Jeffrey and Jasdn discuss the week - Thursday edition
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Jason and Jeffrey are joined by Karin from Earkick
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Manglende episoder?
Jeffrey and Jason are back - Thursday edition
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Jason and Jeffrey are back to discuss another week - Sunday edition
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00:00 Being a voice for positivity in other parts of the world
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
02:00 A thank you introduction from Jason (Me)
05:00 wrapping up another offical season - bumps and nuts
10:00 Hosting is an art - Staying on topic with natural flows
15:00 recording vs scheduling - planning ahead for season flow
20:00 Podcasting cross promotion - Sharing/being guests - Being the married podcasting couple - Season 3 take aways
25:00 recording it feels different than editing and listening
30:00 outreach connecting and interacting with the community
sex positive in Saudi arabia? - Repressed is always curious
35:00 sometimes embarressed people lash out before attacked
40:00 The looks that diversity get in piblic - Tall guy small girl
45:00 Good ole texas masogony - Short folks get ignored a lot
50:00 It’s origan story time - Crooky Bunny was is - With visuals
55:00 How many Happy hour podcasts does one planet need?
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00:00 Why We fight - Genomic Epidemiology consulting
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
02:00 Friends of the show - Dan has a new venture
05:00 What is Genomics - Dan Evans from @EpiCtrGenomics
10:00 how COVID influenced the need for genomic studies
15:00 How genomic consulting will bridge the communication gap assisting in new vaccines and communication of them
200:00 bridging the communication gap between genomics and other tertiary sciences policy makers and manufacturers
25:00 A multi disciplinary approach to Demonic communication
30:00 Being the conduits for communication within disciplines
What are the eyeballs involved in genomic surveillance?
35:00 advancements in genomic technologies - Analytics
40:00 Why we need advancements including genomic epidemiology and better communications between dilapdines
45:00 Is there going to be public facing information communicated - Better informing the sciences as a whole
50:00 Arming disciplines with systems and analytics - Local
55:00 What would genomic epidemiology means for us
1:00.00 Visit EpiCtrGenomics On Twitter - Wrapping up
EpiCenter Genomics LLC
We are a public health consulting firm dedicated to excellence in microbial genomics, infectious disease epidemiology, and everything in between.
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00:00 -=}Kessel Walk Photoworks{=- @Kesselwalkphoto
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Patrick joins the show for a nice get to know you
05:00 Nothing is my fault - Waking up an taped to a bottle
10:00 developing the character that drinks - Solutions
15:00 Finding our self worth after the self imposed punishment
20:00 The balance of recovery - Desperately filling the void
25:00 Finding losing and understanding the people around you
30:00 What was the first meeting like - Connections and sharing
35:00 United in purpose - Addiction isn’t weakness - Fears
40:00 A sober asshole is still an asshole - Self destructive me
45:00 How do we meet folks and build beyond the inebriation
50:00 how should a friend address a friends self destruction
55:00 wrapping up with Patrick - #RecoveryPosse on twitter
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00:00 The rhetoric behind land conservation and politics
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 And Jeffrey is back from his 1700 mile tour - how do we organize our full lives - Lots of notes and lists -
05:00 So many topics to choose from - Let’s tangent instead - Agriculture and climate change - The progress is slow
10:00 Do we really attack agriculture for climate change?
Diversity in crops - location - And fuel sources - lacking advancement and infrastructure leaves most farms in the past
15:00 Why do farmers sometimes get caught up in the anti science rhetoric? - Generational divides - Cow fart solutions
20:00 farms are behind the times because their industry is behind creating new more efficient technologies - priced out
25:00 The need to upgrade the infrastructure - Baby steps
30:00 The rhetoric of 30/30 America the beautiful initiative
35:00 Who is making the rules? - Community input is crucial
40:00 forestry - Making land conservation exciting again.
45:00 Local farms - predictable crop - usefulness of land
50:00 Rational bi partisan legislation - Student loan forgiveness
55:00 the wrap up - Coming Thursday - Coming Sunday
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00:00 Who won in the Neil Young And Joe Rogan
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Whats Zach’s problem - Where is the pause button
05:00 Stress overwhelmed and how to deal with that
10:00 Is the Devil bad - Knowledge is suffering - Stress
15:00 What’s the deal with giving adults gifts? -
20:00 Are positive affirmations equal to a gift- Love?
25:00 How did we all become podcasters - tips and mics
30:00 Podcasting is forever - The after the apocalypse
35:00 Neil Young the brand vs Joe Rogan - Who got hurt
40:00 The space to elaborate our mistakes -
45:00 The scam that is the music industry - read your contract
50:00 protecting reputation staying genuine or staying on brand
55:00 How to bait an audience - That fist 30 seconds - A but full
The wrap up - How to connect with the guys from Audio pong
Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream
Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 Fighting depression in ways you can - Objects of power
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Meet Marko and Zack From Audio Pong - Why?the importance of conversation and the sharing of perspectives
When the only problem is agreeing too much -
5:00 The math of a conversation. Understood vs Accepted
10:00 Finding tactics that lead to success - The 7 day fast
15:00 Learning to have a relationship with food again - There’s a science to changing your habits - Wim Hof reviewed
20:00 Carb restriction vs calorie restriction - Time your cabs
25:00 What was eating healthy for you?- struggle with image
30:00 The Problem solver - Masculinity - Under attack -
35:00 What is masculinity - Fleshing out the definition of man
40:00 Who are your male role models - Marko explains his
45:00 actors we just openly can’t stand- Bacon, Hill, McCarthy
women in comedy - What makes comedy funny - Demographic
50:00 The anti comedy - Male genitalia jokes - Shock 4 shock
55:00 Time and experience evolve the definition of a man
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Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 Yes. America needs an update - Still better though
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Whats up with these crazy Kenya elections?
05:00 proportionate representation could be thing but
10:00 Energy independence - Who’s to blame for the in between
15:00 the situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant - This Russia not giving a shit - At what point does this get called Terrorism - Supporting Ukraine is so American - The end is near - How will the world evolve beyond Russian aggression
20:00 The paper tiger that is the Russian superpower degraded
who pays in the end for all of the support - Lend lease -
25:00 Advancing technology and arms manufacturing globally
It’s just a different form of fighting - Chaos
30:00 How America changed warfare - Bad warfare
35:00 China called us stupid and lazy - Meanwhile they’re looking pretty backwards yourself - America is better
35:00 When the choice is democracy over Communism - Is some of the verbiage being used going over America’s head
40:00 I don’t blame those that speak i blame those that listen
A group of “We can all agrees to wrap up the “We can all agree series freedom of speech, religion, bodily autonomy -
45:00 starting a multi religious Christmas card circle this year
WOKE - The freedom to use or not a freedom - Identity
50:00 The freedom to be - Life is full of empathetic moments
55:00 How do heterosexual man celebrate and hetero
Preseason NFL announcers - looking to next week
How can extroverts find calm and reflection - Solitude. Internal timers - open ended questions -
Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream
Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 People make things awkward - If it’s over it’s over
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Jeffrey’s T.O.M - FBI search @ Mar-A-Lago updates
05:00 The pathways and intricacies of indicting a former
Was there intent to distribute - Plea deal or more fighting
10:00 Pivot to power struggles relationships then to now - Dating coworkers - Staying in love - The withdraw process
15:00 What if after - The fantasy of a memory - Humans Love
20:00 Sometimes it’s me - Sometimes it wasn’t - Self analyzing
25:00 The embarrassment of knowing you screwed that one up
30:00 No doubt - There’s drought - Climate change is real I guess
Water - A human right - Desalination - let’s infrastructure this
35:00 Imagining solutions that benefit geo political issues
40:00 I republicans were wrong about climate change what else could they be wrong about - Charles Booker vs Rand Paul
45:00 so much salt - Lets use our imaginations - A new fuel less jelly fish - Does god hate Greg Abbott? hurricanes suck
50:00 Greg Abbott’s manufactured immigrant crisis backfires
55:00 Liz Cheney - a retrospective look back at an American hero - How many off ramps did she pass before taking one
1:00.00 Closing
Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream
Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 Stick your head up. It’s going to get knocked down
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Conversations spark imaginations - Check us out
Attacking law enforcement is never going to accomplish anything - You’re not proving anything or changing anything
05:00 Is there a deeper plan to attack the law in America
10:00 Serena retires and gets her “freedom” - Look out John bolton - Iran is trying to assassinate you - Saved by a democrat
15:00 Salmon Rushdie -Polio- Monkey pox - I hate anti vaxxers
20:00 So frustrated with anti vaxxers - You’re making us sick!!
waste water monitoring - We need Dan for the Polio question
25:00 Does Polio Die off or is it always there - Where would it survive - Does it thrive in other countries and or but America
30:00 viruses are warfare - How our adversaries weaken us
35:00 Should I wait for the omicron specific booster shot?
The burn pit act passed - Shamed into doing the right thing
40:00 Here come the student loans - Will that cause recession
When every one is doing better it’s not inflation it’s a rising tide
45:00 Inflation reduction act tax section - corporate tax - loop
50:00 Afghanistan - You didn’t want us there so we left - Sorry?
55:00 It was going to be fucked either way
1:00.00 Go Bears!!!! Go Carolina - The Tom Brady Tour begins
Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream
Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 The glaring truth behind our choices - We picked none
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Donald finally gets his episode - The Judge
05:00 Maybe this judge is like other judges - Non political - The Warrant - The normal process vs this situation - The proof
10:00 Why does the NARA have the right to the documents? - Classifications - How much does the designation matter
15:00 Even law evolves - Everyone falls under the laws - Avoiding the speculation about any documentation - Wait
20:00 There’s a reason things need to be classified and private
25:00 leaking nuclear technology - Who would it leak too? -
How do we know a crime took place - Removing any of the documents was the crime - The middle east affect - Lasers
30:00 The process to relieve the documents in question
35:00 The espionage act - Who’s really defunding the police
We can all agree our secrets should remain ours - America’s
Conspiracies - Discussed - The back-plant planting sneer
40:00 Second excuse -Pre - Declassification - Could he actually
45:00 Pardon possibilities - Who has one - Who could get one
50:00 How and why would the FBI be the villain - Back on the boat - Th rally around the former might split the field enough
55:00 Democrats are getting stuff done- now for eventually
1:00.00 How do these representatives not emarress you folks?
Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream
Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 Biden Kills a terrorist - The hellfire missile saves lives
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 what has Jeffrey been up to this week - Gaming hopes
05:00 Playstation or Xbox - Horror game review moment
10:00 Dead Space Remaster - The Callisto protocol - PT
15:00 the Metaverse - What is it good for - Where is it going
20:00 Practical applications of virtual reality - Remote surgery
25:00 Alex Jones - Speech is free lies will cost you - Perjury
30:00 Building a limit to speech president - Proof of harm
35:00 Victor’s useful idiots - Kavanaugh’s hot missed tips
40:00 Joe Biden killed a terrorist - over the horizon tech - The Modified hellfire missile makes me proud to be American - BG gets nine years - Jeffrey’s not buying the poison apple of it
45:00 Jobs Jobs JOBS - recession inflation bad good factors
50:00 Does too many jobs mean we can let immigrants in?
55:00 Was Rome an Autocracy? - or Authoritarian - Sentinel
Can you respect someone you have no respect for - Depends?
1:00.00 The world is moving even when you think you’re not
Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream
Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 China - The choice not to cooperate globally for peace
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Welcome to Public Access America - china v Taiwan
05:00 The history of it all - Civil war leads to Communism
10:00 We were good at nation building once upon a time
15:00 When Russia broke up with china - Working with the west
20:00 The 1970’s economic cooperation - The One China Policy
25:00 Trump terrifies broke the deal - Hong Kong falls to the CPP
30:00 the Semi Conductors - The Chip Act - Nancy Pelosi’s visit
35:00 Domestically is Xi Jinping in trouble? - China politics
40:00 The world begins to see instability in the water - Markets
45:00 The slippery slope from Country first to isolationism
50:00 Ton the other-side of the globe - Australia v China -
55:00 The choice between communism and democracy
Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream
Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 Is Donald Trump a hero? An Antitrust love story
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 Continuing our discussion - Brittney Griner
05:00 The WNBA is just getting started - Timelines -
Do trans folks belong in sports? - Competition is enough
10:00 Mixed teams - My opinion matters-less than the athlete
15:00 parody in competition - The violence of competition
20:00 Next - Donald Trump aims at destroying the PGA for $
25:00 Democrats are trying to kill big tech - The Burn Pit bill
America’s constant failure when it comes to our veterans
30:00 why are we so sh**yt to our veterans - The history of it all
35:00 It’s not enough to protect it - Protect and improve - Medicare - has it out lasted its usefulness or can we fix it
40:00 Are people anti medicine and science because they’ve been priced out of preventative services - The luxury of care
45:00 Suffering the cost of equipment - A sliding scale maybe
50:00 Medicare a dysfunctional coverage people rely on
55:00 bottom of the barrel topic - Post mortem sperm retrieval
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Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 We didn’t think worst case was possible - Gotcha!
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 It’s an easy way to podcast - Headset vs microphone - Message to our audience - We are removing the ads
05:00 The advertising needs to be genuine - Not random
It’s so hot - when it’s so humid the shy just leaks water
10:00 Does temperature warp the brain - Pale skin go north
15:00 the meanings behind the bible stuff - Fundamentals
20:00 Trump and the gang - How it happened - Two opinions
25:00 People voted for trump because it enraged the left - What caused the inflation - Where did all the stimulus go
30:00 Joe might be slow but he’s not out to break stuff - Hillary for President - Lol. We need someone to policy this shit
35:00 The right is swinging hard - Too hard? To far?
40:00 The Chips Act - Protecting ourselves from the adverse affects of globalization - Why do Republicans oppose it now?
45:00 China is weakening - What if - pondering positive tangents - The dictator begins to run its course - Taiwan
50:00 Brittney - It’s a set up - Why women in sports earn less
55:00 The more you’re worth - The more you’ll make -
1:00.00 I think women basketball is on a verge of a moment
(OMG! I can’t believe i ended it there. Lol. Sorry folks. don’t stay mad. Come back Thursday and find out where we went)
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Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 Everyone is looking to Mitch and the congress but
01:00 Theme song ( Thank you Kye from Unsubscribe.)
01:45 a broken stage coach or backwards time machine
05:00 things to understand about the 1/6 hearings
10:00 Does the vice President have that power? Clarification
15:00 What is the role of congress VS The Dept of Justice
20:00 the Mitt Romney Affect - Trump was bad at the job and
25:00 What happenes when we ask the courts to legislate -
There is no vagaries in Pro Life - Base it on policy not politics
How does any one support dissolving social security seriously?
30:00 If democrats don’t come together in the states-
31:46 The “It’s them” argument - It fails every ten years or so
35:00 Inflation, recession, trade deficits, and terrifies - Shit costs
open jobs are jobs no one wants - Slavery with extra steps
40:00 i had a Joe Manchin thought - Stay in your coal hole MF- taxing the rich - Get taxed or contribute - Church of the holy wind turbine - Devi wants their propeller hate - Join now! Ukraine - Moldavia - Russia - Nato - European union - U.N Ugh
45:00 Hungry has free health care and wee don’t - Dialog is diplomacy - Ukraine - The George Floyd of the globe - Russia sucks and Ukraine need tanks and a navy - The push back
50:00 The Terrorist designation wold change things - Training
Boris Johnson - Steve Bannon bashing - levels of intelligence
half days and wrap ups - IRL stuff chores -
Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream
Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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00:00 Just The Tip - Do what you can to avoid spreading it
01:00 Theme Song by Kye - I know we got to do something
02:00 Catching two moving targets - Dan is back from abroad
05:00 What is a big difference between here and there - TOM investing in Public Transportation - walking is a thing! -
What if the train salesman was better than Henry Ford?
10:00 Dan and Jeffrey talk Monkey Pox - #BigBrainPod
15:00 Why did the case count jump - More test5ing more info - Stigmatizing doesn’t vaccinate - How it’s transmitted and who should be concerned - It came from Moneys - We need buy in
20:00 Is Monkey Pox disfiguring? - How doe it present - Lethal? - How is it spreading? - Testing is the big black light - Jumps in curve are cause by the known or unknown - The response?
25:00 Contact tracing won’t work at even this stage - Beyond the ring - When the CDC can’t see them - Hotel room black-lighting
30:00 The fundamental failure in case investigation - Time lapse
What does vaccine production look like in real terms?
35:00 How do we learn to learn - What drives an academic?
40:00 Show that educating matters and teach kids to educate
45:00 Is there anything about the new COVID we need to worry about - Apathy - In the numbers with Dan - Hospital beds
50:00 More infections are coming - Death rates are climbing
Monkey pox is not like COVID - It’s not an MNRA thing - Lets test
55:00 Why we can’t copy/paste our way out of just any pandemic
Foods for mental health - The muffins are the bomb - Protein
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Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central
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