
  • I’m talking to Attorney Greg Gianforcaro who is a fierce fighter against the Catholic Church and the priests that sexually abused Greg's childhood friends. Greg goes against the Catholic Church who Karney calls, "perpetrators by proxy".

    Attorney and former altar boy as a child, Gianforcaro decided to represent many of his friends after they came forward as adults with allegations of sexual abuse by a priest at the St. James Parish in Mendham.

    It turned out to be not just a few cases, but dozens of his friends alleging abuse by Father James Hanley during his 10 years as a priest from 1973 to 1982. Hanley was never charged because the criminal statute of limitations had expired in all of the cases.

    “Priests do not become pedophiles, pedophiles become priests. In their role as priests for centuries, they had unfettered access to children,” says Gianforcaro.

    Listen to Greg and Shari Karney talk legal shop and dig into the details on the law for adult survivors of child sexual abuse and pedophilia within a religious context and the Catholic Church. Shari Karney is a victims’ rights attorney who represents victims of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape, and sexual harassment. Currently, Karney and the nonprofit, Roar As One™ are working on educating Congress on the need to eliminate all statutes of limitations for survivors of child sexual abuse. There should be no time limits for justice for survivors of child sexual abuse. Children so preyed on, exploited, and cruelly harmed should have human and civil rights. Those who use power under a religious cloak should not be able to use their power to sexually abuse young helpless children. Karney believes that every victim deserves to have their voice heard. Through empowering victims of child sexual abuse, we stop the vicious generational cycle.

  • In this bonus episode, we discuss that while Mia Farrow tries to shield 7-year-old Dylan from the trauma of repeated questioning about sexual abuse, Allen’s legal and PR team drives a narrative that Mia is a scorned woman and unfit mother who brainwashed her children. What ensues is a harrowing custody battle where Allen tries to get sole custody over Dylan, Moses, and Ronan Farrow.

    You get to experience the legal system, its bias towards women and children. People say the system is "broken." We say the system was designed this way to have power and control over women and children. Every mother's nightmare. A custody fight, where she goes to war to save her children, and the alleged perpetrator goes to the nuclear option to win. Win at all costs, no matter the damage.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • In HBO's Allen v. Farrow, this episode sheds new light on the fact that Connecticut state prosecutor Frank Maco, despite believing there to be grounds to continue, elected not to criminally prosecute Woody Allen for the alleged sexual abuse of Dylan.

    While Allen continues to receive accolades in Hollywood and is supported by famous actresses who worked with him, the momentum of the #MeToo movement coupled with Ronan Farrow’s public support emboldens Dylan to go public with her story for the first time. This podcast is about breaking silence when you are ready, and how empowering it is to Roar as One.

  • In this episode, I’m talking with former Jehovah's Witness member, Debra McDaniel (a member of the LGBTQ+ community) who alleges that she was raped and abused by her Jehovah's Witness Presiding Overseer while the Watch Tower Organization turned a blind eye. Debra reveals her shocking truth about the child sexual abuse she endured from the age of 7-18 years from her congregation's highest leader, while the Watch Tower Organization, did nothing to protect or help her and other victims of vicious, widespread, rampant, child sexual and physical abuse. McDaniel says, she and other victims begged for justice but were shunned instead.

    Scripture shielded the accused, while the victims beg for justice. Survivors are shunned by family and ––Debra McDaniel

    Debra says that Jehovah’s Witnesses ACTIVELY covers up child sexual abuse knowing they are protected by statues of limitations and religious privileges. They also successfully misuse religious Constitutional protections and penitent-priest evidence protections to deny victims of church sexual abuse, justice. "It emboldens them and their attorneys to argue against justice for victims, young and old,” says McDaniel.

    Debra’s story of abuse at the hands of Jehovah’s Witnesses was portrayed in the documentary, by Trey Bundy, of Reveal News Organization, entitled the “Witnesses “airing on Oxygen network. In her book, Out with Consequences Debra highlights the turmoil of dealing with abuse while also being a part of the LGBTGQ+ community.

    Listeners Please Note:

    Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and practicing attorney in California, representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. Even though Shari Karney is a licensed attorney in the State of California and practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at www.karneyadvocates.com.

    Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.

  • In this episode, Shari Karney delves into HBO's Docuseries Allen v. Farrow Season 1.

    The secrets that surround incest and child sexual abuse, especially when it occurs in the family.

    Shari Karney is the victim of father-daughter incest. She understands what the child victim feels and the predatory obsession of the perpetrator. She understands Dylan Farrow's confusion, self-blame, sadness, depression, denial, guilt, and trauma. And how trauma compounds trauma. She also understands the mindset of predators, perpetrators, and incest aggressors. How they groom their victim, the community, the public. How the perpetrators can mask as 'caring fathers', excuse their obsessive inappropriate behavior toward the child as 'loving' their child victim too much. How the victim feels confusion, guilt, and pain, both physical and mental. Dylan Farrow, Woody Allen's adopted daughter with Mia Farrow, alleges that Woody Allen sexually abused her when she was 6 years old. She also details Allen's uncomfortable, unrelenting obsession with her.

    This episode delves into alleged incest and the shame and secrets surrounding it. We see firsthand, the grooming process that predators use to prepare the family, community, professionals, and even, as a celebrity, the media, for the sexual assault to come. Dylan “He was always ‘hunting’ me.” Neighbors, members of the family, multiple family friends reported Allen was intensely obsessed with Dylan. One time, Dylan remembers in this episode that Allen told her to “suck his thumb.” In time, it became clear that Allen put incredible focus on her. “He didn’t want to see the other kids. He wanted to see only me,” Dylan said. We learn that all victims are groomed. Grooming is subtle, hiding in the shadows, often invisible to victims.

  • Allen v. Farrow:


    Where there is incest, there are enablers. Mothers, fathers, siblings, neighbors, therapists, doctors, churches, schools. As the victim is groomed, so is the community. In this episode of Allen v. Farrow (HBO) we see how the community and family is groomed. How we are all groomed by narcissistic, predators, especially, the rich and famous.

    This episode focuses on Allen’s sexual relationship with another of Mia’s adopted daughters, Soon-Yi. Within seven months of the shocking discovery of Dylan’s allegation of incest by Woody Allen, he further tears the family apart by a startling revelation about his sexual relationship with Soon-Yi.

    Allen, a public relations genius, is able to distract the media, the police, prosecutors, and the public, away from Dylan’s allegations of incest and onto another allegedly consensual relationship with Mia Farrow's other adopted daughter, Soon-Yi. The public, courts, legal system, media, become enablers to Allen’s Hannibal Lector plot to twist the truth.

  • In this episode, I’m talking to Jenny Coleman who works with perpetrators, sexual abusers and pedophiles in trying to STOP them from abusing again. Stop It Now! is a perpetration prevention program to help and support people who have abused, or are at risk of abusing children...so that they stop and get treatment.

    Jenny says, “ We believe in compassionate, respectful support to all...even if that person has harmed someone.”

    Some have called, STOP IT!STOPIT NOW! ‘OFFENDER FRIENDLY’. Jenny says, “absolutely not true, but she says, “ I understand how victims of sexual abuse may feel this way.”

    STOPITNOW OFFERS A Helpline service created to provide accessible, confidential information, guidance and support to anyone who is worried that a THEY ARE SEXUALLY HARMING A CHILD, or knows someone who is, concerned about their own or someone else’s sexual feelings or behaviors toward children, has survived sexual abuse, or is simply seeking information to keep children safe from harm

    Stop it now is a perpetrator, child sexual abuser program.

    Jenny Coleman is a member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), serving on their prevention committee and is a member of the National Association to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse.

    Listeners, Please Note: Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at https://karneyadvocates.com

  • In this episode, I’m talking to attorney David Angeloff, Esq., whom I call, the Workplace Justice Warrior, an experienced attorney for anyone who is being sexually harassed or sexually assaulted in the workplace. He is an outstanding trial lawyer. A Man with a good heart, a brilliant mind, and the soul of a shaman. Spiritual, deeply empathetic, yet warrior-like for survivors. I’ve gotten to know David; firsthand and you’re going to want to hear what he has to say.

    David takes on cases and fights for employees and workers in employment law, representing employees and workers who are sexually harassed or assaulted at work by co-workers, bosses, executives, and others.

    David defines what sexual harassment and assault at work and in the employment context look and feel like. How to know if you’re being sexually harassed or sexually assaulted at work and have legal rights.

    And if you feel you are being sexually harassed at work, what do you do about it?

    David is a trial lawyer and part of the Stalwart Law Group in Los Angeles, CA.

    David believes that all discrimination in the workplace needs to be looked at.

    David Angeloff, lays out for us, in a clear, no-nonsense way, how to know if you are being sexually harassed/sexually assaulted at work and what to do. Buckle your seatbelts. You're going to want to hear this.

  • In this episode, I’m talking to Palm Beach's State Attorney Dave Aronberg who says "Matt's in a whole lot of trouble. Child sex trafficking is punishable by up to life in prison," says Palm Beach Co. state attorney Dave Aronberg of the accusations facing GOP lawmaker Matt Gaetz.

    "Even if they can't make a case of child sex trafficking, if you've proven to have sex with an underage girl, that's a felony in Florida, punishable by up to 15 years in state prison."

    Dave Aronberg for what many are now calling in Florida, “The Pedophile Coast” because of Jeffrey Epstein and accused Congressman Matt Gaetz, and Donald Trump, among many others. As the State Attorney for Palm Beach County, Florida he has first-hand information about Congressman Matt Gaetz's alleged sex trafficking of underage girls and the sexual abuse criminal case.

    "Matt's in a whole lot of trouble. Child sex trafficking is punishable by up to life in prison," says Palm Beach Co. state attorney Dave Aronberg of the accusations facing GOP lawmaker Matt Gaetz.

    "Even if they can't make a case of child sex trafficking, if you're proven to have sex with an underage girl, that's a felony in Florida, punishable by up to 15 years in state prison."

    Dave says, “The most serious crime in Florida is child sex trafficking, punishable by up to life in prison." There’s a 10-year mandatory minimum. The more information that comes out, the fewer defenses Matt seems to have left.

    “For Gaetz, the problem is, it’s not just child sex trafficking,” Aronberg said. “If they can’t prove that and can only prove he had sex with an underage girl, well, that would be a violation of the state law against having sex with a minor. And that is a 15-year maximum sentence. And you have to register as a sex offender. Even if it’s solicitation of a sex act, that’s also a felony, plus registration as a sex offender. There are no good outcomes here, I think, for Matt Gaetz in the future.”

    Dave Aronberg is a frequent guest on MSNBC and CNN. He's also the State's top Palm Beach Prosecutor where Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of sex trafficking underage girls, soliciting prostitution before Dave Aronberg took office. But Dave is acutely aware of the devastation that Jeffrey Epstein and his co-conspirators committed against underage girls.

    Before that, Dave served as a state Senator for Florida for 8 years. Dave is a tremendous leader in so many ways and is recognized as a formidable enemy to child sexual abusers, sex traffickers, rapists, and all predators, pedophiles, and perpetrators of sex crimes against women and children. Dave understands sexual trauma, resilience, and the healing process victims and survivors must endure, in order to overcome sexual victimizations. He shows compassion for rape victims, rape survivors, child sexual abuse traumatized victims and survivors, and believes in women supporting women, women empowering women. The law can bring justice to survivors, says Dave Aronberg.

  • Teresa Lancaster, Esq. Teresa Lancaster is an Attorney and Advocate for victims of childhood sexual abuse who was featured in The Keepers, a seven-part award winning documentary on Netflix. You may know Teresa from the Doe/Roe against Father A. Joseph Maskell case where she sought to expose the sexual abuse which occurred at Archbishop Keough High School while she was a student there. Teresa went on to join SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) where she helped and continues to help other victims of child sexual abuse. She spearheaded efforts to pass the Hidden Predator Act in Maryland. This act removes the statue of limitations on child sexual abuse cases and allowed for a two year window for those whose cases were previously overruled to seek justice. Teresa currently works with Joanne Suder at the Suder Law Firm P.A. in Baltimore, Maryland representing survivors of child sexual abuse.

  • In this episode, I’m talking to Fraidy Reiss, a victim of "Unorthodox".
    As a Orthodox Jewish woman, Fraidy was forced into a violent marriage arranged by her family using a matchmaker. A true Handmaiden's Tale of Horror. She was trained and pressured by the Orthodox Jewish Community to be raped, forced into a violence marriage, and treated as a second-class citizen in every way possible. She wasn’t allowed to drive, go anywhere without being covered head-to-toe in a long-handmaiden outfit, and required to cover her hair with a itchy, hot, dreadful wig.

    Fraidy Reiss had never been alone with her Orthodox Jewish husband before she was married off to him.

    She says he turned abusive quickly, but when she tried to get a restraining order, Rabbi's came to her house and made her withdraw the restraining order and followed her to court to make sure it was filed.

    With no education or job, in an insular religious Orthodox Jewish Community where only men have the right to grant a divorce, she felt trapped.

    Fraidy shares her story of going from an Unorthodox handmaiden, to a successful educated professional. She graduated from Rutgers University at age 32 as valedictorian with Hillary Clinton in attendance. She is an acclaimed activists both in the United States and is recognized internationally as an expert on forced and child marriage in the U.S. Her writing on the subject has been published in the New York Times, Washington Post and other publications

    Listen to Fraidy's story of how she turned pain into purpose and became Unchained at Last.

    Listeners, Please Note: Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at https://karneyadvocates.com/

    Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.

  • In this episode, I’m talking with rape victim, Rosebud Ireland, the last rape victim of The East Side Rapist before he turned into The Golden State Killer (raping and then killing his victims).

    Rosebud Ireland was only 22 years old when she was awakened suddenly at 3 AM feeling suffocated by a leather glove and a pillow over her head. The gloved man raped her and disappeared.

    For the next 39 years, Rose tried her best to go on with life, but she suffered from PTSD, and rape trauma, never knowing who her rapist was, or being able to hold him accountable.

    The day that Joseph DeAngelo, the Golden State Killer (HBO docuseries I'll Be Gone in the Dark) was captured, Rosebud knew it was him. The one that had raped her so many years ago. She then set out to find and seek justice.

    She was disbelieved, blamed, disrespected. The detective on her case asked, “what were you wearing at the time of the rape?” Rosebud Ireland describes her battle trying to get justice from the wealthy entitled, privileged, celebrity enclave of Santa Barbara County, CA to hold the killer accountable for raping her in 1979.

    Listeners, Please Note:

    Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at www.karneyadvocates.com

    Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.

  • In this episode, I’m talking to child-on-child sexual abuse survivor, Adrianne Simeone, the founder of the non-profit, The Mama Bear Effect.

    She calls our unwillingness to confront this issue head-on as “ Willful Blindness.”

    “Child sexual abuse is not necessarily an epidemic because abusers are so effective at perpetrating, but because the taboo, and consequent discomfort and fear, hold protective adults back from being aware, effectively empowering children, and responding appropriately.”

    Child on child sexual abuse as well as all child sexual abuse is one that parents, caregivers, and loved ones, just don’t want to deal with. And they don’t know how.

    Adrianne works tirelessly educating parents, caregivers, pediatricians on behalf of children to prevent child sexual abuse. The Mama Bear Effect is a nonprofit whose mission is to change the way people think, talk, and respond to child sexual abuse. Adrian calls child sexual abuse, “The Silent Pandemic.”

    About the issue of should I protect my children from the reality of child sexual abuse, Adrianne says, “ I am not going to shroud my children from this reality to somehow 'protect' them from the truth that the world isn't as safe and wonderful as we want it to be. I want them to know the truth so that when they have the power to do so, they can help make it better rather than turn a blind eye like so many do

    Listeners Please Note:

    Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at www.karneyadvocates.com

    Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.

  • In this episode, I’m talking with Nicole-Earnest-Payte raped at gunpoint by a man who threatened to kill her. She knew at that point; she wasn’t getting out of this.
    Here is how Nicole told us her story.

    On June 22, 1991, 21-year-old Nicole Earnest-Payte was awakened on her couch by a man in a ski mask carrying a handgun about 8:30 at night after falling asleep on a couch in her home. He put his arm around her neck and throat to control her, while holding a gun at her head, held her hands behind her back as he forced her up from the couch, partially disrobed, all while continuing to hold a gun to head, telling her that he was only there to rob her and to stay quiet. Still masked, behind her with a gun still at her head, he then led her upstairs to her bedroom, put her face down on her bed, hog-tied her hands and feet together, duct-taped her eyes and mouth, and tied a pillowcase around her head. He then left her on the bed while he went downstairs to go through her personal belongings that he ultimately stole from her. He came back with a boom box. He turned it to a station that played love songs and told her these are our songs; these are our love songs. Nicole never saw her attacker’s face because he wore a ski mask and taped over her eyes.

    Then, he turned the radio on. Nicole said, “At that point, he had only been looking through my belongings and asking for money, But at some point, he turned me over on my back and I started shaking because I knew what was about to happen…. I was shaking and started to cry. He said, ‘Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be as bad as you think.’” Nicole knew at that point she was not getting out of this. While raping Nicole multiple times throughout the course of several hours, Nicole’s attacker threatened multiple times to kill her that night. I felt terrified for my life, couldn’t believe what was happening, Nicole said , “I tried to think of ways to get away. “I knew there was no way I could get out of this. I was absolutely terrified. I just wanted him to get out of my house, and I thought if I don’t fight him maybe he’ll leave.” The man told her he had been watching her for a week. After the first time he raped her, he began kissing her all over her body.

    He knew details of her personal life: how tall her ex-boyfriend was, where she worked, that she typically left her sliding glass door unlocked during the day while she was at work, generally locking it at night when she was in the house. At some point, he started to apologize while laying kind of next to her. He said, ‘I’m sorry for doing this. I’ve never done this before and I’ll never do it again, I promise.’” The attacker finally left her home at about 2:30 a.m., after taking her ATM card and PIN and tying her hands in front of her with duct tape. Then he gave her a butter knife to cut the tape and strict instructions. “He instructed her to wait for three songs on the radio and cut herself free. Don’t call the police or I will know, and I will come back and kill you before they come.’ Then, as he left, the attacker said something “mockingly, ‘You should lock your doors from now on. Someone might come in and try to hurt you. ’After the three songs had played, she cut herself loose, got dressed, and grabbed a clothes iron as a weapon because she feared he was still there. Even after finding no one inside the home, she was still too terrified to call the police. She called her mother in Tiburon. She said ‘Mom, I just was raped at gunpoint in my house by a masked man, I need you to get here,’” Her mom told her to hang up and call the police. Nicole, too terrified to call police, truly believed he had access to a scanner.” Within minutes her mother showed up with Rohnert Park police with her as she passed them making a traffic stop in Rohnert Park near Nicole’s home.

    After 27 years of believing he would never be caught and punished here's what happened.

  • In this episode, I’m talking to a grandmother who experienced first-hand the devastating impact of child sexual abuse in her family. The financial, emotional, psychological and legal devastation.

    It all began when Carol D’Attoma’s six-year-old granddaughter was sexually abused by her father. He was arrested, and Carol’s daughter’s main source of income was gone. The mother of the child (Carol’s daughter) had to sell her home, her car, and re-locate to a less expensive area with more immediate family support.

    Her income was not enough to support her four little girls, so Carol and her husband John began a campaign to raise money to help her pay for medical deductibles, co-pays, fresh fruit and vegetables, and assist with her living expenses.

    Carol D'Attoma now devotes full time executing her passion for helping families and children victimized by child sexual predators. She is Co-Founder of Sexually Abused Children’s Relief Endeavor known as SACRED.

    Sacred has raised $1,082,102 since our inception, granted over $640,000, assisted 340 families and growing and assisted 317 children.

    Listeners, Please Note: Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at www.karneyadvocates.com

    Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.

  • In this episode, I’m talking with former Jehovah’s Witness, Mark O'Donnell who rips the lid off the Jehovah’s Witness Secret DATA BASE OF CHILD ABUSE

    “It’s like a cult.” says, Mark O’Donnell in the documentary made about the child sexual abuse occurring in the JW, called “Crusaders.” JW makes people fear for their lives and puts them in a box they cannot escape.

    Mark is now a heroic whistleblower about the secret child sexual abuse files he alleges were KEPT HIDDEN in Kingdom Halls, in congregations throughout the World

    Finding the secret data base was like finding the holy grail.

    Mark O’Donnell is all about truth, and how he is turning his pain into purpose.

    The dirty little secrets are well kept. According to Attorney Irwin Zalkin, “The problem with Jehovah’s Witness’ the child sexual abuse in that organization is much more prevalent than it is even in the Catholic Church.”

    Listen with us today, to Mark O’Donnell’s story of how he turned from being a faithful believer in Jehovah Witness and Watchtower to being disfellowed, shunned banned for making made public Jehovah Witnesses dirty little secret of rampant child sexual abuse and torture among elders, parishioners, and fellows toward the very children the organization claimed to care so much about, and how JW knew and did nothing about it.

    Listeners, Please Note: Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at https://karneyadvocates.com/

    Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.

  • In this episode I’m talking with AUDREY MORRISSEY, a sex trafficked BIPOC child now adult survivor who says she was sold 10-20 times a day. “I’ve been beaten, tortured, and left for dead.”

    "I thought I was going to die in the combat zone of sex traffickers.

    Her traffickers would use words like “Young. Fresh."

    It’s not like the blockbuster movie, “Taken”, where a pair of unwitting girls travel to Paris, and make every parent cringe by giving men they just met their address, and confirmation that they’re traveling alone. They’re abducted, and Liam Neeson saves the day and his daughter. However, for the hundreds of thousands of children that are sex trafficked, there’s no one coming to save the day.

    “Taken” is not what sex trafficking looks like in America. In most cases, our stereotypical perception of a “prostitute” is, in reality, a commercially sex trafficked victim,” say Morrissey.

    It is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and our children are being sold on a large scale. The sex trafficking industry makes more profit from sex trafficking than any other illegal trafficking in drugs or weapons.

    Morrissey says “People don't understand this is happening right here in the United States."

    Her fervent conviction is that no child should be bought or sold.

    “Image sex with someone you love, but you have to have sex with them 10-20 times per day."

    If you can’t have sex with someone you love 10-20 times a day, how can you want to have sex with strangers 10-20 a day?”

    "I never once in my life, when I was a kid, said 'When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute.'"

    Listeners, Please Note: Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at https://karneyadvocates.com/

    Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.


  • In this episode, I’m talking with true crime amateur sleuth who uncovered the dark secrets of the Catholic Church that included murder, sexual assault, and rape. Abbie Fitzgerald Schaub, one of the two women who uncovered decades-long and terrifying secrets about her Catholic high school that was covered in the hit Netflix’s docuseries.

    I speak with Abbie about the case and story of Sister Cathy Cesnik, a 26-year-old nun living in Baltimore who was abducted and murdered back in the 1960s. The case was never solved, but it was linked to horrific mysteries filled with pain that lingers nearly five decades after her death. Join us as we discuss the victims and their search for justice. It's about giving them a chance to be heard over the loud denials of any and every official body, the police, the Catholic Church, the Archdiocese, medical professionals, and the predators they enabled and protected.

  • In this episode, I’m talking with actor, survivor, activist, Rosanna Arquette who speaks truth to power. With the courage of a lioness, Rosanna Arquette faces the behemoth Harvey Weinstein when she breaks her silence with reporter Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker and in the New York Times (with Jodi Cantor, 2017) about how Harvey Weinstein sexually abused her at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

    Ronan Farrow broke the Weinstein story and believed Arquette and the other women coming forward who told harrowing stories and allegations of being sexually assaulted, raped, violated by Weinstein. And how the Weinstein henchmen, secret operatives, lawyers, and PR teams, came after these women, their lives, careers, families, and future, relentlessly.

    This is exciting, a no holds barred interview. Hang on to your seats, because this interview gets interesting, deep, and soulful.

    Rosanna Arquette bravely breaks the Hollywood “code of silence”, risking everything to help other survivors have a voice, AND says, #MeToo.

    Without Farrow and Arquette, Harvey Weinstein, may not be in prison today. Leaving other young girls and women at risk of forever bearing the tattoo of sexual assault by the rich, and powerful.

    We talk about other victims of Harvey Weinstein who also had the courage to speak out and tell their own stories of being sexually assaulted, abused, and violated by him. Victims who are now part of the movement to stop sexual assault and sexual predators. The brave women who spoke truth to power like Mira Sorvino, Ashley Judd, Rose McGowan, Kate Beckinsale, and Cate Blanchett. Arquette mentions Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow and the stories they told of nearly being abused by Harvey Weinstein. Brad Pitt’s outrage and defense of his then-girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow, and Ben Affleck’s statement about Weinstein’s sexual violence against women.

    We openly discuss Hollywood and the environment that often enables sexual assault and violence. About being a sexual assault survivor, justice warrior, SHEroe bout trauma, healing, and resilience.

    Rosanna Arquette is talented. She is beautiful. She is brave with courage and heart, to break the silence against kingmaker, Harvey Weinstein. Come join us, for an intimate conversation with this talented superwoman and justice warrior, Rosanna Arquette.

    Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at www.karneyadvocates.

    Please note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.

  • In this episode, I’m talking with Melissa Gilbert, actor, (former child star, "Little House on the Prairie"), former Congressional Candidate, NY Times Best Selling Author, activists, survivor and Sheroe She needs no introduction for most of you, but I will do so, for those of you who may have been whisked away to another planet, or been otherwise, indisposed for the last 40 years.

    Melissa is talented, beautiful, outspoken and brilliant and has a lot to say about topics trending today that touch her heart and activism. She talks about Brittany Spears and the mistreatment, mental abuse, and financial abuse by parents, family, managers of child actors and those that are supposed to love and protect them.

    From, USAG Simone Biles to Brittany Spears, what’s behind the control, abuse, and torment young actors, athletes and stars endure.

    Melissa Gilbert, is someone who knows firsthand, the pain, torment, and often plagued journey of a child star, athlete, performer. She is someone who has been one of the most famous Hollywood child actors around the world, starring as “half-pint” (Laura Ingalls) in the beloved, worldwide hit television series, “Little House on the Prairie. Mel knows what it’s like to be told “just push through it” even when it’s dangerous, physically and mentally.

    This was a conversation like two girlfriends sitting down for lunch and catching up. Melissa, real, funny, smart, heartwarming.

    Mel shares a very special place in my heart, first, because she played me, in the television movie about my life, “Shattered Trust: The Shari Karney Story.” Mel seemed at times to know me, better than I knew myself, except she is a much more beautiful version of me.

    We Share a Soul. We each carry one engraved cufflink, from her beloved, and cherished deceased father, Paul Gilbert.

    Melissa also played Helen Keller in the TV MOVIE, “The Miracle Worker, portrayed Anne Frank in The Anne Frank Story, and has starred in over fifty television movies and numerous television series over the course of her 54-year career.

    An activist and champion most of her life, she advocates for survivors and other causes..

    It is my honor and pleasure to introduce my good friend, Melissa Gilbert. Help me welcome my twin soul, powerhouse, courageous, heroic, and gifted woman, MELISSA GILBERT. I am so grateful to have her with us today.

    Listeners, Please Note:

    Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

    Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at www.karneyadvocates.com

    Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.