
  • We return to some sleepy non-fiction for this week’s bedtime reading. Learning about the erosion caused by various types of glacier gets you off to a boring start, and I’m sure you’ll be fast asleep by the time we get to the subtleties of the wind.

    Story (02:44)

    Find The Elements of Geology by William Harmon Norton


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  • In this strange story we pick up with the Duchess and the Empress building worlds with their minds. They then move on to traveling as spirits to our own world.

    I’m fairly sure you’ll be asleep before the strange adventure ends with a court case about Fortune’s treatment of the Dutchess’s husband

    Story (02:48)

    Find The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing-World


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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • This week we continue learning about he actual mechanism of evolution by natural selection.

    It’s pretty boring, I can barely remember what I just read, so I’m pretty sure this will help you sleep. :D

    Story (02:46)

    Find On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin


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    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

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  • We pick up this classic bedtime story as things take a bit of a dark turn. Beth is sick with scarlet fever, and it’s touch and go for a while, but don’t let it prevent your sleep. She’s fine in the end.

    The family makes some hard choices and their love is tested, but the fever breaks and all is well.

    Story (02:39)

    Find Little Women by Louisa May Alcott


    Supporting Sleepy Time Tales

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    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

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  • Find yourself drifting to sleep learning the history of the Italian renaissance in Rome, from Raphael to Titian. Raphael’s great rivalry with Michaelangelo and how art changed over their lifetimes.

    Lots of name, dates and jargon are the perfect recipe for your restful repose.

    Story (02:44)

    Find A History of Art for Beginners and Students: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture


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    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

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  • For this week’s sleepy story we return to this mysterious classic to help you sleep.

    Walther our protagonist feels out of place in the house of the mysterious and beautiful Lady, who seems both hostile and friendly.

    Walther meets the Maid once again, but as he goes hunting he feels like his situation is dangerous.

    Story (02:42)

    Find The Wood Beyond the World by William Morris


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    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

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  • Hi friends. Unfortunately my chest and voice are still wrecked from having the flu so I can’t record anything that people would want to listen to. So here’s the second part of 2023’s Halloween reading.

    Be warned that traditional Halloween traditions may be a bit disturbing, but I left out the nasty stuff. This spooky episode shouldn’t leave you sleepless.

    We continue the exploration of how pagan traditions were subsumed into Christianity, and how even some Christian traditions began to be viewed negatively after this association was created.

    We also finish off with a few fun traditions of regions like Brittany as we say goodbye to this particular book.

    Story (03:03)

    Find The Book of Hallowe'en by Ruth Edna Kelley


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    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

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  • Sorry friends, back to school time means my daughter has brought home a fun new illness which means I have no voice or energy, so I’m pulling this weird one out of the archive.

    Be warned that traditional Halloween traditions may be a bit disturbing, but I left out the nasty stuff. This spooky episode shouldn’t leave you sleepless.

    Learn some of the traditions and tales of continental Europe, including the surprising revelation that Britain was considered to be the ‘Land of the Dead’ by communities on the Channel coast of France. As the mysterious land they could see on clear days was otherwise unknown to them.

    Learn about how pagan traditions became ‘evil’ and which ones were adopted by Christianity.

    Story (03:01)

    Find The Book of Hallowe'en by Ruth Edna Kelley


    Supporting Sleepy Time Tales

    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

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  • A century old Astronomy text book is a fascinating thing. It’s amazing to see what was known 100 years ago, and what was still speculation based on very logical application of physics.

    As you fall asleep you will learn about how it was believed the sun produces heat, how long it will continue to shine, and about the structure of the solar system.

    Story (03:12)

    Find Astronomy: The Science of the Heavenly Bodies by David P. Todd


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  • Pride and Prejudice Part 07 – Jane’s Heartbreak and a Wedding

    A return to the Jane Auten bedtime classic this week as we pick up on a conversation between Lizzy and Jane Bennett. Jane won’t believe that her romance was interfered with by her beau’s family, and will you be asleep by the time she learns the truth?

    Story (02:57)

    Find Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen


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  • The Republic by Plato

    This one should help you sleep as we pick up in the middle of a discussion about the morality of representing the negative aspects of the behaviours of the Gods. And then it moves in to whether actors should be allowed to pretend.

    It’s all confusing and self-indulgent so I’m sure this will be the recipe to a night’s rest.

    Story (03:23)

    Find The Republic by Plato


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  • REPOST - Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens

    As the year draws to a close and we keep occupied with holiday celebration and organising we are replaying an older episode from 2022.

    I keep life away from Sleepy Time Tales, as it’s intended as a refuge and respite, but I do want to acknowledge that for me, and many others, it’s been a rough year. Although for me it has also seen a lot of growth, change and joy.

    For others the year has been short of joy and the future may seem a bit dark. But with love, respect and community we can face the challenges ahead. And I will be here to try help by giving you a good night’s sleep. Because life is a tiny bit easier with rest.

    Festive greetings, wishing you all the very, very best.

    Story (03:10)

    Find Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens


    Supporting Sleepy Time Tales

    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    · If you’re enjoying Sleepy Time Tales and would like to make a financial contribution, but would rather not commit to a monthly payment then you can throw a tip in the jar at paypal.me/sleepytimetales


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  • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – Christmas Present to the Future

    We pick up for this year’s continuation of A Christmas Carol as Scrooge’s time with the Ghost of Christmas Present starts to come to a close, and things take a dark turn.

    The Ghost of Christmas Future is here, and its somewhat macabre as we learn about a mysterious deceased person, the reactions to their passing and see their effects being sold off.

    But who is the subject? I’m sure we know, but you will be asleep before learning.

    Story (03:24)

    Find A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens


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    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    · If you’re enjoying Sleepy Time Tales and would like to make a financial contribution, but would rather not commit to a monthly payment then you can throw a tip in the jar at paypal.me/sleepytimetales


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    Jess Chris & Moya Chuck Mysti Roberta Charity Traci Emily Moya Brian Sandra Carla Joseph AY Greg
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  • Santa Claus and Select Christmas Stories for Bedtime

    For this holiday reading we return to the traditional reading of The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum to help you sleep. As you doze off he learns how to deal with chimneys disappearing, and he becomes immortal.

    And the story ends early, so there are a selection of short stories and poems from the Pearl Story Book to finish up.

    A Christmas Song

    The Shepard Maiden’s Gift

    Christmas Gifts

    A Night with Santa Claus

    Story (03:04)

    Find The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum


    Find The Pearl Story Book


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    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

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    Jess Chris & Moya Chuck Mysti Roberta Charity Traci Emily Moya Brian Sandra Carla Joseph AY Greg
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  • Bellarion the Fortunate : A Romance by Rafael Sabatini

    In this week’s sleepy bedtime story we pick up at an exciting time as our protagonist is struggling to escape from authorities after him for a crime he didn’t commit.

    Bellarion gets away and gets discovered by a noble woman who sees fit to help him, but what are her motivations?

    Story (02:52)

    Find Bellarion the Fortunate : A Romance by Rafael Sabatini


    Supporting Sleepy Time Tales

    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

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    · If you’re enjoying Sleepy Time Tales and would like to make a financial contribution, but would rather not commit to a monthly payment then you can throw a tip in the jar at paypal.me/sleepytimetales


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  • Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson

    A new pastoral work for your enjoyment and bedtime consideration as we read Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Nature. A tour de force of language and insight into the beauty of the natural world.

    It is a gorgeous read, but I did struggle to stay awake reading it, so I predict a good night’s sleep for you!

    Story (03:07)

    Find Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson


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    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

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    · If you’re enjoying Sleepy Time Tales and would like to make a financial contribution, but would rather not commit to a monthly payment then you can throw a tip in the jar at paypal.me/sleepytimetales


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    Jess Chris & Moya Chuck Mysti Roberta Charity Traci Emily Moya Brian Sandra Carla Joseph AY Greg
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  • Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery – Part 3 – Anne’s History

    We pick up the sleepy story as Marilla takes our enthusiastic your protagonist to find out how they ended up with a girl instead of a boy. The mystery gets solved, plus there’s an opportunity to send Anne to another family who want a girl. But Marilla doesn’t like the woman and decides to keep Anne.

    This bedtime story ends with Anne praying before bed for the first time and You should be well asleep before that happens.

    Story (02:51)

    Find Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomeryhttps://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/61536

    Supporting Sleepy Time Tales

    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    · If you’re enjoying Sleepy Time Tales and would like to make a financial contribution, but would rather not commit to a monthly payment then you can throw a tip in the jar at paypal.me/sleepytimetales


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    Jess Chris & Moya Chuck Mysti Roberta Charity Traci Emily Moya Brian Sandra Carla Joseph AY Greg

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    If you’re enjoying the show, and finding it helps you sleep despite the stresses and strains of your life, the absolute best thing you can do is share it with your friends, families, acquaintances, cellmates etc. Anyone who needs a good night’s sleep might benefit.

    So please share it with the people in your life, whether in person or on social media.

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    Website: sleepytimetales.net

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleepytimetalespodcast/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SleepyTimeTales

    Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/?ref_id=25247

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  • For our 300th episode we return to the ‘Dark Ages’ by learning of the reign of Emperor Anastasius in the Eastern Roman Empire, his death and the trying times that followed. We then move West and learn about the rise of the warlike Franks.

    Does this all sound interesting? Maybe but the well I tell it you will fall asleep soon enough

    Story (02:27)

    Find The Dark Ages, 476-918 by Charles Oman


    Supporting Sleepy Time Tales

    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    · If you’re enjoying Sleepy Time Tales and would like to make a financial contribution, but would rather not commit to a monthly payment then you can throw a tip in the jar at paypal.me/sleepytimetales


    Sleep Tight Patrons

    Jess Chris & Moya Chuck Mysti Roberta Charity Traci Emily Moya Brian Sandra Carla Joseph AY Greg
    Please Share

    If you’re enjoying the show, and finding it helps you sleep despite the stresses and strains of your life, the absolute best thing you can do is share it with your friends, families, acquaintances, cellmates etc. Anyone who needs a good night’s sleep might benefit.

    So please share it with the people in your life, whether in person or on social media.

    Find The Show

    Website: sleepytimetales.net

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleepytimetalespodcast/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SleepyTimeTales

    Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/?ref_id=25247

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  • The Last Man by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

    We pick up after a tense moment when there was an attempted kidnapping, and move soon enough to political manoeuvring.

    This one is plenty boring as the protagonist and his friends try get someone to run to be the new leader of England and things don’t go according to plan.

    Story (02:45)

    Find The Last Man by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley


    Supporting Sleepy Time Tales

    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    · If you’re enjoying Sleepy Time Tales and would like to make a financial contribution, but would rather not commit to a monthly payment then you can throw a tip in the jar at paypal.me/sleepytimetales


    Sleep Tight Patrons

    Jess Chris & Moya Chuck Mysti Roberta Charity Traci Emily Moya Brian Sandra Carla Joseph AY Greg
    Please Share

    If you’re enjoying the show, and finding it helps you sleep despite the stresses and strains of your life, the absolute best thing you can do is share it with your friends, families, acquaintances, cellmates etc. Anyone who needs a good night’s sleep might benefit.

    So please share it with the people in your life, whether in person or on social media.

    Find The Show

    Website: sleepytimetales.net

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleepytimetalespodcast/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SleepyTimeTales

    Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/?ref_id=25247

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  • Rides on Railways by Samuel Sidney

    This week’s episode picks up learning about the town of Oxford and its various colleges. Learn the histories and traditions of the many education institutions and you may be asleep before we climb back on the train and move off to other industrial cities along the railway line.

    Story (02:54) (01:33)

    Find Rides on Railways by Samuel Sidney


    Supporting Sleepy Time Tales

    If you would like to support my work and help keep the podcast available and for free, there are several ways you can support the show.

    · You can support the show as a supporter on Patreon and receive a host of bonuses including Patron only episodes and special edits https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    · If you’re enjoying Sleepy Time Tales and would like to make a financial contribution, but would rather not commit to a monthly payment then you can throw a tip in the jar at paypal.me/sleepytimetales


    Sleep Tight Patrons

    Jess Chris & Moya Chuck Mysti Roberta Charity Traci Emily Moya Brian Sandra Carla Joseph AY Greg
    Please Share

    If you’re enjoying the show, and finding it helps you sleep despite the stresses and strains of your life, the absolute best thing you can do is share it with your friends, families, acquaintances, cellmates etc. Anyone who needs a good night’s sleep might benefit.

    So please share it with the people in your life, whether in person or on social media.

    Find The Show

    Website: sleepytimetales.net

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sleepytimetales

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleepytimetalespodcast/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SleepyTimeTales

    Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/?ref_id=25247

    Project Gutenberg Terms of Use
