Another new (old) (renamed) series! Welcome to Dialogues, the segment where you send in your queries, questions, and scenarios, and I respond with my personal, and sometimes dubious, advice.
The name Dialogues was a collaborative effort between the Prologues instagram community, with listener Emily Searth suggesting the name, and the community as a whole voting for it (the other option was Letter to the Editor, which I fear is too good to not use for something....need a segment for that).
Introducing a new segment on Prologues: the Freewrite. We love book/writing-related puns around here. Freewriting is a writing technique that calls for stream-of-consciousness-style writing for a predetermined amount of pages or time. The goal is to kickstart your brain's creative juices by demanding that it produce words - any words, even nonsensical words, just as long as you don't stop physically writing until you hit the goal. Freewriting is effective because it helps you bypass your mental blocks and tap into deeper ideas.
Sometimes, I have several episode ideas rolling around in my head, but I can't record them because I have a block. I have something else occupying space in my head and I can't talk about anything else until I talk about That Thing. Freewrite episodes are brain dumps of anything and everything that is taking up space in my head, so that I can get it out of the way and keep moving forward.
This is the first of what I'm sure will be a frequent series on the podcast.
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This week on Prologues, my friend Sierra is here to share her experience getting re-diagnosed as an adult and the importance of staying open in your healing journey. We also dug into our childhoods to reflect on the experience of growing up mentally ill, and what that means for the rest of our lives still to come. Honest conversations like this one help us all feel less alone in our own journeys - thank you, Sierra, for your vulnerability!
One of the keys to romanticizing your life, in my view, is developing an appreciation for everyday moments that make life more special. Although I love the big luxuries, it's the small ones that give me moments to look forward to each day
Say it with me: the only way out is through. This is one of my favorite sayings, because it serves as a reminder to me that if I want to truly process and move on from a difficult feeling, I have to actually.....feel it. So whether you struggle with "feeling your feelings," or you've just been told you're too self aware to benefit from talking about them, this episode is for you.
Long distance daughters, self-employed or small business owners, and anyone feeling stuck - this episode is for you. My friend Gabby from @scotlandmagic sat down with me to discuss her incredible journey moving 10,000 miles across the world and the self-reinvention and courage necessary to change your entire life. Gabby has dedicated her career and businesses to helping women find community, feel empowered, and reconnect with their childlike whimsy, and her story of risking it all to take the ultimate chance on herself is personally inspiring to me.
This episode is sponsored by LMNT. Get a free sample pack of LMNT with the purchase of a drink mix powder only at DrinkLMNT.com/MarySkinner
Instagram: @scotlandmagic @mccscotland
Tiktok: @scotlandmagic
Website and photography: www.scotlandmagic.uk
I've been in and out of therapy over the last decade, but the years I've spent with my current therapist have taught me more than all the rest combined. Over our sessions, I've noticed the same core principles and ideas coming up time and time again, so today I have compiled them into this episode. The top lessons I've learned in therapy - use these as journal prompts, bring them up in your own sessions, or simply have a think about them - they've helped me so much and I hope they help you.
Follow Prologues on Instagram @theprologuespodcast.
68. If you have also been haunted for years by glamdemon2004 asking if you could name a hobby outside of media consumption...this episode is for you. But on a serious note, during my 3 month break from the podcast, I realized that I did not have enough offline hobbies filling my time, sparking my creativity and interest, exercising my brain, and enriching my life. I realized that in order to be an interesting person, you have to fill your time doing interesting things, and I just...wasn't. In today's episode I break down why I think we all need to prioritize hobbies in 2025, and I give 52 suggestions for hobbies you could pick up this year!
67. Three months later....welcome to Prologues Season 2! I hope you missed me as much as I missed you. What better time to enter into a new era on the podcast than now, at the start of a brand new year. I've spent the last three months getting serious with myself about what I'm doing - in my career, in my pursuits and hobbies, in my relationships, in life as a whole - and now I am back and so excited to start fresh. Tune in every Monday at 8am GMT / 3am EST / 12am PST for a new episode.
66. After much time and consideration, Prologues is going on a temporary hiatus to allow me to not only rebrand and refresh the podcast, but also to allow me to take a sabbatical for personal growth.
2024 has proven to be a year of immense change, adjustment, and development for me, and I am excited that this break will allow me the chance to reflect, process, and settle in order to come back enthused and focused for Season Two.
To everyone who has ever supported Prologues in any way, whether that be through listening, downloading, reviewing, sharing online, purchasing merchandise, etc: thank you. x
This week’s episode is all about regrouping before the home stretch of 2024. I don’t know about you, but there are a few areas I feel my performance has dipped in this summer, and rather than wait til the exciting energy of the new year, I’d like to give myself a new start today. Although I kept the specific topics light, in this episode I shared my process for setting intentions and manifestations.
- performance review
- Identify key areas
- Break big tasks down into smaller actionable tasks
- Work through your shit
- Be honest about what you want
- take aligned action
This week’s episode is also the final regular episode before the hiatus. Next week I will share the official end of season one, my personal reasons for going on break, and my vision for season two. I hope you enjoy x
64. In which I realized in real time that maybe my life isn't actually falling to pieces, maybe it's that new birth control I'm on... Girl Talk pt 6 is all about Volufiline, insomnia, decoding friendships, and how to layer your fragrances. Join for another lighthearted chat with the girls x
Info on Volufiline:
The tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFenVMf1/
Icing your vagus nerve: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10573386/
Completing the cycle: https://hr.uky.edu/news/2020-11-17/completing-our-bodys-stress-response-cycle
62. It’s finally the best time of year for food, temperature, holidays, and of course, fashion. I’ve spent hours pouring over the internet and watching the girlies on the streets to assemble this list of Fall 2024 trends, and my wishlist is already a mile long…
This episode is sponsored by LMNT. Check out this link for free sample pack of LMNT with the purchase of a drink mix powder! https://www.DrinkLMNT.com/Mary Skinner
61. We've all seen the social media horror stories of fairytale romances turned sour because it turns out two people are incompatible living together - so what can you do before moving in with a partner to set your relationship and new living arrangement up for success?
I moved in with my now-husband about three and a half years ago, and today's episode is about the 10 conversations we had beforehand to ensure our transition was as smooth as possible. I really credit these conversations with helping us both adjust to living with a partner.
60. Have you heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? You've probably seen the diagram - a pyramid table with basic level needs on the bottom (food, shelter, community) and growth-based needs on top (purpose, fulfillment, self-esteem). In my constant quest for finding The Point of it all, I decided to sit down and flesh out my own personalized hierarchy of needs, and today I'm sharing with you!
59. Today's episode is special, because one of my best friends, miss Clara Peirce, is capping off her 11 day trip to visit me by coming on the pod. Two girls, one brain cell, and one microphone - this episode is a closer look into Clara's brain and into the side of me that giggles.
I had so much fun recording and editing this episode, so we all need to tell Clara that she needs to come back on Prologues soon...
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarapeirce/?hl=en
- Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@clararpeirce?lang=en
- Website: https://clarapeirce.com/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@clarapeirce
WHERE TO FIND ME:- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mary.cj.skinner- Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theprologuespodcast- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarySkinner- Business inquiries / submissions for upcoming Q&A episodes: [email protected]
58. I recently rang in my 26th birthday, I'm having some big feelings....I have always looked forward to past birthdays because I've seen getting older as a pathway to more self confidence, growth, and knowing myself better. However, for whatever reason, this birthday has brought up a lot of conflicting feelings for me. I recorded this episode to serve as a sort of time capsule for the exact way I'm feeling in my life right now, because I know I will appreciate looking back on it when I turn 27.
Prologues also hit 1 million plays last week, so I want to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who has ever listened, downloaded, shared, and rated this podcast. I hope this next year is better than ever!
This episode is sponsored by LMNT. This link will get you a free sample pack of LMNT with any purchase of a drink mix powder! DrinkLMNT.com/MarySkinner
WHERE TO FIND ME:- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mary.cj.skinner- Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theprologuespodcast- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarySkinner- Business inquiries / submissions for upcoming Q&A episodes: [email protected]
57. Today we're finishing off the wedding reflections!
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mary.cj.skinner
- Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theprologuespodcast
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarySkinner
- Business inquiries / submissions for upcoming Q&A episodes: [email protected] - Vis mere