Adrian Ellison (@adrianellison) arrives on the scene to talk about the experience of being part of Onnit/Aubrey Marcus “Fit For Service Mastermind”. Topics included, but not limited to: being a living Russian Doll, hating ecstatic dance, and what the physical architecture of your mind would look like if it were a house.
Learning which U.S. Senators may actually be extraterrestrials is NOT PRACTICAL. Learning what morning routines will strengthen your immune system and self-love is VERY PRACTICAL. See the difference here?
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Blake Ford drops in to share his insane story of battling hard drug addiction throughout his young adult life. Struggling to stay afloat and ultimately finding psychedelics as a way to heal and accept himself. Psilocybin, Ayahuasca, LSD, etc. have all been an integral part in growing beyond the sobriety and abstinence model for people like Blake.
It's unfair to say that everyone is an idiot. That's contrary to many ideas discussed on this show. But why do we get so upset with other people's incompetence? And why do we get so caught up in defending our own competence? The world may never know. But it's smart to look into it and how intelligence affects you.
In these tumultuous times, it seems the only answer to our divisions of self is to hug it out. One day, maybe we'll all understand this and the world will just stop for a minute. A kid can dream, right?
The worlds of heavy metal, horror movies, and counter-culture don't have to be so far removed from health and wellness. Death Comes Lifting is the brainchild of Zak Bellante, a personal trainer and fitness coach who wants to see people of all shapes and sizes start to get in the gym... because fitness is for the misfits too.
Veganism, like any other "ism", is a way of thinking, a way of living, and a way of potentially helping. Because of the emotional reaction it stirs up in a lot of us, it can become misunderstood and vegans themselves can become a detriment to their own cause. That being said, while not all vegan ideology is created equal, veganism is one of the best (but not perfect) ways we have to raise consciousness around the planet. Though the mass slaughter of sentient beings exists far away from us and can be easily ignored, its effects echo across the world and we're all subject to them as individuals. How do we fight back against the horrifying reality of death and consumption on this planet? How do we fight back against factory farming and pollution? We try our best. And that's all that veganism is about. TRYING YOUR BEST.
The phrase "my head is a jungle" can be taken one of two ways. Either your head is an untamed, treacherous, and dangerous hellscape filled with violent beasts and terrifying diseases (metaphorically of course). Or your mind is perfectly harmonious and natural, everything existing exactly as it should be. Having this shift in perspective allows you to understand that the ravenous panthers and creeping vines of the mind are exactly where they need to be. And it is possible to coexist with these aspects and thoughts, as long as you surrender to the idea of them eating you one day. In that place of pure submission and harmony, nothing within yourself can ever hurt you.
All things in moderation, including moderation. When we work ourselves to the bone or develop unhealthy sleep schedules, our minds and bodies start to operate at a minimum capacity. When we're caught up in the rat race or overwhelmed by personal responsibility, sometimes we need to sleep for 14 hours straight, eat some good food, and let ourselves heal for a bit.
If the human body, brain, blood, etc. is all matter. And all matter is made up of 'frequencies'. And music is a collection of melodic, energetic, and tonal frequencies. Then does music affect our very being at a vibrational level? Of course, it does! It's just a question of why, and what is the best course of action with a desired outcome in mind. Whether it’s total silence and meditation, or a loud and rambunctious EDM concert, music and energy are coursing throughout us… and music has done so since the dawn of time.
Sometimes we miss the intuitive moments that life throws at us. We blatantly receive an "error message" from the universe that is telling us to reevaluate our priorities or find a deeper truth in something. But if our purpose is not aligned with such a shocking proposition, then we're going to ignore the call and play in our diminished state, instead of stepping up to slay the dragon like we know we could. Jordan Peterson's video "how to handle life's error messages" serves as the inspiration for this podcast. Shout out Dr. Jordan B. Peterson.
We all experience the “Truman Show" delusion from time to time. With all of our exposure to media and the fact that we can only see this world through our own perspective, it's easy to think that we're the center of the universe. But can we use this concept to our own advantage? We all have the power to be heroic and confront our deepest fears, fighting daily dragon after daily dragon until we reach our higher state. Life is all about ascension, whether or not we're at the center of a stage.
In an age where having your shit together seems to call out the insecurities of others and cause them to attack you, it is imperative to rise above the noise of society and live for your self. Punk-Rock used to be about doing heroin, breaking things, and tearing down the establishment. In 2018, the status quo is normalcy and lethargy. Therefore being extraordinary and prolific is the New Counter-Culture.
After an amazing vacation, why do we always feel depressed to find our way back to normalcy? Is there something we can change about our everyday lives to make it more bearable? Are we doomed to feel despondent after experiencing such a great high? Or is there a way to be grateful for the lows and understand that contrast is what makes us appreciate them in the first place?
Recorded at Onnit HQ in Austin, TX. Erick Godsey (Onnit, Aubrey Marcus Podcast) joins us today to discuss his own personal predicaments and thoughts on this experience we call life. The ego, archetypes of the self, Carl Jung's collected works, psychedelic experiences, and personal responsibility are all dived into deeply. We are all of the darkness and all of the light, we are God incarnate, and this conversation is a great introduction to these ideas. Many thanks to Erick for hopping on the show. Saturday November 3rd, 2018
Sonder, the concept that every person you meet is working on something, is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something is omnipresent and hard to comprehend. But we can learn a lot from understanding that we only see the very very surface of everything people go through. The point is, work hard because you love the process, not the results, and be understanding because you love that others are doing the same.
The betterment of the world requires personal responsibility, sacrifice, action, accountability, and most importantly, love. Open your minds and be good to yourselves and each other. Change will come if we will it collectively.
October 31st is a time to celebrate being weird. Dive deep with Wyatt into a bit of philosophy and mysticism surrounding Halloween. As well as hidden, applicable themes in horror masterpieces The Witch and Alien (1979).
As much as we all suck at waking up in the morning, there are a few key personal practices that will always undoubtedly lead to a better day. Coffee, cold showers, not hitting snooze, they're all part of the small daily challenges we face.
Are superstitions rooted in reality? Or are they just great examples of the power of the mind and the prison of belief? Black cats, the 13th floor, and Pagan rituals. What does it all mean?
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