
  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm having a conversation with Dr. Robert Paul. Robert Paul is Vice President of the Focus on the Family Marriage Institute. He is both a marriage therapist and an accomplished speaker who presents regularly at professional conferences and enrichment events both nationally and internationally. He has co-authored six books, including “The DNA of Relationships,” with Drs. Gary and Greg Smalley, and “9 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage: And the truths that will save it and set it free,” with Dr. Greg Smalley. He is a former professor at Evangel University where he taught in both the biblical studies and psychology departments, specializing in Marriage and Family Counseling, Human Sexuality, and the integration of faith into all areas of life. Bob and his wife, Jenni, live in Springfield, Mo., have been married for over 43 years. They have four children and seven grandchildren.

    Key Points from Our Conversation: Addressing deep-seated desires and achieving relational success offers relief and freedom. Recognizing and breaking the reactive cycle in relationships can empower individuals to improve their dynamics by understanding and halting predictable conflict patterns. Group support can provide reassurance that marital challenges are universal and not unique. Faith and personal transformation, as highlighted by Robert's and his wife's journey, play a crucial role in sustaining relationships. Utilizing available resources for counseling and self-improvement, such as those mentioned in the episode, can be immensely helpful. Emotions are morally neutral and serve a purpose in signaling areas needing attention; understanding this helps in better managing them. The care cycle emphasizes the importance of balancing personal care with nurturing the relationship, leading to healthier interactions. Practical advice on nurturing oneself and the relationship, including suggestions for summer activities and self-care strategies. Recognizing the subtleties of negative thoughts and maintaining a 'no losers policy' promotes a healthier team dynamic in marriage. The need to build trust and address past relationship baggage and family influences for better current interactions. Let’s Get Real Practical: Take the Reactive Cycle Assessment Catch up on previous episodes Create a summer "being" list Resources:

    You can find a list of Christian counselors at The American Association of Christian Counselors or through Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network.
    Join the Joy Mail community for monthly updates and exclusive resources by visiting RachelGilbert.com and clicking the freebies tab

    Connect with Dr. Paul: website
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • If you’ve been around the show long, you might remember that God asked me to lay down the Talk Therapy episodes at the beginning of 2024. However, as I was out for a run the day after my 40th birthday, He dropped a word about finishing with excellence so strongly on my heart that I knew I had to share it with you in this episode.

    How do we achieve excellence? To put it into simple words, do the right thing. Excellence is the result of caring about what we do, and of putting our very best effort into what we care about.

    Key Verses:

    Colossian 3:22-25 (MSG), "Servants, do what you’re told by your earthly masters. And don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you’re serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work."

    2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."


    God, what are you asking me to finish with excellence?


    If you are not yet in our JOYmail community, I want to invite you to join today. Once a month I send an email with a personal note from me, favorite finds, podcast updates, and a free therapy resource. Go to rachaelgilbert.com and click the freebies tab to join the community.

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  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm chatting with Stefanie and Caleb Rouse. Stefanie and Caleb are dynamic relationship mentors and digital creators passionately guiding singles and couples toward fulfilling and resilient relationships anchored in faith. With their master’s degrees in marriage and family therapy with an emphasis in theology (Stefanie) and in education (Caleb), they offer tailored courses, mentorship, and guidance. These are all rooted in prayer, backed by training in psychology and biblical counseling, encouragement from Christ, and practical strategies for love that lasts. Speaking to an engaged audience across multiple social media platforms, Stefanie and Caleb provide daily insights into the transformative power of faith across all relationship stages. Their vision is a world where we learn to love each other out of God’s abundance of love, leading to impactful and joyous relationships.

    Key Points from Our Conversation: Stefanie and Caleb wrote Wholehearted Love for those who have put up barriers attempting to avoid disappointment or getting hurt. At some point, those barriers can spread to our relationship with God and stop us from experiencing His love like we did before. But He wants us to live wholeheartedly - a life where we are fully known, deeply loved, and vibrantly alive. "Wholehearted" love is all-encompassing. God loves all of you - even the parts you attempt to hide. When we experience trauma, we can develop the sense that we're not worthy of love. The beautiful truth of Christ is we cannot earn love because it is a gift He freely gives. However, it can be difficult to accept. To move to a place where we can receive love, we must allow God's truth to "rebreak" us into a reflection of His image. The lies we believe about ourselves can be deep-rooted and painful. Many of these lies are based on the responses of the people around us, so if the pain becomes too much, we may choose to hide behind a mask that ultimately isolates us, rather than engaging in vulnerability that would lead to fostering healthy relationships. You can retrain your negative thought patterns by engaging with God's Word as a habit. Express gratitude, start small, and ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance. Let’s Get Real Practical:

    Take the Reactive Cycle Assessment and share it

    Connect with Stefanie: website | Instagram
    Connect with Caleb: website | Instagram
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm speaking with the authors of Pastors' Wives Tell All: Navigating Real Church Life with Honesty and Humor, Stephanie Gilbert, Jessica Taylor, and Jenna Allen. They are also the cohosts of the Pastors’ Wives Tell All podcast - a podcast by pastors’ wives for church leaders and anyone desiring to peek inside their proverbial glass houses. As best friends from three different churches and denominations, they are breaking down walls within the Church and crushing pastor wifey stereotypes with a little ministry therapy and a whole lot of Jesus—plus the occasional Instagram dance party!

    Key Points from Our Conversation: So often people pressure pastor's wives to meet certain expectations. When they don't, it can leave congregants feeling disappointed. The best way to not get lost in other's expectations of you is to remember who you are and who you belong to. We do not seek the approval of man, but rather to serve Christ. It's common for people to assume pastor's wives are too busy or that they have a large community they spend time with, but truthfully being a pastor's wife can be lonely. Support your pastor's wife by checking on her and including her in your events. When you're part of a pastor's family, it puts your life on display. People always seem to catch you in your worst moments and it can create disillusionment. The best solution is to create a new culture of vulnerability. Only then will walls start to break and change will happen. Seeking counseling is unfortunately still a taboo subject in the church. Some consider it a sign of weak faith and others believe that it's an attempt to replace God's counsel, but seeking therapy is not an either/or, it's a both/and. Faith is our foundation, but the Bible advises us to seek wise counsel. Lay down your pride and seek counseling from God and a professional therapist. What you don't talk about owns you. Changing the stigma around therapy in the church starts from the top. Your pastor is not a licensed counselor and there are times when it's wise to seek a licensed professional therapist. Let’s Get Real Practical: Do you have a negative stigma about seeing a counselor? Ask the Lord if He's directing you to see a counselor.
    You can find a list of Christian counselors at The American Association of Christian Counselors or through Focus on the Family's Christian Counselor Network.

    Connect with Pastors' Wives Tell All: website | Instagram | Facebook
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael in talking with Jess Connolly. Jess is the author or co-author of several books, including Wild and Free, You Are the Girl for the Job, and Breaking Free from Body Shame. Along with her husband, Nick, she planted Bright City Church in Charleston, South Carolina, where they live with their four children. Jess is a woman who wants to leave her generation more in awe of God than she found it. She is passionate about family, God's Word, and seeing women take their place in the kingdom.

    Key Points from Our Conversation: We live in a defeated acceptance of exhaustion. Living right now is too much. Life is tiring and we’re accepting defeat because we think this is just how things are. Women often feel they need permission to rest, but we don't need permission. God invites us to rest - He even commands it. He wants rest for us. There will always be more to do. Ask yourself if you need to see accomplishment more than you need to feel at home in your body and soul. Do we need acceptance from others more than we need communion with God, our bodies, and our people? God integrated rest into life. We work from rest, not rest from work. We’ll never be prepared if we don’t start from a place of rest. Spiritual exhaustion occurs anytime we trade abundance with God for obligation. We are not obligated to do things for God. He can act independently of us. God asks us to help and join in His good works, but His love for us is not based on our actions or inaction. Our society has reached a point where exhaustion is normal – maybe even something to be proud of. Yes, there are life factors that affect sleep, but many of us aren’t victims of fatigue, we’re volunteers. Consider this - would God praise you for working past the point of exhaustion or would He want you to be a good steward of your body and energy? There are a lot of practical ways to get more sleep like turning off the TV, putting the phone down, using blue light blocking glasses, or journaling. Pay attention to your pace during the day. Did you overcommit? Are you consistently feeling rushed? Notice the cues your body is giving you and give yourself what you need. Don't overcomplicate the sabbath. It's simply 24 hours of enjoying God and the life He has given us. How you enjoy Him is your choice, but don’t try to get ahead. Let’s Get Real Practical:

    What area of rest do you need to lean into with the Lord and reevaluate this season?
    What beliefs do you have about rest and do those beliefs line up with God’s Word?

    Connect with Jess: website | Instagram | Facebook
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I'm chatting with Calvin Burns. Calvin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Austin, Texas, who is deeply committed to guiding individuals through their challenges with eating disorders, substance abuse, and trauma. His approach is built on a foundation of empathy, understanding, and a personal dedication to each client's journey.

    Key Points from Our Conversation: Calvin struggled with suicide and addiction until God blessed him with the opportunity to walk away from it, but walking away wasn't easy. Stopping his addiction felt like a significant loss, but the truth is the addiction was blocking what God had in store for him. If you have chosen addictions that help you numb the hard things you're facing, choosing to stop will come with a lot of complex feelings. It's important to anchor yourself to things that have been proven true, right, and trustworthy. Calvin began his career counseling individuals with alcohol addiction but soon noticed similar thought processes in people who struggled with eating disorders and body image. When we face hardships, it's easier to numb through a variety of addictions rather than process our thoughts and feelings. It can be more complicated when it comes to food addiction as you can't avoid eating like you would other substances.

    Disordered eating is a pattern of eating habits or an approach to food that is inconsistent or driven by insecurity, fear, or uncertainty. Disordered eating is the first stage of an eating disorder when those insecurities become identity.

    Behind most men struggling with eating disorders is a fear of weakness. Their value gets distorted and they believe that their strength is their worth. But it's not limited to men. Both men and women struggle because of a desire to be in control or desired, sometimes it's an attempt at emotional management, and other times it can be a struggle to ask for help. If there is a man in your life struggling with body image issues, be consistent and direct in addressing him about it. If you are struggling with body image, it can get better. You can have a life where you enjoy yourself and your body. When you can be present in your life, your relationships will be better. Community and support are crucial when you're working to change your thought processes around body image. You will not always have the internal motivation you need to succeed. If you see that someone you love would benefit from counseling, practicing vulnerability yourself is a great invite for them to feel comfortable opening up. Men can feel that showing emotions is a sign of weakness, but true strength is acknowledging what’s wrong and the willingness to do something about it. Change offers growth, opportunity, and momentum. Suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and hope doesn’t lead us to shame. Our hope in a good God that loves us and is for us is everything. Let’s Get Real Practical:

    What suffering have you endured?
    Have you allowed Jesus as your high priest to embed hope in your heart in the darkest situation?

    Connect with Calvin: website
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm speaking with a woman who was key in releasing Image Restored, Susan McPherson. Susan is an author acquisitions editor for David C. Cook Publishing and their Esther Press imprint for women. She is dedicated to encouraging and equipping women to courageously stand strong in the truth of God’s Word through her work leading the women’s community for Esther Press. She loves Jesus, coffee, college football, and her life as a wife and mother in the Nashville, Tennessee, area.

    Whether you're interested in becoming an author or not, this conversation with Susan is such an encouragement for women to pursue what God has called them to. In this episode, we discuss how authors are chosen for publishing, why being servant-minded is crucial when partnering with others, and not missing out on God's plans because we feel inadequate.

    Don't miss the est.HER conference happening April 11 - 13, 2024 in Spring Hill, TN!

    Let’s Get Real Practical:

    Your "why" has to be greater than your "what-ifs."

    What’s your why?
    What’s your what-if?
    Which voice is louder, your why or your what-ifs?

    Connect with Susan: website | Instagram | Facebook
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm chatting with a very special guest - my husband, Dr. Matthew Gilbert. Matthew Gilbert, DC, of BBC Health in Lewisville, Texas, is passionate about taking a collaborative, integrative approach to health care. He believes that patients receive the most health benefits when medical and chiropractic doctors work together to provide a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan.

    Dr. Gilbert established BBC Health to integrate his expertise in chiropractic techniques with family medicine to provide patients of all ages in the Lewisville area with the best medical, chiropractic, and rehabilitation services around. He fosters a warm, caring, family environment in an easily accessible, state-of-the-art facility. Dr. Gilbert specializes in multiple chiropractic techniques and spinal rehabilitation, and he’s an expert at evaluating and treating sports-related injuries.

    When not at the office, Dr. Gilbert enjoys spending time with his wife, Rachael, and their three children, Ellie, Olivia, and Zeke.

    Key Points from Our Conversation: We all struggle with some form of comparison. In my case, I was comparing my current body to a previous version of myself when Matt offered this life-changing perspective - "Stop comparing yourself to other women, including your younger self. She’s another woman." Fear of aging indicates a fear of death. But when we have hope of eternal life with Jesus, there is nothing to fear. Everything else will fade away, but we can have confidence in our relationship with Christ. To be able to extend unconditional love to our spouse, we must experience the unconditional love of Christ ourselves. Our ability to love is an overflow of His love for us. We often believe that our toxic body image only affects us, but what we believe about ourselves greatly affects our marriages, families, sex life, and relationships. Husbands are called to tend to their wives as a gardener would tend to his garden. You cannot beat a plant into growth, you must provide a supportive environment for it to flourish. Let’s Get Real Practical:

    Break the comparison yardstick with the 3 Rs: recognize, repent, and rejoice


    BBC Health
    Image Restored

    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I'm speaking with mother and daughter, Debbie Morris and Elaine Fisher. Debbie Morris is an author and pastor in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, who delights in helping women understand who they are in God so they can discover their destinies and experience victory in life. Elaine Fisher is an author, speaker, and pastor in Houston, Texas, and is passionate about sharing authentic revelation from the lessons she is learning as God writes her story of redemption and freedom.

    Key Points from Our Conversation: Debbie and Elaine wrote The Good Mess to give an honest account of God's goodness amid a messy life. Elaine experienced her own "prodigal son" story by confessing her struggles and sins to God and a trusted community that helped her find freedom. If you've walked away from God, He is still waiting to welcome you home. Not just that, He will meet you where you are and walk with you every step. If you allow Him, God will enable you to dig into your mess and find encouragement. Debbie and Elaine's relationship changed when Elaine was able to authentically treat the friendship with respect and honor and when Debbie was able to move from the role of instructor to counselor. When we feel God is calling us to something, we often have expectations of what that should look like. But God honors those who trust Him, regardless of the outcome. If you are a wife who is experiencing a messy marriage, better days are coming. Finding ways to bond is difficult and not all days will be good. Remember to guard your words and influences on the hard days and sow seeds of joy and life into your marriage. In the moments when things feel abnormal ("irregular heartbeats") you can choose to let things go or evaluate further what is happening. Do you notice these moments? And if you do, do you care enough to love the other person back to health? God is good and no matter what mess you're in, He can and wants to redeem it. He has a purpose and plan for the mess if you'll allow Him to use it. When you encounter God, your situation may not change but your perspective will. He will give you the encouragement you need to thrive. Let’s Get Real Practical:

    What messes can you rejoice in today?

    Buy The Good Mess: Finding Beauty in Imperfect Moments
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I'm chatting with my friend, Cynthia Yanof. Cynthia is a wife, mother, podcaster, blogger, and everyday girl who is ridiculously committed to not taking herself too seriously. She currently hosts the popular MESSmerized podcast; many Christians are familiar with her work for ChristianParenting.org, as well as her time as the creator and host of the ministry’s Pardon the Mess podcast. Cynthia worked as an attorney before pursuing a career encouraging and equipping women in their God-given callings. She loves speaking, writing, foster care, and hanging out in Dallas with her husband Mike and three kids.

    Key Points from Our Conversation: Cynthia wrote the book after growing up in a Christian household and realizing she had faith on Sundays and in big moments but struggled to understand what everyday faith looked like; faith in the messy middle. "If your theology doesn’t meet up with your reality then it’s not a theology at all, it’s just good advice.” Often in the messy times, it seems the Lord is quiet when you know He could act. In those moments, it's important to remember all the time God has been faithful. He doesn’t remove the hardship from us, He uses it to show us His faithfulness. Don’t focus on the promising future, live in the cherished present - that is where God has intentionally placed you. Lies are being fed to us and we need to slow down and assess how they're impacting our faith. Question what you believe and assess if it's true. With self-awareness and input from her trusted community, Cynthia identified 3 lies that were shaping her life - ordinary isn’t enough, everyone has to love and accept me, and her worth is determined by the success and failure of her kids. We have to start valuing quality over quantity, especially with friendships. You cannot be all things to all people. Be driven by what is significant at the moment and what has eternal value, not something you’re holding from the past. Wherever life is off-script, God is still in it. Lean in now; don’t wait for a better time to do the hard important stuff. Allow God to create His bigger picture out of the mess. Let’s Get Real Practical:

    Read Matthew 19 and consider these two questions - What do you need to let go of? What are you holding on tightly to?

    Connect with Cynthia: website | Instagram | Facebook
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • God put it on my heart to dedicate the first month of this new year by hosting a “First Fruits” podcast series. In this series, we are coming together every Monday morning and giving the first of a different area of our lives to the Lord.

    We have covered plans, time, rest, and health. This week God put it on my heart to bring in a new topic - our words.

    Key verses:

    Proverbs 16:24, "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."

    Exodus 24:3, "Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD and all the rules. And all the people answered with one voice and said, 'All the words that the LORD has spoken we will do'.”

    Job 19:2, “How long will you torment me and break me in pieces with words?

    Psalm 12:6, "The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times."

    Psalm 17:6, "I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words."

    Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."


    Lord, how is my heart?
    How are my words?
    Are there any words I need to stop listening to?
    How would You like me to use my words this year?


    If you are not yet in our JOYmail community, I want to invite you to join today. Once a month I send an email with a personal note from me, favorite finds, podcast updates, and a free therapy resource. Go to rachaelgilbert.com and click the freebies tab to join the community.

  • God put it on my heart to dedicate the first month of this new year by hosting a “First Fruits” podcast series. In this series, we are coming together every Monday morning and giving the first of a different area of our lives to the Lord.

    So far, we have discussed plans, time, and rest. This week, we are giving the Lord the first of our health and wellness.

    Since we are four weeks into the new year, chances are many of you listening have already started some form of New Year's resolution to eat differently or move more. Chances are also high that those resolutions have already been broken. If that’s you, there is no shame here. Just a chance to give this area to the Lord once and for all, in a way that is honoring to the Lord. The world offers us quick fixes and promises about our bodies but the Lord shows us how to steward our bodies in a way that feels life-giving and full of joy and peace.

    Key verses:

    1 Corinthians 3:16-22, "Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. Stop deceiving yourselves. If you think you are wise by this world’s standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God."

    Romans 12:1-2, "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."


    God, what does honoring my body look like in this season?
    What is a simple step you are asking me to take that will improve my health this year?
    What habit do I need to start or stop this year, as an act of worship to You?


    Learn more about our integrated medical practice BBC (Building Better Care) Health at bbchealth.com

    Take the What is Your Body Trying to Tell You? quiz at rachaelgilbert.com/quiz

    Check out my book Image Restored at imagerestoredbook.com

  • God put it on my heart to dedicate the first month of this new year by hosting a “First Fruits” podcast series. In this series, we are coming together every Monday morning and giving the first of a different area of our lives to the Lord.

    Last week we brought the first of our day and time to the Lord. This week, we are bringing the first of our labor to the Lord in the form of rest.

    Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. This is not a religious checklist; rather, it’s a gift from God.

    It’s convicting to remember that not entering Sabbath rest is an act of disobedience. Honoring the sabbath day is a commandment, that’s how deeply the Lord knows we need it and we trust Him when we set aside that time to enter His sacred rest.


    Repent - God, I repent for not taking a Sabbath day of rest. Please forgive me for not receiving this gift of rest. I receive your grace and forgiveness today.

    Rejoice - Thank God for rest. It was His idea.

    Revisit - What does rest look like for me in this season?


    If you are not yet in our JOYmail community, I want to invite you to join today. Once a month I send an email with a personal note from me, favorite finds, podcast updates, and a free therapy resource. Go to rachaelgilbert.com and click the freebies tab to join the community.

  • God put it on my heart to dedicate the first month of this new year by hosting a “First Fruits” podcast series. In this series, we are coming together every Monday morning and giving the first of a different area of our lives to the Lord.

    Last week we gave our plans to the Lord and this week, we are dedicating the first of our day and our time/energy throughout the day.

    We cannot pour from an empty cup. If you want secure confidence this year, start by spending time with the Savior. It’s in this sweet space that He imparts peace and tells us who we are. It’s something we can’t earn, yet He freely gives.


    What can I do to remind myself to give the first of my day to the Lord?
    What is taking my energy that is not fruitful?
    What is a time thief in my days?


    "Lord, I yield to you as my shepherd today. Thank you for your goodness, mercy, love, and supernatural favor and wisdom that follow me everywhere I go. Enlarge my family’s territory in all that we do. Keep your hand upon us and deliver us from evil. Show us the way we should go, for to you we entrust our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen."


    If you are not yet in our JOYmail community, I want to invite you to join today. Once a month I send an email with a personal note from me, favorite finds, podcast updates, and a free therapy resource. Go to rachaelgilbert.com and click the freebies tab to join the community.

  • Welcome to the first episode of 2024! Last year, God put it on my heart to dedicate the first month of this new year by hosting a “First Fruits” podcast series. We wrapped up our December Process and Pray series. If you missed it, you can still go back and listen.

    In this First Fruits podcast series, we will take every Monday and give the first of a different area of our lives to the Lord. The first area God put on my heart was our plans.

    Key verses:

    Proverbs 19:21, "You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail."

    Psalms 33:11, "But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations."

    Giving our first shifts our plans to His purpose. We give Him our first plans by pausing to ask for wisdom and discernment before moving forward. It’s not complex and doesn’t require much time, but it does mean being intentional in our planning.


    "God, what plans do I need to submit to You?" Think of a specific plan you have in mind. Ask God for His timing on moving forward with this plan.

    "God, show me any of my plans that are not from You. I don’t want to move forward if you aren’t in it."


    If you are not yet in our JOYmail community, I want to invite you to join today. Once a month I send an email with a personal note from me, favorite finds, podcast updates, and a free therapy resource. Go to rachaelgilbert.com and click the freebies tab to join the community.

  • Back by popular demand is our annual Process and Pray series! If you’re new here, in December, we spend every Monday morning in a series where we process and pray through the year. Each week the focus will be different, but the theme of processing and praying will remain the same. As a therapist, I believe in the power of pausing and reflecting so we can embrace the present and look forward to the future.

    Thus far, we have discussed victories, boundaries, and prayers. We are finishing the series by reflecting on words, or promises, from God we are standing on.


    What word did God give me for the year?

    What promises has God spoken to me and my family?

    Pray, "God, what word are you giving me for the coming year?"


    Thank you for joining me in the month of December as we praised, processed, and prayed through the year. I would love it if you would take the time to share this series with a friend so we can walk boldly into the new year. If you haven’t already, please leave a review for the show so other listeners can join us on this journey through life with Jesus as our guide.

  • In December, we spend every Monday morning in a series where we process and pray through the year. Each week, the focus will be different, but the theme of processing and praying will remain the same.

    We started this series by looking at the goodness of God by reflecting on our victories and last week we reflected on boundaries. Today, we are pausing to process answered prayers.


    What prayers have I seen answered this year? Write them down.

    What am I still praying for? Don’t quit.

    Pray, “Jesus, what bold prayers do you want me to pray this coming year?”


    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."


    Do you still need a Christmas gift for someone? Two resources mentioned in today’s episode that would make great gifts are the Radjoy Surrender Cross and my book, Image Restored. Give it as a gift and invite them to join you in a small group to read it and pray together.

  • This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I'm speaking once again with Lee Strobel. Lee is a New York Times bestselling author whose books have sold millions of copies worldwide. He earned a journalism degree at the University of Missouri and was awarded a Ford Foundation fellowship to study at Yale Law School, where he received a Master of Studies in Law degree. He was a journalist for fourteen years at the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers, winning Illinois’ top honors for investigative reporting (which he shared with a team he led) and public service journalism from United Press International. Lee also taught First Amendment Law at Roosevelt University. A former atheist, he served as a teaching pastor at three of America’s largest churches. Today he’s founding director of the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University. Lee and his wife, Leslie, have been married for more than fifty years and live in Texas. Their daughter, Alison, and son, Kyle, are also authors.

    Key Points from Our Conversation: Lee wrote Is God Real? at the request of his publisher after realizing how many Google searches have been performed on the topic. People are deconstructing or leaving Christianity due to increased skepticism and less popularity among younger generations. Evidence for the resurrection is the key tenant of the Christian faith. We can have confidence in this evidence based on execution, early reports, empty tomb, and eyewitnesses Many people will point to suffering as a case against a good, loving God, but true love involves free will. We as imperfect humans have allowed evil and suffering to exist, but in His goodness, He fixes the things He had no part in breaking. It can be easy to feel as though God is too hidden, but often it's not that He isn't instructing us, it's that He's saying something we'd rather not hear. A majority of Christians tend to rely on their personal experiences as validation of His existence, which is a valid expression of faith. However, we need to know the evidence as we will be challenged by those who have had different experiences. The "apologetic pyramid" involves looking logically through the evidence that points to Christianity from three different world views - theism, atheism, and polytheism. Only Christianity passes the test of logic and livability. Let’s Get Real Practical:

    As we move into the new year, I'm pausing, processing, and praying about where the Lord wants to take the show in 2024. In the meantime, please take some time to process and pray through 2023 with my latest Talk Therapy series.


    Ep. 144: The Case for Heaven with Lee Strobel

    Connect with Lee: website | Instagram | Facebook
    Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • In December, we spend every Monday morning in a series where we process and pray through the year. Each week, the focus will be different, but the theme of processing and praying will remain the same.

    We started this series by looking at the goodness of God by reflecting on our victories. In this episode, we are pausing to process our personal boundaries this year.


    “Jesus, what boundaries do you want to encourage me to set in my life?”


    What boundaries did I establish that went well this year?

    What unspoken boundaries did I find myself frustrated with when people broke them? Sometimes, a boundary is not a boundary unless it is spoken.

    What areas of my life might need new boundaries this coming year? Boundaries can change with seasons.


    Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life by Dr. Henry Cloud

  • Back by popular demand is our annual Process and Pray series! If you’re new here, in December, we spend every Monday morning in a series where we process and pray through the year. Each week the focus will be different, but the theme of processing and praying will remain the same. As a therapist, I believe in the power of pausing and reflecting so we can embrace the present and look forward to the future.

    We started this series by looking at the goodness of God. Today we are looking at what worked and what victories we experienced this year.


    What victories or breakthroughs came this year? There is nothing too small to celebrate.

    What went well that I want to carry into the new year? (Consider how time was spent, relationships you want to invest in, etc).

    Thank God for these victories with your voice.

    Tell someone about the goodness of God.


    One of my victories this year was my book, Image Restored. If you don’t yet have a copy, learn more or grab one at imagerestoredbook.com.