
  • Mista lysten? Det er klart for Dr. Brochmanns redningsaksjon for sex.

    Dagens gjest er psykolog og forfatter Sissel Gran.


    ●      Emily Nagoski. Kom som du er. Kagge forlag, 2018.

    ●      Brochmann & Dahl. Den nye Gleden med skjeden. Aschehoug, 2023.

    ●      Lucy Cook. Bitch – On the Female of the Species. Basic Books, 2022.

    ●      Wellings et al. “Changes in, and factors associated with, frequency of sex in Britain: evidence from three National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal).” BMJ 2019.

    ●      Herbenick et al. “Changes in Penile-Vaginal Intercourse Frequency and Sexual Repertoire from 2009 to 2018.” Arch Sex Behav, 2022.

    ●      Twenge, Sherman & Wells. “Declines in sexual frequency among American adults, 1989–2014.” Arch Sex Behav, 2017.

    ●      Wellings et al. "We're Just Tired": Influences on Sexual Activity Among Male-Partnered Women in Midlife.” The Journal of Sex Research, 2023.  

    ●      Peggy J. Kleinplatz. History of the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction(s). Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2018.

    ●      Muise, Schimmack & Impett. “Sexual frequency predicts greater well-being, but more is not always better.” Soc Psychol Personal Sci, 2016.

    ●      Loewenstein et al. “Does Increased Sexual Frequency Enhance Happiness?” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2015.

    ●      Olivia Waxman. “A Little Package of Dynamite.’ The Things People Said About Viagra When It Was Released 20 Years Ago” Time Magazine, 2018.

  • P-pilla revolusjonerte verden. Men når skal menn ta sin del av ansvaret? Dr. Brochmann utforsker historiens mest kreative prevensjonsmidler og tar den store bivirkningspraten.

    Dagens gjest er lege, forsker og prevensjonsekspert Marius Johansen.


    ●      Lara Marks. Sexual Chemistry – A History of the Contraceptive Pill. Yale University Press, 2001.

    ●      Brochmann & Dahl. Den nye Gleden med skjeden. Aschehoug, 2023.

    ●      Marte Stubberød Eielsen. Pillen. Historien om 1900-tallets viktigste oppfinnelse. Forlaget Manifest, 2020.

    ●      Goldin & Katz. “The power of the pill: Oral contraceptives and women's career and marriage decisions.”Journal of Political Economy, 2002.  

    ●      MacNamara. Birth Control and American Modernity: A History of Popular Ideas Cambridge University Press, 2018.

    ●      Feldblum & Rosenberg. “A Historical perspective on condoms.” American Social Health Association, 1989. 

    ●      Taryn Cain. «History of condoms from animal to rubber.” Wellcome Collection, 2014.

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  • For noen er BDSM et krydder i hverdagen, for andre en livsstil. Er verden blitt helt fucka eller er vi endelig på vei mot frigjort sex?

    Dagens gjester er sexforsker Nantje Fischer og fetisjist Henriette Aurtande.


    ●      Langdridge & Barker, Ed. Safe, Sane and Consensual: Contemporary Perspectives on Sadomasochism. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

    ●      Eric Berkowitz. Sex and Punishment: 4000 Years of Judging Desire. The Westbourne Press, 2012.

    ●      Will McMorran. ‘The most impure tale ever written’: how The 120 Days of Sodom became a ‘classic.’The Guardian, 7 Oct 2016.

    ●      Herbenick et al. “What Is Rough Sex, Who Does It, and Who Likes It? Findings from a Probability Sample of U.S. Undergraduate Students.” Arch Sex Behav, 2021.

    ●       Herbenick et al. “Diverse Sexual Behaviors in Undergraduate Students.” J Sex Med, 2021.

    ●      Herbenick et al. “Prevalence and characteristics of choking/strangulation during sex.” J Am Coll Health, 2023.

    ●      Træen, Fischer & Kvalem. “Sexual Variety in Norwegian Men and Women of Different Sexual Orientations and Ages.” Journal of Sex Research, 2021.

    ●      Kutchinsky. «Erotik, erotika og pornografi. Et essay om køn, kultur, kærlighed og kiosklitteratur.» Nordisk Sexologi,1988.

    ●      Bente Træen. “Norwegian young adults’ attitudes toward and experience with kinky sexual activities.” Psykologisk.no, 2016.

  • Vi må onanere mer! Dr. Brochmann er klar i sin oppfordring, og vil no-fapperne til livs.

    Dagens gjest er zoolog Petter Bøckman og klinisk sexolog Nanna Klingenberg.


    ●      Thomas Laqueur. Solitary Sex – The Cultural History of Masturbation. Zone Books, 2004.

    ●      Eric Berkowitz. Sex and Punishment: 4000 Years of Judging Desire. The Westbourne Press, 2012.

    ●      Rachel Maines. The Technology of Orgasm: "Hysteria," the Vibrator, and Women's Sexual Satisfaction. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

    ●      Træen et al. “Sexual Activity and Sexual Satisfaction Among Older Adults in Four European Countries.” Arch Sex Behav, 2019.

    ●      Dæhlen, Marte. «Forskere sporer onani 40 millioner år tilbake.» Forskning.no.

    ●      Madenholm, Terry. “The Rules of Masturbation in Ancient Greece». Haaretz, 2023.

    ●      Sheehan. “Victorian clitoridectomy: Isaac Baker Brown and his harmless operative procedure.” Med Anthropol Newsl, 1981.

    ●      Fleming. “Clitoridectomy - the disastrous downfall of Isaac Baker Brown,” J Obstet Gynaecol Br Emp, 1960.

    ●      Rider et al. “Ejaculation frequency and risk of prostate cancer.” Eur Urol., 2016.

  • Bli med inn i underlivets mest gufne avkrok når Dr. Brochmann åpner skrekk-kabinettet! Hvordan skal vi egentlig forholde oss til våre uønskede gjester?

    Dagens gjest er lege, forfatter og kjønnssykdommenes mesterdetektiv Ellen Støkken Dahl.


    ●      Ellen Støkken Dahl. I seng med fienden. Pelikanen, 2022.

    ●      Szreter & Siena. “The Pox in Boswell’s London.” Economic History Review, 2021.

    ●      Wright. “Venereal disease and the great.” Br J Vener Dis, 1971.

    ●      Cynthia Gorney. “The ‘Social Hygiene’ Campaign That Sent Thousands of American Women to Jail.”New York Times, July 31, 2018.

    ●      Ada McVean. “The American Plan to Win World War I: Incarcerate Promiscuous Women.” McGill University, 17 Feb 2023.

    ●      Allan M. Brandt. Ch.26 Sexually Transmitted Diseases. In Companion Encyclopedia of the History of Medicine, Vol I. Routledge, 1993.

    ●      Nils Uddenberg. Medisinens Historie – Lidelse og helbredelse. Dreyer forlag, 2018.

    ●      Gruber et al. “History of Venereal Diseases from Antiquity to the Renaissance.” Acta Dermatovenerol Croat, 2015.

  • Hvordan mistet du jomfrudommen? Og hva er det egentlig vi mister? Dr. Brochmann forteller deg om historiens mektigste kontrollvåpen, og hvordan en blodflekk kan utgjøre forskjellen på liv og død.

     Dagens gjest er rettsmedisiner Ida Gravensteen.


    ●      Brochmann & Dahl. Den nye Gleden med skjeden. Aschehoug, 2023.

    ●      Helen Blank. Virgin: The Untouched History. Bloomsbury, 2007.

    ●      Shereen El Feki. Sex and The Citadel: Intimate Life in a Changing Arab World. Vintage, 2014.

    ●      Eric Berkowitz. Sex and Punishment: 4000 Years of Judging Desire. The Westbourne Press, 2012.

    ●      Brückner & Bearman. “After the promise: the STD consequences of adolescent virginity pledges.” J Adolesc Health, 2005.

    ●      Wikipedia. Vestal Virgin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestal_Virgin

    ●      The Partial Historians podkast. Episode 76 The Plebeian Struggles and the Vestal Oppia, 2017.

  • Er flatbanking egentlig ekte sex? Og hvorfor er skeiv sex så truende for folk? I dagens leksjon lar Dr. Brochmann den skeive sexen skinne.

    Dagens gjest er lege, klinisk sexolog og skuespiller Haakon Aars.


    ●      Tonje L. Skjoldhammer. «Omgjengelse mot naturen eller kaade og vellystige friktioner? Historien om Simonette Vold og tjenestepikene hennes.» Historieblogg.no, 2018.

    ●      Hundstad et al. (red). Skeiv lokalhistorie. Kulturhistoriske perspektiver på sammekjønnsrelasjoner og kjønnsoverskridelser. Nasjonalbiblioteket, 2022.

    ●      Frances M. Modimore. A Natural History of Homosexuality. The John Hopkins University Press, 1996.

    ●      Thomas Laqueur. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Harvard University Press, 1990.

    ●      Eric Berkowitz. Sex and Punishment: 4000 Years of Judging Desire. The Westbourne Press, 2012.

    ●      Træen, Stigum & Magnus. Rapport fra seksualvaneundersøkelsene i 1987, 1992,1997 og 2002. FHI, 2003. 

    ●      Anders Bakken. Ung i Oslo 2023. Ungdomsskolen og videregående. NOVA-rapport 6/23. OsloMet, 2023. 

  • Hvor ligger egentlig G-punktet, hvordan ser det ut, hva består det av, og hva skjer når du stimulerer det? 

    Dr. Brochmann går grundig til verks og gir deg fullblodshester og esler og rådyr med ruvende gevir.

    Dagens gjest er klinisk sexolog Nanna Klingenberg.


    ●      Ernst Gräfenberg. “The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm.” Int Journal of Sexology, 1950.

    ●      Adam Ostrzenski et al. “Verification of the anatomy and newly discovered histology of the G-spot complex.” BJOG  2014.

    ●      Hoag, Keast & O'Connell. “The "G-Spot" Is Not a Structure Evident on Macroscopic Anatomic Dissection of the Vaginal Wall.” J Sex Med, 2017.

    ●      Vieira-Baptista et al. «G-spot: Fact or Fiction?: A Systematic Review.” J Sex Med, 2021.

    ●      Burri, Cherkas & Spector. “Genetic and environmental influences on self-reported G-spots in women: a twin study.” J Sex Med, 2010.

    ●      Davies, Lizzy. “French hit back after British attack on G-spot touches nerve.” The Guardian, 2010.  

    ●      Korda et al. “The history of female ejaculation.” J Sex Med, 2010.

    ●      Pastor & Chmel. “Female ejaculation and squirting as similar but completely different phenomena: A narrative review of current research.” Clinical Anatomy, 2022.

    ●      Salama et al. “Nature and origin of “squirting” in female sexuality.” J Sex Med, 2015.

    ●      Inoue et al. “Enhanced visualization of female squirting.” Int Journal of Urology, 2022.

  • Bli med inn i underlivets mørke der det skjuler seg et organ som overgår alt du kan forestille deg! Møt klitoris – hovedpersonen sjæl.

    Dagens gjest er forfatter og klitorisoppdager Tyra Teodora Tronstad.


    ●      Brochmann & Dahl. Den nye Gleden med skjeden. Aschehoug, 2023.

    ●      Helen O'Connell et al. “Anatomy of the clitoris.” The Journal of Urology, 2005.

    ●      Thomas Laqueur. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Harvard University Press, 1990.

    ●      Mary Roach. Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex. Norton, 2008.

    ●      Rachel E. Gross. Vagina Obscura – An Anatomical Voyage. Norton, 2022.

    ●      Sigmund Freud. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, 1905.

    ●      Alfred Kinsey. Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 1953.

    ●      Leslie Margolin. The Etherized Wife. Oxford University Press, 2020.  

  • Er du kvinne og får orgasme hver gang du ligger? Neppe. I denne episoden skal vi tette orgasmegapet mellom kvinner og menn, og Dr. Brochmann gir deg høyst vitenskapelige orgasmetips!

    Dagens gjest er psykolog og hjerneforsker Guro Løseth.


    ●      Elisabeth Lloyd. The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution. Harvard University Press, 2005.

    ●      Mary Roach. Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex. Norton, 2008.

    ●      Emily Nagoski. Kom som du er. Kagge forlag, 2018.

    ●      Brochmann & Dahl. Den nye Gleden med skjeden. Aschehoug, 2023.

    ●      Katharine Smyth. «Female- Orgasm Industrial Complex: What one woman’s quest for sexual satisfaction reveals about desire, hysteria, feminism, and capitalism.” The Atlantic, 2021.

    ●      Roy Levin. “Recreation and Procreation: A Critical View of Sex in the Human Female.” Clinical Anatomy, 2015.

    ●      Mah & Binik. “The Nature of Human Orgasm: A Critical Review of Major Trends.” Clinical Psychology Review, 2001.

    ●      Frederick et al. “Differences in Orgasm Frequency Between Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Men and Women in a U.S. National Sample.” Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2017.●      Elisabeth Lloyd. The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution. Harvard University Press, 2005.

    ●      Mary Roach. Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex. Norton, 2008.

    ●      Emily Nagoski. Kom som du er. Kagge forlag, 2018.

    ●      Brochmann & Dahl. Den nye Gleden med skjeden. Aschehoug, 2023.

    ●      Katharine Smyth. «Female- Orgasm Industrial Complex: What one woman’s quest for sexual satisfaction reveals about desire, hysteria, feminism, and capitalism.” The Atlantic, 2021.

    ●      Roy Levin. “Recreation and Procreation: A Critical View of Sex in the Human Female.” Clinical Anatomy, 2015.

    ●      Mah & Binik. “The Nature of Human Orgasm: A Critical Review of Major Trends.” Clinical Psychology Review, 2001.

    ●      Frederick et al. “Differences in Orgasm Frequency Between Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Men and Women in a U.S. National Sample.” Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2017.

  • Sex er gøy, men også blodig alvor! I Sex med Dr. Brochmann gir lege Nina Brochmann deg et unikt innblikk i seksualitetens lange og brokete historie, samtidig som hun dissekerer samtidens mest presserende sexproblemer.

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