Join hosts Elisa Goodkind and Lily Mandelbaum, the mother-daughter duo renowned for their groundbreaking YouTube channel StyleLikeU and 'What's Underneath' series, as they delve deep into the heart of radical self-love in an intimate filmed podcast. From cultural icons to lesser-known gems, each episode features a guest working to proudly embrace their identity through the lens of unapologetic personal style, challenging societal norms and owning their differences as superpowers.
Through candid conversations exploring themes of redefining beauty, dress as self-expression, and shedding shame, Elisa and Lily not only spotlight those who defy conformity but also unravel the complexities of their own evolving relationship in the name of self-acceptance.
Embark upon a wondrous journey through the realms of Middle-earth and beyond with the Tolkien Road, a podcast dedicated to the enchanting tales and writings of JRR Tolkien. Come, join John, Greta, and our mighty Fellowship as we delve deep into the magic that lingers within the pages of these timeless legends.
And always remember: DO NOT BE HASTY!!!
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Adventures Through The Mind is an interview-based podcast hosted by Canadian author and public educator, James W. Jesso. Although the show topics range---from spirituality, mental health, and emotional maturity; to love, relationships and sexuality; to history, philosophy, and neuroscience---there are two underlying themes that intersect them all: psychedelics & the mind.James W. Jesso is the author of Decomposing The Shadow: Lessons From The Psilocybin Mushroom and The True Light Of Darkness, both about his experiences exploring the potentials of psychedelics.
Lou Engle is the visionary and co-founder of TheCall prayer assemblies. He has established a network of houses of prayer and currently resides in Colorado Springs where he leads TheCall, Inc. Lou and his wife Therese have been married over 33 years, and together, have 5 sons and 2 daughters.
The Wisdom Theory with Renee Amberg | THE MORE WE LEARN, THE LESS WE KNOW | Hi and welcome to my podcast, my names Renee. The main goal for this podcast is to discuss the human experience. Advice I’ve learned throughout my life so far via personal experience, the people I’ve come across, research, books, etc. I want to give people something that sparks inspiration, to be better, and to create a better life for themselves. My intention for this channel can be summed up in 3 words, HAPPINESS, MOTIVATION, & GROWTH. I want people to leave with at least one of the three. I want to reach people in ways that no one has before. I want to dive deep into the human existence, our thoughts, our brains, and spirituality to gain the most we can from this crazy journey we call life. I don’t want to beat around the bush to abide by the standards of our society. I want to debate (pleasantly) about a topic, if you happen to have a different opinion about it than I do and I want this to be a discussion not a classroom, as I want to learn just as much from my listeners as I hope they learn from me. So sit back, enjoy, and let’s discuss the workings of our existence. WANT TO SPONSOR THIS PODCAST? Send any inquires to [email protected] FOLLOW ME // YouTube: Instagram:
Sohvaryhmä on Avotakka-lehden podcast asumisesta ja sisustamisesta. Se sukeltaa yllättävistä näkökulmista ja pintaa syvemmälle aiheisiin, joista sisustuslehdet eivät kirjoita. Sohvalle kokoontuvat Avotakan toimituspäällikkö Miia Kauhanen ja päätoimittaja Kari-Otso Nevaluoma sekä vaihtuvat vieraat. Julkaisija A-lehdet.
If you could ask some of the world's brightest minds and biggest hearts any question... what would it be?
That very question is the essence of our newest adventure into the exploration of love and consciousness... The Jai Dev Show. In this semi-weekly podcast, I'll be talking to some of the most inspiring people I've met throughout my years of traveling and teaching around the world.
They are people who have concentrated their life-force. They have pointed the energy of their life into a single direction to create something beautiful and uplifting. They are the artists of life, creating and sharing the magic of their craft with their world.
I won't just be talking to yogis or spiritual teachers. I've interviewed musicians, entrepreneurs, healers, and artists of all kinds. These are the people I want to talk to, the conversations that I want to have with the people that truly inspire me. These conversations go deep into the essence of life and uncover the truths of being human that every single person can relate to. -
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Suvi Auvisen aivopesula on ohjelma, jossa itse kunkin ajattelua ravistellaan. Miksi havittelemme menestystä, vaikka se tuo meille vain harmia? Miten internet mullisti ajattelumme? Onko kaikki taide omakuvia? Jaksoissa ajattelua huuhtelevat Werner Södeström Osakeyhtiöön kuuluvien kustantamoiden kirjailijat.
Ohjelman on tuottanut Jaksomedia. -
Dedicated to liberation in all its forms, Deconstructing Yourself is passionate about fearlessly investigating, attempting, and questioning all things to do with awakening, meditation, mindfulness, brain hacking, consciousness, neurofeedback, and more.
Your host Michael W. Taft interviews some of the most interesting thinkers, authors, and teachers around, as well as other offerings. In this hard-hitting, radical, and fun podcast we look at secular post-, non-, un- Buddhism, Vajrayana, nondual Hindu Tantra, philosophy, the neuroscience of the sense of self, neurofeedback and the consciousness hacking movement, aspects of artificial intelligence, entheogens, and much more.
If you’re looking for fresh directions, free from dogma and conformism, think of the Deconstructing Yourself podcast as the radical cafe where you can hear from the most interesting luminaries either from the outside edges of dharma, or a fresh take from more traditional teachers. If you’re interested in more, check out the Deconstructing Yourself website at
Listen to Greg Boyd share his wisdom and insight 3 times per week. Recognized in 2010 as one of the 20 most influential living Christian scholars, Greg's teachings have enlightened people all over the world in their search for God. Get to know Greg and his profound theology through these short, impactful episodes.