One of the Nicks is back but Doelman variety decided to take a pill and has gone to greener pastures of the mothership. To fill in the void of his large shoes, George "The Enabler" Doubinski has joined the crew and broken all-Canadian camaraderie.
Both Nick & George are rusty after a long break, so the only hot topic of the day is "Who moved my cheese and is it still cheese?" aka "Power Pages" and "I can do Power Apps portals - do I still have a job?".Also turns out, logins are like exercise - everyone says they want to and will do it daily but in reality...
Nick Hayduk
@Engineered_CodeGeorge Doubinski
@georgedude -
The Nick's are back after a brief break to bring you the news from the Power Platform 2022 release plans for Power Apps portals.
Nick Hayduk
@Engineered_CodeNick Doelman
@readyxrm -
Manglende episoder?
The Nicks discuss the Power Platform 2021 Release Plan and how it relates to Power Apps portals, buying a car and Coke vs Pepsi.
Nicholas Hayduk
@Engineered_CodeNick Doelman
@readyxrm -
Nick and Nick are joined by special guest "Portals Super User" Oliver Rodrigues to discuss portal terminology changes and getting answers on community forums.
Oliver Rodrigues
Nicholas Hayduk
Nick Doelman
Oliver's Scottish Summit Session:
Oliver Rodrigues - Power Apps Portals best practices
New portal terminology changes:
Terminology changes in Power Apps portals - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
Nick and Nick are joined by special guests Ulrikke Akerbæk and Franco Musso to discuss what "Where's Waldo?" is called in different countries, new portal features and how to build a Power Apps portals that doesn't look like a portal.
Portal Entity Permissions Manager
https://jonasr.app/2021/02/epm/Power Platform Release Plan 2021 Wave 1
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform-release-plan/2021wave1Ulrikke Akerbæk
https://ulrikke.akerbak.com/Franco Musso
https://francomusso.com/Nicholas Hayduk
https://www.engineeredcode.com/Nick Doelman
Colin Vermander @koolin_
Nick Doelman @readyxrm
Nicholas Hayduk @Engineered_CodeConfigure Azure AD B2C Provider:
https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-apps-portals-configure-azure-ad-b2c-provider-for-portals-in-a-new-way-preview/JQuery Update:
https://alexacrm.com/Portal Connector:
https://www.crmportalconnector.com/Sponsored by 365.Training
Nick, Colin and Nick discuss the recent Fall into Portals Virtual Conference and recap the incredible content.
Fall into Portals Recording:
https://365.training/Courses/Detail/Fall_PowerAppsPortalsContent Publishing on Portals using multi-language:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6EDgqgk9G8&t=317sColin Vermander @koolin_
Nick Doelman @readyxrm
Nicholas Hayduk @Engineered_CodeSponsored by 365.Training
Colin, Nick and Nick are back from summer vacation and chat about the portals WebAPI currently in public preview.
Portals WebAPI (Microsoft Docs)
2020 is the year of virtual conferences, and Power Apps portals are no exception with Power Portals Saturday and Fall/Spring into Portals conferences.
Power Portals Saturday (YouTube Playlist)
Fall into Portals
Colin Vermander @koolin_
Nick Doelman @readyxrm
Nicholas Hayduk @Engineered_Code
Sponsored by 365.Training
While Colin is off in the wilderness on vacation, Nick and Nick discuss the features announced in the Power Platform 2020 Wave 2 Release plans.
Nick Hayduk @Engineered_Code
Nick Doelman @readyxrm
Colin, Nick H and Nick D (CNN) chat with MVP Jim Novak about tools used when working with Power Apps portals projects.
Jim Novak is a Technical Architect with deep experience with Dynamics CRM/xRM and custom .NET application development working in projects for the United States government, education and healthcare industries.
Twitter: @crmdevjim
Website: https://futurezconsulting.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesnovak/
Other links:
Nick, Nick and Colin practice social distancing and chat from their home offices about MVP summit, Web Forms, Virtual Entities, Local Authentication and other Power Apps Portals stuff.
Show notes:
Colin's post on web forms:
https://colinvermander.com/2020/03/09/power-apps-portals-web-form-ideas-desired-improvements/Nick Hayduk's Portals Community Call:
https://www.engineeredcode.com/portals-community-callNick Doelman's Power Apps Portals online class:
https://powerplatformlearning.newzenler.com?affiliate=rVj6rbColin Vermander @koolin_
Nicholas Hayduk @Engineered_Code
Nick Doelman @readyxrm
Gus Gonzalez started a series of podcasts giving an overview of what he would do if he were the program manager for some of the Dynamics 365/Power Platform products. This the portal edition where Colin, Nick and Nick discuss the new features and options they would add to portals if they were program managers (with unlimited budget and resources)
What is your wish list item? https://ideas.powerapps.com
Our Twitters:
Colin Vermander: @koolin_
Nick Hayduk: @Engineered_Code
Nick Doelman: @readyxrm
CRM MVP Podcast: http://crmmvppodcast.com/
The Power Platform 2020 Wave 1 release plan has been published! Also announced is the WS-trust and organizationserviceproxy deprecation, which as a big impact on xRM Community edition, Microsoft open source and Adxstudio v7 portals.
Join Nick Doelman, Colin Vermander and new permanent host Nick Hayduk as they discuss these new features and changes.
Release Plan:
xRM Portals Community Edition Open Issue
Dileep Singh returns to the podcast with an update of the Power Apps Portals General Availability and some hints as to what might be coming in 2020 wave 1. Also discussed is the new Configuration Migration Tool, Forms Pro and Web Forms.
Unified Interface Transition dates Portal: https://runone.powerappsportals.com/
Ideas site: https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/
Colin's blog: https://colinvermander.com/
Nick's blog: https://readyxrm.blog
Nick's Portals Training at Scottish Summit 2020: https://scottishsummit.com/event/nd
Colin and Nick chat with Ted Pattison about his journey learning Power Apps Portals from a Power BI/SharePoint/Office 365 background.
A great conversation of Ted learns new technology and applies to teach others.
Ted's MVP profile:
Ted's training site (check out his classes!)
Colin's blog:
Nick's blog:
In this episode, Nick and Colin discuss the general availability of Power Apps Portals as well as updates from the Microsoft Ignite conference which they are enjoying from their office chairs in Canada.
This episode is brought to you by KingswaySoft.
Nick and Colin are joined by special guest Eugene Van Staden. Eugene, Colin and Nick discuss building a set of ALM/DevOps tools for PowerApps Portals deployments. Learn about the importance of healthy ALM, the available open-source tools and the challenges of applying automated DevOps to Portal projects.
Show Notes and Links: Eugene’s contact info: eugenevs@outlook.com
https://github.com/hmdvs - Eugene will eventually post some of his templates and companion app samples there. 2019 State of DevOps Report https://puppet.com/resources/whitepaper/state-of-devops-report Andrew Vogel’s tools: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Microsoft.Xrm.DevOps.Data.PowerShell/1.3.0 https://github.com/abvogel/Microsoft.Xrm.DevOps.Data Scott Durow’s Task Runner https://github.com/scottdurow/SparkleXrm/wiki/spkl Microsoft Doc’s Configuration Data Migration Tool https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/customer-engagement/portals/migrate-portal-configurationMusic: www.purple-planet.com
This episode is brought to you by KingswaySoft.
Today Dileep Singh, Principal Program Manager Lead from Microsoft, joins Nick and Colin to talk PowerApps Portals.
Introducing PowerApps Portals https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-powerapps-portals-powerful-low-code-websites-for-external-users/ PowerApps Portals Pricing Update https://colinvermander.com/2019/08/29/powerapps-portals-pricing-update/ PowerApps and Microsoft Flow licensing FAQs for October 2019 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-ca/power-platform/admin/powerapps-flow-licensing-faq#will-powerapps-and-microsoft-flow-use-rights-change-for-dynamics-365-applications PowerApps Portals Release Overview 2019 wave 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NPtZSMH0h4 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dileep-singh-82b57317/Music:www.purple-planet.com
This episode of Refresh the Cache is brought to you by Kingswaysoft.
Colin Vermander and Nick Doelman dig in to the PowerApps portals announcements--is the something new or the same Dynamics 365 portals that we know and love?
Download the release plan here.
Music: purple-planet.com
On this Episode of Refresh the Cache (brought to you by KingswaySoft), Colin and Nick play around with some of the new April ’19 release features.
Discussed in this episode:
CDS Portals
Portal Maintenance Mode
OAuth Implicit Grant Flow
Music: www.purple-planet
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