
  • Renowned wildlife photographer Joel Sartore takes us on an extraordinary journey from his early days in newspaper photography to his groundbreaking work with National Geographic and the ambitious Photo Ark project. Learn how Joel uses innovative techniques, such as black and white backgrounds, to give equal prominence to all creatures, whether they are tiny insects or massive lions. Delve into the unique challenges and collaborative effort required to photograph Earth's biodiversity, and discover how pictures play a vital role in raising public awareness about the extinction crisis.

    Brace yourself for exhilarating adventure stories from Joel’s wildlife photography escapades. From close encounters with grizzly bears and spitting cobras to the humorous ordeal of Joel's boots melting on hot lava or the time he was pelted with monkey poo! Each tale offers a vivid glimpse into the unpredictable and often perilous world of wildlife photography. Joel also shares his personal battle with a tropical disease and the fascinating discovery of traditional healing methods in the Amazon, adding an element of intrigue and danger to his conservation efforts. Join us for an episode packed with stories, insights, and a powerful message about the importance of protecting our natural world.


    Joel's work can be seen on the Photo Ark website.

    Additional links:
    Photo Ark Project
    Joel Sartore Instagram
    Joel Sartore named 2023 Jane Alexander Global Wildlife Ambassador
    "The Spider Monkey Incident"

  • Soaring through the skies of conversation, we welcome our colleague Dr. Sam Ivande, the Bird Conservation Coordinator at the Global Center for Species Survival. He's also a cardinal enthusiast with a wealth of knowledge about birds and community science. In a narrative that spans from personal connections to the environmental significance of our avian friends, Sam weaves a tapestry of anecdotes that reveal the profound kinship we share with birds. The gentle chirp of a backyard visitor, the silent glide of a distant raptor; our discussion illuminates the mosaic of human-bird relationships, from the simple joys of birdwatching to the complex challenges these creatures face due to human interference.

    Like a bird takes flight on unexpected winds, Sam's journey into conservation biology has been filled with twists and turns. How exactly did make his way from architecture to ornithology? Sam shares his passion for our feathered friends and the folks who are trying to protect them. Learn how birdwatching has created a flock of its own that's filled with as much vibrance and diversity as we find among the birds themselves.

    State of the World’s Birds Report
    Citizen Science
    Merlin Bird ID App
    eBird App
    Preventing Bird Window Strikes

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    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • From the moment Fanny Cornejo cradled a rescued baby howler monkey, her path in life became clear. Fanny, a dedicated primatologist and founder of Yunkawasi, shares her transformative journey and the conservation efforts she spearheads in Peru. Delving beyond adorable primate encounters, Fanny paints a vivid picture of the intersection between conservation and community empowerment, underscoring how education and sustainable practices can lead to a harmonious existence between humans and wildlife.

    Have you ever considered the impact your morning cup of coffee has on the world's primates? Fanny's stories reveal the intricate connection between our daily choices and the survival of species like the yellow-tailed woolly monkey. Her candid discussion on the hurdles faced by women in the field of primatology sheds light on a broader struggle for equality in science. The episode is a celebration of local heroes and a call to action, illustrating how supporting eco-friendly agriculture can safeguard our planet's biodiversity without breaking the bank.


  • Dive beneath the surface with us as we bring to light the enchanting and perilous world of sharks, alongside the indomitable shark conservationist Dr. Rima Jabado. She's not just making waves; she's here to guide us through the blue abyss, unraveling myths and broadcasting a clarion call for the protection of these majestic creatures. Our conversation navigates from the spine-tingling theme of "JAWS" to the stark realities threatening shark populations, striking a balance between jest and the sobering urgency for marine conservation.

    Throughout the episode, we traverse the diverse tapestry of marine life, spotlighting not only the apex predators of the sea but also the lesser-known species that are equally crucial to the oceanic ecosystem. Rima shares her journey from childhood wonder to conservation crusader, shedding light on the remarkable projects aimed at safeguarding our finned friends. We navigate the complexities of marine protected areas, the nuances of shark behavior, and the global challenges that loom large over the survival of these enigmatic species. In the midst of it all, we conjure the peculiar allure of the ocean's more obscure residents, from the curious goblin shark to the vibrant freshwater stingrays.


    Rima mentions the Elasmo Project, a non-profit initiative she founded in 2010 to encourage work in data-poor areas focused on investigating shark and ray fisheries and trade. She also recently launched the Important Shark and Ray Areas project to map critical habitats for these species around the world and support area-based management. Additionally, Rima is Deputy Chair of the IUCN SSC and the Chair of the Shark Specialist Group.

  • Venture into the frozen realm of the Arctic with Dr. Steve Amstrup, a leading authority on polar bears, as we explore the profound impact of climate change on these iconic predators. Throughout our conversation, Dr. Amstrup draws from his extensive fieldwork experience, highlighting the urgent challenges posed by melting sea ice and the behavioral adaptations that polar bears are forced to make. Prepare to be captivated by tales from the frontline of wildlife research and discover the meticulous efforts behind tracking and conserving these majestic animals.

    Dr. Amstrup's journey from documenting polar bear population recovery to pioneering research in their conservation opens a window into the complex world of Arctic wildlife management. Our episode traverses the inventive process of immobilizing polar bears for study, the surprising discoveries from radio collaring, and the tricky techniques developed to observe these elusive giants. As sea ice retreats, we are offered a rare glimpse into the altered existence of polar bears and the innovative science that seeks to safeguard their future.


    Steve speaks extensively about a recent publication tying greenhouse gas emissions to polar bear populations. You can find that study here.

    Additional links:
    Polar Bears International
    The Hill - Scientists link greenhouse gas emissions to polar bear population declines
    CNN - Scientists say they've found a direct link between planet-warming pollution and polar bear survival

  • Discover the ephemeral beauty of mayflies and the pressing need to conserve our precious wetlands with Dr. Luke Jacobus, whose boundless enthusiasm for Ephemeroptera and Indiana's wetland ecosystems shines brightly in our latest conversation. As we wander through his journey from a curious child enthralled by the natural world to a professor and researcher safeguarding the state's environmental heritage, you'll be captivated by tales from the field and the dedication required to study these fleeting creatures. Dr. Jacobus's experiences underscore the importance of understanding and protecting the diverse life that dwells within our own backyards, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all species, no matter how minute.

    The story of Indiana's wetlands is a poignant one, marked by loss yet filled with hope. We traverse through the history of altered landscapes, from the draining of Beaver Lake to the reshaping of the Kankakee River, shedding light on the struggle to preserve the remnants of these ecosystems. Dr. Jacobus highlights the critical roles wetlands play—beyond hosting biodiversity, they offer essential services such as water purification and flood control. Our discussion extends to the broader challenges of freshwater conservation and the significance of engaging stakeholders in a united effort to protect these environments for future generations.


    Washington Post - The world's oldest winged insect is in trouble. How frightened should we be?
    Wisconsin Wetlands Association - Can wetlands and farms go together?
    Indiana Wetlands

  • Have you ever dreamt of sporting an elephant's trunk for a day, or perhaps fluttering around with butterfly wings? Our playful musings on such animal appendages kick off a journey into the heart of elephant conservation with Vivek Menon. The founder and executive director of the Wildlife Trust of India and chair of the Asian Elephant Specialist Group joins us, Dr. Monni Böhm and Justin Birkhoff, to share his origin story—from birdwatcher to elephant defender—and the formation of an organization that has blossomed into a global conservation powerhouse.

    From a small spare bedroom operation to a force of 250 staff and 22 field stations, Menon unveils the extraordinary growth of the Wildlife Trust of India and its crusade against species decline. The man behind the mission also reveals how the shutter of a camera lens offers him solace and the unexpected ways social media has bridged his message with the next generation.


    Wildlife Trust of India
    IUCN SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group

  • Unlock the secrets of successful conservation efforts and witness the collision of science, humor, and hope as we engage with some of the sharpest minds in the ecological arena. Co-hosts Dr. Monni Böhm and Justin Birkhoff invite you to eavesdrop on their banter with conservation heavyweights like Dr. Steve Amstrup, Dr. Rima Jabado, Dr. Vivek Menon, Dr. Sam Ivande and more! Prepare to be educated and entertained as we dissect the struggles and victories in the world of biodiversity preservation.