Our guest today shares her story of how she recovered her self-esteem, mindset and her lifestyle, which allowed her to break free from the multiple addictions that plagued. Sasha Tozzi credits focusing on her routine as being key, and she learned to give herself and her body exactly what was needed. Sasha learned to honor herself and her range of emotions, and doing the same will serve you as well in your journey of healing yourself emotionally.
How to Deal with the Shame of Religion by Recovering in Self Love #23
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Our guest today not only had to overcome an alcohol addiction, but she had to figure then out the strategies to defeat something that many of may not know. Sarah learned the dangers of sugar. Nutrition and wellness became part of her life and led her on the path to recovery. By remembering that your body is a gift, you will develop the self-love, trust, and respect that literally will change EVERYTHING in your life!
In this episode, our guest Jennifer credits tea for bringing her to a new, sober lifestyle of recovery, which led to her overcoming addiction. Her story shows the need to commit to oneself and which acquires a quiet, silent knowing. It also highlights the importance of filling our time with people and activities that serve YOU and in a way that you can also serve others. We discuss how we often used drugs, alcohol and frequenting the bars as a way of forgetting who we were and share some important ways to connect, to help us remember our true essence.
Joseph Sanchez truly is a leader in his community, and he leads by example with his powerful recovery story. Joseph not only shares how he is benefitting people across the nation with his work, but he discusses the personal work he has done to make sure he’s operating at his full potential. His ability to keep perspective of where he is in his life by using total awareness and mindfulness will help you take your recovery to a whole new level. Joseph reminds us that bad stuff will happen, but it’s what we in those circumstances that make all the difference.
Jacqueline believes in the importance of realizing that you’re creating what is happening right now. The words “I am” are more powerful than anything in the future. In this episode, she shares fascinating insights on The Drama Triangle, and how you too can get out of a victim mentality to square your own recovery.
Faydra is an excellent example of someone who is squaring her recovery from extreme life events. When she was going through her personal crisis with her husband was sent to prison in a high-profile case, she realized she didn’t have anybody to turn to for help and support. So Faydra reinvented her business to specialize in crisis support. She’s proud to be an ambassador for people who’ve been through a high-end crisis and helped them find the tools and resources that will help them get past anything.
Have you ever felt like what everyone else is doing or wants you to do doesn't work for you? Have you ever felt confused about doing something that is true to yourself, but resistance from others held you back? I share some current situations where this problem is present, but I also show how I can overcome this. Most of my life I was not strong enough to overcome these types of challenges and would lead to problems like addictions, depression, a toxic marriage and, trouble in school. We might find success in some areas of life while other parts are a hell. I share my path to restoring balance and crushing it in all areas of life.
Vidal is a fine example of what squaring recovery means. Vidal shares a crazy story of driving drunk and getting into a high-speed police pursuit which ended in a bad traffic accident. This was his rock bottom and transformed his life from that moment. He shares how he transformed and Vidal is now helping people through is writing, podcast and one-on-one coaching.
In this show, I share how the Recovery Squared belief guide is a pathway into transformation. The guide focuses on our belief systems and how these beliefs are the foundation to what we create in our lives. Recovery is a step in the spectrum of transformation, and I want to help bring a conceptual understanding of how this process works. I share my experience in the creation of my addictions and judgments of myself as a small child. I also share my knowledge of the recovery process so that we can more fully stand in who we are created to be and live in possibility.
Erin Hickok shares how she works with people who are processing negative thought patterns, phobias, traumas and anxiety. Through her work, which includes modalities such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), she literally transforms lives and helps others square their own recovery.
I examine the Four Stages of Competence and apply the theory to recovery. I use this theory in stepping into addiction while also using the same theory into stepping out of addictions into recovery. I take this concept even further into the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind processes 4 billion bit of information a second while the conscious mind processes only 2,000. When we can be competent in the areas of our subconscious, when aligned with truth, we create flow states and living from a heart-centered place. When we live in this space, we can live the abundant lives we dream of and give more love to the world.
Itatiaia shares her story and her process in real-time. You will get to experience her healing in this show and provides an example of the stages of healing we go through. Itatiaia removes any stigma she was once holding by sharing the different levels of guilt she was carrying most of her life. Itatiaia reveals where many problems began early in life when dealing with sexual abuse by a family member. As she suffered from not feeling heard and loved, she resorted to the exterior beauty she holds in her international modeling career. When her modeling career waned, she fell into the world of getting naked for money to support herself. Trying to deal with the shame of her past she learned to cope with alcohol and became an alcoholic. Itatiaia’s amazing story of transformation begins when she found new life as she used plant-based raw food to help heal her alcohol addictions. She now shares her experience to help others transform their lives. What is so inspiring about his story is that she continues to grow deeper by removing the many layers of shame we can hold. Real leaders share their struggles through their vulnerability to help others. I hope she inspires you to make your next transformation.
In this episode, I will share the different levels I had experienced when either thinking I 'knew' or I didn't 'know.' During a time in my life when I thought I knew it all, I was all very disconnected from my truth in who I was that ended in a nightmare. I then went on a journey of not needing to know anything, but to remain in the present. Today I get to venture into knowing a general direction, but having faith in only my next step towards that end. In this show, I provide some insights using practical tools in living mindfully in the moment. I share my experience in dealing with pain, of the past and fear of the future and how it can alter our present realities. I hope you will walk away with some tools to help you know your next step in life and stand in your truth.
Jay Brown is a light that shines brightly. Jay shares his story from the celebrity-filled parties he promoted, to falling into depression with suicide as an option after his divorce and sister's death. He took his people skills from helping people change the way they felt in a superficial way into helping people transform in a deep way through deep connections with themselves and others. Jay is helping make the world a better place and shares how you can experience transformation through connection with others.
Steve Wofford shares both his personal experience and how he has helped his coaching clients in resolving some of the fractured truth we live. Many of us live with fractured views of ourselves and hold judgments of our higher self. These judgments manifest in addictions, depression, disease and disorders. Living under fractured truth keeps us from living our Infinite Potential and the ability to create the life we truly desire. Recovery Squared is about recovering our true essence, but often we are faced with fractured views of ourselves. This show will help provide some insights to recover fully and live in our truth.
Samuel Fox shares some powerful tools we can employ to radical transform our lives and live our infinite potential. The core of this episode is about connecting with the core of who we are. The symptoms of this disconnection are addictions, disease, depression and other problems in life. Sam breaks down the process which we become disconnected which creates suffering in our lives. He breaks down how we can rise above suffering into created a dream life by using our Inner Child as a tool in guiding our healing and thriving in life. When we live in spirit connected place we can end suffering, which includes and end to addiction, depression, disease and suffering.
This episode is a solo show where I shared how I turned the worst experience into the best thing that ever happened to me. I share my path in recovery and how I learned the rhymes and rhythms of recovery are all the same. I have had to recovery from addictions, depression, divorce, illness and disease. I used the fundamentals of recovery to use each of these perceived challenges as steps into my potential. The core tool I used was how beliefs shape your perceptions and offer resources to aligning your beliefs with your highest purpose.
Jenna starts her story of transformation by learning early in life that you must have a good career so that you can take care of yourself. After realizing the corporate world was just as unsettling as the bars, she would frequent, Jenna started to find herself after losing her job and went on a transformational journey. She found herself and her purpose along the way. Her story is a story of inspiration in living a spirit-driven life in the deep vein of purpose written on her heart. Jenna helps facilitate change in others lives as a meditation and yoga instructor while being the focus point of the camera in photography and video.
Dr. Lindsay Bira provides some tools to improve your life and ways to deal with and manage stress. She explains how you can use these tools in your own life and uses them to help transform our community into leading happier lives. We cover mindfulness, meditation and breathing techniques that help to produce a better quality of life. Dealing with thoughts and feelings that produce stress can be managed to utilize the techniques covered in this show. When we utilize these tools, we are less likely to fall into negative behaviors like addictions, relapse, depression, illness, PTSD, trauma and many other life problems. These tools are especially important when living a recovery-based lifestyle.
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