Last week, we sat down with Roman Apostol, co-founder of Mate Academy, to talk about business expansion, transitioning from a big corporation to a startup, and staying resilient.
Here’s what we covered:
- How did you transition from working at Google and Preply to joining Mate Academy?
- What is the Income Share Agreement (ISA) model, and how does it work at Mate Academy?
- Why did you decide to leave Google and move to Kyiv to work on Mate Academy?
- How did you scale Mate Academy from a small offline bootcamp to a global online platform?
- What were the biggest challenges in raising venture capital, and what objections did investors have?
- How do you balance operational scalability with maintaining quality in EdTech?
- What was the strategy behind expanding into new markets like Poland and Brazil?
- How do you differentiate Mate Academy from other coding bootcamps and online education platforms?
- What impact has the war in Ukraine had on running a business, and how do you maintain resilience?
- What books, podcasts, or insights have influenced your approach to leadership and scaling a startup? -
Last weekend, we sat down with Mike to discuss his impressive product career (ex-Uber, Wise, Wolt) and talk about his experience in angel investing in early-stage startups.
Here's what we discussed:
- How Mike has chosen companies in his product career
- Picking a first product role today
- Job-hopping and when to leave a role quickly
- Did Mike expect Wise and Volt to grow so big?
- Wolt’s acquisition by DoorDash and post-merger changes
- Negotiating equity vs. salary in startup roles
- Growing a product career in a slowing market
- Why more operators become angel investors
- Mike’s worst investment and key lessons
- How Mike evaluates startups before investing
Follow Mike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeproduct/ -
Manglende episoder?
Last week I had a chance to chat to Siddhi Mittal, a co-founder at yhangry (YC W22).
Here is what we discussed:
- Transitioning from a high six-figure trading job to entrepreneurship
- A non-traditional YC process
- Transitioning from an ops-led to a product-led organization
- Startup stagnation as a near-death experience
- Why generic advice never works
- Running fundraising as a discovery process
- Why the B2B2C angle is important for raising funds as a marketplace business
- How AI changes marketplace businesses
- The power of visualization for founders
Siddhi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/siddhimittal23/ -
- What makes companies grow?
- The importance of a common language in growth cultures
- A deep dive into Uber’s leaked documents
- How does the growth role differ from company to company?
- How to build a growth culture?
- All things being equal, why does one company grow faster than another?
- Can we state that companies with a strong culture actually grow faster?
- Differences between European and U.S. growth cultures
- What kind of impact do companies like Scale leave on individuals?
- How to get hired as a growth manager
- Practical tips and tricks for getting noticed by hiring managers
- The rise of micro-influencing in tech
Pavlo on Substack: https://pavlopedenko.substack.com/
Ross on Substack: https://rossongrowth.substack.com/ -
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting with SMOK's Borys Musielak. We discussed early-stage funding, the unique strengths of CEE diaspora founders, and how FAANG experience can be both an advantage and a challenge for entrepreneurs. Tune in to learn more!
What did we cover?
- What does SMOK VC do?
- Why focus on CEE diaspora founders?
- What’s the difference between CEE founders and U.S. founders?
- Why doesn’t FAANG always produce good startup material?
- How much of SMOK’s deal flow comes from LinkedIn?
- What’s the most ridiculous pitch Borys has heard?
- Why is pattern matching important in VC?
- How can someone get into VC?
- Does founder-led growth actually exist?
- What was the biggest opportunity Borys missed?
- What is SMOK VC’s request for startups?
- What advice does Borys have for all early-stage founders? -
Last week, we sat down with Guillaume Boniface-Chang, formerly of Synthesia and Google Search, to discuss the role of a Product Manager in AI-first companies, moats in AI, and more.
Topics covered:
- Synthesia: From Building New Technology to Finding Product-Market Fit
- What Differentiates AI PMs from Conventional Software PMs? The Role of a Research PM
- Synthesia’s Product Process
- What’s the Moat in AI?
- Why Positioning Is Important
- Why Scaling Compute Isn’t the Answer to LLM Challenges
- How to Stay on Top of the AI Hype
- Why Leave Google to Join a Startup?
- Why Developing a Personal Thesis Is Important for PMs
- How to Become an AI Product Manager
- Advice for Junior PMs
Follow Guillaume:
Twitter: https://x.com/guillaume_boni
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guillaume-bonifacechang/ -
Last week I had a chance to chat with Jonathan Hey, former CPO at ZenEducate.
What we discussed:
- Is writing books more exciting than building products?
- Where does Jono’s love for sketching come from?
- How can PMs learn sketching to communicate their ideas more efficiently?
- The power of explaining ideas visually
- ZenEducate and the problem they are trying to solve
- Why building empathy matters, regardless of your domain
- How has ZenEducate’s product organization evolved?
- How do you build a product strategy for a growing startup?
- How do you balance what your investors want with what your customers want?
- How will AI disrupt edtech?
- Pasha is bragging about his experience trying to use AI avatars.
- The hardest problem Jono has had to solve at ZenEducate
- Why building what a spreadsheet does is not a trivial task
Jonathan on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonohey/
Jonathan's book: https://sketchplanations.com/ -
In episode 89, we talked to Rhys Spence, Head of Research at Brighteye Ventures, one of the most active edtech VC firms in Europe and the UK.
Here’s what we discussed:
- Hyperfocusing on a specific market might lead you to unicorn status; going to the U.S. is not the only path to success.
- How did Byju’s downturn impact edtech VCs?
- Why is building a unicorn in K-12 so challenging?
- Why are edtech funds broadening their investment theses?
- What sets VC-backed companies apart?
- Brighteye’s most successful investments
- Edtech companies to watch
- Defining momentum in edtech
- How do VCs determine if your team is capable?
- Why are generalists so hard to evaluate?
- Where is edtech headed from 2024 onward?
- Where edtech meets fintech
- The role of communities in edtech -
This time, I had the pleasure of chatting with Parminder Mann, VP of Product and Design at Flutterwave, Africa’s largest startup.
Flutterwave is essentially what you’d get if Stripe and Wise combined forces and decided to focus on Africa.
Topics Covered:
- The problem Flutterwave is solving
- Flutterwave’s target countries
- Product playbook used by Flutterwave’s product organization
- A breakdown of Flutterwave’s latest product launch
- Setting up metrics for new fintech features
- The importance of regulatory requirements
- Challenges PMs face in moving into fintech
- Solving for both sides of transactions in fintech
- The role of stablecoins in Africa
- Church WhatsApp groups vs. fintechs
- Prioritization playbook at Flutterwave
- Building for Africa from London
- Embracing the problem you’re solving
- Product career advice from Parminder
Pavlo Pedenko on Substack: https://pavlopedenko.substack.com/
Parminder Mann on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/parminder-mann-12878013/ -
In episode 87, we sat down with Danny Martinez (formerly of Airbnb and eBay) to chat about building and scaling marketplaces.
- Starting with marketplaces, from finance to eBay, all the way to Airbnb.
- Why is Airbnb’s business model underappreciated?
- Lessons learned at Airbnb and the power of its brand.
- Creating emotional connections in marketplace businesses.
- A playbook for internationalizing marketplaces.
- Hiring strategies for international expansion.
- Transitioning into fractional roles.
- Figuring out your personal positioning.
- A framework for assessing investment opportunities.
Links from Pavlo:
Pavlo's Substack: https://pavlopedenko.substack.com/
Pavlo's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavlo-pedenko-7a02061b/
Links from Danny:
Newsletter: https://hiringhumans.substack.com/
Playbook for expansion: https://www.everythingmarketplaces.com/post/marketplace-expansion-marketing-considerations -
In the 86th episode of Product & Growth, we spoke with Dima Rasnovsky, Regional General Manager at Glovo.
What we discussed:
- Scaling the food delivery business across markets
- Glovo’s playbooks for launching new cities and hiring the first couriers
- How global economic trends change food delivery customers’ expectations
- Trends in drone delivery
- Trends in qCommerce
- Hiring local teams: how to source and interview effectively
- Is it the end of superapps?
- Socio-demographic reasons behind unbundling
- Dima’s book recommendations
Dima on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitryrasnovsky/
Pavlo on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavlo-pedenko-7a02061b/
Yaroslav on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yaroslav-stepanenko/ -
In the 85th episode of Product & Growth, we spoke with Rayan Dawud, Product & Operations at Cercli (YC S23).
What we discussed:
- The differences between the tech ecosystems in MENA and the UK
- Building new products at Careem, the Middle East’s super-app
- How Careem differentiates itself from Uber
- Product culture at Careem
- From operator to VC and back – the highs and lows of a VC career
- Raising venture capital in MENA
- Building products at Cercli, a new YC-funded fintech
Rayan recommended reading The Socratic Method by Ward Farnsworth -
In the 84th episode of Product&Growth, we talked to Sameer Singh, Venture Partner at Speedinvest.
Sameer's blog: https://breadcrumb.vc/
What we talked about:
- Definition of network effects and companies who have them
- How to define metrics for network effects products
- FOMO in VC
- Defensibility and economies of scale in AI
- How to evaluate and measure network effects
- How to scale network effects
- Why investors should leave problem solving to founders
Sameer's recommendations:
1. Josh Breinlinger - https://acrowdedspace.com/
2. Bill Gurley - https://abovethecrowd.com/
3. Jeff Jordan - https://a16z.com/author/jeff-jordan/
4. Lenny - https://www.lennyrachitsky.com/
5. James Currier's NFX Manual - https://www.nfx.com/post/network-effects-manual -
В 83-му випуску Product&Growth Show ми поговорили з Женею Засуцьким, засновником та CEO додатку Obimy.
Про що говорили:
1. Розробка MVP на аутсорсі.
2. Півоти та ітерації.
3. Фандрейзинг у 2023 - помилки та результати.
4. Як зворотній зв'язок інвесторів впливає на продукт.
5. Як шукати і наймати команду.
6. Гіпотези, які не вигоріли.
7. Що спільного між Yo! та Obimy. -
В 82 випуску Product&Growth Show ми поговорили з Ніком Гавриляком, співзасновником компанії assisterr.
Про що поговорили:
- Бізнес на пабліках у вконтакті: від заснування до екзіту
- Шлях до веб3: інвестиції в крипту та як не бути криптолохом
- Екосистема підтримки веб3 проектів
- Різниця між Entrepreneur First та Outlier Ventures
- Навчання у Кембріджській бізнес школі
- Пошук інвестицій на веб3 проект у 2023 році
Розіграш PS4 геймпада від KOLO: https://koloua.com/targeted/campaigns/rozigrash-dualshock
Нік в LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/havryliak/
Паша в LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavlo-pedenko-7a02061b/ -
В 81-му випуску Product&Growth ми поспілкувалися з Юлею Овчаренко та Віталієм Рожевським, співзасновниками Numo ADHD.
УВАГА: у випуску достатньо багато ненормативної лексики.
Про що поговорили?
- Що таке ADHD і чому апки можуть допомогти людям з ADHD тримати себе в фокусі?
- Як перейти з продакт-менеджменту в стартаперство?
- Як залучити перші гроші в проект і де шукати інвесторів?
- Як і навіщо півотитися? Коли це робити?
- Про найм в стартапах і чому стартап - це, в першу чергу, медійна компанія.
Вакансії в NUMO ADHD:
https://djinni.co/jobs/548292-react-native-developer-in-a-startup-/ -
В 80-му випуску Product&Growth Show ми зустрілися з Олександром Володарським, CEO та Co-founder Lemon.io - маркетплейсу первірених розробників.
Збір на рації для піхоти нового покоління: https://go.koloua.com/na-zvjazok
Про що поговорили?
1. Що таке Lemon.io?
2. Півоти в бізнесі
3. Роль продакт-менеджменту в розвитку Lemon.io
4. Навіщо Саші соціальні мережі і як Twitter допомагає рости компанії
5. Хейт в соціальних мережах
6. Найбільші помилки фаундерів
7. Про корпоративні донати і чому Lemon.io їх роблять
Не забувайте ділитись зворотнім зв'язком! -
В першому після початку війни випуску Product&Growth Show ми запросили команду волонтерів з KOLO - Женю Плохого з Readdle, Женю Ковалевського та Роса Салату з TECHIIA Holding, які волонтерять в KOLO і створюють технологічні продукти, які стимулюють донатти на ЗСУ.
Про KOLO: https://www.koloua.com/
Вперше вп'ятьох. Вперше після початку війни. Звісно, українською.
Про що поговорили?
- Про те, як роблять технологічні продукти в KOLO
- Чому ми взагалі це робимо? Навіщо взагалі волонтерити?
- Про те, як мотивуватти команду працювати над продуктом.
- Як маніпулювати, щоб команда працювала над тим, що ти вважаєш правильним?
- Продукти, про які ми думаємо в KOLO
Та багато чого іншого :)
Тут трохи про те, що про нас пишуть в РФ: https://dzen.ru/media/inagent_info/topmenedjery-ukrainskih-kompanii-posredstvom-rusofobskogo-fonda-kolo-sotrudnichaiut-s-radikalami-i-snabjaiut-terroristov-62fb04f76991f30ae9591c5a
Тут інтетрв'ю з Мішею Нестотром про KOLO: https://ain.ua/2022/10/03/misha-nestor-pro-fond-kolo/ -
В 78-м выпуске Product&Growth Show мы пообщались с Сашей Ивановым, COO/CPO в Projector Institute, в прошлом - CPO в Lun.ua
Наш чат: https://t.me/productandgrowthchat
Пашин телеграм: https://t.me/PavloIsOnTheRoad
О чем поговорили?
- От разработчика до CPO: Саша очень детально рассказал о своем карьерном пути.
- О том, как попал в Lun.ua и как ему удалось вырасти до CPO.
- Как проработать в одной компании 9 лет и что может тебя удержать на современном рынке?
- Когда можно будет купить квартиру онлайн?
- Зачем перешел в Projector Institute?
- Чем отличается инфобиз от образования? -
В 77 выпуске Product&Growth Show мы пообщались с Денисом Чумаком, Product Director в GeoZilla и CEO/Founder в DreamApp.
О чем поговорили?
- О балансе при совмещении наемной работы и своего проекта
- Работа в Hint Astrology: от 0 до 40 миллинов долларов ARR командой в 10 человек.
- Как появился DreamApp - приложение для интерпретации снов?
- Кредитная линия или венчурная модель: в чем плюсы и минусы?
- Ukrainian Startup Fund: как работает грант и стоит ли пытаться его получить?
- Чем был Nimses? Как это понимали сотрудники?
- Как Nimses рекрутил?
- Как работала продуктовая команда?
- Что заставляло людей годами работать без зарплаты?
- Почему у Nimses не получилось?
- Создание продукта или создание религии?
Наш чат: https://t.me/productandgrowthchat
Паша Педенко: https://t.me/PavloIsOnTheRoad - Vis mere