
  • “So if we're talking soul desire, new earth wealth, sacred success, if we're talking destiny timeline.. Do you think it's your destiny to bend over backwards, to have no boundaries? To totally burn yourself out, go over time in every single call and undercharge for your gifts… Is that your destiny?”

    Do you believe we all have a path of purpose? That it’s the way to soul fulfillment and abundance?

    If you’re in Ayesha’s world, the answer is probably Hell Yes!

    But do your beliefs about business and the way you operate in your work support this?

    In today’s episode, Ayesha deep dives into belief stalking and how to unblock our wildest success and juiciest manifestations.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Oath Oracle Podcast blog

    Tune in to Episode #19: How Vulnerable is Too Vulnerable

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will love the Star Stream.

    Unlock a new wealth reality that feels safe, sensual, stable with Rich & Resourced.

    Explore Cosmic Legacy 🌟 12 month container for entrepreneurs creating wild success with Spirit, Strategy, & the Stars.

    Everything is included inside The Temple mastermind for earth angels in business.

  • “Having it be illuminated in that way was almost like welcoming me home. Back to the human race, which I felt like I was not really a part of. The gravity, the potency, the impact of that moment was like a slap in the face, a punch in the gut, like standing under a waterfall of light. Like awakening.

    The wall around my heart crumbled a lot in that moment because it was like I was being welcomed back into existence.”

    From an emotionally turbulent childhood and 20s spent working multiple jobs for a few grand a month…

    to a seven figure soul led business and a life of love, purpose, and passion. Tune in for the inspirational journey of how Astrology & connecting with Spirit has transformed Ayesha’s entire reality.


    Cosmic Legacy 🌟 12 month container for entrepreneurs creating wild success with Spirit, Strategy, & the Stars.

    Follow Oath Oracle on Instagram for more.

    The website that started it all.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Oath Oracle Podcast blog

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • “Now it's my time to share what I learned and what I unlocked for myself. Feeling more connected to my business, to myself, to my body, to my heart, to my soul, to my art, to my purpose… than I've ever felt in my life. Right now, in this moment.

    So let's get into how to make these shifts.”

    In business, as in life, there are cycles. There are seasons of birth, of building, and of rest. But if you are struggling to feel connected to your work, and find yourself on auto-pilot or forcing through your days, get ready to feel re-ignited.

    Ayesha shares 9 actionable steps to get turned on & tapped in for abundance and success on all levels.

    Click here for the Quantum Emotion masterclass and receive 50% off!

    💫🦋 Enter the Star Stream monthly membership for Astrology for Business.

    Explore the Temple business mastermind + all access pass 🏛️🕊️ for earth angels in business.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

  • “There comes a time where it's important to put a certain version of us to rest. To let them retire after a job well done so that we can start to birth and develop and discover new aspects of self that we're capable of. Just know there's versions of you that you haven't met yet, and they're so excited to create in the now moment with you.”

    If you have been traversing your own dark night of the soul, swimming in the liminal space between death & rebirth,

    If you crave a new beginning, healing, deeper levels of connection to self, Spirit, and the other … this one is for you.

    Tune into episode 36 for guidance and inspiration as Ayesha honours all the selves that carried us through. Put to rest the templates of the past and greet the majesty on the other side.

    Click here for the Quantum Emotion transmission and receive 50% off!

    💫🦋 Enter the Star Stream monthly membership for Astrology for Business.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

  • “My heart felt like shattered glass, wrapped up in duct tape… And now, it’s wholeness, baby. It’s warm honey. It’s liquid gold. It’s Spirit. Abundance itself. It is love.”

    A deeply intimate share on where Ayesha has been - and where she is going. A journey of death, rebirth and authenticity through global and personal heartbreak… and the healing on the other side.

    Click here for the Quantum Emotion transmission and receive 50% off!

    Tune in to the Lion’s Gate IG live + personal share

    Tune in to the Social Justice CEO free masterclass

    Ep 19 : How Vulnerable is Too Vulnerable?

    Ep 6: Strategy vs. Energetics

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

  • "The answer is not to spiritually bypass the system. The answer is to start to understand the system, start to look and see what has really occurred, and then a new cycle is going to begin.

    If we want to create a world full of earth angels, sometimes we have to pick up the sword of truth."

    In Episode 34, we are going deep with the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto. The planet of death, rebirth and transformation is moving from successful and wealthy Capricorn to Aquarius, a sign of innovation, community, and the rising of the collective. Let’s examine the lessons of the past 20 years, then step up into one of the most profound Astrological transits of our entire lifetime.

    To sign up for the Pluto in Aquarius free masterclass, click here.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

  • “Guess what, babe? If you censor yourself and spend your whole life tiptoeing on eggshells, people are still not going to like you. And even less people will be able to love you because they won't even know who the fuck you are. How I feel about this year is like, enough is enough, enough waiting, enough, hesitating, enough excuses.

    You're ready. The world is ready. You need you on your destiny path, and the world needs it too.”

    Welcome to 2024, loves!

    Ayesha is back with her signature blend of inspiration, tough love, and potent guidance, seasoned with Astrological insight. She’s calling you onto your path of purpose…

    Because life is inherently magical. And you are a Magician, capable of creating a miraculous, wild, beautiful, overflowing, extraordinary reality.

    If you enjoyed this podcast, you will love the Star Stream. Click here to explore.

    Called to The Temple? Click here to answer.

    To explore your purpose path through the lens of Astrology, click here for a classic Oath Oracle masterclass on the Nodes of destiny.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

  • "There's a difference between conditioned ego desires and our soul desires. And I believe that if we have a soul desire, it is literally communication from our higher self, telling us this is part of our destiny. So if you resonate with me, if you resonate with my work, if you're a listener of the podcast or a client or past client, I highly recommend Quantum Resolution."

    The How Queen returns with valuable insights into choosing supportive and transformative resolutions.

    The goals we make and how we approach them can be paramount in meeting them. Empower yourself with a blend of strategy, energetics, and Astrological keys… and activate the Quantum Creator within you.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

    Click here to explore Quantum Resolution, The New Year Program.

    Click here to join the Temple at an exclusive holiday investment until January 1st at 11:59pm PT.

  • “When we do things in alignment with the lunar creation cycles and the cosmic creation cycles, they are going to work out better. We're going to have a higher return on investment of our energy. It's going to flow, it's going to align with Spirit's plan and things are just going to click into place. And I've experienced this time and time again.”

    It’s the most… complicated time of the year, with sweets, sales, and holiday stress around every corner.

    We can throw our arms up in defeat until the Gregorian calendar strikes January 1st. Or, we can make small, potent shifts, to step into 2024 already lit up, inspired, and aligned.

    Learn how Ayesha of Oath Oracle is taking easeful action ahead of the New Year, building a routine that supports her highest self - and how you can, too.

    Click here to explore The 12 Days of Richness!

    The Star Stream - My monthly subscription for precision business coaching that aligns with current astrological transits.

    Follow Ayesha on Instagram at oath.oracle

  • "We need to learn to release what is not aligned with our next level, with our path of Dharma, with our path of destiny. We need to learn to release that so that we can create and receive all that is aligned with that path.

    Just like we can't just inhale forever. We have to exhale our bodies, creating new cells at the same time as shedding old cells. So allow the shed, support the shed."

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

    The Star Stream - My monthly subscription for precision business coaching that aligns with current astrological transits.

    Mystic Magnetism - Manifestation for soul-led entrepreneurs. Included inside the Temple.

    The Temple - Mastermind portal for Earth Angels in business.

    Book your own Astrology Reading - Limited seats available.

    Follow Ayesha on Instagram at oath.oracle

  • "There are ways that we're contributing to the new Earth that we want to see. There are ways that we're inspiring people, helping people feel less alone. Giving people value, giving them aha moments, helping them create the shift that they want to create. Helping them go down the path that they want to get on."

    How do you feel about the word ‘Marketing’?

    Does it light you up?
    Or does your body contract and leave you with an ‘ick’? Do you find yourself in resistance, struggling to share your medicine?

    As we rewrite and transform the business paradigm, we have the choice - and responsibility - to redefine these terms for ourselves. Let’s shift the energy around Marketing and reclaim it to empower our work.

    Sacred Social Media. [Click here]

    Sacred Sales Ascension [Click here]

    The Temple 🏛️ Mastermind portal. For earth angels in business.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

  • “And right away, when I took the risk, when I followed what my intuition was telling me, I received the proof that my limiting belief was always wrong anyway.”

    Approaching her fourth year as an entrepreneur, Ayesha is more in love and turned on by her business than ever. Come behind the scenes to see how she navigated difficult business decisions to stay in alignment and how you can do the same.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

    Shop the 11/11 sale and explore The Temple.

  • "I had that intention as I was in Egypt: I am going to weave these experiences, these revelations, these awakenings, I'm going to weave them into my real life back home. I'm not going to allow myself to slip back into the stickiness of things that I'm actually ready to change, things that I'm actually ready to leave behind.

    So here are my strategies that I am currently using and embodying"

    I am back from Egypt, and so excited to be sharing my first podcast after my soul sabbatical! My intention upon my return was to bring the miraculous energy, the downloads, the mystery of my experiences with me. To let them change me and flow through my purpose work, instead of sinking back into old habits and routines. Tune in as I share the tangible tips I am using to continue nurturing the magic in my daily reality.

    Cosmic Soul CEO : Claim your seat in Oath Oracle’s first ever Business Astrology mastermind

    Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Moon Session : Eclipse transmission and guided journey

    Mystic Magnetism: Ayesha’s signature Manifestation program unlike any other.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

  • Ayesha returns with a potent message on the possibilities of this final quarter, and a call to action; don’t fall into the trap of Monday Syndrome!

    Recorded from an eco lodge in the incredible Siwa Oasis, this episode is your exclusive peek into her inner circle: Sacred Business Evolution.

    Beloved Listener, you are invited inside the The Temple mastery portal.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

  • But what spirit is calling us to, what that golden thread leads to, will always, always, always be greater, more majestic, and infinitely more fulfilling than what we can see in our limited human perception.

    As I've always said right from my first months in business, we have to be willing to die to who we thought we were in order to rise as who we came here to become.

    In signature Ayesha fashion, this vulnerable share is so much more than a reflection on her quarter three plan.

    It’s an intimate look at the transformation of a soul led CEO.

    A poem in awe and celebration of the hand of Spirit.

    An exciting tease of the miracles to be birthed.

    And an activating call to all of us as new earth leaders.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

    Is this resonating? Be a part of Ayesha’s life-changing inner world:

    👑 Sacred Business Evolution mastery portal, click here.

    ❤️‍🔥 The North Node in Aries masterclass, click here.

    🌹 Venus Retrograde in Leo masterclass, click here.

    Referenced previous episodes:

    Episode #6: Strategy vs Energetics

    Episode #11: My rock bottom & first ayahuasca journey

  • So imagine more and more people just awakening, snap, pop, pop, pop, waking up to this actualizing, living for themselves, following their passions and their dreams. And guess what? It's going to work out better than you think.

    Why? Because when we follow Destiny with a capital D, which is what the North Node is indicating to us… when we follow that, Spirit swoops in with every fucking thing we need for the attainment, the achievement, the receptivity of everything that we desire.

    Aries. The first sign. A bold, action oriented powerhouse. The Self, with a capital S. With the North Node in Aries, we are being called to elevate and embody the healthy masculine. To clear multi-generational, extended lifetime cycles of self denial, people pleasing, and hesitation, To claim our soul desires and step forward with confidence for our personal and collective destinies. Tune in for the full transmission!

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

    Is this resonating? Be a part of Ayesha’s life-changing masterclasses:

    ❤️‍🔥 The North Node in Aries, click here.

    🌹 Venus Retrograde in Leo, click here.

    💎 The Path of Becoming, click here.

  • Are you eating well? Are you caring for yourself?

    Does your business feel like a nourishing place to be?

    Is there room for your emotions and sensitivities and your needs?

    Do you feel supported by the Divine Mother?

    Sometimes this could be an invitation to do healing with our families and our mothers. But for all of us, no matter where we are, no matter how loving or challenging those relationships are, the Divine Mother is always there for us.

    When we feel supported by the Divine Mother, when we feel rooted and safe on an emotional level, we are more equipped and resourced to handle the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

    The Sun has just entered Cancer, which means it is time for another Szn Business Codes episodes!

    Cancer. A sign of nourishment, security, and the home. What can we learn from this feminine archetype and how can we apply it to our businesses?

    Tune in to Episode 23 for energetically aligned tips, as well as a personal share and reflection on the importance of receiving.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

    Level up with Turn Up the Heat, here. 🌶️💸❤️‍🔥

    Have Ayesha’s eyes on your unique blueprint: click to book your private reading here or email us for your custom payment plan here.

    Download the free Astrology guide here.

    Watch Astrology for Business, the free masterclass, here.

    Tune into Episode 2: Desire Led Business here.

  • "Reclaim those currencies of your time, energy and attention. And if you could pour even 10% into your destiny timeline and took that away from the timeline of one more person not living their potential and censoring themselves and staying small, that's going to have a 360 degree ripple of transformation.

    Not only in your own life and your family and your community.

    But in the world.

    In the collective tapestry that connects us all."

    It’s time for a tough love transmission.

    It’s time for you to share your unique voice.

    It’s time for our ripples of impact to become waves that transform and reshape the collective into the new earth we know we can create.

    QUESTION your limiting beliefs. QUESTION the things that stop you. QUESTION the things that keep you small and uncomfortable. Because it’s not selfless to hold yourself back from your destiny.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

    Learn more about Sacred Business Evolution here.

    To find Oath Oracle on Instagram click here.

    All currently active links are available here.

  • If there are certain things we could be doing, certain ways we can be engaging in business or offerings that are going to align us to our luck placement, that path is going to be so much richer. If we want ease in business, we want to activate and express the highest potentials of our Jupiter placement. The greater benefic. The largest planet, ruling luck, opportunity, and abundance. The provider of blessings.

    Jupiter expands all it touches - and in Taurus, that means our net worth and our self worth. The potentials of this transit are luscious pleasure, next level embodiment, and stacks of cash in our security nest.

    Channel your inner Empress and tap into the gifts of Jupiter in Taurus for a lush business and life.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog.

    Align to your personal lucky star with the Wealth Expansion Bundle!

    Download the free Astrology guide here.
  • "Funny how our work initiates us, right? Or our programs, our clients, our business, mirrors something that we're going to go through or something that we're being initiated in.

    And I experienced exactly that."

    Welcome to the brand new series, one inspired by the very core of Oath Oracle… so deeply embodied by Ayesha that it is weaved into all aspects of her business and her life…

    Astrology for Business Codes.

    Today’s episode is an invitation into the most aligned energetics of Gemini season. Learn some recipes behind her secret sauce of astrologically informed business strategies and activities, and be inspired by a whole menu of possibilities.

    For show notes and transcripts, visit The Business Oracle Podcast blog

    Visit Ayesha on Instagram, here.

    For more Astrology informed business codes, tune into the FREE Astrology for Business masterclass, here.

    Download the free Astrology guide here.

    Join us for Jupiter in Taurus and Jupiter Abundance Codes! Claim your seat here.

    Have Ayesha’s eyes on your unique blueprint: click to book your private reading here.