
  • In this episode, we commemorate the centennial of the Auburn Affirmation, exploring its profound impact on the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the broader Christian community. We explore the theological crossroads of the early twentieth century, marked by the rise of modernism and the publication of The Fundamentals. We discuss the significant events that led to the Auburn Affirmation, including Harry Emerson Fosdick’s influential sermon and the subsequent controversies that reshaped American Protestantism.

    Reflecting on these historical developments, we consider the ongoing relevance of confessional fidelity and integrity in today’s church. Join us as we examine how the Auburn Affirmation’s call for theological tolerance challenges our understanding of doctrinal adherence, and how we can navigate these waters with a commitment to both truth and unity. This episode offers valuable insights into maintaining the church’s distinct witness and enduring relevance in a pluralistic society.

  • In this installment of Van Til Group, we turn to pp. 73–77 of Cornelius Van Til's classic book, The Defense of the Faith. In this section, Van Til critiques both Roman Catholicism and certain strands of Evangelicalism for their approach to human autonomy and the nature of sin.

    Van Til argues that Roman Catholicism, as represented by Thomas Aquinas, assigns too much autonomy to human consciousness, even before the Fall, which undermines the Scriptural notion of authority and total depravity. He contends that Aquinas views fallen man as not entirely different from Adam in paradise, thus diminishing the need for grace.

    Similarly, Van Til criticizes C.S. Lewis, representing a segment of Evangelical thought, for conflating metaphysical and ethical issues and for not adequately emphasizing human disobedience to God as the root of ethical problems. Both perspectives, according to Van Til, fail to uphold the biblical doctrine that only through faith and complete reliance on the triune God of Scripture can true ethical behavior be achieved.

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  • Dr. Daniel Borvan traces the tumultuous journey of the French Reformed Church from its formation, through periods of severe persecution, to its current role within the modern Protestant landscape. This session offers a comprehensive look at the church’s theological, cultural, and social contributions over the centuries.

    This session was delivered at the Reformed Forum Symposium on the Reformation in the Francophone World (https://reformedforum.org/symposium-on-the-reformation-in-the-francophone-world).

  • Camden Bucey provides a preview of our upcoming symposium scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2024. In this event, we will explore pivotal moments and figures in the history of the Reformed tradition. This event will feature four presentations and related discussions on critical theological developments and historical events that have shaped the Protestant Church, particularly within the French-speaking world. Whether you are a scholar, student, or simply passionate about church history and theology, this symposium offers enriching insights into the enduring legacy and challenges of the Reformed tradition.

    Sessions Dan Borvan: The Church Under the Cross: An Overview of the French Reformed Church David Noe: Theodore Beza at the Colloquy of Poissy (1561) Marty Klauber: The Eucharistic Theology of Jean Mestrezat Stephen Davis: The War of the Camisards (1702–1704): Huguenot Resistance Under Louis XIV

    Visit https://www.reformedforum.org/francophone for more information.

    We also include the first two lessons in Dr. Carlton Wynne’s new course on John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Books 1–2.

    Chapters 00:00:07 Introduction 00:02:29 Symposium on the Reformation in the Francophone World 00:06:57 Overview of the French Reformed Church 00:11:30 Beza at the Colloquy of Poissy 00:13:12 The Eucharistic Theology of Jean Mestrezat 00:15:12 The War of the Camisards (1702–1704) 00:18:09 Carlton Wynne’s Course on Calvin’s Institutes, Books 1-2 00:23:38 Introduction to Calvin’s Institutes 00:52:03 John Calvin the Man 01:26:01 Conclusion
  • In this episode, we introduce the Gospel of Mark. We also explore how Mark introduces us to the person of Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Of special interest is the redemptive nature of the Gospel. This is shown by Mark's high Christology (Jesus is God), John's baptism, and Jesus' successful resistance of Satan's temptation.

  • This episode addresses the heart of Reformed evangelism, featuring a compelling conversation with the Rev. Paul Murphy, pastor of evangelism at Messiah's Reformed Fellowship in New York, and Dr. Eric Watkins, director of the Center for Missions and Evangelism at Mid-America Reformed Seminary. In this conversation, we explore the unique approach of Reformed theology to evangelism, addressing common stereotypes, and addressing the challenges and opportunities for spreading the gospel in urban settings.

    We unpack the misconception that Reformed Christians do not engage in evangelism, shedding light on the historical and theological roots of this stereotype. It also highlights the exciting new opportunities, including church planting and revitalization efforts in Chicago and New York.

    Listeners will gain insights into the distinct aspects of Reformed evangelism, as outlined by the Reformed creeds and confessions, and the importance of understanding one's role within the Body of Christ. The discussion emphasizes the need for a culture of evangelism within local congregations and offers practical suggestions for fostering this culture.

  • This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We continue our discussion of chapter XXIV, “The Government and Power of the Church.” In this episode, we talk about denominations, church as an organization and its structure, and plenty of other odds and ends related to the church.

  • In this thought-provoking episode, we dive deep into the intriguing account of Jesus’ temptation by Satan in the wilderness. Join us as we explore the profound insights offered by Geerhardus Vos on pages 339–342 in his work Biblical Theology and unpack the ultimate issue at stake in this cosmic confrontation: Who should be God, and whose Messiah would Jesus be?

    We grapple with the perplexing questions surrounding Jesus’ temptability and peccability. How could a sinless Jesus be tempted, and what does this imply about his ability to sin? We examine Vos’s argument that the things Satan suggested were not inherently sinful, only wrong due to God’s prohibition, and consider how this differs from modern interpretations that see the temptations as allurements towards a worldly, political messianic role.

    Vos’s work invites us to ponder the profound mystery of a fully human Jesus who is intimately united with the Holy Spirit and possesses a divine nature. We consider how these unique aspects of Jesus’ identity make his sinlessness even more unthinkable than Adam’s, and we wrestle with the implications for our understanding of Jesus’ impeccability.

    Through a careful analysis of Vos’s insights and a lively discussion of the theological complexities involved, we aim to shed light on this pivotal moment in Jesus’ earthly mission and its significance for our faith. Join us as we explore the depths of Jesus’ commitment to the path of humiliation and suffering, and the ultimate triumph of his messianic glory.

    This is Christ the Center episode 853 (https://www.reformedforum.org/ctc853)

  • This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We continue our discussion of chapter XXIV, “The Government and Power of the Church.” In this episode, we begin a discussion of church government of Christ's church beginning with Christ as head of the church and the church officers.

  • In this episode, we welcome Scott J. Hatch, author of Reformed Forum’s latest publication, Van Til and the Foundation of Christian Ethics: A God-Centered Approach to Moral Philosophy, to consider the profound relationship between theology and ethics as articulated by Cornelius Van Til. In addition to providing an original treatment of the subject, Hatch has also edited a critical edition of Van Til’s Christian-Theistic Ethics, which is included as a lengthy appendix in this volume. This never before been available, and anyone interested in the thought of Cornelius Van Til should surely get a copy for their library.

    This insightful conversation illuminates Van Til’s unique approach to Christian ethics, emphasizing a God-centered moral philosophy grounded in the doctrine of the self-contained ontological Trinity. Hatch explores Van Til’s critique of moral relativism and how his theological framework offers a compelling solution to ethical dilemmas, contrasting with the perspectives of other ethicists and theologians.

    The episode promises to enrich understanding of Christian ethics through the lens of Reformed theology, challenging believers to consider the foundational role of the Triune God in all moral considerations. Join us for a thought-provoking exploration of how Cornelius Van Til’s groundbreaking work continues to shape contemporary discussions on Christian ethics, offering a robust, God-centered approach that speaks to the challenges of modern moral relativism.

  • We welcome Mark Sanders, President of Harvest USA, for an enriching dialogue on confronting and healing from sexual brokenness within the church. As our society grapples with rapidly evolving norms around gender and sexuality, the church is called to respond with both theological depth and compassionate outreach. Harvest USA stands at the forefront of this mission, offering resources, discipleship, and education to equip believers to address these challenges through the lens of Reformed theology.

    Throughout this conversation, Camden Bucey and Mark Sanders discuss the significance of understanding our identity in Christ and how it shapes our approach to sexual ethics. They discuss the "Harvest Tree" model—a comprehensive biblical framework employed by Harvest USA to aid individuals and families in navigating sexual brokenness with biblical fidelity. The episode also spotlights new initiatives from Harvest USA, including free courses designed to assist parents in raising sexually faithful children and addressing gender confusion with grace and truth.

    Listeners will gain insights into the theological underpinnings that guide Harvest USA's ministry, emphasizing the importance of a proper ecclesiology and a biblically grounded anthropology. This episode not only addresses the pressing issues of our time but also offers hope and direction for the church to minister effectively in a culture of confusion and search for identity.

    Join us for an enlightening discussion that bridges deep theological concepts with practical application, illuminating the path toward healing and wholeness in Christ amidst a world of sexual and gender confusion.

    Visit harvestusa.org for more resources and information on how you can engage with this important ministry.

    00:07 Introduction
    04:06 The History and Ministry of Harvest USA
    10:04 Reformed Theological Anthropology
    25:47 Courses Available through Harvest
    30:37 Discipling Your Children
    37:35 The Tree Model
    44:32 Thoughts from the Front Line
    54:10 Additional Resources
    57:18 Conclusion

    This is Christ the Center episode 851 (https://www.reformedforum.org/ctc851)

  • Christ the Center is on the road as Camden Bucey speaks with two guest from the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Conference. This episode explores Reformed theology and its profound impact on missions. Camden is joined by Chad Vegas, founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Church and founding board chairman of Radius International, along with Jonathan Master, president of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, to explore the vital relationship between theological education and missionary work.

    The conversation covers a broad spectrum, from the excitement surrounding the seminary’s annual spring conference to the innovative partnership between Greenville Seminary and Radius International, aimed at equipping the next generation for church planting among unreached language groups. Chad Vegas also shares his personal journey from a dispensationalist background to embracing Reformed theology and the inception of Radius International. This episode sheds light on the challenges and strategies of missionary work, emphasizing the necessity of a solid biblical foundation, cultural sensitivity, and the indispensable role of the local church in sending and supporting missionaries. Join us for an engaging discussion that reaffirms the vital role of Reformed theology in advancing the gospel to the ends of the earth.

    [00:00:07] Introduction
    [00:06:35] Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and a Focus on Missions
    [00:08:35] Radius International and Church Planting among Unreached Groups
    [00:12:43] Missionary Training and Biblical Foundations
    [00:18:13] Historical and Theological Foundations of Missions
    [00:23:22] A Personal Journey to Reformed Theology
    [00:39:13] Development of Radius International
    [00:48:24] Missionary Work and Cultural Engagement
    [00:58:46] Evolving Role of Reformed Theology in Modern Missions
    [01:10:09] Future Directions for Presbyterian Missions

    This is Christ the Center episode 850 (https://www.reformedforum.org/ctc850)

  • This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We continue our discussion of chapter XXIII, “The Doctrine of the Church and the Means of Grace.” In this episode, we get into various aspects of the church: the visible and invisible distinction, church discipline, and others.

  • In this installment of Vos Group, we turn to p. 336 of Vos’s book Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments, focusing on the temptations of Jesus Christ. This discussion ventures into the heart of Jesus’s wilderness temptations, offering a rich, theological analysis that challenges and enlightens. We consider the strategic use of Old Testament quotations by Jesus during his confrontation with Satan, underscoring the deep, theological significance of these moments.

    This episode not only unpacks the unique messianic nature of Jesus’s temptations but also firmly opposes a moralizing interpretation, instead highlighting the redemptive work accomplished through Christ’s victory over sin. Through a careful examination of Jesus as the obedient Son and true Israel, this episode reveals the layers of meaning in these biblical narratives, connecting them to broader themes of redemption, covenant theology, and the Christian life. As we understand Jesus’s role as the mediator who binds and spoils the strong man, this episode encourages believers to find their identity in Christ, resting in his victorious work on our behalf.

    00:07 Introduction
    04:44 Jesus' Temptation as a Prime Example of His Earthly Ministry
    08:43 The Wilderness Temptation
    17:10 The Temple Temptation
    23:05 The Mountain Temptation
    28:44 The Emphases of Matthew and Luke
    38:38 Overcoming in Jesus and Entering Paradise
    45:01 Looking Ahead
    48:11 Conclusion

  • Reformed Forum exhibited at the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary conference in Greer, SC. This episode offers a deep dive into the Confessional Presbyterian Journal's latest issue, with a special focus on the 50th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and the historical development of the PCA's Standing Judicial Commission (SJC). Camden Bucey brings together Rev. Zachary Groff, pastor of Antioch Presbyterian Church, and Dr. Scott Cook, visiting professor of apologetics at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, both of whom are deeply involved in the Confessional Presbyterian Journal.

    The conversation starts with an exploration of the journal itself, highlighting its dedication to addressing pressing issues in the church through a blend of pastoral scholarship and rigorous theological analysis. The latest issue's theme revolves around the PCA's 50th anniversary, offering a collection of articles that reflect on the denomination's history, mission, and theological commitments.

    Zachary Groff provides an overview of the journal's contents, emphasizing the significance of the PCA's commitment to the Great Commission and its historical context. He mentions various contributions that examine the PCA's foundation, its growth, and its ongoing theological debates, particularly those concerning the church's mission and the inclusivity of nations in God's plan through Christ.

    Dr. Scott Cook focuses on the specific topic of the PCA's Standing Judicial Commission, outlining its origin and evolution. He describes the initial challenges faced by the PCA in maintaining discipline and order within its rapidly growing community. Cook traces the SJC's development back to the 1980s, a period marked by significant debate and eventual compromise within the denomination. He articulates the tension between the desire for a grassroots, decentralized approach to church governance and the practical need for an efficient, centralized judicial body to handle disciplinary cases. This part of the conversation sheds light on the broader issues of polity and ecclesiastical authority within the PCA and offers insights into how the denomination has navigated these challenges over the years.

    Throughout the episode, the guests underscore the Confessional Presbyterian Journal's role in fostering informed theological conversation and community engagement within the Reformed tradition. The discussion not only celebrates the PCA's past achievements but also critically examines its struggles and future directions, particularly in the realms of theological fidelity, church discipline, and mission​​.

    00:00:07 - Introduction
    00:03:38 - Guest Introductions: Rev. Zachary Groff and Dr. Scott Cook
    00:07:35 - In-depth Look at the Confessional Presbyterian Journal
    00:23:00 - The Formation and Significance of the PCA's Standing Judicial Commission
    00:27:06 - Challenges and Future Directions for the PCA
    00:56:35 - The Development of the SJC: From Concept to Reality
    01:00:20 - The Challenges and Controversies of Implementing the SJC
    01:04:26 - Reflecting on Growth and the Future of the PCA
    01:12:23 - Reflecting on PCA's Place in the Reformed World

    This is Christ the Center episode 848 (https://www.reformedforum.org/ctc848)

  • This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We begin a discussion of chapter XXIII, "The Doctrine of the Church and the Means of Grace."  We'll spend a few episodes discussing this chapter to dig a little deeper into the nature of the church.

  • In this enlightening episode, we discuss the nuances of conscience and confessional identity during the Reformation. Joined by Dr. Timothy Scheuers, we turn our attention to the transformative period of the 16th century, exploring how conscience acted not only as a catalyst for reform but also as a complex element influencing church unity, confessional standards, and the intricate relationship between church and state.

    The core of our discussion centers around Dr. Scheuer’s book, Consciences and the Reformation: Scruples over Oaths and Confessions in the Era of Calvin and His Contemporaries (Oxford University Press), providing a fresh perspective on the role of conscience in driving forward the Reformation’s agenda. We explore the pivotal moments and figures of this era, including Calvin’s return to Geneva and the establishment of the Geneva Academy, to understand how these historical milestones continue to influence contemporary Christian thought and practice.

    Through a blend of historical examination and practical application, this episode not only sheds light on the foundational aspects of Reformed theology but also invites listeners to reflect on the relevance of these principles in today’s ecclesiastical landscape. Whether you're a theologian, a pastor, or simply someone interested in Christian history and doctrine, this episode offers valuable insights into the enduring legacy of the Reformation and its significance for the contemporary church.

    Rev. Dr. Scheuers is the Associate Pastor of First United Reformed Church of Chino, CA, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of History at Providence Christian College (Pasadena, CA).

  • This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We turn to chapter XXII, "Sanctification and Perseverance." After too long of a break from recording, Rob and Bob were able to sit down together to discuss God's work of sanctifying his people, the nature of good works, and how God's people persevere to the end. 

  • In this episode, we speak with William Boekestein, Jonathan Landry Cruse, and Andrew J. Miller, the authors behind a new book, Glorifying and Enjoying God: 52 Devotions through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. These three pastors and theologians share their insights and experiences from their journey through the Westminster Shorter Catechism, offering listeners a unique opportunity to understand the profound theological truths encapsulated in this historic summary of faith.

    William Boekestein, serving the Immanuel Fellowship Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan, alongside his wife Amy and their four children, brings a pastoral heart to our discussion. Jonathan Landry Cruse, author of What Happens When We Worship and pastor of Community Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Kalamazoo, where he resides with his wife and three children, offers a perspective enriched by his literary and ministerial endeavors. Andrew J. Miller, the Regional Home Missionary for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in central Pennsylvania, shares his extensive missionary experiences, living out the catechism’s teachings alongside his wife Rebekah and their five children.

    Together, they speak about the motivations behind their collaborative work, the importance of the Westminster Shorter Catechism in today’s Christian walk, and how the book aims to deepen the reader’s love and knowledge of God. Join us as we explore how understanding God leads to a richer relationship with Him, and how the intertwined nature of heart and mind can bring us closer to the glory and enjoyment of God.