There are a ton of false narratives regarding what Dating is and how to do it well. To uncover a bigger and better reality, we need to ask a new question - How do I think about dating as a disciple of Jesus? That's what we'll be unpacking in our time together.
Message Notes
Passage: Colossians 3:1-4TRUTH: Dating is Defined By Your Identity.
The Foundation: A Christ-Follower Approaches Dating with Truth and Freedom.
False Narratives
1) Dating Gives Me Value and Worth2) Attraction and/or Emotion Are Enough
3) I Will Magically Become a “Better Person.”
4) If It’s “Right” It Will Be Easy
A Better Way
1) Seek a Genuinely Growing Heart
Galatians 5:22-23a, 252) Older Wisdom Is Essential
Proverbs 13:203)Take It One Step at a Time
4) Purity is a Joy
5) Peace Over Volatility
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Join us as we start a new series focused on relationships! To kick us off, Joel will be diving into what marriage truly is and how we can prepare for it now, no matter what our relationship status may be.
Message Notes
1) Marriage is a commitment for life
Matthew 19:3-6; Genesis 1:27; 2:24
- guard your body
- guard your heart
- guard your friendships2) Marriage is a spiritual partnership
2 Corinthians 6:14Key Questions:
1) Do you know who you are looking for?
2) Are you becoming the kind of person you would want to marry?
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As we wrap up our NEW series, we will see that the transformation God desires for us begins with where we set our focus. Join us as we see how fixing our focus on Jesus leads to a renewed heart and a transformed life!
Message Notes
Main Passages: Ephesians 4:20-24; Colossians 3:1-10
BIG IDEA: Spiritual Transformation begins with our hearts.
1) Spiritual Transformation . . . Your Heart Is A Big Deal.
Jeremiah 17:9-10 (NLT); Proverbs 4:232) Spiritual Transformation . . . Process.
3) Spiritual Transformation . . . Alignment Is Demonstrated Through Our Actions.
John 15:1-4; James 2:14-18 (NLT)Question: Is Your Heart In Alignment?
Ezekiel 36:25-27 (NLT); Psalm 139:23-24 (NLT)Support the show
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God calls us to be like Him, to put off the desires of the flesh and instead put on the desires of His Spirit. Today, we're going to look at what this means in the area of our sexuality. How can we honor and glorify Him in this area of no matter what season we find ourselves in?
Message Notes
Main Passage: Ephesians 5:1-14
1) The Struggle is Real
2) God Wants Us Holy and Pure
3) Freedom is Available
Isaiah 1:18; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 12:1-2Question: How are you frighting for freedom?
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God calls us to leave behind the old way of life, marked by anger, division and slander, and step into a life of kindness and forgiveness. This week, we’ll uncover how embodying these virtues can bring healing to our relationships and reflect the heart of Christ to the world.
Message NotesMain Passage: Ephesians 4:31-32
What are we putting off?1) Bitterness
2) Rage and Anger
3) Brawling and Slander
4) Malice
What are we putting on?1) Kindness
Psalm 34:8, Luke 6:35-36, Matthew 11:28-30
2) Compassion
Matthew 9:36
3) Forgiveness
Colossians 2:13-15, 1 Corinthians 2:12Support the show
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Today we will be continuing our study on Ephesians 4 where we will explore more what it means to be made new in the area of our work. We will shift our perspective about what work is, and find out how we can use our work to glorify God.
Message Notes
Main Passage: Ephesians 4:17-24, 28
1) Work is a Gift
Genesis 2:5, 2:15, 3:17-19
Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
Proverbs 14:23
2) Work is an Act of Worship
Psalm 19:1
Colossians 3:23-24
John 4:34
Question: Does my work glorify God?Support the show
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Trying to become more like Jesus? Join us as we look at the need to stop lying and the glory of telling the truth!
Message Notes
Passage: Ephesians 4:17-32
~Defining Our Terms~
Justification - The act whereby God declares a sinner righteous on the basis of faith.
Regeneration - The act of God making a person spiritually alive, as a result of faith in Jesus Christ.
Conversion - The act of God in which a person, previously dead in sin, becomes a new creation in Christ.
Sanctification - The process whereby God the Holy Spirit transforms the believer into the image and likeness of Christ. It is the progressive outworking of the new life that was planted at the moment of regeneration.
Glorification - The final state for believers, in that we are no longer sin, are no longer in our human form, and no longer subject to the attacks of the evil one.
~Sanctification: A Case Study~
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. (Ephesians 4:25)
Genesis 3:1-4John 8:44-45
~The Destructiveness of Lying~Lying is destructive because it aligns us with the of destroyer good, not the source of good.
1 Corinthians 13:6John 1:14b
~The Glory of Truth Telling~Being a community of truth-tellers is essential to the health of the Church.
Honesty before GodHonesty before our communityconfession of sinconfrontation of sinKnowledge and celebration
What does it look like to cultivate a community of truth telling?Support the show
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We are kicking off the year with a new series called "NEW"! For the next few weeks we will be diving into the book of Ephesians to see how we are to put off the old and put on the new.
Message Notes
Passage: Ephesians 1:1-14
In Christ, We've Been Given A New Identity
Our Identities:
1) Saints
2) Chosen People
3) Adopted "Sons"
4) Redeemed and Forgiven
5) Marked and Sealed
6) God's Chosen Possession
Ephesians 4:1, 22-24
Consider This:
Would Life Look Different If You Really Believed This Is Who You Are?Support the show
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Discover the power of true, unwavering hope. This inspiring message reveals how biblical hope, rooted in God’s promises, can transform your life and give you confidence to live boldly. Today, learn how God’s faithfulness and Word provide unshakable encouragement—because what God has promised, He will deliver!
Message Notes
Passage: Romans 3:15
Hope is rooted in a deep confidence in God’s promises.
BIG IDEA: We can place our confidence in God because He is faithful to fulfill His promises.
Action Step: EngageSupport the show
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Worship is not limited to just those seasons of life when everything is going well. Those seasons in which we hurt, we cry, we suffer - those are important times of worship as well! Together we'll be unpacking the worship of lament and gaining a better understanding that lament is an invitation to do those hard times WITH God, not away from Him.
Message Notes
Passage: Psalm 88
Lament: A Passionate Expression of Grief or Sorrow
TRUTH: Lament is Enduring Life's Pain with God
Lament's Invitation:
1) Be... Honest with Jesus
2) Be... Comforted by Jesus
3) Be... Refocused by JesusSupport the show
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Join us this week with guest speaker Logan Charles as we continue our series True Worship. We will be unpacking the idea of worshipping God for his blessings, and we will ask the question, "Am I blessed?"
Message Notes
Passage: Matthew 5:3-12
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Question: Am I walking in obedience?
Question: Am I blessed?Support the show
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Today, we'll be discovering what worship really brings glory to God, combatting boredom in worship, and what it looks like to dwell on the things above.
Message Notes
Passage: Psalm 33
1) God's Word is Truthful
2) God is Faithful
3) God is Righteous
4) God's Love Does Not FailEffective worship...
1) brings glory to God
2) brings the believer to greater dependenceSupport the show
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Message Notes
Passage: John 4:1-26
1) True Worshippers are not...Limited by Place
2) True Worshippers are not...Driven by Preference
3) Worship is...Pursuing Divine Intelligence
4) Worship is...Practicing God's Presence EverywhereSupport the show
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Message Notes
Passages: Jeremiah 29:7; Matthew 5:13-16; Matthew 6:19-21; 2 Corinthians 5:20; 1 Timothy 2:1-3
What we are to do as exiles:
1) Become a Blessing
2) Pray for Our Leaders
3) Live as Salt and Light
4) Build the Kingdom of God
- Bring people in to the Kingdom
- Build others up
- Be a godly blessingSupport the show
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In light of what we’ve learned from the story of Daniel, what do the New Testament authors have to say about how we should live as exiles in the modern world? We’ll talk about our role as ambassadors of reconciliation, and what kind of character traits an ambassador of Christ should embody.
Message Notes
Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Reconciliation: The Restoration of a Broken Relationship
1) We live in an unreconciled world
2) Through Christ, we are reconciled to God
3) We are now ambassadors of reconciliation
Characteristics of Ambassadors:
1) Peace-Making
2) Forgiveness
3) RighteousnessSupport the show
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As we approach the upcoming election, it can be challenging to navigate this season as Christ would want us to. So today, we are looking into Daniel chapter 6 to see how we are to respond to the governing authorities God places in our lives.
Message Notes
Passage: Daniel 6
The Temptations:
1) Subvert Authority
2) Glorify AuthorityThe Correct Responses:
1) Respect and Serve
2) Remember Who Placed the Ruler in Charge
- If your candidate ISN'T elected: Trust God
- If your candidate IS elected: Look to God
3) Trust the True KingQuestion: Who holds your trust?
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We will be reading Daniel 3 where Daniel's three friends navigate a challenging political climate. Their faith will be put to the ultimate test as they learn to bend, but not break. We will be looking at what true faith looks like as we lay down our lives in order to find it in Christ, and learn how Christ can be magnified in us as we enter into a political season ourselves.
Message Notes
Daniel 3
1) Bend, don’t Break
2) God is Sovereign
ref. Daniel 2:21; Romans 13:1
3) Trust God with the Outcome
ref. Daniel 3:14, 17-18; Matthew 16:24-25; Luke 22:33
Question: Where do you draw the line?
ref. Luke 22:42
“Do not judge the situation by the king’s threat and by the heat of the burning fiery furnace, but by the everlasting God and the eternal life which awaits you. Let not flute, harp, and sackbut fascinate you, but harken to the music of the glorified. Men frown at you, but you can see God smiling on you, and so you are not moved.” Charles SpurgeonSupport the show
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Message Notes
Passage: Daniel 2
Exiles: Are A God Fearing Minority Living Among a Pagan MajorityExiles Understand “This is not my home.”
ref. Jer 29:7; John 17:16; John 15:19Daniel and His Friends Responded With Prayer
Daniel Didn’t Sugar Coat the Truth
Sidebar: 4 Kingdoms
Gold Head: Babylonian KingdomSilver Chest: Medo-Persian KingdomBronze Belly: Greek KingdomIron Legs: Roman KingdomIron/Clay Feet: ? KingdomThe Main Message: God’s Kingdom Crushes All Competition
3 Questions for Modern Exiles:
Who is Your Prayer Community?How Boldly Do You Speak Truth?Where is Your Hope?
ref. Matthew 6:21Support the show
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"Exile" is not something we tend to think about since most of us haven't been physically run out of town or been abandoned on a deserted island. Yet most people live with a deep fear of "standing out" from the crowd and being rejected by the majority. So in other words - we fear being "Exiled" in an emotional and relational sense. That can make Jesus' call to live in this world but to not be "of it" challenging, as it's a call to live as "Exiles." Join us as we unpack the account of Daniel, and learn how God cares for his people in the midst of exile, and how exile is an opportunity to change the world around us.
End of the Divided Kingdom EraThe Northern Kingdom was Crushed The Southern Kingdom was Scattered
Message Notes
Passage: Daniel 1
Definition: Living In Exile Means Living A Life That Stands Apart.
A SUPER BRIEF History Lesson...Core Truth: Exile Invites Us To Experience A Bigger Jesus!
Sovereign Jesus Faithful JesusOur Opportunity In Exile
Depth TransformationSupport the show
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Guest speaker Chris Woz shares about how our Christian faith is often more simple than we make it out to be in our mini-series "What I Wish I Knew".
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