?How are you changing the world today that you have not yet acknowledged?
  • Suffering and not having a good time is a point-of-view that’s been handed to us by society and the world around us, but that doesn’t have to be our reality. We have the ability to facilitate our lives and create what’s true for you and no one else.

    Listen to Susanna explore living in your true reality and facilitating change. She questions our possibilities, the ways we function, and our perspectives. Are you willing to change in order to have the life that’s best for you?

    On today’s podcast:

    Is this really the way life has to be, or is there a different possibility?Is what you’re living with heavy or light?What if you facilitate yourself to find out what’s true for you?Is this really your way of functioning or is this where you are training to other people’s ways of functioning?How would you like to create your life?How much more space, freedom, and possibilities would occur and you would facilitate with that different perspective?


    Pragmatic PsychologyFind a FacilitatorContact: [email protected]
  • What do you do when you hear the word manipulation? Do you think it’s a great tool or instantly go to a judgement of what manipulation is?

    Manipulation is just like any other word in this world. It is what it is. We decide how we use it. You can use manipulation to gain power over someone or use it to create something greater.

    Listen to Susanna and guest, Jürgen Funk, speak about how you can use manipulation as a tool to invite people to create something greater, make things easier, and to make things work.

    On today’s podcast:

    What if manipulation isn’t good or bad?How can you use manipulation within your relationships?What if we give up the need to fight for being right or wrong?How do you give up the need to be right?Ladies: How exactly are you letting men know what it is you would like?What if you receive the kindness that’s all around you?
  • “The less that I define myself the more I become that energy of possibilities.” - Brendon Watt

    Brendon Watt, international best-selling author and leading Access Consciousness facilitator, joins Susanna to discuss creating your life in a world of possibilities. We have an awareness that there’s something else possible, but we have to decide to not follow the crowd just because it's what everyone else is doing.

    Listen to Susanna and Brendon chat about how to discover what else is possible, learn how to be present with our choices, and how to contribute to our futures and the lives we want to create.

    On today’s podcast:

    Who am I today?What else is possible beyond this?What if I could receive from everything and still have choice?What if I practice being present with every choice I make?What’s a different choice I could make?For everything that you become aware of in your life, ask, what can I receive from this?How can this contribute to me and my future?Universe: will you please contribute to this?


    Are You Patient Enough To Receive What You Haven’t Asked For Yet?Choice of Possibilities
  • Being upset is a choice.

    Many times, we make a situation more valuable and powerful than us by getting upset. This episode, Susanna explores why we make situations so relevant to us and how to stop giving power to the wrong energy. Are our point-of-views misplaced in anger?

    On today’s podcast:

    Why am I making this relevant and what is really relevant for me?What is it about the person or situation that is making me upset?What choice am I not making that will allow me more freedom than I could handle?What choice could I make that would allow me to have more freedom than I can handle?Are you really willing to have freedom and ease, or are you willing to have a little bit more freedom and ease than other people?How much are you controlling your life so you’re not too different?
  • Social media and marketing consultant, Megan Hill, joins Susanna to talk about digital marketing strategies. Are you being intentional behind your business and marketing goals or feeding into quick fixes and fads? Listen to Susanna and Megan discuss how to engage with audiences, how your business contributes to your targeted consumer, what is required of you to give to yourself and others, and so much more.

    On today’s podcast:

    How can marketing be done in a different way?How are you engaging with people?What is it that speaks to you?What can I create now for the future?What can I contribute to someone right now?What is the target of your business and what do you want to create?What does everything in your life require so that you can actually bring it into reality?


    Megan Hill, Access Consciousness
  • Anything you decide you need to work at or become is something you have decided you are not yet.

    Today, Susanna invites us to a different perspective of self-confidence. Self-confidence is learned, and usually, we function from a place of judgement when it comes to our confidence. Anywhere you have a judgement, there’s a lack of something that you’re using for motivation. Has judgement been helping or hindering you? Listen to Susanna challenge the perspective of self-confidence and how to help us change this perception.

    On today’s podcast:

    Has kicking your butt to get anywhere ever worked?What if there’s a totally different perspective around self-confidence?What if you wipe judgement from your eyes and start seeing what is?What if you ask for more space to be and choice to function from?What if self-confidence is just a concept?What does it mean to me to be self-confident?What if you do the things you do because it’s fun for you?