What ever the Mountain is: Disobedience, fear, lust, low esteem, or anything.. you don’t have to dwell there. This podcast will encourage you to destroy that unwanted mountain
Hebrew Shema
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Shema in Hebrew
This is a Hebrew then English recording of Deut 6:4-5 Hear O, Israel The LORD our G-d the LORD is One.
Yitzchak Ginsburgh recommends breathing to the Shema in a counting tempo of 8,4,6,5. This corresponds to Chevdah=Joy. Breathing in Joy. Count to 8 as you breath in, count to 4 (as you hold that breath), count to 6 (as you exhale), count to 5 (as you neither breathe or exhale). Count quick to 8 (inhaling on Shema), Count 4 (holding on Israel), Count 6 (exhaling on Adonai Eloheinu), Count 5 (as you rest on Adonaia Echad).
Pastors and parents, this is a gift! Use it. What they see in us is their desires, and torments. Learn them. Ask them to judge you. This will help council.
Salvation is given to us by the tribe of Judah! Specifically through King David’s prayers. Jesus Christ our Lord is from the tribe of Judah, and is the first fruits of the resurrection. DONT THINK for one nanosecond, that our prayers will not be answered! Set your mind on the Lord’s Will and Ask Him! He Delivers! He is ready to reveal Himself!
Kiss False doctrine goodbye!
The Father Finds Grace in Affliction of His Son.
Small short sermons