On this weeks #RecoveryTalks we have two members of #Alanon who volunteer as sponsors in #Alateen meetings.
Alateen is for teenage relatives and friends of alcoholics. Alateen is part of Al-Anon.
Alateen facilitate meetings for 12-17 year olds. They meet to share their experiences of having, or having had, a problem drinker in their lives. They help and support each other.
By attending meetings, young people gain an understanding of the illness and feel the benefits of realising they are not alone. They learn that they did not cause this problem and that they are not responsible for their relative’s or friend’s drinking or behaviour.
By sharing their experiences, they find solutions to their problems and hope for the future.
They learn that they did not cause this problem and that they are not responsible for their relative’s or friend’s drinking or behaviour.
By sharing their experiences, they find solutions to their problems and hope for the future.
For information about Alateen meetings in the UK, phone:
020 7593 2070
or email the General Service Office at:
Instagram and Twitter: @AlAnonUKandEire
General information about Al-Anon UK can be found on the Al-Anon UK website:
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#DDAUK is a peer led support group, based in London, that focuses on abstinence based recovery and mental health maintenance. They also welcome family members or friends affected by addiction of loved ones. DDAUK are currently running zoom meetings for their users and this has meant people further from London have joined the group.
When not in lockdown, DDAUK run face to face meetings, creative groups such as art or meditation, bi annual retreats into the country, and other social events like a Christmas dinner.
DDAUK are passionate about giving advice about mental health as well as recovery and look to expand similarly to America.
For more information: www.DDAUK.org
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Manglende episoder?
The manager of cafe sobar, Jason Loftus, has been running this CiC for seven years, and along with the cafe runs several creative projects within it. Cafe sobar is under the umbrella of #DoubleImpactNottingham previously on #RecoveryTalks
#CafeSobar has poetry groups, music groups, and other creative meetings. Before lockdown #CafeSobar was doing music shows and poetry readings where performers were almost all in #Recovery. The cafe was used very much as a community hub for people to go for help with their recovery.
Jason is passionate about getting through the layer of addiction to the creativity within each person, that has maybe been put aside for their #Addiction. He wants to create a safe space for creativity for those in recovery and wants them pursue these dreams and facilitates this, with poetry and music and other creative arts.
Service user Grzegorz (happy to be called Greg). He stated his life was saved by cafe sober and has been abstinent for three years after his most recent relapse, but is open about his recovery journey. He is encouraged to engage in his passions which is working well for him.
Jason’s number - 07718 425557
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Introducing Chris De Bank from #WeAreNotSaints was established in 2018. It is a platform for musicians in recovery from addiction, to re-discover their creativity and find their way to be active in the music world, without having to face the dangers presented to them in the conventional music scene.
They help their artists to develop, record, release and perform their music live, all in a safe supported way that puts their recovery at the heart of everything they do.
They also host brilliant live events, that bring together music lovers and the recovery and sober communities, sharing their love and enjoyment of the music made by their artists.
Website: www.wearenotsaints.co.uk
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This week we will be joined by Lucy Rocca from Soberistas – a worldwide non-judgemental community of friendly people helping each other kick the booze and stay sober!
Lucy quit drinking in 2011 after a complicated history with alcohol left her in hospital with no recollection of how she got there. Eighteen months later, Lucy launched the social network website Soberistas which soon became home to thousands of people all looking to address their own problematic relationships with alcohol. Since 2013, Lucy has written and had published five books on stopping drinking, and now works as the editor and director at Soberistas, and a certified NLP life coach helping people learn to live happier and healthier lives.
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With Todays #RecoveryTalks we will focus on denial of addiction, with our guest speaker Win Parry.
Contact number:
07990 673 950
Win spent 25-years as Director of Addiction Treatments at Priory Hospital Group before establishing herself as one of the leading independent practitioners in 2001. Win's experience and knowledge covers all areas of Drug, Alcohol, Sex and Gambling addiction, Eating disorders, Compulsive spending, as well as Relationship, Depression, Trauma and Abuse Counselling.
Win can help you find ways to better understand yourself and how your behaviors past or present can affect not just your own personal quality of life and self-respect but those close to you as well.
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'The Comeback' is funded by local authority and Public Health England, it is an abstinence based recovery drop-in and professional art studio. It was set up and is run by people in recovery, who are supported by a team of community volunteers and creative professionals.
Today we are blessed to have 3 guests from #TheComeback who are part of The North East Lincolnshire #Recovery Community.
We will be speaking to Sam Delaney, who is the founder and director of #CreativeStartArtsInHealthCIC which was commissioned in 2019 to set up a recovery community in #NorthEastLincolnshire.
Sam has been abstinent and provided support for people in recovery for many years.
He uses art, specifically painting as a tool to aid his own recovery. He has worked on many large scale community art initiatives, designed to create purpose, opportunity and build the self esteem of people in recovery and their affected others.
Jono Heskin is part of 'The Comeback' management team. He has been involved in The Comeback and Creative Start for a number of years and is now in a key position within the service. Jono is committed to helping others in recovery from #Addiction.
Ian Gower has been involved with 'The Comeback' since it opened in 2019. He has been working on his recovery for almost 3 years. He has a number of relapses in that time, one was a couple of months ago after a year sober. Ian remains committed to recovery.
Links our #KennedyStCiO guest’s website and social media:
Twitter - @CREATivE_stART1
Twitter - @TheGrimsbyComeback
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Joining us today on our #RecoveryTalks is Annette Denby and Matt Burgiss from #Gamcare. Annette will be talking about Gambling related harms and lived experience in particularly in Women and Young females. Matt will be speaking about his work with the youth programme, gambling, gaming for young people and his own lived experience.
Gamcare - www.gamcare.org.uk
National gambling Helpline - FREEPHONE: 0808 8020 133
Seeking Women’s Voices: Gamcare are conducting a short survey to gather the views of women who are or have been engaged in support and treatment services, and who either gamble, used to gamble, or have been affected by someone else’s gambling. You can access the survey via: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GCWomen20
For more information contact:
Young people’s treatment service:
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Todays #RecoveryTalks will be with the fabulous Kerrie Higham from #TheWellCommunities in Lancashire. The Well Communities gives support to people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction through therapy, counselling, peer mentoring, employment training and social activities. At the heart of the recovery community in North Lancashire and Cumbria.
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Joining us today on our #RecoveryTalks chat is Jay, a very grateful member of #CaScotland
He joined #CocaineAnonymous at the age of 21 years old and is honoured to say he is free from the shackles of mind and mood altering substances and has 13 months sobriety through continued work of the 12 step programme.
Jay, says:
"I am a recovering drug addict. After a traumatic experience in my life, I turned to 7 years of addiction. Although for the first 4-5 years of drug use I wasn't aware of my problem, it became apparent in my final years of drug use, as I was being totally dictated to by cocaine, which took me to some very dark places, as well as my life becoming very unmanageable. After making the decision to end it all as I couldn't go on living this way anymore, divine intervention as I see it today stopped me from taking my own life that night, and it prompted me to go and seek some help for my issue with cocaine, which led me to the doors of Cocaine Anonymous #Scotland. Since that day I have not looked back and I am so so grateful to be able to share my story on this platform and to hopefully let others know that they are not alone in this. After years of thinking I was the only person who was going through this, after speaking out about my issues (my saving grace) , it turned out there was a beautiful fellowship consisting of thousands of people who had gone through the same pain and unmanageable lifestyles, although we have many different stories we all come together under one roof to share the same solution. Ca is proven to have worked for many people!
#CaScotland #CaUk #RecoveryIsPossible #KSCiO #AddictionRecovery #RecoveryTalks
For more information on how #Ca can help you, go to:
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Joining us today on our #RecoveryTalks chat is Stuart Green who is in Long term recovery.
Stuart also works for #Aspire #Drug and #Alcohol services in #Doncaster
He is also part of the national LERO group – Lived experience recovery organisations.
Stuart is mindful about how we carry the message to Whitehall about recovery.
His passion is in strength and asset based work and the power people hold to recover.
He has spoke internationally on the recovery cities work and at United nations on Recovery and wellbeing, he co-founded the recovery games and he runs a national recovery college.
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Join our #KennedyStCiO #RecoveryTalks chat with Graham, he is the Chief Exec of #DoubleImpact Services, in an East Midlands Drug and Alcohol Recovery Charity. Their mission is to promote #Recovery from #Addictions. The overall aim is to support people to build networks that strengthen recovery and create wellbeing.
Double Impact rebuilds lives shattered by addiction. They believe that with the right support at the right time, people can and do recover fully.
Their services include:
- Personal development programmes to strengthen recovery
- Education, training, volunteering and employment schemes
- Mutual aid groups and networks
- Safe spaces which foster mutual respect, peer support & a sense of community
They also have a social enterprise in #Nottingham called #CaféSobar.
Graham is in #FamilyRecovery but his interests lie across the addiction field.
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Ian has been involved in the gambling industry for over 40 years.
He spent 20 years as a pathological gambler and the last 20 as a treatment provider for anyone who is affected by problematic gambling with Breakeven, a charity he started on 2001
For 15 years Breakeven has been the partner of #Gamcare the UK's national centre for problematic gambling
Ian Semel
Area of Recovery/ Expertise/ Business is Problem Gambling
Links to website and social media are
Facebook is @Breakeven
Twitter is @breakevensouth
Instagram is @Breakevensouth
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We at #KennedyStCiO #RecoveryTalks are delighted to introduce you to this exciting innovative recovery programme. Until recently this programme had only been available in Brighton where it has been running for a few years and proven to be extremely successful for those who are looking for a more meaningful approach to recovery.
The Sun Lotus Recovery Programme is the complete A to Z of Addiction & Recovery.
It empowers individuals suffering from an addiction disorder through a process of enlightenment and cognition, giving them insight into their condition and a profound understanding of the deep rooted, physical, mental and emotional processes underlying all addictions.
The Sun Lotus Recovery Programme , Now open to all, via Zoom meetings on:
Wednesday @6.30pm and
Fridays @7pm and the links can be found here:
Facebook page:
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Join us on our #RecoveryTalks podcast with myself, Clare Kennedy CEO of #KennedyStCiO and our #Patron and co founder #KevinKennedy
Chatting with Dr Charlie Orton from #SmartRecovery
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Do you have addiction problems? Have you heard of UKAT? What have you heard about private rehabs? Do you want to know how private rehabs work? Which rehab might be good for you? Todays #RecoveryTalks is with Nuno from #UKAT talking about how important treatment is for those with addiction issues.
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In this episode of #RecoveryTalks we are joined by Neil Kerr who bravely opens up about his struggle with the devastation of cross addiction. Cross addiction is where sufferers find themselves battling multiple addictions at the same time. This unfortunately is more common than you might think, as addiction doesn't discriminate. Neil shares his tumultuous experience and his story of realisation, understanding and recovery. #KennedyStreetCiO #RecoveryTalks #CrossAddiction
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In this episode of #RecoveryTalks, Clare and Kevin Kennedy are joined by Dan from the Gamblers Anonymous fellowship. While it becomes a habit to talk about addiction from the perspective of substances, we are definitely aware of the many types of addiction that can be equally as devastating to the lives of many who suffer. And, it's definitely true for gambling addiction. Dan shares his experience and his story on this very real and yet overlooked disease. #KennedyStreetCiO #RecoveryTalks #GamblersAnonymous
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In this episode of Recovery Talks. We are joined by one of the amazing Road2Recovery headline sponsors and business connections, Citrus Ornge. We discuss Kennedy Street, our first ever successful fundraiser and Citrus Ornge.
For more information, please visit:
Citrus Ornge Media - www.citrusornge.com
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In this episode of #RecoveryTalks, Clare and Kevin Kennedy talk to Martye Davies from Sober Is Fun who shares his experience, strength and hope around recovery from addiction and recovery from Gambling addiction.
#KennedyStCio #RecoveryTalks #Recovery #SoberIsFun #Addiction
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