Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
The fifth Dune novel feels like a master of the craft finishing his central story and then just continuing to explore the world he created. This is another swirling, violent meditation on inescapable cycles of history, with an ever greater focus on the concept of manufactured immortality. Heretics of Dune is both the least essential and the most impassioned book in the series.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Spoiler alert: Ned Stark is finally dead. The chapter we've all been waiting for and dreading is finally here, and this episode tackles the one question that we're both consumed by. Why does he die in an Arya chapter, instead of a Sansa chapter, or - you know - an Eddard chapter. Lighting our way towards an answer is a whole cavalcade of thoughts, theories, and literary analysis. Let's dig in!
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
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Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Billions is the best show you haven’t seen — and that’s either because it aired on Showtime or because you assumed it was a Succession clone. Our mission in this episode is to correct these impressions, because not only is Billions nothing like Succession, it is also the hidden gem of prestige television dramas. Topics include: episodic storytelling, rewatchability, signature dialogue styles, scope vs. scale, and revised comparisons to Mad Men / The Sopranos.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
As we race towards the finale of A Game of Thrones, the supernatural elements are coming out to play. This chapter alone gives us blood magic, fatal prophecies, and dancing witches. Cam follows these threads to finally uncover what might be the root of this novel's constant Macbeth echoes. Maggie takes a look at the curious role that fear plays in this chapter, as it variously induces Dany's labor and separates her from everyone around her. We also consider the continued specter of Jon Snow across these pages.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Season of Witchcraft is all about ‘fun factor,’ from the campy purple aesthetic to the loot piñata gameplay. The classes are better than ever too, as Maggie rolls her third Rogue and Cam makes his triumphant, dreaded return to the Barbarian. But there’s a tension underlying this season that complicates our experience: the constant, escalating grind through Headhunts. This latest installment of our ongoing Diablo IV coverage zooms out to consider the state of the game, the committed casual experience, and how the game could continue to improve!
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Another week, another battle, another curveball! Cam’s analyzing the subversive, pointedly indirect way that GRRM stages his battles. Maggie takes a look at the ongoing bad luck of the Starks for its historical and religious implications. Are they actually cursed? Have they been forsaken by the Old Gods?
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Happy Valentine’s Day, it’s time to discuss the messiest love triangle of the decade! Cam argues that Challengers is an intricate restaging of Shakespeare’s Macbeth — where no one is allowed to die. This wrinkle presents fresh insights about both works of art, and some creative character mapping reveals an unexpected, revelatory Lady Macbeth hiding in plain sight. Maggie analyzes the strategic deployment of color through the film, as it both clarifies and complicates the relationships between our three characters. She also takes a close look at the film’s music and sound design, arguing that they act as a stand-in for absent characters and unrequited passions.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Despite winning the battle, the big loser of this chapter is Tywin Lannister. His money, power, and more “civilized” brand of evil undercut his wins and guarantee his family’s losses. Our discussion catalogues these failures and the seeds of mistrust that have broken the house that should easily dominate the Seven Kingdoms. In the chaos of battle, last week’s Dothraki horrors are quietly displaced from Tyrion’s mountain men into his innermost circle.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Strap in folks, this might be the most disturbing, fascinating, and unforgettable horror movies we’ve ever covered on the show. Our discussion of Red Rooms starts with comparisons to Funny Games before spiraling through audience complicity, weaponized curiosity, the joy of impossible questions, a celebration of uncomfortable art, and Maggie’s personal history with the true crime genre that this film is skewering.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
The fire and ice cross pollination continues this week. Daenerys gets her first Macbeth theory, we reconsider the rules of Targaryen checkpoints, and an uncomfortable but unmistakable line from The Lord of the Rings leads us to entirely reevaluate Dany. Stay after the credits for an old school classic “Second Breakfast” segment, where we discuss our experience at the Candlelight Rings & Dragons concert.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Move over Diablo IV, there’s a new sheriff in town. Cam has been marathoning Path of Exile 2 since it launched into Early Access, and we’ve got so much to talk about! Massive quality of life changes from the first game (and Diablo), overhauled leveling systems, electrifying boss fights, fantastically tuned difficulty, stunning graphics, and a full breakdown of all six (!) excellent classes await! As John Lennon once sang, “imagine actually being able to pause a game in 2025!”
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
The story of A Song of Ice and Fire is perfectly encapsulated in the character of Jon Snow. The conflict, coexistence, and intertwining of these two opposing forces are essential to Jon and his story. This chapter is full of symbols that encourage us to contemplate this struggle of identity within Jon: Maggie examines the contrast between the fiery burns of Jon’s right hand and the shaky but honor-bound duties of his left, while Cam reconsiders the direwolf as the Stark’s mascot, and suggests that the raven might serve as a more truthful sigil. Maester Aemon remains ever-present in the backdrop of this chapter (and throughout Jon’s story) – but as an example, or a warning?
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
True to our name, we decided to give Robert Eggers’ Nosferatu a second chance. While we emerged from our first viewing fairly united in our opinions, this second viewing brought us to vastly different places, and this episode is our chance to unpack those together. For Cam, the film felt much more vibrant, both in its visuals (thanks, digital projection!) and in its continuation of Eggers’ favorite themes, including temptation, lust, Faustian contracts, messy relationships, animal omens, and commitment to period. For Maggie, this second viewing seemed to double down on her frustrations with the film. The hollowness that we identified in our first episode creeps in again here, but this time we understand it a little better: through Ellen’s fraught relationship with Orlok, and the way the film directs us to experience it. Our discussion concludes in a fixation on a central question: does Ellen love Orlok?
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Comparison may be the thief of joy, but it makes for a pretty good podcast. Maggie’s investigating a parallel between Catelyn and Sansa that illuminates the lessons and limits of brute force willpower. Cam is rolling up the last four chapters to reveal a recurring structure that lets us peek behind the curtain at the real power players of each storyline. The uneasy similarities between Ned and Robb make us question the sheer survivability of principle in Westeros.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
Star ratings, tomato scores, letter grades, thumbs up or thumbs down – we tend to view most works of art through binary, objective lenses like these. And while reviews do have their value, they’ve never been our goal here on the show. Every week we welcome our listeners with “thoughts, theories, and literary analysis”, and this episode is our chance to dive deep into that mission statement. We discuss reviewers we genuinely enjoy and respect, the pitfalls of reviews as a whole, the value of open-ended discussion and ideas, and what it is we’re trying to do instead. We love doing these conceptual episodes – sit back and enjoy!
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
The stars have alighted in this very special episode of Second Breakfast as we accidentally work together to form one massive theory about the avalanche of echoes crushing poor Ned Stark. After we catalogue these eerie similarities, we ask the more important question: so what? What is the point of all these dozens of distillation echoes? The answer takes us to a shockingly simple and powerful place.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
The War of the Rohirrim threads the needle magnificently, bringing something fresh and new to the Lord of the Rings franchise while proudly honoring what came before it. After our initial impressions, we do some spotlight analysis on the film's standout characters, Hera and Helm, and close with a reflection on the titanic expectations we had in the months leading up to this release.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
The King is dead, long live the King. Joffrey’s first day in power leads Cam on a spiraling journey through Macbeth’s ghost of Banquo scene and the Ship of Theseus as he tries to make sense of all the uneasy parallels being drawn between Robert Baratheon and his brutal son. Maggie keys into the missing tapestries in the throne room to decipher the Lannisters’ view of prophecy. Ned rots in the dungeon.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
As the year winds down, it's finally time to crown our favorite works of art from the year that was 2024! As ever, we have two categories: our favorite works of art that released this year and our favorite works of art that we discovered this year. Four awards, two nominations, one blowout episode! See you in 2025!
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
Check out our discussions on the works of art mentioned in this year’s Brekkies:
The Substance: https://youtu.be/YzmKoP0spcIOddity: https://youtu.be/ml7eZp5Df2E
Episode 1 (“Longlegs Remixes Horror Classics”): https://youtu.be/ipV8lwWsbk8
Episode 2 (“Longlegs isn’t Satan, he’s Mephistopheles”): https://youtu.be/FALrlapZjsY
The Vourdalak: https://youtu.be/EVtgk43tN4A
Jack White’s No Name:
Episode 1 (“Jack White’s NO NAME: A Bootleg Masterpiece): https://youtu.be/l5zJerS_-FI
Episode 2 (“Overthinking Jack White Album Covers”): https://youtu.be/AIVttVIH7DU
Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106504094?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
Fire & Blood series: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103114220?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
God (Girl) of War: https://youtu.be/0-983cMvMoU
God Emperor of Dune: https://youtu.be/X_k6Cc_JL7w
Check out Cam's latest novel / audio drama here!
In this episode, we're chasing one burning question: why didn't Robert Eggers' Nosferatu work for us? The answer takes us on a long journey through editing, cross-cutting, overstuffed ensembles, mechanical villains, and the many challenges of the source material. We also consider the lineage of the original Nosferatu and celebrate this new version's homage to color washing. Cam takes a moment to break down the film's remarkably deft Faustus fake-out, and we work through a cascade of (loaded) echoes from across Robert Eggers' filmography, before closing with some reflections about this month-long retrospective.
LINKS: Patreon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram
Feedback & Theories: secondbreakfastpod@gmail.com
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