
  • On this weeks episode I just talk about my history struggling with food and overtraining. I want to explain how it had affected my life not allowing myself the food it has needed. I speak about Uganda and various other holidays where they have been spoiled due to not eating sufficient calories. I don’t count calories and haven’t weighed myself since my foot stress fracture which has made me incredibly happy. My training is increasing each week which means that the nutrition needs to also increase to compensate for the calories burned. I just wanted to use this show to explain how hard it can be to train and keep it together even when it’s your job. I really hope you enjoy this episode!

  • What an episode with this "World Laser Run Champion". It was amazing to hear her thoughts about "RED-S" and suffering with lots of nutritional problems during COVID. It seems like her coach was exceptional of noticing that she was losing weight quite quickly after COVID and sent her straight to see a sports nutritionist. Since then and speaking to this nutritionist she has just become a much better person both mentally and physically. She even mentions that since putting on some weight she feels stronger and actually hasn't picked up an injury in months. She speaks about the importance of sleep to allow the body to fully recover and how hard it can be sometimes on social media when you see these skinny athletes. She is actually competing in Germany next week for the Europeans and is currently ranked 2nd. We need to cheer her on and hopefully she can pick up that gold medal for GB. Follow her on social media: @Victoria Bradbury

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  • What a show!! Everything he was saying was inspiring and it seems like both of us were dealing with the same awful situations during our worst times. This young, talented runner who has run 1:49 over 800m was explaining to me what he perceived was essentially "rock bottom" during his time in America and how it affected his mood. He is hopeful of running quicker than ever this year after coming back to the UK and really working on his lifestyle first. He found it tricky in America dealing with his course and nutrition not allowing his body the full potential. He even admits that he was sometimes doing core 3 times a day to get more and more training out of his body. He was scared that his career was ending abruptly at the age of 19 losing a lot of motivation for the sport he loves. He explains to me about him weighing himself, speaking out earlier this year and the challenges he faced. He is now in a much better place but there is always something to work on as he looks towards some big goals in the upcoming future. What a legend!

  • Speaking to Josh about all things running was incredible. We spoke about his recent injuries, races he has smashed in the past and his livelihood at the minute. He absolutely loves running quick whether that be for an easy run, session or a race. He has struggled with a few things quite recently which has put him down both mentally and physically recently but he is constantly looking towards the future idolising what he is capable of running over the marathon. We spoke about his journey in Spain and how fast he was running for sessions feeling incredible for the time being there. He gives us an insight into the pressure he attained going into London Marathon and how it actually impacted him quite a bit. I loved talking to him and many of you will know him as being the presented on "Inside Jogging Podcast". Please do listen to his journey and take an insight into how hard he trains.

  • In this episode we discuss everything about running, nutrition and racing. We last had Kieran on quite a while back and since then he has run a 2:17 marathon and won the Edinburgh half marathon in 65 mins. It was lovely speaking to him again as I am at his house doing a small few days of training. We spoke about a hint of an injury he was struggling with and how he has progressed ever since in terms of working alongside it. He has a full time coaching job alongside his running and he is constantly outside trying to become the best he can possibly be. Had a lovely chat with this endurance athlete who is looking to progress further!

  • What a TALK!! That was incredible speaking to such an intelligent person about all things running. Lewis created a running coaching business not too long ago and aspires to help out every individual no matter what ability they are. He speaks about his struggles with nutrition and weighing himself at university. He thought when he was younger he head to spend 3 hours a day smashing his body in the gym to get the best from himself, however now being older and working with other individuals he knows it wasn't the smartest decision. Yes, he has struggled with his fair share of injuries and some may have been down to stress and sleep deprivation but this talented runner is trying to become the best he can be. We talk about other races he wants to do and his goals in mind before really going through the subject of nutrition and what he finds so useful about the topic. We dwelve into his thoughts about "RED-S" and how it can become bigger around the world and what needs to be done in order for this to happen. I absolutely loved this talk and I would say you HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT. Follow his coaching page - LJagger Coaching and himself on Instagram. I absolutely loved it.

  • Again what a call and I am very fortunate to have such amazing people come on to the show to talk about the experiences they have had struggling with RED-S and training. Vladya first got in touch with me a week back to tell me that she had been struggling with RED-S and a foot fracture. She had been struggling with her menstrual cycle for a couple of years and finds that not allowing or restricting herself from such important food may have impacted her in such a bad way. Unfortunately, in March she picked up this stress fracture and mentioned feeling awful a few weeks back as she felt it would take a long time for her to get back into shape. She works 9-5 in a stressful job and felt as though this has impacted on her training plus recovery which just pushed her to her limit. Before speaking to a nutritionist and doctor she had little practices in mind whereby she would only eat her first meal at midday, not eat before training and sometimes not really socialise with friends. However, now putting more research into this topic and speaking to more people she is in a much happier place and is invested in triathlon training with the idea of racing. Again what an amazing talk and I really hope you enjoy it. Her instagram is: @Vladya Reverdin

  • This was honestly such an amazing talk with Sam. We speak about her experiences with running, nutrition and coaching over the last few years since moving to the UK from Zimbabwe. She mentions the struggles of leaving home to university at the age of 18 and believes that it played a part in her struggling with RED-S. Unfortunately, again she didn't really have amazing support during the first stages of struggling with this as she was thrown around different doctors. She has unfortunately picked up another injury due to a fall on a training camp in Portugal over Easter, however trying to turn this around in a positive manner she is just thinking about her body and making herself the best person possible. We speak about her losing weight and weighing herself constantly during her struggles and that she felt as though she missed out on a lot of social experiences due to feeling "hangry". Please do give this a listen and follow her on instagram: @Samanthamare_

  • Speaking to Michael Roderick was honestly incredible. We sat down and spoke about his personal bests and how he got into coaching. He loves helping people achieves their goals and ever since covid he has just run faster and faster over all the different distances. He trains everyday not taking many days off and hasn’t had an injury since 2018 which shows that he is doing something right in terms of training and nutrition. He created this triathlon club with some of his mates and now it holds 70 members ranging from 19-65 years. He adores his food and yes we do speak about his nutrition going into racing. This very laid back individual loves the thrill of racing and competed in 41 different races over the 52 weeks of last year. He mentions his weight going into his iron man race and the fact he put on weight hasn’t made him slower in fact made his so much faster showing the importance of strength he now has. I really hope you enjoy this show

  • This was an incredible talk with Mark. It begins with myself explaining what I have been up to recently in terms of training plus giving a small analysis of falling into the "RED-S trap". I have been close with Mark for a long time now and have learned about his previous experiences whereby he struggled with food and mental health. He opens up completely on this call basically explaining the reasons for why he didn't really spend much time with mates or eat much. He didn't receive any help as he didn't really open up to anyone about it. He then stopped running for a while and put on a few kg's at work before one day wanting to basically change again. He knows he is a strong upper body runner and its benefitting him sensationally as he is constantly running personal bests over all the different distances. He looks up to so many runners and opens up on his social media platforms. This lovely person has become such a big influence in the running world and can gladly say I had such fun speaking to him about all of this. Please do give it a listen....

  • This was a great call with this endurance athlete from Norway. Just hearing about him suffering with 3 stress fractures back in 2022 makes you think how tough running can be for people. He gave an in depth review of his last few years and how he is trying to become a better athlete. He has inspired me so much these past few months as he has suffered with more injuries than me but the fact he gets back out there is amazing. He is still a massive lover of the elliptical and still uses it during his training to reduce the stress placed on his body. He feels stronger in the gym putting on this weight and mentally in such a good place. Please follow along this series because I want to make sure everyone is happy with where they are both mentally and physically

  • I have spoken to this amazing person who speaks about their time suffering with RED-S. She has recently been going through the rehab of a stress fracture in her foot and gives an insight into the anxieties is has caused. She speaks about her personal experiences with food and how it’s affected her mental and physical health. By speaking about all these different things she also gives an impression of what youngsters should now be doing to prevent suffering with RED-S further. I have loved speaking to her because she has been an inspiration during her journey. She first got in contact with me when I opened up about suffering with RED-S and now it seems she is in a much better place and looking ahead to the future with the aim of bringing down her personal bests. I hope you enjoy this chat….

  • Speaking to this Finnish athlete was inspiring. The mother of two children suffered with anorexia, depression and RED-S for over 10 years. She mentions about her time in America struggling with the demands of training in the pool due to under-fuelling her body. She speaks about suffering with mental health issues and ending up in hospital for 6 months not feeling herself. She talks about picking up 7 stress fractures in the space of 7 years and the battles she has had to overcome to ensure a healthier life. With her family being a massive inspiration to her sport, she has progressively brought her times down over the last few years and wants to be the best Finnish runner there is. It was honestly inspiring to hear her speak about the whole aspect of running understanding the values of mental health. I loved speaking to her and I hope you can follower her journey further

  • This episode entails a short outlook into what I have been up to in this recent weeks. I quickly explain how RED-S has affected me further before analysing my first training week and what I am looking forward to in the future. After this short part, I then spoke to Jackson Long, MS SENr who is an accredited sports nutritionist and endurance coach based in the mountain of Idaho. He specializes in plant-based nutrition and helping mountain athletes fuel the flow of meaningful movement. Learn more at intheflownutrition.com or his podcast In The Flow. It was amazing to hear his stories and the importance of working with his clients trying to push their limits. This is a must listen episode.

  • In this episode I spoke to Pippa Woollen and Rowan Preece. Pippa has a high pedigree of cross country running representing GB at the 2019 World Cross Country Championships back in Denmark. Moving to America at a young age she first noticed that she wasn't fuelling correctly and therefore tried to understand the problems arising around this. When struggling with this "energy deficiency" problem she started to struggle with her running and uni work which affected her mental health. Move forward a few years this inspirational woman showed the world that it was possible to come back from this problem on the stronger side where she ended up winning BUCS Cross Country and went on to represent GB on many occasions. She is also the founder of @project_red_s_ and hopes to raise further awareness of this condition. Rowan Preece also struggled with this problem and we dive into how this affected him at university. He brings up some instances and rituals he was doing for years which weren't healthy but now this new teacher has fought his way through in a positive manner being happier then ever. Rowan was the first male athlete I had ever heard of who first spoke out about this condition back in 2018 and it was inspiring to see. Still loving the sport he goes down to all the events to support his mates. Although, we do need him to wear a pair of the "super shoes" one day :)!

  • That was honestly an amazing podcast show with Josie. Being only 19 and having some trouble in the past with food, she is overcoming these problems and talks exceptionally on this podcast. It’s even given me more of an awareness about RED-S and how it affects me too. Honestly please follow her journey as she knows what she is talking about

  • Today will be speaking to Kieran Walker about training, nutrition and coaching. Kieran is a phenomenal athlete with a 10km PB of 30:33mins, HM of 65:19 and Marathon time of 2:19:36. He is now in preparation for the Manchester Marathon in a few weeks time. He is a qualified coach and created the "North East Project", where he is coaching up towards 110 athletes. In his spare time he is running approximately 120-130 miles a week and is smashing out absolutely huge sessions along the way. He also loves a beer pre race so listen along to his pre-race nutrition tips too. This was a great chat and I would definitely recommend following him on Instagram: Kezwalker_ and on Strava: Kieran Walker. Comment below what else you would like to listen to on the show. Hope you enjoy this episode.....

  • Just creating this first podcast to simply explain what RED-S is and how it’s affected me. Comment below what you want to hear on the podcast. Will also bring people to the show too